The Latest In Skin Care Treatments

With people all worried about their appearances, the skin care treatment industry has become a worldwide moneymaker, earning billions of dollars each year from people across all demographics.


This is one of the most popular surgical and laser treatment in the country. It improves the skin tone of the body and brings back its luster. Microdermabrasion also helps in getting rid of superficial scars from acne.

For some, a total of six peelings are needed to achieve the best results. Others can get away with less depending on the condition of the skin. Often the procedure is done every one to two weeks. It makes use of aluminum crystals that create a micro-dermabrasion effect that helps peel the skin.

Although the skin is the most common area treated by the procedure, it is also done on the neck, chest, arms, hands or any area that are damaged by the sun. It is also used for skins with irregular pigmentation such as sun spots and melasma; those with irregular and rough skin; and even those with some wrinkles and stretch marks.

Effects of the procedure is said to better than those seen in glycolic acid peels. Another advantage is the longer healing and recovery time compared to other procedures. There is also a shorter treatment time as well very minimal discomfort. It is also said to be very safe for all skin types as well as all races.

Although it is less expensive, it can be expensive on the long run as it requires multiple treatments. So, before having yourself treated, make sure that you have already determined the total cost.


This is another skin treatment in the country. Through the use of laser or broadband light, mild acne scarring can be improved by causing a new layer of collagen to form on the skin. Often, this procedure will require five to six treatments that are performed every three to four weeks.

Scar Revision

This is a surgical procedure conducted to remove acne scars, especially the ice pick and box cars, which are pretty deep. An excision is made during the procedure through a punch. This hole is then closed with sutures that are often about seven days later.

Another technique used in this procedure is the subcision, which uses a sharp instrument to undercut the scar being treated.

Laser Treatments

Other forms of skin treatments are the Laser resurfacing (CO2 laser, Erbium Yag laser);
Pulsed dye laser and Laser skin resurfacing.

You Can Help Eliminate Arthritis

You Can Help Eliminate Arthritis
Roger Carr

Are you aware that today over 66 million people have arthritis
or chronic joint pain? On average, that is approximately one in
three people that are suffering from arthritis at this moment.
That is almost as large as the population of Virginia…times 10!

Do you think the chronic joint pain caused by arthritis is
reserved for the elderly? It isn’t limited to those that are
older. Arthritis affects all ages. There are nearly 300,000
children in America with some form of arthritis or rheumatic

If you happen to be one of the fortunate who is not currently
suffering from arthritis, don’t think it is not affecting you.
Arthritis costs the U.S. economy $86.2 billion annually. That is
not a mistake. The cost to our country is in the billions of
dollars each year.

I know several people whose lives are impacted by arthritis and
related diseases. My wife is one of those. Kim continually
experiences joint pain due to arthritis and lupus. She takes
medications daily and frequently visits doctors and physical
therapists to cope with the hurting. Surgeries have also taken
place in the past.

Do you know someone with arthritis? You might be surprised at
what he or she has to go through to deal with the hurting. You
might also be surprised at the limits it places on daily living.

I decided to make a difference. I became a volunteer for the
Arthritis Foundation. They are the only national not-for-profit
organization that supports the more than 100 types of arthritis
and related conditions with advocacy, programs, services and
research. They partner with organizations to offer exercise
programs and courses specifically for those affected by
arthritis. They offer these programs in my own hometown of
Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Each year the Arthritis Foundation holds walks across the
country to raise funds and awareness. My team, the Pain Killers,
participated in the Fredericksburg Arthritis Walk this past May.
We helped raise more than $33,000.00 in Fredericksburg for the
Arthritis Foundation. I now have the honor of being selected as
the chairperson for the 2006 Fredericksburg Arthritis Walk.

I encourage you to honor that person you know with arthritis by
helping with the Arthritis Walk in your area. Get your friends
and coworkers involved as well. There are many ways to get
involved. You will make new friends and have fun while working
to eliminate the #1 cause of disability.

About the author:
To learn more about arthritis and to find an Arthritis Walk in
your area go to or call 404-872-7100.
To join or donate to Team Pain Killers go to
50101&g=1161782. Roger Carr is the founder of Everyday Giving
( and a volunteer with the
Arthritis Foundation, Virginia Chapter.

What Is Arthritis?

What Is Arthritis?
Michael Russell

Arthritis is probably one of the most misunderstood of all diseases.
Quite honestly if you ask the average person in the street exactly what
arthritis is you won’t get an answer that’s even close. All they know is
that something hurts but don’t have a clue as to exactly what or why.
Before I go into the types and causes of arthritis I’m just going to throw
some facts at you. All of this can be gotten at the official web site if you
look hard enough for it.
1. In 1985 about 35 million people were diagnosed with arthritis.
Twenty years later the number is up to over 65 million.
2. Arthritis is the most common disability of Americans over the age of
15. Yes, young people can get arthritis.
3. Only heart disease is a greater cause of work disability.
4. The cost for treating arthritis in the US alone is over 86 billion
dollars each year.
5. Over 300,000 children have arthritis.
6. Half the people who have arthritis think there is nothing that can be
done for the condition.
7. There are actually over 100 different diseases associated with
8. Woman are more affected than men. The current numbers are 26
million women and 16 million men with doctor diagnosed arthritis.
How many of us knew all this? I certainly didn’t until doing some
research. Oh I knew about the poor lady in my church who’s about to
go in for knee replacement surgery and lives on pain killers. But I had
no idea this disease was this common.
So what IS arthritis?
A book can be written on the various forms of arthritis but the most
common MYTH of what arthritis is, aches and pains associated with
getting older, needs to be dispelled with quickly if people are going to
understand the disease. As I stated earlier, arthritis has nothing to do
with age as many children get it. Yes, it is more prevalent in older
people but it is not restricted to the elderly. Arthritis is a disease of the
skeletal system, mostly the joints which is where two or more bones
meet. Joint problems include pain, stiffness, inflammation, and
damage to the joint cartilage, which is the tough, smooth tissue that
covers the ends of the bones so that they can glide against each
other. It is the deterioration of this tissue that causes the pain because
what happens is you get bone rubbing against bone. The pain can
become so bad that it can interfere with everyday activities such as
walking or even trying to stand up from a chair.
However this is only one form of arthritis and only part of the problem.
Some forms of arthritis, called Rheumatoid arthritis effects the body’s
immune system and can ultimately end up damaging the heart,
lungs, kidneys, blood vessels and skin.
This is the most serious form of arthritis.
In my next article I am going to cover various treatments for arthritis
and their side effects.

About the Author
Michael Russell provides an online guide to arthritis which includes useful articles and resources for humans and pets.