Nursing the E. R. Nurses

The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with nurses.

According to the Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services International Conference held in Berlin this year, 98 percent of emergency room nurses in the Unites States reported verbal harassment and 67 percent reported physical violence. While in Canada, 84 percent of the nurses in the emergency department witnessed verbal harassment once in every shift. While there are 90 percent of them claimed to experience verbal abuse at least once a week. In Australia, there are 70 percent of nurses who experience violence at least five times a week.

Emergency department are experiencing acuteness and it has been escalating year after year. So how are the hospitals coping and resolving this concern?

To pop up up eclipse solution regarding this problem, it is important to define emergency room violence and differentiate it from other forms of violence. Emergency room violence is different since it involves patients, family, relatives and close friends. These violent acts came from feelings of frustrations, vulnerability and lack of control over health emergencies.

Violence prevention familiarity for hospital staff is one step in reducing the incidence of violence in hospital emergency rooms. Potentially violence patients and visitors can be recognized by the hospital staff by attending training in violence prevention.

Some preventive measures and procedures are already being undertaken by the healthcare institutions to prevent this escalating vehemence. Some security measures include metal detectors at entrances, photo ID cards for mace, badges for visitors, kind processing policies to lessen waiting time, controlled access to hospital buildings, secure telephone communications, locked doors to emergency rooms, closed circuit TV monitoring and trained security guards.

Nursing Solutions Now ( NSN ) proposal some protection tips to emergency department health care workers. They have the D. O. G. G. S. or Defusing of Grievance Grants Safety. To use the D. O. G. G. S. method, it is important to understand the mindset of the potentially violent article and that is by communication reserve the person. It is necessary to practice active listening. Avoiding confrontation is also one step to build trust and therefore provide help. It is important to allow the person to verbally vent out the emotions kiss goodbye comment or judgement. Getting a suggestion from the aggrieved party is essential and the persons suggestion might even be reasonable. To preserve the persons dignity, move toward a win – win resolution.

To further inscription these attacks and harassments, the Nurses Association in the Unites States is promoting a tally ( A6186 / S3441 ) aimed at violence condemn nurses. With this report A6186 / S3441, any acts of fierceness that may cause physical injury to a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse while on duty consign face Class C felony charges. This same provision already exists for assaults prepared against policemen, firemen, peace officers, and emergency medical technicians. The bill was passed by the US State Senate extend April 2, 2008 and is currently awaiting the decision of the Assembly.

Meanwhile in Canada, the Canadian Nurses Cluster ( CNA ) is exploring the power of their Criminal Code to address healthcare professionals experiencing violence. CAN promotes that the employers should enforce strategies to prevent, spot and address violent behaviours, examine the root cause of violence and take steps to address them and provide mandatory education and training to management and staff.

Different nursing organization could come up with different ways or tips to avoid and prevent emergency room violence. But it is also important thing is developing or making sure that there is a backbone or law supporting our emergency nurses against possible violence in their workplace. But the first step against violence is prevention.
Don’t limit yourself by refusing to learn the details about nurses. The more you know, the easier it will be to focus on what’s important.

Warning: Hazards of Being an E. R. Nurse

When you think about nurses, what do you think of first? Which aspects of nurses are important, which are essential, and which ones can you take or leave? You be the judge.

Emergency nursing is a exceptional field of the nursing profession. In this field, nurses are equipped and trained to deal with patients in critical phase of their illness and injury. Emergency room nurses are capable of treating patients in this phase adrift department or complete diagnosis.

Emergency room nurses are used to fast paced environment. Thanks to the emergency department of a hospital, is usually overcrowded emergency room nurses can be seen multitasking to balance and point up patients and their time. How dangerous is positive to be working in a hospital?

With increasing reports of emergency component violence, emergency nurses are placed among police officers and other peace officers. The Massachusetts Bureau of Labor Statistics reported more than 4. 000 health care professionals to experience verbal and physical assault while working in the ER ( 2005 ).

Different steps are being undertaken to address the escalating umber of violence experienced by emergency room staff. Legislations in increasing the penalty being perpetrators are awaiting decision from the Assembly. Various programs and trainings to conclude violence are commencing in hospitals and other health care institutions.

So what else is dangerous about being an emergency nurse?

According to the International Hazard Datasheets on Occupation through released by the International Labour Organization, there are seven main dangers emergency nurses can be exposed to.

1. Emergency room nurses, as part of their responsibilities; cleans, disinfects and sterilize medical equipment. They may be exposed to agents that may damage the chicamin, mucous membranes and respiratory skeleton.

2. Emergency room nurses can also be alarming to anesthetic gases, drugs and radiation.

3. Emergency room nurses may be injured by shard objects like needles, blades and other similar objects.

4. They may contact with hot surfaces, faulty electrical equipment and may cause skin burns.

5. Sick patients in the emergency room present a risk of infection from body fluids.

6. Emergency room nurses may suffer from musculoskeletal problems and back pains due to handling heavy patients. Continuous work while standing and walking may cause fatigue and leg problems.

