A Look At Arthritis: America’s Leading Cause of Disability

A Look At Arthritis: America’s Leading Cause of Disability
Larry Denton

The word arthritis literally means joint inflammation, but it is often used to refer to a group of more than 100 rheumatic diseases that cause pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints. The most common are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and gout. Most forms of arthritis are associated with pain that can be divided into two categories: acute and chronic. Acute pain is temporary. It can last a few seconds or a few minutes but diminishes as healing occurs. Acute pain is associated with burns, cuts and fractures. Chronic pain, such as that felt by people with arthritis, ranges from mild to severe and can last days, months, years or even a lifetime. Osteoarthritis is one of the most frequent causes of physical disability among adults. More than 20 million people in the United States, alone, have the disease. By 2030, according the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 20 percent of all Americans–about 70 million people–will have passed their 65th birthday and will be at a higher risk of osteoarthritis. Arthritis limits the everyday activity of 8 million Americans, and this disability creates huge burdens for the individuals, their families, and the nation as a whole. Each year, arthritis results in 9,500 deaths and 750,000 hospitalizations. According to the National Center for Chronic Disease Control, in 1997, medical care for arthritis (in the U.S.) was $51 billion. This disease affects each person quite differently. In some people it progresses quickly and in others the symptoms are much more serious and painful. Medical practitioners do not yet know what causes arthritis, but they suspect a combination of factors including: being overweight, the aging process, family history, joint injury, and stresses on the joints from work or sporting activities.There is no single treatment that applies to everyone who suffers from arthritis. With your personal input, a medical specialist will develop a management and treatment plan designed to minimize your specific pain and improve the function of your joints. A number of treatments can provide short-term relief. They include: medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, the use of hot and cold packs, using a splint or a brace to protect painful joints, or perhaps using muscle-relaxing massages.In the long-term, pain relief may be found with: new drugs, called biological response modifiers, which reduce inflammation in the joints; corticosteroids such as Prednisone; weight reduction; dietary changes; exercise (swimming, walking and low-impact aerobic exercise); and even surgery to replace a joint that has badly deteriorated. In some instances, nutritional supplements may be helpful. The long-term goal of pain management is to help you cope with this chronic, often disabling disease. You may be caught in a cycle of pain, depression, and stress. To break this cycle, you need to be an active participant in managing your pain. The role you play in planning your treatment is very important. You and your health care providers must work together closely to develop a personalized and effective treatment program. Research has shown that patients who are well informed and participate actively in their own care, experience less pain, make fewer visits to the doctor and lead a much more enjoyable life. About the Author
Larry Denton is a retired history teacher having taught 33 years at Hobson High in Hobson, Montana. He is currently Vice President of Elfin Enterprises, Inc. a business dedicated to providing information and resources on a variety of topics. For an therapy room full of information and valuable resources to assist you in dealing with arthritis, visit http://www.ArthritisAide.com

Your Diet, Nutrition, and Arthritis

Your Diet, Nutrition, and Arthritis
Lee Dobbins

Arthritis symptoms often come and go without warning so it is
hard to attribute the addition or elimination of certain foods
to the relief or onset of symptoms. But studies show that adding
foods rich in certain nutrients, while eliminating some other
foods, can help relieve some symptoms of arthritis. If you have
arthritis, you might want to discuss dietary changes with your
doctor and you may find that you can control your pain with less
drugs and better eating.

Research has shown that a diet that has too many calories can
aggravate RA (rheumatoid arthritis), and 5% of sufferers in a
different study showed a flare-up of symptoms after drinking
milk. In other studies, reducing the intake of fat, red meat and
dairy products is shown to help relieve pain. Some other foods
that are suspected of aggravating your levels of pain include
tomatoes, white potatoes, bell peppers, eggplant, corn, lemons,
grapefruit, wheat, rye, eggs, coffee and sugar.

While limiting some of the foods you eat, you may also be able
to help relieve arthritis symptoms by eating more of certain
foods, or taking supplements. In 1998, Finnish researchers
discovered that the lactobacillus helped improve symptoms of RA.
In this study, mice which were given lactobacillus were found to
be less apt to develop arthritis and their immune systems were
better equipped to handle it in those that did..

