Acne – Possible Link to MRSA

There is growing evidence that the major cause of MRSA is the inappropriate over prescribing of antibiotics by general practitioners. This is not news and it is common knowledge that most infections are viral and do not require antibiotics.

Also it is well known that antibiotics upset gut bacteria and lead to overgrowth of the intestinal tract with fungi such as Candida which is present in everyones guts, but normally kept in check by the probiotic bacteria surrounding it and which also produce chemicals to keep it in check. Antibiotic use can reduce the probiotic bacteria and allow the fungus to grow which over time can lead to inflammation and misdiagnosis of IBS later in life and open another chapter in prescribing.

A downward spiral we dont want to promote. Candida overgrowth and dysbiotic guts probably affect millions of 20 something’s who have just had years of antibiotics for acne, or million of 40 somethings who have been put on antibiotics for rosacea. We have clever ways of restoring the normal bacterial balance and reducing Candida without harsh antifungals.

However the use of antibiotics for skin infections such as acne and rosacea often at low doses and often for 3 to 6 months at a time is possibly a cause of MRSA in some patients (multi resistant Staphylococcus aureus) in hospitals.

It doesn’t matter whether oral or cream antibiotics are used they cause the same problem. In acne if you have many blocked pores (pilo sebaceous ducts) then the anaerobic bacteria propiobacterium acnes can start to colonise the area under the plug and cause inflammation and damage. This bacterium only survives in normal skin at very low levels as it likes to live in an environment where there is little or no oxygen. When you create a blockage as with acne, you create the environment for acnes. So antibiotics can help to reduce it, but they also hit other friendly skin bacteria and herein lies the problem.

Staphylococcus epidermidis lives on our skin and helps keep other nasty bacteria away. It likes an oxygen rich environment. The same antibiotics that reduce acnes often hit the staphylococcus epidermidis as well.

Now Staphylococcus epidermidis is related to Staphylococcus aureus. It lives inside the body and staphylococcus epidermidis lives on the skin. They meet at places such as the nose and other entrances into the body. They can pass information to each other through the use of things called plasmids and it is highly likely information for developing resistance is transferred.

Hey presto we have started the super bug development. The acne sufferer ends up in hospital for an operation. They get a wound infection either from their own bacteria but also through other bugs already there. S.aureus is a typical bacterium that infects wounds. The antibiotics used for wound infections are often the same or similar to the one that has been used for the patients acne, and it is not surprising they find the antibiotics dont work as the bugs are already resistant. This resistant strain becomes the dominant resident s.aureus in the hospital and is extremely difficult to remove and can go on to infect many other patients.

Using a product such as Aknicare which has 4 antibacterial agents which control p.acnes by changing conditions in the area under the plug rather than directly destroying it means you can prevent damage and inflammation without breeding resistant bugs. Aknicare can reduce p.acnes and all the other key causes of an acneic skin, such as inflammation, oil production, cell turnover all without breeding resistant bugs.

As a final thought the main treatment for rosacea recommended is rosex creams and gels. Rosex contains the antibiotic metronidazole. Rosacea patients often use it for months and years.

It works in a few. Metronidazole is also a powerful antioxidant and it is these properties that help with rosacea symptoms, not the antibiotic properties. Rosacea is not caused by bacteria. It is a sobering thought that the antibiotic most used in theatre to prevent infections during and shortly after surgery is metronidazole. Imagine if you had been using it for months or years before that operation.

Acne – Possible Link to MRSA

There is growing evidence that the major cause of MRSA is the inappropriate over prescribing of antibiotics by general practitioners. This is not news and it is common knowledge that most infections are viral and do not require antibiotics.

Also it is well known that antibiotics upset gut bacteria and lead to overgrowth of the intestinal tract with fungi such as Candida which is present in everyones guts, but normally kept in check by the probiotic bacteria surrounding it and which also produce chemicals to keep it in check. Antibiotic use can reduce the probiotic bacteria and allow the fungus to grow which over time can lead to inflammation and misdiagnosis of IBS later in life and open another chapter in prescribing.

