Feel More Secure and Confident with Essential Oils

Feelings of insecurity can plague any normal person. The low self esteem that accompanies insecurity can lead to depression, social anxiety, and it can create a downward spiral of negative emotions that needs to be relieved. Although insecurity is hard to control, you can help fight back with essential oils in aromatherapy. Some people rely on relief by using drugs or unsafe chemicals with unknown side effects. The powerful solution to depression and insecurity is a natural and safe way to combat the emotional ups and downs that come with insecurity.

The essential oils in aromatherapy can help you with the lack of security. Insecurity can come from a variety of places. Work, school, or even your home life can cause stress and anxiety that can lead to insecurities. Having a bad time at work can contribute a lot to insecurities. Losing your job or feeling a lack of confidence can inhibit your ability to find a new job or keep your current one. Using aromatherapy in the office can help you regain your self confidence and rid your mind from negative thoughts.

A bad relationship and a breakup of a marriage are other ways that bring out insecurities in people. The breakup of a marriage is especially hard on a persons emotions. It usually ends with at least one person finding themselves in a horrible depressed state of mind. Essential oils help you remove the bad thoughts, they give you a feeling of happiness, and they will help balance your emotions when they otherwise feel out of control.

A lot of insecurity issues can come from a variety of changes that are out of your control. Long time relationships that end abruptly can cause a stable person to start to feel insecure. If you have issues at work where your environment constantly changes, it can cause a tremendous amount of insecurity, depression, anxiety, and other emotional issues. It can affect your job and cause you to have emotional issues that can lead to your termination.

The following essential oils can help you combat those helpless feelings of insecurity. You can use each of them separately for their individual benefits. Using them in combination creates a powerful solution for the depression and anxiety issues that contribute to insecurities. Frankincense and Sandalwood are two great essential oils to help you prevent depression and fight off insecurities.


Frankincense is a rejuvenating essential oil that will make you feel refreshed and balanced almost immediately. It is an exotic fragrance that is extracted from special bushes that are native to Africa. It has been used for thousands of years as a relaxing fragrance included as part of religious ceremonies. It is also used as an essential oil that aids in meditation. While relaxing, it also aids in uplifting and improving your mood.

Sandalwood Agmark

Sandalwood Agmark is an effectively sensual and soothing essential oil. It helps relax your aching muscles and soothes your mind from the anxiety and depression from a hectic day. Coupled with Frankincense, the essential oil can aid in relieving your mind from the insecurities that can affect your spirit, body, and mind.

Use these essential oils together to help fight your insecurities and balance your emotions. With just a few drops a day, your mood will increase almost instantly.


Word Count 558

Rid Yourself from Post Natal Depression

Having a baby is supposed to be a joyous time, but for some mothers they will inexplicably go through terrible post natal depression. Post natal depression has become better known these days since celebrities have been suffering from the mental disease. Most women incorporate the use of drugs to help fight post natal depression, but a healthier way to help fight the emotional ups and downs is to use essential oils in aromatherapy. Aromatherapy can help you boost your energy, help fight depression, and balance your emotions.

It has been reported that post natal depression stems from stress levels increasing that cause hormonal levels to rise. The rise in hormones causes your emotions to feel unstable, and it can lead to severe depression and anxiety. After pregnancy the hormones can become increasingly high causing even the smallest change in your environment to trigger an episode. Essential oils can stabilize your mood helping you be a better mother and enjoy your children.

Post natal depression can also be caused from environment changes after your pregnancy. Environment changes can, in turn, affect your hormones and mood. The imbalances in your life can trigger mood swings as a new mother. Essential oils can be used in aromatherapy which can help you battle the crippling effects of post natal depression. They stimulate your body and mind, soothe your aches and pains, and clear your head from the negative thoughts.

To help fight against the depression, use essential oils in aromatherapy in your home as soon as you feel the emotions overcoming you. They can also be used regularly as a preventative measure from even allowing them to start taking effect. Essential oils are even safer than taking drugs that can have side effects or unknown long term issues. They are also safe for children, and they can even help them through the day.

If you are a new mother and you are just back to work, use aromatherapy in the office to help fight against depression that can overcome you in the office. Using the oils can help you balance your emotions and help you deal with your coworkers better. They can also help you provide a better attitude towards your customers which means better customer service from you. If you are a boss then it will help you deal with human resource and employee issues as well.