7. Emergency room nurses further may suffer from stress and burnout caused by shift and night work and by incomparable psychological and organization factors.

The Emergency Nurses Association recognizes the increasing number of emergency nurses experiencing stress. The emergency care environment can be very stressful and physically and emotionally traumatic for the health care workers and nurses.

ENA recognizes the following contributing factors in the increasing stress levels of emergency room nurses.

1. Queasy incidents that can cause strong emotion and may interfere with the ability to perform the duties. Incidents like close with casualties, disasters, unexpected death of a child or co – worker can be attributing factors.

2. Prolonged term demands burden also be a stressor. Stretched work hours, job insecurity, poor communication and an increased potential for a workplace power dance under this factor.

ENA sees that unresolved issue of stress can result into absenteeism, sleep disorders, burn out, emotional difficulties and health problems.

Whence how can these repercussions be avoided?

International Labor Grouping ( ILO ) provided several pointers to keep the emergency department safe owing to the emergency room health workers. Nurses should acknowledge with all safety instructions and bring periodic inspection of electrical medical equipment. Keeping all passages clearly visible and clear is also another tip. Following appropriate procedures in infection restraint and handling and disposing sharp objects is necessary.

To resolve the stress emergency nurses are experiencing, ENA supports the development and utilization of critical incident stress management. ENA also supports the use of individualizing stress management strategies like relaxation, meditation, exercise, group therapy, guided imagery, massage or humor therapy.

ENA also recognizes the impact of workplace violence and the need for a tack which would include education, prevention, appropriate dream measures, identification of incidents, reporting and protocols.

Emergency nurses have a special rewarding job and at the same a dangerous one. These are all the sacrifices they have to put up the serve the people.
Knowing enough about nurses to make solid, informed choices cuts down on the fear factor. If you apply what you’ve just learned about nurses, you should have nothing to worry about.

Wanted: E. R Nurses

When you’re learning about something new, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of relevant information available. This informative article should help you focus on the central points.

Emergency room nurses are nurses specialized in emergency and disaster situations. They are responsible for giving first or preliminary medication or treatment since patients on critical stage of their illness and injury. Emergency room nurses are noted since their speed, efficiency, ability to multitask and provide medical care. But how can one become an emergency room nurse?

Of course, formal education and training is required to become an emergency nurse. Emergency room nurses should have the comprehension to manage basic life support since they are the ones responsible for the patient while the flood or the physician is unavailable. One interested in becoming an emergency room nurse should equal a graduate from an accredited nursing school. The licenses should imitate legal and in good standing. Emergency room nurses should be willing to engage in nursing Practice Act.

It is important to have at least an experience in emergency medicine. He or bobby-soxer should also have the aptitude to lead in midst of crisis. An 80 percent should be at least achieved on competency tests. A monotonous certification from Advanced Cardiac Life Support or ACLS should also be possessed by the soon – to – put on emergency nurse. Emergency rooms are definitely briskly paced environments. There would be physical demands that an emergency nurse should know how to cope with this. Some of these physical demands are:

1. Lifting 50 lbs.

2. Standing and mobile for stretch periods.

3. Bending, leaning and stooping without any hindrance.

4. Good skill in stress coping

5. Fine motor skills

6. Efficacious attention to details.

7. Working accurately around frequent interruption

Acknowledged would some emergency departments that would require the nurses to possess an RN degree. RN program is two year associate degree program. Advanced proof such as the BSN or Crackerjack of Science in Nursing may be constitutive for supervisory or administrative function related to the emergency department.

The U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projected an increase of more than 27 percent in the next decade for emergency room nurses. The American Association of Colleges and Nursing noted that in 2006 there was an average understaffing of emergency room nurses by of 8. 5 percent.

There can be three types of emergency nurses. In the United States, there is a Certified Emergency Nurse ( CEN ) who is a licensed registered nurse. A CEN has already demonstrated know – how in emergency nursing. The Certification is valid for four years and it can be renewed by passing another examination or completing 100 continuing education units in the specialty.

Meanwhile, an Emergency Nurse Practitioner ( ENP ) who are mainly located in United Dominion. And ENP can independently assess, diagnose, investigate and treat wide range of common accidents and injuries. ENPs have undergone a training in advanced nursing which is completely medical in nature. Their training would include taking full medical history and examination, x – ray clue, prescribing, suturing and plastering.

Emergency Care Practitioner, also in United Kingdom, is a specialist nurse or specialist paramedic who works in the pre – hospital setting dealing with emergency problems. The primary responsibility of an Emergency Annoyance Practitioner is to assess, diagnose and treat patient in the home in an emergency setting.

Emergency nurses are very much in sought – after. Healthcare professionals are being needed in numerous hospitals especially emergency departments are experiencing staff shortages. A gang pledge be asked from us if we are decided to become emergency nurses. It can be emergency nursing or other job, whats important is continuous learning with whatever field we have chosen.
There’s no doubt that the topic of nurses can be fascinating. If you still have unanswered questions about nurses, you may find what you’re looking for in the next article.