The Side Effects of Drugs to Relieve Anxiety Stress

When people get sick, the first thing that comes to mind is taking a couple of pills with water then everything will be alright.

Though this works in some cases, people who experience stress due to anxiety have to be careful since these medication may have certain side effects.

One example is when the person uses the drug Paxil to treat a anxiety stress disorder. According to a test done in different parts of the world, people who have depressive disorder will often experience side effects such as sweating, nausea, insomnia, tremor, ejaculatory disturbance and other genital disorders after taking this drug.

People who have obsessive compulsive behavior, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety and post traumatic stress will also experience side effects but only to a certain degree.

Doctors who prescribe Xanax to patients also experience certain side effects. These include allergies, blurred vision, diarrhea, hyperventilation, difficulty in sleeping, painful menstruation, sexual dysfunction and weight gain or loss.

These will most likely happen when the person increases the dosage which is far more than that given by the doctor or when one doesn’t need the medicine anymore. Some doctors say these are the withdrawal symptoms the individual may expereince when these no longer need to be prescribed to the patient.

Another more popular drug used to treat anxiety disorder is Buspar. Some patients have reported to experience the same side effects as those of Xanax. These also include constipation, numbness, speech difficulty, rapid heart rate, twitching, nervousness and muscle cramps.

The drugs available in the market should only be used on a short term basis. Since a lot of patients have shown to have experienced certain side effects, doctors recommend that the patient comes in first for a proper examination before being prescribed these medications.

Given the side effects of these drugs, some doctors recommend the use of natural or alternative forms of treatment. These include the use of herbs which can be inhaled or ingested which has shown to produce the same or better results without the side effects.

Two of these herbs are Kava and Valerian. The person will be able to get relief and feel relaxed similar to those when taking Valium or Xanax. This can also be mixed with other ingredients if the person doesn’t like the smell or the taste when this is being ingested.

People who don’t like natural herbs can try exercising instead. The person can either sweat this off in a gym or produce the same effects by doing some breathing exercises. The individual can go to the gym and do this or buy an instructional video which can be done at home.

Those who are too tired to drive to the facility or buy one off the shelf can also relieve stress by getting a massage. The person can go to the gym and the beauty salon which have professionals and excellent facilities to treat people who suffer from anxiety stress.

The various treatments to treat anxiety stress should be able to relieve without any other pain in return. The best the doctor can do is change the prescription when this happens or try something new. The health professional should explain the pros and cons of each to the patient so the right one can be chosen.

Detecting Symptoms of Dual Diagnosis

Do you ever feel like you know just enough about diagnosis to be dangerous? Let’s see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from diagnosis experts.

If used together, both substance abuse and mental health illness can greatly affect an individuals psychological, mental, spiritual also social and physical status. These symptoms may interfere with how the individual may function in a more effective manner and with regards to the humans around the person. Dual diagnosis must be detected earlier in order to prevent the effects of the disorder and elicit the other manifestations.

To make things worse, not only can co – existing morbidities affect a persons life but create symptom interaction which can exacerbate disorders severity which makes relapse more possible. Diagnosis of a mental illness must be done by a psychiatrist or a physician. But because of the masking and overlapping effects of drugs which is the cause of psychosis, it will be more difficult on the part of the physician to make a very accurate diagnosis in order to give treatments which are effective and very much appropriate.

One key element of dual diagnosis is through suspicion or awareness that someone is already being drawn to mental illness and drug addiction or alcoholism. Signs like these must strictly be taken into consideration. You must be able to talk to the person about the mental health botheration in order to be given proper assessment and plan of treatment.

Mental illnesses may vary in overlapping notation and symptoms. That is why it is important that a person must note accurately the peculiar early manifestations of the problem. There are useful tools in order to recognize that a existence is bunged up not only from alcohol and bearing abuse but also slight attacks of mental illness.