The following list of essential oils can be used to help you fight post natal depression. They are powerful mood enhancers and they can soothe your mind and boost your mood. You can use the essential oils separately as well for their individual uses and benefits. Used in combination, they can be even more powerful and can prevent outbreaks or help reduce current emotional trauma. Bergamot, chamomile, and neroli are three great essential oils for post natal depression.


Bergamot is a powerful extract from the peel of the fruit. It has a citrus scent which gives the essential oil such a powerfully refreshing aura. The citrus smell boosts your energy in the morning and keeps you motivated throughout the day. Its aromatic scent was originally used in colognes and perfumes, and it can be used with almost any other essential oils.

Chamomile Maroc

Chamomile maroc is a powerful way to soothe and relax your mind. Combined with bergamot, the essential oil can help your unwind from the days stress and busy schedule. It also helps balance your emotions so that you dont feel like you are losing control over yourself. It can help quell anger and irritability. The essential oil in aromatherapy can also kill the depression that is associated with post natal depression.


Neroli is a rejuvenating oil that restores your body and minds balance. It is a fresh blossom from the bitter orange tree that gives this essential oil its health benefits. It will assist with the other oils to get rid of your anger and help your mind relax and focus on the positive.


Word Count 669

Fight Sadness with Essential Oils and Aromatherapy

Sadness can come from many different avenues into our lives. Sadness can stem from loss of a loved one, financial loss, job disappointment, or even from stress or worry. Sadness cuts into the soul and causes our bodies to become ill. It can cause your body to increase hormones which can adversely affect your immune systems making it weak and inefficient. To keep sadness away or help with current issues, essential oils in aromatherapy can help you fight away the emotional roots of sadness.

Another complication with sadness is that it can ultimately lead to deep depression. Depression is a scary place for anyone who has suffered with the disease. Depression can lead to emotional ups and downs making it hard to stay calm at work, deal with stress, and live a fulfilling life. Sadness that leads to depression can be helped and maintained with essential oils in aromatherapy.

You can burn aromatherapy in your office or at home to help with sadness. Burning essential oils in your office especially if you are depressed will greatly increase your mood and help you fight off bad emotions. Keeping you calm and balanced, essential oils will help you become more productive and even create a better work environment for you. It can also help you better communicate with coworkers, your bosses, and even help you provide better customer service.

You can also burn essential oils in aromatherapy in your home. Burning a tiny few drops can greatly enhance your mood and overall health. Beating sadness is hard to do alone especially if you are a stay at home mom or housewife who spends many hours alone. By using essential oils you can help cheer your mood and keep calm even during those times when the kids are acting up or taking care of the home becomes difficult during a specific day. Being on an emotional roller coaster makes the whole day become ruined and your down spiral can show in your face even if you try not to let your kids notice.

The below list of essential oils can greatly help you fight sadness and rid yourself from depression. It is important to use them when you feel emotions becoming negative. Even better, use the oils several times a week to help prevent sadness from developing and balancing your emotions throughout the day. Bergamot and Neroli can greatly enhance your mood and keep you uplifted throughout the day. You can use them individually as well for their separate positive components, or use them together for an especially powerful mood enhancer.


Bergamot is a powerfully uplifting essential oil that can refresh your spirit and increase your mood. If you are having negative thoughts and feel like you are feeling depressed or sad, bergamot can help clean your mind from the negative thoughts and help your mood to fight the sadness. Bergamot is extracted from the peel of a fruit, so it has an understandably citrus smell. The citrus smell refreshes the mind and helps put you in a better mood which will ultimately eliminate sadness.


Neroli is one of the best essential oils to relax your mind. It is perfect with bergamot since it can follow up with a relaxing feel after ridding yourself from sadness. It is also distilled from a flower from the bitter orange tree. The fragrance helps soothe your mind to help it relax. It is especially helpful to give you a better nights sleep. It rids your mind of anger, sadness, and the irritability of the day.

Using both of these essential oils together will help you battle sadness and depression, and it can also help you get a better nights sleep. A better nights sleep will ultimately make you feel refreshed the following morning which will increase your energy. Increased energy will boost your mood and keep you happier throughout the day.


Word Count 654