The 3 Best Selections for Spider Vein Treatment

As time goes by, people want to find cure for anything. They want to look young as ever. They are excited about the ideas of retaining the look of their youth through the continuous development of science and technology. One component of this measure is spider vein treatment. Such condition hits more women than men at an earlier stage because of hormonal changes. Most women develop spider veins during their menopausal period. But it can be earlier, depending on the genes of the person who has this condition.

The Various Processes Related to Spider Veins

If you are one person who is also in search, what have you found so far? Spider veins do not pose any harmful threat on ones health. But some people do find it ghastly to see some veins beginning to pop out on the parts of their bodies that they have become used seeing without any marks.

The spider veins are nearer on the skins surface. These can be found on the face and on the neck. These must not be mistaken as varicose veins. The latter looks bigger and more pronounced. They also cause more health hazards and pains than the spider veins.

But no one is stopping you from going through the available medical processes. If you feel like you really have to and that you have the capacity to move forward, here are your best bet when it comes to that.

1. Electrodessication. From the name itself, you will get the idea that this process uses the electricity in order to get rid of the veins. The electricity acts like a shocker to the veins. It aims for these veins to swell. After a while the veins will close and will eventually die. The procedure may appear well executed. But the after effects that this can do on your skin are not that pretty. This can leave scars due to the electricity that your skin was treated to.

2. Sclerotherapy. A solution or a compound of various elements that are intended for the process are mixed and then injected to your spider veins. Once this has been done, the veins will subside and eventually dissolve. The veins are moved closer to the skins surface to be sloughed off by your body. But the beauty of this treatment cannot be seen until a month or so of continuous procedure.

At first, you may see bruises and discoloration on the parts where injections have been done. But once everything is healed, the veins will be gone forever. You may be happy at the thought. But you must take note that there are new veins that come out of your skin as you age. This means that you may have to undergo the process over and over again.

3. Photorejuvenation. Such kind includes IPL or the intense pulsed light and BBL or the broadband light. These kinds of treatments use the process of selective photothermolysis. This aim for one thing. It removes those unwanted spider veins. The process goes like this. The light is applied on to your skin. It will penetrate through the veins. The veins absorb the energy coming from the light, making them hot until they could no longer stand it so that will cause their destruction. After that, the veins are moved to the skins surface and sloughed off by your body.

You must know that lasers are not that ideal in spider vein treatment. This is due to the fact that cosmetic lasers emit red spectrum that is not well-received by your veins.

Some Advantages of Going Through Spider Vein Treatment

So far are you willing to go in terms of spider vein treatment? Not everybody is too conscious with the veins that normally pop out on their bodies, especially on the face and legs. But you cannot help that there are some people who are very concerned, to the point of being vain, with regards to this matter.

If you must know, spider veins are signs of the aging process. No matter what treatments you opt to use in order to remove them, there will be new ones that will come out as you age. The veins cannot be removed permanently. But at least you will have some time off from seeing the veins, if you will choose to resort to treatments.

The Advantages of Treatments

Before you proceed with any kind of medical procedure for this condition, you must first consult your doctor as to what will suit your body type the best way possible. You may not be able to get rid of the unwanted veins forever, but at least you will be able to diminish them for a time, remove about half to 90% of the old veins.

There are some situations that you cannot that also trigger the development of the veins. All you have to do us understand that while you are going through such, your body will also adopt to hormonal changes that may lead to the development of the veins. What are these factors? One cause is obesity. Although this can be prevented, it is a known fact that there are many people suffering from this all over the world for various reasons that may require another round of discussion. Other causes of spider veins include pregnancy and conditions such as high blood pressure.

The main thing that you can do to prevent the veins from developing too much and too soon is that you have to take good care of your body. The three medical processes that are popular with regards to the situation these days are the following:

Sclerotheraphy. A solution is going to be injected on your veins. This will cause the spider veins to dissolve and eventually sloughed off by your body. The main advantage of this kind is that after you have experienced some skin discoloration after the process has been done, your skin will heal. After a month or so, you will see the results and can already flaunt your vein-less body proud.

Electrodessication. This process uses electricity in the removal of the unwanted veins. The disadvantage is that this will leave scar on the skins surface. But the good thing about this is that this removes the spider veins. This will cause the veins to swell until they close and then die.

Photorejuvenation. Although cosmetic lasers are not that well-received by your veins, this process can also help you in getting rid of the unwanted spider veins through intense pulsed light (IPL) and broadband light (BBL).

One benefit of going through your preferred treatment is that you will be able to gain the self-confidence that you feel that you have lost with the arrival of the unsightly veins. You will be able to perform better and you will be more proud of who you are, especially the way you look from head to toe.

But through time, you have to understand that you will be able to develop more veins. And you have to accept such fate. There will come a time that those veins will be a good sign of the fruitful years that your life has been through.

Hopefully as you grow old and wiser, you will not think much about spider vein treatment, not unless the veins are causing you too much pain and trouble.

Swine Flu: The New Pandemic

Everyone’s all abuzz with panic nowadays it seems. That’s mostly because after SARS and bird flu, another new strain of virus has managed to rear its head. The H1N1 influenza virus, more popularly known as the swine flu, exploded on to the global scene last April via a large-scale infection in Mexico City.