A downward spiral we dont want to promote. Candida overgrowth and dysbiotic guts probably affect millions of 20 something’s who have just had years of antibiotics for acne, or million of 40 somethings who have been put on antibiotics for rosacea. We have clever ways of restoring the normal bacterial balance and reducing Candida without harsh antifungals.

However the use of antibiotics for skin infections such as acne and rosacea often at low doses and often for 3 to 6 months at a time is possibly a cause of MRSA in some patients (multi resistant Staphylococcus aureus) in hospitals.

It doesn’t matter whether oral or cream antibiotics are used they cause the same problem. In acne if you have many blocked pores (pilo sebaceous ducts) then the anaerobic bacteria propiobacterium acnes can start to colonise the area under the plug and cause inflammation and damage. This bacterium only survives in normal skin at very low levels as it likes to live in an environment where there is little or no oxygen. When you create a blockage as with acne, you create the environment for acnes. So antibiotics can help to reduce it, but they also hit other friendly skin bacteria and herein lies the problem.

Staphylococcus epidermidis lives on our skin and helps keep other nasty bacteria away. It likes an oxygen rich environment. The same antibiotics that reduce acnes often hit the staphylococcus epidermidis as well.

Now Staphylococcus epidermidis is related to Staphylococcus aureus. It lives inside the body and staphylococcus epidermidis lives on the skin. They meet at places such as the nose and other entrances into the body. They can pass information to each other through the use of things called plasmids and it is highly likely information for developing resistance is transferred.

Hey presto we have started the super bug development. The acne sufferer ends up in hospital for an operation. They get a wound infection either from their own bacteria but also through other bugs already there. S.aureus is a typical bacterium that infects wounds. The antibiotics used for wound infections are often the same or similar to the one that has been used for the patients acne, and it is not surprising they find the antibiotics dont work as the bugs are already resistant. This resistant strain becomes the dominant resident s.aureus in the hospital and is extremely difficult to remove and can go on to infect many other patients.

Using a product such as Aknicare which has 4 antibacterial agents which control p.acnes by changing conditions in the area under the plug rather than directly destroying it means you can prevent damage and inflammation without breeding resistant bugs. Aknicare can reduce p.acnes and all the other key causes of an acneic skin, such as inflammation, oil production, cell turnover all without breeding resistant bugs.

As a final thought the main treatment for rosacea recommended is rosex creams and gels. Rosex contains the antibiotic metronidazole. Rosacea patients often use it for months and years.

It works in a few. Metronidazole is also a powerful antioxidant and it is these properties that help with rosacea symptoms, not the antibiotic properties. Rosacea is not caused by bacteria. It is a sobering thought that the antibiotic most used in theatre to prevent infections during and shortly after surgery is metronidazole. Imagine if you had been using it for months or years before that operation.

Exercise Therapy For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Many doctors and specialists consider exercise as an important and effective treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. People with chronic fatigue syndrome are trapped in a downward spiral. They suffer from extreme exhaustion and muscle pains, thus the need to have as much rest as possible. However, having too much rest leads to a sedentary lifestyle which has several detrimental effects to the body. Decreased physical activity leads to muscle wasting and loss of bone mass. But regular exercise can help stop that downward trend and replace it with more positive cycle.

Exercise has a number of benefits. Starting a regular exercise routine leads to increased performance and strengthened muscles. This, in turn results to a more optimistic outlook. Research has also revealed that exercise helps combat anxiety and depression. This may be the result of a combination of the release of endorphins (the body’s natural pain killers) and the sense of fulfillment at being able to improve the body’s functions. Exercise also helps strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome should first consult their doctor to determine if they are fit and ready to perform strenuous physical activities such as exercise. To embark on an exercise program without ascertaining if the patient is ready for it can be very dangerous. A patient should first get the approval of his/her doctor before attempting any form of strenuous exercise.

They can then start with gentle exercise routines that will be slowly and gradually increased in intensity and frequency. A physical therapist can also be hired to develop an exercise program that is custom-fit for the patient and his particular condition.

