How To Live A Healthy Life With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

How To Live A Healthy Life With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Imagine a lifetime of sickness, of perpetual headaches and of endless flu-like illness. Imagine being unable to walk from your bed to the couch because of too much exhaustion. Imagine being locked up in your house, unable to go to work to earn a living. Well, that sums up life for most sufferers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS is a disorder both of the mind and the body. Apart from the symptoms mentioned above, CFS also afflicts the immune system which makes an individual become very sickly. It also affects one’s threshold to physical activities, thus making an individual feel worn out 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Further, it limits a person to very minimal activities which make him incapable of holding a job.

With these realities, it is hard to imagine how one can live a normal, healthy life while suffering from chronic fatigue. But can a normal life materialize if you are continuously bothered by the symptoms of this disease? Most likely yes. Below are some of the things that one can do to limit the negative effects of the disease on yourself and on your life.

Remove the diets that spell disaster – It is easy to sabotage one’s health these days by just following the average American’s sense of food proportions, by consuming too much processed foods and by eating too many flour- and sugar-based foods. Sugar is notorious for killing the diets of Americans and so are flour, transfat, processed foods, etc. These types of foods are accounted for numerous diseases that upset health.

Since these foods take up so much space on the plate, nothing is left for foods with high nutritive values anymore. And for people suffering from CFS, it is crucial to maintain a certain level of nutrition in the body. So always try to eat healthy foods, this would lessen some of the biggest problems concerning your condition such as infection and weakened immune system.

Conquer Chronic Fatigue – If you are a sufferer of CFS, you understand that it is easier to stay in bed than to work around the house when you are seriously exhausted. However, it is important to maintain some form of physical activity. Try not to give in to exhaustion and incorporate activity to your daily life. Eventually, you would be able to exercise without getting too worn out.

Win over the illness mentality – In the face of chronic diseases, it is a lot more convenient to let negative thoughts defeat you. Try to picture a life free from chronic fatigue and try to make that picture your goal. Think that your condition is just a state of mind and changes in thinking would liberate you from the troubles of your disease. If you use this technique, which is actually a sound psychotherapeutic technique called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, you would not only help alleviate the symptoms of your condition but you can also prevent these from bothering you again.

Discover techniques that can treat your condition – Since the cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is yet to be established, you might as well discover one for yourself. There are actually treatment techniques that you can formulate for yourself as bases of your self-care system.

These can be made from careful observation of activities and treatments that you respond well to.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

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Generalized Anxiety Disorder ( GAD ) is characterized by long – spell anxiety, excessive worry, and tension, even though there appears to be no reason to feel this way. This disorder affects about 6. 8 million American adults ( and twice as copious women as men ). The disorder usually develops gradually. It can start at any age but the highest – risk years are between childhood and middle age, a tolerably large time span. Evidence shows that genes flexibility a modest role in GAD.
Those who suffer from GAD will go through the day feeling worried and apprehensive. They often anticipate disaster in even minor situations and are usually overly concerned about various issues such thanks to health, money, household problems, or difficulties at work. It may even be hard taking begun in the morning because of the thought of what lies ahead of them for the day.

If you pride you have been over – worrying about many every – day problems for at least 6 months, you may be diagnosed with GAD. Although you may realize that your concerns are exaggerated, the problem still persists. Not through able to relax, startling easily, having difficulty concentrating are complete symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. Other problems include having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Physical symptoms that often accompany the anxiety include fatigue, headaches, muscle tension, muscle aches, difficulty swallowing, trembling, twitching, irritability, clement, nausea, lightheadedness, having to go to the bathroom frequently, feeling outermost of breath, and hot flashes.

The level of severity of your GAD can vary greatly. If you are diagnozed with a mild occasion, you can function socially for the most part and hold down a job with little difficulty. If your GAD is severe, you can find it difficult even to complete what may seem same the simplest activities.

GAD is usually treated secrete medications and / or psychotherapy. You may benefit most from a combination of the two. It may take some trial and error to discover exactly what treatments work best for you.

Medications include antidepressants like fluoxetine ( Prozac ), paroxetine ( Paxil ), escitalopram ( Lexapro ), sertaline ( Zoloft ), venlafaxine ( Effexor ) and imipramine ( Tofranil ); Buspirone ( BuSpar ); and Benzodiazepines like clonazepam ( Klonopin ), lorazepam ( Ativan ), diazepam ( Valium ), chlordiazepoxide ( Librium ) and alprazolam ( Xanax ). Benzodiazepines are for the most part only used for relieving acute anxiety on a short – term basis ( for example, when you are having an attack ). However, they have a tendency to be addictive and some pretty serious side effects like drowsiness, reduced muscle coordination and impaired report and recognition.

Psychotherapy, often referred to as talk therapy and psychological counseling, deals with trying to work out the underlying life stresses and concerns that may cause your GAD. Once these keep been identified, it is possible to and make behavior changes that can reduce your anxiety. One of the most recognized types of psychotherapy is cognitive behavioral therapy ( CBT ). Basically, short – term cognitive behavioral therapy aims to teach you specific skills that you can then use to identify negative thoughts and behaviors and substitute them with positive ones.

The above information about generalized anxiety disorder does not substitute for medical advice given by a health professional.

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