Home Remedies For Sinus Infection

You dont always have to take over the counter medication for a sinus infection. If you look in the kitchen, there are some home remedies inside that you can use to take care of the problem.

When you have a sinus infection, it will be a good idea to boil a pot of water and have some hot tea. Many of these are derived from herbs so you can try Echinacea if you are allergic to ragweed. There is also astralagus which is even safe for children to drink. Another option is Oregon graperoot which is known to kill many types of bacteria and lastly there is lemon balm.

You can take these herbs separately or mix them together so experiment which one goes well with another. You can also drink orange juice and water. The important thing is for you to keep your body hydrated.

You can also inhale steam by leaning over a bowl of hot water that you just heated using your stove. Those who have a steam vaporizer can also use it and inhale the steam for about 10 minutes. For maximum effect, you can add mix Vicks Vapo-Rub into the water as this has proven to open the passageways.

Since some people experience pain in the ears when they have a sinus infection, they can get rid of it by using some essential oils.

You could pour mix together 2 tablespoons of Pure Almond Carrier Oil, five drops of Lavender Essential Oil, five drops of Pine Essential Oil, five drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil and five drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil in warm water and then put this inside the ear at lest three times a day.

If the pain is on your face, mix a drop of Eucalyptus Essential Oil, a drop of Tea Tree Essential Oil and a drop of Pine Essential Oil together again with warm water. Dip in a clean cloth and then put the warm compress over your face.

Some people have difficulty sleeping when they have a sinus infection. Fortunately, you can sleep soundly and encourage drainage even during the evening by simply keeping your head elevated. You should also blow your nose when it is ready to come out as this will help prevent it from blocking the nasal cavity.

You can also take garlic juice or garlic capsules for your sinus infection as studies have shown that garlic has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. You can also chop from fresh garlic and put this in a bowl of hot water. Inhale it two to three times a day.

If you run out of garlic, see if you have a bottle there of apple cider vinegar. This helps decrease mucus production because it contains potassium. Just mix two teaspoonfuls of organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and drink it up three times a day.

Majority of the home remedies mentioned and a lot more need to be fixed with warm water. Since sinus infections can happen at anytime, you should have a few of these stored in your cabinet.

But keep in mind that there are limits to what home remedies can do against sinus infections. If things get worse, you are advised to see a doctor so they can prescribe something stronger.

What You Must Know About Yeast Infections in the Ears

What You Must Know About Yeast Infections in the Ears

What Causes this Infection?

A yeast infection in the ear can be very painful. We all have small amounts of yeast in our bodies at any given time. However, too much yeast leads to an infection that can become a major irritant. The ears are the perfect place for a yeast infection to form, because the yeast grows well in damp areas. The Eustachian tubes can support yeast infections at their openings; as anyone who has had an ear infection knows, this will be highly unpleasant.

Yeast and bacteria usually work in harmony with each other within the human body. The good type of bacteria that you have in ordinary circumstances kills yeast, keeping the yeast population under control. This system can get out of whack if you take antibiotics. Often, a person takes antibiotics to kill bacteria that are causing an infection in the sinuses or elsewhere. Unfortunately, the antibiotics kill the good bacteria, as well. This leaves a wide open door for the yeast to multiply and cause a raging yeast infection.

What Are the Symptoms?

If you suspect a yeast infection in either your ears or your childs ears, you must look for the right symptoms. Ear infections vary widely as to cause, so be sure that you know what you are treating before you start administering medication.

A yeast infection in the ear will cause an itchy feeling inside the ear and on any outside surface that is affected by the condition. There will most likely be a lingering soreness. Yeast infections often cause a white discharge, and the ears are not immune from this side effect. Some have said that the discharge is similar in appearance to the cotton you will find on the end of a swab.

If your child is too young to tell you what is wrong, you may notice him or her tugging at the ear. Often, children have difficulty sleeping when they have ear infections. Redness is a symptom that adults and children share. Children may cry or show other signs of distress, such as crankiness.

Yeast infections can also cause shooting pains in the affected ears.

How Can it Be Treated?

You should see a doctor to confirm that you or your child are indeed suffering from a yeast infection of the ear and not another type of ear infection. It is wise to seek medical help as soon as you suspect a yeast-based ear infection, as the condition can be quite painful if left untreated. Sometimes, a yeast infection can hitch a ride in the bloodstream and cause infections in other areas of the body.

Sometimes, it is hard for doctors to diagnose the ear infection correctly. This is due to the similarity of symptoms between a yeast infection and other ear infections. In most cases, children can get over an ear infection without having to take antibiotics. As already discussed, these medications can actually make a yeast infection worse.