Stages of Alzheimer’s

Medical science has determined a lot of things through the years. It has discovered various diseases and its causes. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of unknowns. Doctors are unable to determine the cause of cancer, the cure for AIDS and even something that called Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s is considered to be a disorder that will affect one’s mental and physical state. It normally happens to people 65 years of age and above that can affect anyone regardless of sex.

There are seven known stages for this type of disorder and it only gets worse as time goes by.

In the first stage, the individual and those around will not notice anything wrong. The person may forget a thing or two, which everyone experiences so there is no cause for alarm yet.

During the second stage, the person may already feel something wrong as this memory lapses happen more frequently. Again, there is no need yet to be alarmed because people tend to forget things due to aging.

The third stage is the time when someone can be suspected of having this disease. The person will falter at work or be unable to accomplish some simple tasks and people will take notice of these changes.

In the fourth stage, the individual can no longer handle certain activities and will require the assistance of those around to accomplish it.

The fifth stage is what doctors describe to be moderate Alzheimer’s disease. The individual will not only forget other people but also be unable to recall certain facts about oneself. There will also be periods of disorientation.

In the sixth stage better known as moderately severe Alzheimer’s, there will already mood swings. The patient may be happy and in the next minute appear hostile to those around. There will also be fecal and urinary incontinence just like a baby who is not yet toilet trained.

The seventh and final stage is called severe Alzheimer’s. The individual will not be able to speak much and do anything anymore. The patient will probably just stare into space so there will be times that those around will have to carry and force feed to be able to stay alive.

Alzheimer’s disease happens gradually. The only thing people can do is slow down the process before it gets to the succeeding stage by using drugs and giving proper care to the patient.

As the patient’s condition gets worse, the person is no longer treated as a human being by merely as a subject with the disorder. This shouldn’t be the case given that the individual at point in life accomplished a lot of things and never wanted this to happen in the end.

There are more than four million people in the United States that are diagnosed with this disorder. This number will definitely grow in the years to come as more and more Americans will reach the retirement age.

Those who have family members who are suffering from this disease should learn about the various stages to be able to understand what the patient is going through to give the proper help.

There are books and other information on the web as well as support groups since this disease affects not only the patient but also those who have to live with it.

The Foods to Avoid that Causes Acid Reflux

Problems in the digestive system should not be neglected. There are different possible digestive system disorders or diseases that are most often neglected by many people. The most common digestive problem is the acid reflux or gastro-esophageal reflux disease, mostly known as heartburn. Acid reflux affects different ages from infants to young children and adults as well. This disorder should be given special attention because it can lead to a more serious problem that could affect the respiratory system.

Acid reflux is determined through the symptoms associated with it. Symptoms such as a burning sensation in the chest or throat, wheezing, hoarseness or other symptoms associated to it should never be neglected because these symptoms of acid reflux also are similar to heart attack.

An individual with these symptoms should immediately consult a doctor to determine if they have acid reflux disease or symptoms of a heart attack. Once the doctor has diagnosed the individual with acid reflux, they should take proper medications to aid in this condition to prevent further problems.

Fortunately, advancements in medical treatment have been introduced lately, making it possible for individuals with acid reflux to undergo medical surgery, as such, providing a permanent remedy for acid reflux in a fast surgical procedure. On the other hand, acid reflux surgery can be quite expensive; therefore, natural remedies to rid of the problem are an option for those individuals unable to have surgery.

As most people know, acid reflux or heartburn can occur at anytime but are likely to occur after having a heavy meal with high acidic foods. As such, individuals should avoid foods that are highly acidic to prevent this condition to occur. Even fried and fatty foods should be avoided. These sorts of foods can lead to more severe symptoms that could affect the respiratory system. Even chocolates are considered a no-no for individuals with acid reflux because chocolates are highly acidic too.

If you have been diagnosed with acid reflux, try changing your diet by choosing the right foods and eating healthy. Exclude foods with tomatoes and citrus fruits because tomatoes and citrus fruits are very acidic as well. Also, food with spices such as garlic, onions, red or black pepper and chili powder can cause the condition to flare. Ginger, however, is a natural remedy used to relieve heartburn.

Here are some foods that should be avoided by individuals with acid reflux. Fatty foods like hamburgers and hotdogs is one of the risks in triggering this painful condition. Certain vegetables like cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, and broccoli causes acid reflux also. Most of all, avoid caffeine found in teas, coffee and sodas. Caffeine causes acid gastric secretion that can lead to the problem.

There are other ways to aid the elimination of acid reflux that does not involve eating, this is done by limiting your food intake. Usually, heavy meals in one time can cause acid reflux than eating small portions of foods in every meal. Eating heavy meals can result in stomach problems due to foods unable to breakdown properly for stomach consumption, therefore causing acid reflux.

Acid reflux is a condition that needs attention. It can lead to worse conditions if unattended. Individuals should take preventive measures to avoid possible occurrences of acid reflux, whereas, avoiding also the foods that causes acid reflux in an individual to happen. Learn to diagnose the problem caused by acid reflux and take preventive measures in avoiding possible occurrences of this disorder by avoiding possible foods that can cause acid reflux.


Massage therapy is a broad term that encompasses a wide variety of procedures and methods of pressing, rubbing and manipulating muscles and other soft body tissues such as tendons, ligaments, skin and connective tissues. The main objective of massage therapy is to relax the soft tissues while promoting an increased delivery of blood and oxygen to the areas being massages and, therefore, to decrease tightness and pain. Massage therapy is most often accomplished by utilizing the massage therapists fingers, hands, arms, elbows and/or feet. Occasionally, however, mechanical and electronic devices may be also used.

