Eczema Treatment the Herbal Way Is It for You?

Eczema Treatment the Herbal Way Is It for You?

If you are suffering from eczema, an herbal eczema treatment is available for you. Herbal remedies are very appealing because they are a natural means of helping our body cope with many problems with little or no side effects. This is especially true when it comes to combating different kinds of illnesses; we often have to live with certain side effects brought about by the consumption of conventional forms of medications. Name anything you are afflicted with and chances are theres one herbal treatment right for it.

A person afflicted with eczema should always see to it that his or her immune system is maintained in top form. This will prevent the likelihood of appearance of flare ups, which is characterized by redness, itching and swelling. Ask anyone with eczema and he or she will tell you that itchiness is the worst of all the skin diseases symptoms. It can give you sleepless nights and an unsightly thickening of the affected skin due to scratching.

Herbal treatments for eczema come from different places all over the world. There are ones from India, China or even right at your very backyard. The best place to look for herbal treatments for eczema is by visiting your nearest local food and health products store.

Some of the most popular herbal remedies for eczema are the following:

*Milk thistle also good for treating other disorders related to a malfunctioning liver.

*Gotu Kola a plant from India often used as an additive to balms for dry, cracked skin.

*Pau Darco derived from the bark of the same tree which originates in South America; its often used to help boost the immune system of the body.

*Licorice its roots are effective for reducing swelling and other allergic reactions; also great for restoring the normal functioning of the liver, thus treating any condition associated with a damaged liver.

*Primrose its oils are popular among Europeans for many skin problems, including eczema.

Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) is a substance found out to do wonders on eczema. Sometimes called gamoleic acid, GLA is a form of a fatty acid found primarily in vegetable oils. However, there are a few herbs and herbal products that also contain GLA. Some of them include primrose oil, licorice root and chamomile. GLA is also often sold as a dietary supplement, recommended for those suffering from auto-immune diseases and inflammation.

Although such herbal treatments for eczema may be beneficial, one must not expect it to work instantly like magic. It may take a few applications before the initial results may become noticeable. You should consult a reliable herbalist or a naturopath one who prefers to use natural remedies such as foods and herbs than by means of synthetic drugs or surgery. He or she believes in the bodys inherent ability to heal, restore and maintain its health. A herbalist or naturopath will be able to help you out with picking a natural remedy for your eczema based on many factors, such as the severity of the condition, your skin type and lifestyle.

However, if you are currently on medications for your eczema, it is always best if you consult your doctor first before taking on a natural eczema treatment such as herbs. Although it is true that these herbal medications for eczema will produce no little or side effects, they might interfere with the medications you are currently taking; thus, potentially causing more harm than good.

Eczema Treatment for Newbies

Have you been recently diagnosed with eczema? Are you having trouble dealing with it? Here are a few tips on eczema treatment and what they can do for you.

When diagnosed with eczema, your doctor will also most likely tell you what kind of eczema you have. He will also most likely tell you how bad your case of eczema is and prescribe you with medications and how to go about treating your condition. To do this you usually have to provide your doctor with your medical history to make sure hes not prescribing you with anything that can cause an allergic reaction.

Basically you treat eczema to control itchiness, avoid inflammation of the affected area of your skin, to clear infections, to decrease those scaly lesions and try to prevent or at least reduce new lesions. All of these things arent cured with just one type of treatment. It usually requires a combination of one or two treatments to relieve you from your eczema woes.

Treating your eczema isnt something that happens overnight. It usually takes a certain period to reduce the severity of your condition. It has also been proven more effective to keep a number of treatments working to complement each other to help ease irritation. This works for all cases of eczema. This usually entails changing your habits and routines that may be causing allergic reactions.

You either have to do really simple things like changing the things you keep around you, the types of soaps or lotions you use to even maybe changing your job or your whole environment. You have to be really careful about finding out what triggers flare-ups. If you can successfully identify it you will be able to increase the efficacy of your treatment and even lessen the side effects you may feel when youre on medication.

The kind of medication you might need will depend on a lot of things. These of course include what case of eczema you have, your medical history (which also includes the different kinds of treatments youve already had) and of course your preferences. Most often topical medications like lotions and creams are what are prescribed. However, for those with a much more severe case of eczema they give you options for phototherapy or systemic medication. Phototherapy is a procedure where light therapy is used while systemic therapy is a medication that circulates throughout your body.

Recently treatments for eczema have largely improved and there are a lot more choices to choose from. There are a number of very popular and effective treatments for all kinds of eczema and most cases can be controlled.

However, it has to be said again that eczema is a condition that will take a certain amount of time to relieve. Eczema treatment can be a pain in the pocket but if your symptoms do not go away you should consult your doctor to make sure you are using the right treatment. You also have to remember that relaxation is a key player when treating eczema. Avoid stress because this triggers your flare-ups.

Always take note of the things that may trigger your eczema problems. The best way to control these instances in a safe and fairly easy manner is to be on a healthy diet. It is also best to stay in a clean, relaxing and safe environment that wont cause you any stress that may worsen your condition.

Eczema Treatment for Kids Keeping the Skin Moisturized

As a parent, its extremely difficult to see your kid having to put up with the symptoms of eczema. This is where you need to make the most out of an eczema treatment. Your kid needs relief from his or her skins inflammation, scaling and itching the nasty symptoms of this skin disease.

