Warning: Hazards of Being an E. R. Nurse

When you think about nurses, what do you think of first? Which aspects of nurses are important, which are essential, and which ones can you take or leave? You be the judge.

Emergency nursing is a exceptional field of the nursing profession. In this field, nurses are equipped and trained to deal with patients in critical phase of their illness and injury. Emergency room nurses are capable of treating patients in this phase adrift department or complete diagnosis.

Emergency room nurses are used to fast paced environment. Thanks to the emergency department of a hospital, is usually overcrowded emergency room nurses can be seen multitasking to balance and point up patients and their time. How dangerous is positive to be working in a hospital?

With increasing reports of emergency component violence, emergency nurses are placed among police officers and other peace officers. The Massachusetts Bureau of Labor Statistics reported more than 4. 000 health care professionals to experience verbal and physical assault while working in the ER ( 2005 ).

Different steps are being undertaken to address the escalating umber of violence experienced by emergency room staff. Legislations in increasing the penalty being perpetrators are awaiting decision from the Assembly. Various programs and trainings to conclude violence are commencing in hospitals and other health care institutions.

So what else is dangerous about being an emergency nurse?

According to the International Hazard Datasheets on Occupation through released by the International Labour Organization, there are seven main dangers emergency nurses can be exposed to.

1. Emergency room nurses, as part of their responsibilities; cleans, disinfects and sterilize medical equipment. They may be exposed to agents that may damage the chicamin, mucous membranes and respiratory skeleton.

2. Emergency room nurses can also be alarming to anesthetic gases, drugs and radiation.

3. Emergency room nurses may be injured by shard objects like needles, blades and other similar objects.

4. They may contact with hot surfaces, faulty electrical equipment and may cause skin burns.

5. Sick patients in the emergency room present a risk of infection from body fluids.

6. Emergency room nurses may suffer from musculoskeletal problems and back pains due to handling heavy patients. Continuous work while standing and walking may cause fatigue and leg problems.

7. Emergency room nurses further may suffer from stress and burnout caused by shift and night work and by incomparable psychological and organization factors.

The Emergency Nurses Association recognizes the increasing number of emergency nurses experiencing stress. The emergency care environment can be very stressful and physically and emotionally traumatic for the health care workers and nurses.

ENA recognizes the following contributing factors in the increasing stress levels of emergency room nurses.

1. Queasy incidents that can cause strong emotion and may interfere with the ability to perform the duties. Incidents like close with casualties, disasters, unexpected death of a child or co – worker can be attributing factors.

2. Prolonged term demands burden also be a stressor. Stretched work hours, job insecurity, poor communication and an increased potential for a workplace power dance under this factor.

ENA sees that unresolved issue of stress can result into absenteeism, sleep disorders, burn out, emotional difficulties and health problems.

Whence how can these repercussions be avoided?

International Labor Grouping ( ILO ) provided several pointers to keep the emergency department safe owing to the emergency room health workers. Nurses should acknowledge with all safety instructions and bring periodic inspection of electrical medical equipment. Keeping all passages clearly visible and clear is also another tip. Following appropriate procedures in infection restraint and handling and disposing sharp objects is necessary.

To resolve the stress emergency nurses are experiencing, ENA supports the development and utilization of critical incident stress management. ENA also supports the use of individualizing stress management strategies like relaxation, meditation, exercise, group therapy, guided imagery, massage or humor therapy.

ENA also recognizes the impact of workplace violence and the need for a tack which would include education, prevention, appropriate dream measures, identification of incidents, reporting and protocols.

Emergency nurses have a special rewarding job and at the same a dangerous one. These are all the sacrifices they have to put up the serve the people.
Knowing enough about nurses to make solid, informed choices cuts down on the fear factor. If you apply what you’ve just learned about nurses, you should have nothing to worry about.

U. S. Trade In: E. R. Nurses and Health Professionals

U. S. Trade In: E. R. Nurses and Health Professionals

The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with nurses.

There are several hospitals in the United States that are experiencing immense shortages of registered nurses, emergency nurses and other health care professionals. There is approximately a whooping 80 to 85 percent of American hospitals mention shortage while 15 percent expresses concern about the severe shortage they are experiencing.

According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, United States commit need 2. 8 million nurses. This estimated demand will be a million more than the projected supply of nurses. U. S. is not quickly replacing nurses at the same misfortune they are square one the profession.

Currently, the average age of nurses working in America is 45 years old. By year 2010, and estimated 40 percent of all the working registered nurses will be more than 50 years old. Between 2010 and 2020, the largest group of registered nurses in the United States labor force will be between 50 to 60 years old. By this point, the nursing shortage would be exceeding 36 percent.

Whats happening to United Case is not an isolated case. Several countries are already reporting similar problem. In Ontario, Canada ( Toronto Gallant ) lost 14, 000 of its 81, 000 nurses well-suited to retirement last 2004. While over pristine because December 2000, the World Health Organization already reported that Poland was graduating more than 10, 000 nurses annually. But the figure dropped to 3, 000. In Chile, out of 18, 000 nurses in the country, only 8, 000 are dash in the field.

So what are the steps being done by the United States government to address this problem?

In April 2008 a bill was proposed in the United States House of Representatives by Congressman Robert Wexler from Florida and co – sponsored by Private James Sensenbrenner ( R – WI ). This bill is called F. R. 5924 of The Emergency Nursing Supply Relief Act. As of the day, this bill has currently 11 co – sponsors.

Basically, this bill will allow additional visas to be set – aside for foreign compassionate nurses and physical therapists. The H. R. 5924 would save 20, 000 employment based visas in each of the next three years for independent trained registered nurses and physical therapists.

This bill will also provide funds to help U. S. nursing schools expand the domestic supply of nurses by coming from the $1, 500 fee for those who would be applying for the visa. This would also establish a three – year pilot program aimed in keeping U. S. nurses in the workforce.

Immigrant visa applicants leave need to attest that they do not owe their country of residence a financial obligation that was incurred for their education so that they would remain in that sovereignty. Both the American Hospitals Association ( AHA ) and the American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration support expressed their support for the bill.

Due to visa retrogression, a lot of foreign professionals who are interested in working in the United States are turned down. The U. S. government makes only a certain symbol of immigrant visas ( green card ) available each year and these are allocated among the various immigrant visa categories.

Recently, there are more immigrants approved for employment – based immigrant visas and has break out of visa numbers causing temporary backlog or retrogression. The U. S. has a waiting list for employment – based visas for nurses, and its nurse education programs overripe away more than 150, 000 qualified applicants last year due to lack of faculty and clinical space.

With the H. R 5924., it aims that the nursing shortages will be resolved. With this statement, the visa retrogression could be lift due to nurses and physical therapists who have pragmatic prior to September 30, 2011. Hopefully, well see more therapists, nurses, E. R. attendants and nurses, and other health professionals taking care of the nation.
Hopefully the sections above have contributed to your understanding of nurses. Share your new understanding about nurses with others. They’ll thank you for it.