Another food that seems to have a beneficial effect on arthritis
pain is fish oil according to a study done in the 1950’s. Fish
oil supplements can be taken but sometimes cause a fishy
aftertaste so why not simply add fish high in Omega 3’s to your
diet? You want to eat cold water fish that are wild and not farm
raised. These fish include mackerel, tuna, salmon, bluefish,
mullet, herring and anchovies.

In a study by the University of Manchester, it was found that
individuals with high levels of beta-cryptoxanthin were 40% less
likely to develop arthritis. Beta-cryptoxanthin can be found in
yellow and orange colored fruits and vegetables and is a key
nutrient in helping your immune system as well as bone and skin
health. Some foods high in this nutrient include winter squash,
peppers and pumpkin as well as papayas, tangerines and

Another vitamin you might want to make sure you get enough of is
vitamin B. Studies have shown that people who have arthritis are
deficient in vitamin B. Although, this could be due to the fact
that taking aspirin depletes the bodies stores of the vitamin..

The antioxidant vitamin C is an important addition to any diet
as they help neutralize free radicals which contribute to tissue
damage as well as disease. In fact, findings show that damaged
knee cartilage cells can release large amounts of free radicals.
According to the study, people who take a lot of vitamin C have
much less risk of damage to their knees. The famous scientist
Dr. Linus Pauling recommends that you take 18 grams of V-C every
day as a preventative measure for arthritis.

Another antioxidant, Vitamin E works in a similar way and
German studies have proven that it also helps to reduce pain.
Vitamin E can be found in whole grains, corn oil, wheat germ,
sunflower seed, and legumes.

A deficiency in Selenium has been shown to cause a particular
type of arthritis – Kashin-Bek disease, but this happens mostly
where the soil is deficient in selenium. Interestingly enough,
sufferers of RA have less selenium in their blood than others.
You can add more selenium to your diet with nuts, Fish, whole
grains, organ meats, and beans.

Some trials have shown that zinc can help reduce swelling and
stiffness. To get more zinc, try eating more cheese, tofu or
oysters or ask your doctor about a supplement. There have been
conflicting results in studies on zinc.

In addition to what you eat, other non pharmaceutical ways to
relive pain from arthritis include exercise, losing weight,
hot-packs, and humor.

About the author:
Lee Dobbins writes for A2z Vitamins
where you can learn more about the role that vitamins play in
your health and well being.


Literally translated from Japanese, Shiatsu means finger pressure and it was incorporated into the Japanese culture approximately 1,500 years ago. Today, the Shiatsu Massage is, in fact, just one out of a large assortment of Japanese massage methods known as Nihon Kaifuku Anma. The Shiatsu Massage is the best known among them all and the one most often used in Japan and elsewhere around the world. It is based on the meridian system passed down from ancient Chinese arts of healing as well as old Japanese teachings. Stated very briefly, meridians are the conduits or energy channels by which gi and blood continually flow through the body. Any interference with this flow of energy translates in an imbalance within the body which leads to an energy that is either depleted (kyoto) or overactive (jitsu) and symptoms of illness and disease occur. There are twelve major meridians which are directly associated with vital internal organs: kidneys, liver, spleen, heart, lungs, pericardium, bladder, gall bladder, stomach, small and large intestines as well as the bodys temperature regulating system. The Yin (negative) meridians flow upwards while the yang (positive) meridians flow downwards.

Also known as acupressure and quite similar to acupuncture in that the same points are used, the Shiatsu Massage is a technique by which the massage therapist applies pressure, tapping, squeezing, stretching and rubbing of the clients body by using his or her thumbs, fingers, palms, knuckles, elbows, knees and feet (not needles as in acupuncture) along the meridians to unclog passages in order to get the gi energy to flow optimally. Being a touch communication and an effective preventive Eastern medicine, the first and foremost goal of the Shiatsu Massage is to refine and perfect the bodys natural functions before health issues appear rather than after. The human body, in the Shiatsu philosophy, is viewed as a microcosmic miniature universe within the entire universe and both are reigned over by the five elements (metal, wood, water, fire, earth) and the yin and the yang. In a healthy state of body and mind, no element is dominant over any other element and that is what is to be strived for.

The Shiatsu Massage is performed while the client is wearing loose clothing of natural fibers and reclining on a floor mat. As the treatment works deeply on the entire being, the physiological, psychological, and the spiritual, a variety of reactive emotions may come to the surface and the client may experience bouts of crying, laughing, joyous exclamations or mere stillness. These are all positive signs that the body is amending old energy patterns.

