When to Say That Detox Diet Guide on Cleansing Your

When to Say That Detox Diet Guide on Cleansing Your Body Is Safe

A detox diet may sound very reassuring for it is a fact that toxics are bad for the health of a person. These diets however encourage you to eat foods that are natural which involves lots of veggies and water. Well, you can also add all the stuff that is good for your body. You could even hear news about celebrities having detox diets as well as those people who are subjected to alcohol or drug rehabs and are detoxifying themselves. So, you would really ask if detox diets are safe.

The answer is dependent on who is going to utilize such type of diet. Detox diets like many fad diets can later on display side effects that are harmful especially for teenagers.

To avoid misconception, you need to understand the lingo. Toxins are poisons or chemicals that have harmful side effects on your body. It could come from water or food, chemicals used for growing or preparing food, and from the air that you breathe. These toxins are processed in kidneys and liver eliminating it in the forms of urine, feces, and sweat.

Most people who are supporting detox diets are saying that dehydration or emotional stress is the cause why toxins do not leave the body properly during wastes elimination. Instead, these toxins are just hanging around the digestive system, gastrointestinal systems, lymph, skin, and hair. Even detox diets proponents said that these toxins are the promoters of problems such as headaches, tiredness, acne, and nausea.

So you must understand that basic idea behind a detox diet is to give up temporarily the foods that are known to have toxins. It is a means of purifying and purging your body from all bad stuff. Detox diets may also vary however most of it is involved in several versions of displaying fast results. You need to give up foods within a few days, then after that, gradually reintroducing a particular food in your diet. Lots of detox diets also encourages you to go through colonic irrigation or enema to clean up your colon. The enema washes out your colon and rectum using water. But then others still recommend taking herbal supplements during the purification procedure.

There lots of available detox diets anywhere. Typically, it involves one or two days of complete liquid diet. For the succeeding four to five days, add brown rice, steamed vegetables, and fruit that are all organic to your diet is advised. After one week of eating these foods, you will then gradually introduce certain foods except for wheat, red meat, eggs, sugar, and junk food in your diet.

People who are having their detox diets are advised to chew up their foods thoroughly, drink only very little amount of water while eating, and relax before eating. It is much better if you add one glass of lemon juice in every meal.

There can be numerous claims made about the effects of detox diets on a person. It can prevent and cure diseases to give you extra energy so that you stay clear-headed and focused. Well, anyone who prefers low-fat but high fiber diets will probably feel much better and more healthy. But no matter what good things detox diets proponents said, still it is up to you to decide whether to try it or not for your own safety. It is because there is no scientific evidence that these diets get rid of body toxins faster or if the elimination of it can make you more healthy and energetic.

Stomach Flu in Children

Stomach flu or gastroenteritis is a kind of infection in the digestive system, especially the stomach and intestines. Causes for this condition are parasite, bacteria, or virus infection spread through contaminated food and fluids. It can also be caused by certain toxins present in some plants & seafood, usage of powerful laxatives in order to cure constipation or because of intake of poisonous heavy metal or food. The problem starts with stomach upset and cramps. The child shows disinterest in eating and feels week. Symptoms of stomach flu are diarrhea and vomiting, which take nearly five days to go away. Sometimes, even fever can accompany along with dehydration.

The child must be given fluids regularly as this will suppress other symptoms from emerging because of loss of water from the body. Loss of water and salt from the body is the biggest risk in stomach flu. Dehydration can not only worsen the condition, but can threaten the life of the child, if it isnt taken care of in the early stages. Since there is loss of salts along with the loss of water from the body, plain water wont do much. Oral rehydration solutions which are available at the local grocery or drug store, is a good idea because it has the correct combination of salts, sugar and water which can hydrate the body. These fluids come in different flavor, so that kids can have their favorite flavor and is easy to consume. The solution shouldnt be added with anything else such as sugar or water.