As a matter of fact, there are more than eighty official types of massage therapy treatments but some of the most widely known are the following:

* The Deep Tissue Massage. This technique uses a combination of strokes and deep finger pressure applied way down under the skin and into the muscles at the painful sites in order to breakup knots and loosen tightness.

* The Trigger Point Massage. This procedure is also known as the Pressure Point Massage and it is more focused on specific myofascial trigger points with a stronger force than the Deep Tissue Massage. The goal here is to dissolve the painful knots that were formed in the muscles as well as to relieve additional symptoms in more remote areas of the body.

* The Swedish Massage. This system utilizes oblong smooth strokes, kneading and friction of the muscles as well as movement of the joints to increase their range of motion and flexibility.

* The Shiatsu Massage. Using altering rhythmic pressure, tapping, squeezing and rubbing along the meridian and on various other parts of the body, the main objective of this Eastern massage therapy is to enhance the flow of a fundamentally important energy called gi. And this energy, in the ancient Chinese medicine is believed to be the life force that regulates a persons spiritual, emotional, mental and physical wellness that is easily affected when subjected to the rival forces of yin and yang.

Whether the four most often practiced massage therapies I mentioned above are used as complimentary alternative medicine (also known as CAM) or any one of the other recognized eighty which are available to a lesser or greater extent, there are important points to be considered:

* No massage therapy should ever be used in place of regular or ongoing medical care.

* Massage therapy should not be the cause or the excuse to postpone visiting a medical professional for existing medical issues.

* The massage therapists schooling and credentials must be verified as well as his or her experience with specific health and medical conditions.
* Any additional complimentary alternative medicine (CAM) such as herbs, supplements, special diets or other treatments which are suggested by the massage therapist must first be reviewed with a medical professional.

* Although the subject of massage therapy (how it works and why) has been studied for many years and continues to be studies, much of it still remains within the realm of a mystery.

* If and when massage therapy is performed by a well training and experienced professional, few risks are involved and the worst of them may be temporary pain or discomfort, bruising, swelling or an allergic reaction to the massage oils. The small number of serious injuries which have been reported were triggered by untrained hands that were not aware that certain medical conditions should not be massaged. It is, therefore, essential to consult a medical professional before undergoing massage therapy, particularly under the following circumstances:

* Deep vein thrombosis
* A bleeding disorder or when taking blood thinners
* Damaged blood vessels
* Weakened bones from osteoporosis, a recent fracture or cancer
* The presence of high body temperature
* Open or healing wounds, tumors, damaged nerves, an infection, a severe inflammation or fragile skin
* Pregnancy
* Heart problems
* Dermatomyositis or any other skin disease
* History of physical abuse


* (Word Count 662)

Panic Attacks Out With the Myths

Misinformation does not only create vague pictures of a condition but will also likely cause people to believe things that do not actually exist. Among those conditions that typically receive serious amounts of myths are psychological and behavioral disorders, partly because psychological conditions are often hard to understand and seem mysterious. In this article, we would try to debug the myths of one of the more common behavioral conditionspanic attacks.

People with panic attacks are crazy. Crazy is never a good term for people with psychological conditions and people with panic attacks are hardly crazy. They may seem deranged and a bit psychotic for some people when they experience attacks of panic and terror but this does not suggest that they are.

As if to add to the insult, people with panic attacks are sometimes perceived to have schizophrenia, the most advanced form of psychosis which is marked by severe auditory and visual hallucination as well as aggravated delusions and dysfunctional thoughts. Clearly, there is no relationship between people who feel like they are “going crazy” when undergoing attacks and people who have advanced (and even minor) psychological conditions.

People with panic attacks lose control. Wrong. Panic attacks do not rob a person his sense of control. While a person’s thoughts may seem distorted for a while during attacks due to physical symptoms that lend themselves towards this possibility such as shortness of breath and heart attack-like symptoms, this does not mean that the person is losing grip of the reality. Anxiety which normally accompanies panic attacks is a body’s way to tell you that something is going wrong. Since this is a defense mechanism, it is not dangerous to anyone, not even the person undergoing the panic attack.

It is good to remember that panic attack happens only in the mind, it may, in fact, be unnoticeable for people surrounding the person during the attack. What exacerbates the attack is the person’s conscious thought that it could cause embarrassment or harm to other people. It is the sense of losing control of one’s self that makes the condition worse, a thought that is manufactured in the brain, never the total lack of sense of control.

People with panic attacks have chronic heart disorders. While this may be partly true due to the link between mitral valve prolapse and panic attacks, this does not make the assertion entirely valid. People have good reasons to believe that they are having heart attacks or heart failures when they experience episodes of panic attacks since some of the symptoms of both conditions are similar. But such symptoms are perfectly rational when seen from the viewpoint of elevated fear.

For example, people subjected under conditions that stimulate fear experience tightening of the chest, faster heart beat, profuse perspiration, shortness of breath and increased respiration. All these signs are also symptoms of heart attacks which make it easy for most people to believe that instead of having a disorder of the mind, they are having dysfunctional hearts. But then again, similarity in symptoms does not make two completely different conditions alike.

Myths often offer a semblance of the reality that is not hard to believe in. But do not be fooled. Knowing what is the exact truth and not the half lies may serve you well when dealing with conditions that root from and are aggravated by thoughts.