As one might expect, the benefits of the Shiatsu Massage are many but the most commonly recognized are the following:

* Calming of nervousness as well as reducing mental anxiety and depression.
* Improvement of the blood circulation and, with it, the flow of gi and fresh oxygen.
* Lowering high blood pressure and reducing of stress.
* Relaxing deep muscles and other soft tissues (tendons, ligaments, joints, connective tissue and skin).
* Relieving symptomatic aches and pains (headaches, backaches, stiff or pulled muscles and leg cramps) due to stress, overuse, menopause, constipation and so on and on.
* Improving respiratory and digestive systems.
* Alleviating the symptoms of arthritis,
* Releasing and clearing out metabolic waste and toxins.
* Enhancing the bodys immune system for disease prevention.
* Increasing flexibility and the range of motion.
* Raising mental and spiritual awareness and clarity.
* Promoting the overall feeling of energy, vigor, rejuvenation and wellness.

Have a Shiatsu Massage and thrive.


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In an attempt to understand how and why massage therapy is as effective as it seems to be, scientists and medical researchers from around the world have been studying it for decades. Some characteristics of massage therapy have been conclusively resolved with apparent consensus among the learned scholars, while other characteristics remain as inexplicably mysterious as ever. For instance, they all agree that when a certain amount of pressure is applied to a soft tissue such as a muscle, some changes occur within the affected muscles. They also all tend to agree that massage therapy promotes relaxation and reduces the stress which often leads to deterioration or worsening of certain physiological conditions.

Those characteristics of massage therapy which have not yet been explained by conventional science, gave rise to a number of theories and postulates. You will note that they are all prefaced with the word might to indicate uncertainty as they described possible health benefits of massage therapy:

* Might provide stimulation that may help block pain signals transmitted to the brain and this is called the gate control theory of decreasing or alleviating pain.

* Might promote better health by stimulating the lymphatic system to increase the flow of lymph, which is the secretion that carries disease fighting cells through the body.

* Might re-route the clients nervous system away from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic. In doing so, the fight-or-flight reaction of the sympathetic nervous system with its increased heart and breathing rates along with tightened muscles of distress are shunned in favor of the rest-and-digest reaction of the parasympathetic nervous system with its lowered heart rate, slowed breathing and relaxed muscles.

* Might be instrumental in effecting beneficial changes in the body by preventing fibrosis through the process of breaking up scar-like tissue

* Might arouse the body to discharge chemicals such as serotonin or endorphins which area known to give people the feelings of wellbeing.

* Might improve sleep patterns which is essential to pain control and healing processes.

* Might contribute to the overall mental and physiological health by the intimate interaction between the client and the therapist.

The following are specific cases and their reported benefits whether they are understood or merely observed with bewilderment:

* Students at a New Jersey Medical School who were given massage therapy before an exam displayed less anxiety, lower respiratory rates, a substantial increase in white blood cells and an enhanced immune system.

* Cancer patients at the James Cancer Hospital and Research Institute in Columbus, Ohio experienced less pain and decreased anxiety after receiving massage therapies than those who did not get such treatments.

* Studies at the University of South Carolina show that women who recently lost a child were less depressed after massage therapy.

* The National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that massage therapy improved weight gain in infants who were premature or those who were exposed to HIV. They also determined that massage therapy expedites recovery in patients who had abdominal surgery.

* Researchers at the University of the Miami School of Medicines Touch Research Institute discovered that massage therapy decreases high blood pressure, relieves migraine headaches, and generally increases alertness and performance in the workforce.

* Many additional studies confirm that massage therapy reduces heart rates, lowers blood pressure; increases blood circulation and lymph flow; relaxes stiffened and tense muscles while stimulating weak and inactive muscles to compensate for lack of movement due to an illness or an injury; speeds up the healing process after surgeries, disease and injuries; improves the range of vision; increases endorphins; reduces anxiety, tension, depression, pain and itching in burn patients; and Autistic children exhibit calmer and more predictable behavior.

So, is massage therapy beneficial? Yes! Massage therapy is beneficial on, oh, so many levels. The mechanics of the process may not be clear just yet, but the outcomes are undeniable by anyones standards.


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