If a child is vomiting, solution can be administered to him using a teaspoon every two minutes. The quantity can be increased gradually. If the vomiting is more frequent, the child can be made to suck ice chips in order to supply constant fluid to the body. The solution should be given till diarrhea comes to a halt, but it is not advisable to continue it for more than twenty four hours. Some of the fluids such as soft drinks, sports drink, apple juice, tea, or chicken broth contain wrong amounts of salt, sugar & water and can make matter worse. Besides fluids, the parent shouldnt give any type of medicine without consulting a pediatrician. Fried, spicy and sugary foods arent good in this condition. If the child isnt receiving sufficient amount of fluids he/she will show signs such as sunken eyes, dry mouth, intense thirst, unusual sleep patterns, and decrease in urine.

The more the bed rest taken by the child the better it is. The child should take complete bed rest for at least twenty four hours or till the diarrhea and vomiting stops. If the child has fever, the temperature should be checked and noted in a log, every four hours. If the temperature is very high and doesnt stop climbing, the doctor should be contacted immediately. The person who is preparing and serving food to the child should wash his or her hands very carefully before doing so. Also, if the diarrhea and vomiting doesnt stop after twenty four hours, it is a must to get a doctors appointment. The child should be rushed into emergency if the vomiting contains blood or green color substance.

The doctor, after doing stool and blood test, prescribes antibiotics if infection is suspected. Along with it, anti nausea medicines are also given to stop the throwing up and control fluid loss. If there is considerable loss of fluids from the childs body, the child might be admitted into the hospital and will be administered with fluids such as glucose or IV, through a tube connected to the childs veins. If the child has fever, temperature is checked and the doctor would ask about information about the temperature pattern, for which the parent should be ready. If the illness is stretched for days, a log about the information about the daily weight should also be given to the doctor. Sometimes, the blood oxygen levels would also have to be checked with the help of a pulse oximeter.


Word Count 676

Pinworms in Children

Pinworms develop as a result of unhygienic habit of not washing hands before having food. They are small worms who resemble to small thread pieces and cause itching in the anus area. Pinworms infect humans only and reside in the intestines. Every school going kid encounters this problem at one time or the other. They can touch another kid infected with pinworm or an object having the eggs of the pinworm.

The eggs of the pinworms eggs get on the fingernails and that why it is a good idea to wash the hands regularly. If the food is eaten without washing hands, these eggs go inside the body, by the digestive system. In the small intestine, the eggs hatch and the pinworms move towards the large intestine. There, they cling onto the walls of the intestine and stay there for few weeks to mature. After that the female pinworms go towards large intestines end to lay eggs near the anus region. Usually the eggs are laid at night and that is the time when the area itches. It takes one to two months time period after the consumption of the eggs, for the maturing of the pinworms who lay new eggs. The eggs get hatched on the anuss skin and the baby pinworms will crawl inside the body in order to grow.

Pinworms eggs are found anywhere like on the kitchen counter, school desk or bed. They are also found on utensils, clothes and towels. When outside the human body, the eggs can live up to two weeks. Within that time period when they are touched, there is a chance to enter the human body and flourish. Pinworms are contagious and can spread from one human to another. Also they can spread by air as the eggs are lightweight and the wind can blow them and they can be breathed in or swallowed by anyone. The child can intake more eggs when he scratches his bottom and doesnt wash his/her hands immediately.

Children infected with pinworms can see worms in their stool after they pass and even on the underwear. The worms look like small white threads. But the eggs arent visible to the naked eyes. If the child observes these symptoms he/she should inform the adults about the condition. The itching caused by pinworms can be so bad that it can wake the child in the middle of the night and make him/her squirm. The doctors usually prescribe some medicine to kill the pinworms. The doctors also take samples from underneath the fingernail and the anus to check for eggs. The medicine will take about two weeks to get rid of the worms completely. If the itching is very irritating and wakes the child in the middle of the night, a cream is prescribed by the doctor. Sometimes other members of the house will also be asked to take the same medicine as a precautionary measure. The parents should wash all the clothes, towels and sheets used by the pinworm infected child.

The best way to deal with pinworms is taking precautionary steps in the first place. The child must cultivate a habit of washing hands before eating food, after using the bathroom and after playing outdoors. The fingernails should also be clipped regularly to not to allow eggs depositing there. The eggs also hang onto clothes, so it is a good habit to change underwear daily. And other clothes should be washed after every few days.


Word Count 581