Asthma Remedies

Before you decide to use any asthma remedies at home, you need to know more about this serious health condition. Did you know that asthma can cause death? Yes, and thats very true; this is the reason why asthma requires immediate treatment to prevent the condition from getting worse. If you think youre at risk of developing the disease, read on.

Asthma attacks occur when there is inflammation of the air passage or bronchial tubes. Asthma is considered as a chronic health condition but even if you have it, you can effectively manage and control it with the help of your doctor. Since the airways are affected, you will experience difficult in breathing. The attacks can be mild or severe but one things for sure, the condition can be deadly when left untreated. In the US, over 20 million people are suffering from asthma.

Asthma is called by different names like reactive airway disease, asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and wheezy bronchitis but they all mean one thing. Most of the attacks are triggered by inhaled substances such as animal dander, dust, feather, and pollen. Irritants can also trigger the attacks such as cigarette smoke, odors, gases, and dirt. If you had respiratory infections like bronchitis, sore throats, flu, and colds, you are also at risk. Other factors like emotional stress (excitement and fear), carrying heavy objects, or running (strenuous physical activities), weather conditions (sudden change in temperature or weather) and certain medications (e.g. aspirin) can trigger the attacks as well. Proper management of the disease is required because asthma has no cure. These are the symptoms that you should look out for chest tightness, breath shortness, wheezing, and cough; if you have these symptoms, visit your doctor immediately. Once youre exposed to the asthma triggers, the bronchial tubes become swollen and inflamed.

You cant really tell when the attacks might happen so you need to identify the possible triggers. With the doctors help, you can stay away from the triggers. Individuals who are already diagnosed with asthma often exhibit the symptoms several times in a week especially they engaged in strenuous activities. Heres good news you can control the attacks by using medications prescribed by the doctor. These are the best remedies that you can use:

1. Make a mixture out of Tbsp cinnamon powder and 1 Tbsp honey. Take the mixture before sleeping.

2. If your asthma is still in its early stage, boil c of milk and 10 garlic cloves and drink before bedtime. This is great for asthma patients suffering from severe attacks.

3. Figs help in draining your phlegm. Wash 3-4 figs and drench them in 1 c of water. You can eat the figs when your stomach is empty or you can also drink the soaked water.

4. Soak 1 tsp of Fenugeek seeds in 1 c of water overnight; drink this solution at night, preferably before bedtime.

5. Mince garlic cloves in a hot ginger tea. Give this to the asthma patient 2x a day.

6. Boil ajwain and breathe-in the steam. Add honey and drink it 2x or 3x a day.

7. Make a mixture of 1 gm ginger powder, 1 gm black pepper, and 1 tsp of honey molasses.

Use the remedies mentioned above for treating asthma attacks. The ingredients needed are mostly found in your kitchen so you wont have any problem in preparing them.

Dealing With Stress In Your Everyday Life

Do you ever feel like you know just enough about stress to be dangerous? Let’s see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from stress experts.

What is Stress?

Stress is a response produced by your body when you are subjected to various types of demand, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally. Contrary to what most people believe, stress is not associated with the negative only since excessive positive tone can result to stress as well. When something that takes place or is about to take place in the environment is producing stress in a person’s body, it results importance the release of certain chemicals into your bloodstream.

On the positive side, these chemicals can be utilized to produce more energy or added strength. This is valuable when the cause of your stress is something physical. But when you are dealing with emotional stress, it can cause a negative effect on your body since there is no outlet for releasing that extra boost of energy and facility. Thence, stress results to various types of emotional or physical responses because each individual’s body respond differently to the stimulus.

Types and Causes of Stress

Whether you admit it or not, stress is a part of everyday life. Whether you are at school, at the craft, or just about anywhere you are forced to deal with people and the environment. Hence, the types of stress is closely associated with its cause. And because your physical frame is closely connected to your emotional and mental state, you will notice some vocation to their effects when you begin to experience stress. This is also the reason why it is important to combat the cause of stress being it affects several vital aspects of your body in order to bag.

Here are some of the most common sources of stress that must be dealt with on an everyday basis.

Internal Stress

There are times when you constantly uncertainty about certain events without having enough control to determine its outcome. Internal stress is also one of those kinds of stress that needs to be addressed quickly. Most of the source of stress is rooted in the person’s mind, which makes it difficult to manage and would entail more work to get rid of. Oftentimes, people suffering from internal stress subconsciously puts themselves in stressful situations or feel stressed out about things that aren’t stressful to begin with.

Survival Stress

This type of stress deals with the danger, mostly physical, that an diacritic is subjected to. It restraint serve as prompted by an attack unreal by either human or animal that could potentially busted up you in the process. Therefore, your body releases this burst of energy that you use to utilize to respond quickly about the situation at hand whether to confront it or escape from it.

Environmental Stress

This type of stress is your body’s way of responding to changes or activities in your environment that could produce stress, comparable because uttermost levels of noise or pressure from work. As compared to the other types of stress already mentioned uppermost, this one is a lot easier to deal with. The best way to get current combating this stress type is to determine the source. Once you have identified the source of environmental stress, find a road to avoid them.

Stress Opportune To Work and Fatigue

Augmented common type of stress and probably the most bourgeois. This one though does not befall in an instant, but rather builds up over time. When you are spending too much time working or forced to deal with excessive amount of work, then it can take its toll on your body. To alertness with work stress, you right to make sure you have enough rest and relaxation in between for your body can recover from the tremendous amount of work. There are relaxation methods that you can apply in order to find relief from stress.