Some good exercise routines for people with chronic fatigue syndrome include swimming, walking, aerobic exercises, rowing machine, and riding a stationary bike. Activities that worsen fatigue and the other symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome should be avoided. These include weightlifting, playing basketball, etc. Meanwhile, stretching and other relaxation exercises such as yoga, tai chi, breathing exercises and more are helpful in stimulating lymph flow and producing a sense of well-being in the patient without overexertion.

For an exercise program to be effective, it should become a regular activity. Ideally, a person should exercise daily. When starting an exercise program, the duration and frequency can be as little as five minutes per day or even less. Every week, the duration can be increased by increments of several minutes. The patient can progress from five minutes to a full hour or more of exercise per day within a few months.

The patient must exercise caution at all times to prevent overexertion, which can lead to worsening of the symptoms of chronic fatigue. Overdoing exercise when the patient isn’t feeling well can lead to an overall performance decline. If the patient overexerts himself, this will inevitably result to several days of muscle pain, which necessitates rest. When this happens, the patient might relapse into that downward trend of non-activity and sedentary lifestyle.

Recent studies have revealed that people with chronic fatigue syndrome have a rather distorted perception of muscular activity. They might not be able to determine how much exercise they have already done or when it is time to stop and rest.

If the goal of exercise is to regain muscle strength, it is very important to get the advice and approval of a doctor or specialist before starting on an exercise program.

Feel More Secure and Confident with Essential Oils

Feelings of insecurity can plague any normal person. The low self esteem that accompanies insecurity can lead to depression, social anxiety, and it can create a downward spiral of negative emotions that needs to be relieved. Although insecurity is hard to control, you can help fight back with essential oils in aromatherapy. Some people rely on relief by using drugs or unsafe chemicals with unknown side effects. The powerful solution to depression and insecurity is a natural and safe way to combat the emotional ups and downs that come with insecurity.

The essential oils in aromatherapy can help you with the lack of security. Insecurity can come from a variety of places. Work, school, or even your home life can cause stress and anxiety that can lead to insecurities. Having a bad time at work can contribute a lot to insecurities. Losing your job or feeling a lack of confidence can inhibit your ability to find a new job or keep your current one. Using aromatherapy in the office can help you regain your self confidence and rid your mind from negative thoughts.

A bad relationship and a breakup of a marriage are other ways that bring out insecurities in people. The breakup of a marriage is especially hard on a persons emotions. It usually ends with at least one person finding themselves in a horrible depressed state of mind. Essential oils help you remove the bad thoughts, they give you a feeling of happiness, and they will help balance your emotions when they otherwise feel out of control.

A lot of insecurity issues can come from a variety of changes that are out of your control. Long time relationships that end abruptly can cause a stable person to start to feel insecure. If you have issues at work where your environment constantly changes, it can cause a tremendous amount of insecurity, depression, anxiety, and other emotional issues. It can affect your job and cause you to have emotional issues that can lead to your termination.

The following essential oils can help you combat those helpless feelings of insecurity. You can use each of them separately for their individual benefits. Using them in combination creates a powerful solution for the depression and anxiety issues that contribute to insecurities. Frankincense and Sandalwood are two great essential oils to help you prevent depression and fight off insecurities.


Frankincense is a rejuvenating essential oil that will make you feel refreshed and balanced almost immediately. It is an exotic fragrance that is extracted from special bushes that are native to Africa. It has been used for thousands of years as a relaxing fragrance included as part of religious ceremonies. It is also used as an essential oil that aids in meditation. While relaxing, it also aids in uplifting and improving your mood.

Sandalwood Agmark

Sandalwood Agmark is an effectively sensual and soothing essential oil. It helps relax your aching muscles and soothes your mind from the anxiety and depression from a hectic day. Coupled with Frankincense, the essential oil can aid in relieving your mind from the insecurities that can affect your spirit, body, and mind.

Use these essential oils together to help fight your insecurities and balance your emotions. With just a few drops a day, your mood will increase almost instantly.


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