The best way to help your kid from going through these symptoms is to know what triggers them. There are triggering factors which aggravate the symptoms or cause flare ups; being able to point them out and prevent them from causing flare ups do more to your kid with eczema than alleviating the symptoms when they are already there. Some of the known triggering factors may include exposure to: detergents, shampoos, dust mites, extremes in temperature, wool, polyester and others. Of course each kid afflicted with eczema may have other substances that their skin condition is reactive to, resulting to flare ups.

However, its not at all times that you can prevent your kids from coming in contact with such triggering factors. With this the case, its best to maintain your kids skin well-moisturized. Skin dryness makes his or her eczematous skin even itchier. Read on to get some important pointers on how to keep your kids skin well-moisturized.

It is recommended to give your kid a bath rather than as shower. Water from the shower head brushing against the eczematous skin will only irritate it. Many doctors advise giving your kid a bath daily for at least 10 minutes lukewarm water never hot water. Hot water will only aggravate the dryness of the skin. Do not shampoo his or her hair in the bath tub; its best to do the shampooing prior to soaking your kid in bath water. This is because some of the ingredients in the shampoo may irritate the skin. Use a mild, unscented moisturizing soap. When it comes to drying, pat the skin gently with towel and never rub it, especially on the affected areas.

Within 2-3 minutes after you give your kid afflicted with eczema a bath, you should moisturize the skin. Like mentioned earlier, itchiness is triggered by skin dryness. Immediately after bathing, do not expose your kid to flowing air because it will hasten water evaporation on the skin, resulting to dryness. There are many types of moisturizers you may use on your kids eczematous skin. Some of them are even formulated especially for the skin disease. However, a greasy ointment works best in moisturizing the skin. It takes a few trials to find one moisturizer that your kids eczema does not react to negatively. Its recommended to reapply moisturizers at least 2-3 times throughout the day.

During winter time, when the air is cold and dry, you must apply a more generous amount of moisturizer on your kids skin. Also, try to not expose affected areas to the frigid air to delay skin drying. During summer time, sweating also contributes to the worsening of the symptoms. It is best to have your kid stay mostly indoors, if possible. If your house has air conditioning, you should make sure that the skin is kept moisturized at all times. Also, you should install a humidifier.

Eczema treatment and prevention of flare ups is not at all that tricky, if you know the culprit. Just remember, the best way to minimize itching of the eczematous skin of your child is to prevent it from drying.

Eczema Treatment Different Methods

There are many things you can do to keep eczema under control. Prevention of flare ups is your first line of defense in eczema treatment. Although there is not much your doctor can do to actually cure the skin disease, because there is no known cure for it today, however, he or she can prescribe certain treatments or medications which can help relieve the symptoms.

Corticosteroid Creams

For milder cases, there are over-the-counter creams and ointments containing corticosteroids. But for moderate to severe cases, you will need a doctors prescription of a stronger variant. For many years now, corticosteroids a class of steroid hormones produced by the body for stress, immune and inflammatory responses have been a staple treatment for eczema. If the condition does not respond to topical corticosteroids successfully, your doctor may prescribe corticosteroids taken orally or injected into the blood stream.

Topical Immunomodulators

Because of the side effects brought about by corticosteroids in the treatment of eczema, it was necessary for experts to look for an alternative treatment for the skin disease. Topical immunomodulators do not contain corticosteroids, so corticosteroids-related side effects such as thinning of the skin, dilatation of blood vessels, formation of stretch marks and infections are averted. They work by changing some of the functions of your bodys immune system so that inflammation of the eczematous skin is managed properly. But topical immunomodulators are mostly recommended for a short-term treatment course, application only on skin areas affected by eczema, and not intended to be used on children below 2 years of age or those who are immunocompromised.

Oral Antihistamines

Ask anyone afflicted with eczema and he or she will tell you that skin itching may just be the worst symptom to put up with. Scratching the eczematous skin will not help in fact it will only aggravate the situation by making the inflammation and the itchiness itself even worse. This is where oral antihistamines come to the rescue. Antihistamines are commonly used for the control of allergies; they work by suppressing the action of histamines, which is produced by your body as part of its natural defenses. Oral antihistamines will help relieve itching and can be very useful during night time to help you get some sleep despite of the symptom.

Ultraviolet Light Therapy

Ultraviolet light therapy is often employed for the treatment of various skin conditions such as psoriasis, vitiligo and eczema. The person afflicted with eczema is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light for a certain amount of time, and is usually as part of a total treatment course. Depending on the severity of the case, most patients require 20-30 sessions to see results.

For self-care treatment, moisturizing the eczematous skin well will greatly help in keeping the symptoms at bay especially itching. Itchiness is achieved when the affected skin gets dry. That is why anyone afflicted with the skin disease is recommended to apply moisturizers 2-3 times a day or even more, depending on certain factors such as the weather. There are a wide variety of moisturizers which you may use.

Usually they are in the form of lotions, ointments, creams and foams. You may also find some moisturizers containing extracts of herbs that are proven effective in relieving inflammation and itchiness. Aloe gel, chamomile, rosemary, witch hazel and walnut leaf extracts are some of the commonly known additives for moisturizers effective for eczema treatment.