Now you can be a confident expert on stress. OK, maybe not an expert. But you should have something to bring to the table next time you join a discussion on stress.

Help Fight Apathy with Essential Oil Aromatherapy

Apathy has become a major issue in society. As individuals, we are constantly bombarded with negativity from work, home, or even a simple outing. We are handed stress related issues in our lives and after a time we can become apathetic to even the most important aspects of our lives. Being apathetic only serves to worsen your mood and it can make you feel spiritually down.

Using essential oils in aromatherapy can greatly enhance your mood and help you battle against those apathetic feelings. Apathy is a downward spiral for any professional especially if you own your own business. The pressures of the day need to be warded off to eliminate apathy that can overcome someone who is having an incredibly bad day.

Increased apathy eventually leads to increased levels of stress, and the situation can lower your energy and it can harm your health. Nothing every good becomes from apathy, so focusing on eliminating the apathy and increasing your mood will benefit you in all aspects of your life. Essential oils in aromatherapy will immediately start to increase your mood and make you feel more refreshed each day.

You can use essential oils in your home or office. When used in your office, apathy seems to fade away even during stressful times. Essential oils are not only safe and effective, but they are a natural way to rid your body of harmful emotional toxins. Essential oils used in the office as a pleasant scent throughout the day will help to keep your emotional stress levels at bay so you will be at the best performance possible for your coworkers and customers.

Use essential oil in aromatherapy for the home to help you and your family members wind down from the day or keep spirits high for others that are there for the day. The aromatherapy is safe for your children, and the sweet scents can be enjoyed by all ages. Even children go through tough times and they too can be affected by apathy. Using essential oils in the home can help all your family members fight off apathy and provide them with a happier, healthier lifestyle.

The following essential oils can be used individually for their respective benefits. Used in combination, though, and these essential oils can be a potent eliminator of harmful emotional downs.


Basil is a strengthening herb that can liberate and free you from emotional constraints. Basil is a powerful essential oil that helps you spiritually clear your mind, and it gives you clarity to concentrate more effectively. Basil has a long track record of having natural medicinal purposes that dates back to ancient history.


Grapefruit is a popular combination with other essential oils for its refreshing fragrance that seems to immediately improve moods and boost energy levels. The citrus smell helps wake you up from the nights sleep and gives you the energy to tackle the day.


Peppermint is known for its cool, refreshing scent that clears your thoughts and opens your mind. It aids in your overall concentration, so it is a good essential oil for your office or home during the day. Peppermint has an everlasting soothing effect, and it can be used in burners or even a bath to quickly alleviate the days stress and relieve any aches and pains. Peppermint is an extremely powerful essential oil, and it should be used by adults only for its potent effects.

While each of these oils can benefit you individually, the combination will quickly remove negative thoughts and help initiate a positive attitude. Essential oils are a safe, effective way to remove the apathy from your daily life. As apathy leaves your emotions, you will find yourself in a better state of mind and you may even see your own health increase. Enhancing your mood will can also help keep your relationships more healthy and keep you emotionally stable.


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Help Cope with Grief through Essential Oil Aromatherapy

Grief hits us so fast and unexpectedly, and it is one of the hardest emotionally traumatic issues from which to relieve yourself. Grief is an emotion that hangs over your head and it never leaves you spiritually. All you can do to help fight against grief is to help cope with the feelings. Some people will turn to drugs or chemicals that are unsafe and have unknown side effects. Essential oils in aromatherapy are a way to naturally soothe your mind and help relieve yourself from the adverse effects of grief and depression.

Grief comes in several forms. It can be the effects from loss of a loved one, bereavement, relationship troubles, or even the loss of a job. Aromatherapy can relieve the stress and pain from all of these sources. Bereavement is a strong emotional pain that can overcome your life. It stays with you for a lifetime. Bereavement is extremely painful and it can interfere with you relationships, home life, and eventually your job.

Use of essential oils in aromatherapy can help you battle these emotions and remove your feelings of anxiety and loss of control. Grief can create a feeling of loss that can kill your soul and build tension in muscles. It will eventually cause you to lose your health, and you can become sick or ill from the emotional stress. Illnesses from grief are not uncommon especially when the grief stems from the emotional loss of a loved one.

Using the below essential oils will help you maintain a healthier attitude towards life and it will help your mental state for future endeavors. Your mental health is more important than you might realize. It can control your physical health, and a downward spiral of depression can ultimately lead to tragic events. Using Frankincense and Rose can help you boost your mood and keep your mind balanced from the overwhelming emotions from grief.


Frankincense is a rejuvenating essential oil that can help you balance the out of control emotions that come with the negative effects of grief. It is an exotic plant extracted from a bush in Africa. Frankincense is an essential oil that has been used for thousands of years as a therapeutic ingredient to help people relax and aid in meditation. The ancient herb has been used in ancient religious ceremonies to uplift the spirit and help the mood.


Rose is a unique essential oil that helps balance the mind and relax your spirit and muscles. It is undoubtedly a feminine oil that makes you feel sensual and soft. Its effects on the emotional system also uplift and balance your mood. Stabilizing your mood is especially important for those who suffer from grief, so this essential oil is ultimately an emotional solution.

Although feelings of loss and grief cannot be entirely removed, essential oils in aromatherapy will increase your mood and balance your emotions to help you deal with the issues and overcome the depression that accompanies grief. Use both of these essential oils for an ultimate effect of grief help.

You can also use them individually for their separate benefits. Use what you can to overcome grief so that your depression does not overcome your mind and spirit. By using these essential oils, you can begin your journey of feeling better.


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