I think everyone’s seen the images on CNN a thousand time. Surgical-masked Mexicans crowding the hospitals with worrisome shots of full hospital beds.The Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization raised their alert levels in hopes of catching and cutting off the infection at the bud, but it seems that cases have been reported all over the world. It seems that the current fatalities from disease are from Mexico but everyone is just expecting for the other shoe to drop.

To understand all of this panic, ypou need to have a little background. Influenza, or more popularly known as the flu, is probably one of the most infectious diseases out there. Airborne and highly contagious, it could spread like wildfire all across the world. Now you’re asking what’s the matter with a few people getting a bit of sniffles? That’s because this isn’t your ordinary flu.

A lot of the flu viruses we are exposed to have been in the human system for hundreds of years. We’ve managed to build an immunity to these strains. The big problem that’s got everyone running scared is the idea that a flu strain has crossed species. This is what happened with the bird flu and now, with the swine flu. The pigs and birds have also built up resistances to these diseases, however, since humans are not used to them, these strains of flu have a very large potential of being fatal.

The last time a large-scale flu epidemic raged around the world, electricity was just coming into vogue and cars were all Model Ts. The Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918 literally set the bar for every modern disease in terms of casualties. Fifty to a hundred million people worldwide died over a period of two years from 1918 to 1920 as the disease spread worldwide. Following on the heels of the Great War, it was a one-two punch that killed an entire generation of young men and women. What everyone’s afraid of is this: the 1918 epidemic was a subtype of the H1N1 flu virus, the same virus that seems to have crossed over and become a real threat to humans.

This is why the CDC is keeping a close watch on Mexico and hoping all of the subsidiary cases worldwide aren’t indications of the beginning of some worldwide epidemic. The good news about this is that the disease is treatable. Medicine and vaccine production alerts have been sent out by the CDC and most pharmaceutical companies have started churning out oseltamivir and zanamivir.

The problem with that is the demand may outstrip the supply depending on the swine flu’s virulence. More common antiviral drugs are also available but they’re not exactly definitive cures. They serve to weaken the symptoms and give you a fighting chance and prevent some of the worse flu symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting.

So as the world waits and watches the situation in Mexico, it would be a good idea to take a few precautions. Regular hand washes and vitamins can help make sure you avoid the initial infection of the swine flu. Avoiding pork’s not needed though. Swine flu can’t be transmitted through food. Remember to just a take a few preventive measures and you can come through clean and healthy.

Acupuncture and Electricity

Acupuncture has been shown to have great success in treating pain, stress, and a number of diseases. Acupuncture has a number of different techniques, and one of them is to apply a very low-level electric charge to the needle. This particular technique is creating interest in a field that was started in America in the 1930s and 1940s, but lost support soon afterward. This field is how to use low levels of electricity as a tool for medical therapy.

The initial discovery of acupuncture points on the body was by centuries of observation of the tender spots on the skin when a patient had certain symptoms. These acupuncture points can now be discovered and duplicated by scientists. They can find these same acupuncture points (given in any standard diagram) by using electrical apparatus. Scientists can also use infrared photography to find the temperature differences between these acupuncture points and the surrounding skin. So the acupuncture points have a different electrical behavior than the surrounding cells when the patient suffers from the associated symptom.

Several claims for acupuncture seem to get some support from other research using electricity. One scientist, Becker, has had tissue regrown by animals when he applied a low-level electric current to the site of the tissue. Even heart tissue has been restored without any scarring. Low level electric pulses have also been used to make bone fractures heal significantly faster than fractures left to heal on their own.

How do these two previous experience relate to the fundamentals of acupuncture? The basis of acupuncture is the correct distribution and flow of energy throughout the body. When energy is depleted, regrowth and stimulation and vitality do not occur. An acupuncture treatment restores the energy needed to a specific area. This research (especially the bone research) supports the claim that acupuncture sessions are of significant benefit for those with broken arms or other broken bones in the feet, ankles, and wrists, or other locations. Acupuncture has been known as an effective treatment for patients with heart palpitations, and the EKG results scientifically support that claim. Patients that are attached to an EKG machine and undergo an acupuncture treatment show a difference in the structure of the heartbeat, which is controlled by electric impulses from the nerves.

When an acupuncture needle is inserted into the skin, there is an electrical activity at that point, since the cells at that point are disturbed, and cells by their structure have various electrical charges within them. This is also shown by such techniques as Kirlian photography, where the photograph after a needle is inserted has a very different energy shape than before the needle insertion.

This exploration of the interaction between electricity and acupuncture has come back to expand the techniques used in acupuncture. The most basic technique for an acupuncture treatment is to use needles inserted into the skin of the patient. The location of the insertion, its depth and technique, bring about the results from the treatment. An additional technique is the application of heat, or moxa, which we will not go into. A third addition may be the use of herbs, either at the point of insertion, or given to the patient separately. A technique directly related to the above research, and also harkening back to the experiments of the 1930s and 1940s, is to affect the acupuncture points by a low voltage electric current. This is used in place of the needle. All these results and new ideas make research in acupuncture an exciting field to be working in and reading about.