There are by far multiples hieroglyphics and symptoms of misuse of substances which may cause produce the fervor of mental illness or vice versa. In a clearer aspect, it is easier to recognize substance abuse from mental illness. A lot of factors may be taken into consideration in order not to make any premature testimonies of the case. Some of the signs and symptoms are:

Neglecting ones own dignity with the deterioration of physical change or appearance

Temper outbreaks and is easily irritated with his or her surroundings which may result in fights and misunderstandings

Evident changes in the individuals unexpurgated personality and attitude

Associated with people who are known to be using illegal drugs

Doesnt want to take any responsibility which instances of prolonged depression and anxiety

Sudden changes in school or drudgery attitude, level of performance and discipline

Consequences and problems that are deeply associated with dual diagnosis that can trigger the substance abuse and mental disorder can also be in terms of:

Problems in school or trial

Relapses and multiple admissions inside a psychiatric ward

Problems regarding relationships with loved ones

Monetary problems

Withdrawal from society and isolation of oneself

Increased risk of harming oneself or morbid thoughts about suicide besides dying

Effective detection of symptoms in dual diagnosis can also be seen through knowledge of the individual symptoms of mental illness which are:

Depression and anxiety


Extreme mood swings

Increased anxiety, fear and worrying

Hallucinations and delusions

Increased hostility and anger feeling

Suicidal thoughts

Inability to cope with problems of daily living

Changes in sleeping and eating habits
Those who only know one or two facts about diagnosis can be confused by misleading information. The best way to help those who are misled is to gently correct them with the truths you’re learning here.

Integrated Treatment for Dual Diagnosis

If you’re seriously interested in knowing about diagnosis, you need to think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at things you need to know about diagnosis.

Integrated treatment for dual diagnosis is the time when a person who is experiencing dual diagnosis is receiving combined thrust further treatment for mental illness and abuse of destructive substances from his or her psychiatrist. Treatment that can be done through integration is gross the while difficult but possible.

In treatment and management of dual diagnosis, it is most helpful that the person receiving treatment has his or her hopes enormous in order to develop the needed skills and knowledge and sustentation that they direly need. This will help them see how meaningful their treatment is and how goals in life must be achieved.

Even if there are difficulties in making a plan for treatment for dual diagnosis, some psychiatrists are already engaging in the course of vigor. You will know or get a hang of things the moment your physician does things that are quite numerous. Some of which can be indicated by:

Encourage and help you be convoluted with supported services and employment that can help revive your recovery and lead to more interesting and helpful processes.

Help you visualize about the different roles of alcohol again drugs are negatively contributing to your life. The physician will let you realize of how these types of addictions own destroyed and affected your life terribly. This process must be done in confidentiality that will not result to any kind of negative consequences which may hurt the client.

People, especially those afflicted with some kind of disorder, feel more secured and confident to talk about the offbeat issues in their lives if it is done in a non – judgmental, confidential and no – restriction – attached type of conversation.

The physician will also give you the opportunity to soak up more about the effects of drugs and alcohol in a persons body. This commit allow the client more knowledge about the different substance dependencies and how it has managed to take over his or her life in an instant. You will also learn about the interaction of every medication and mental health problems.

Help you become more self – reliant in order for you to recognize your own goals for faster recovery. Once you have decided the negative outcomes of your dependency and how it has affected your mental status, you will be able to define the problems that you are recently facing and be able to find the appropriate solution equivalent without the help of your psychiatrist. You can forward your thoughts and ideas on a counselor that will train you to develop goals for recovery. In this working the client will learn about the different strategies in order to recover without relapses.

If you are someone who is experiencing dual disorders, strict participation is needed in order to treat the disorders effectively all at the same time. With treatment aimed at effectiveness, it will be more effective to say that the disorder may be bankrupt including any further predicaments like: financial problems, suicide, violence, physical and sexual victimization, increased symptoms of mind illness, homelessness, incarceration and early death.

As someone who is affected by dual diagnosis, you must have all the information needed in order to cope with the situation in your utmost level. You should also be able to identify the different causes of any kind of relapse in order to avoid it.
Is there really any information about diagnosis that is nonessential? We all see things from different angles, so something relatively insignificant to one may be crucial to another.