Warts – Causes And Prevention

Warts are an ongoing problem for many people of all ages. They can go beyond being just a minor annoyance, sometimes resulting in much more serious health implications. Warts can be spread to other people, causing them to become infected with the virus. And some types of warts can be deadly. Taking all of these factors into consideration, it is a good idea to know what causes warts and methods you can take to minimize your risk of getting them. If you have already acquired warts, it is equally important if not more so, to lessen the chance of transmitting them to other people. The best precaution you can take is to be armed with the facts.

Warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus. So far, more than eighty different kinds of this virus have been identified. The various forms affect various parts of the body. The incubation period between when a person becomes infected and when an outbreak occurs also varies. The warts are easily transmittable from one person to another, and can also be transmitted from one part of the body to another area. Factors which determine a person’s likelihood of becoming infected include the state of the person’s immune system, the degree of virus that is present in the warts, the location of the warts, and the degree of contact.

Although it is often difficult or even impossible to prevent infection, there are some measures you can take to lessen this risk. If you already have one or more warts, it is important to prevent them from spreading. You should try to avoid touching the wart, for it can lead to the virus being spread to other areas you may touch afterward. You should avoid using other people’s towels and washcloths if they have not been cleaned. You should avoid wearing other people’s shoes. In locations where the virus might be present, you should make a point of wearing shoes to prevent indirect contact with infected surfaces. These factors will greatly reduce your risk of acquiring the virus associated with all forms of warts.

In addition, there are special factors associated with genital warts, which are the most serious and potentially deadly. These warts, which are a prime factor in cervical cancer, are spread by sexual contact. The risk of these warts and the cancer which results from them is highest in people who have multiple sexual partners. Although it is not as widely known as it should be, while having multiple partners increases the risk of coming in contact with a person who already has this infection, it has also been shown that having multiple partners alters one’s own natural levels of bacteria and will make you more susceptible to the virus. Not having multiple sexual partners is the most sound way to lessen your risk of acquiring genital warts. Those who already have them can also spread them by touch or by sharing infected washcloths and towels.

Currently, there are issues about a vaccine called Gardasil. This vaccine is proported to protect against four of the strains of Human Papilloma Virus which account for ninety percent of genital warts. Although this vaccine is not far beyond the testing stage, making the risk factors of the vaccine itself debatable, some locations are recommending it for young children. Some states are attempting to mandate this vaccine for little girls. In addition to the fact that the risk factors of the vaccine have not yet been adequately tested, the main issue being debated is whether giving elementary-school-aged children a vaccine to prevent a sexually-transmitted disease will lead many children and adolescents to believe it is okay to become sexually active and engage in a promiscuous lifestyle.

Eating Right to Lower Your Cholesterol

We are raising an obese society. With big-sizing everything that we eat especially in fast food chains, we are slowly clogging our arteries with unnecessary fats and cholesterol that our bodies do not actually need and cannot use.

The result is of course a society that is pestered with different kinds of cholesterol complications such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and overweight problems. In fact, one of the problems that the country is facing is the rising prevalence of people with hypertension, which can lead to a possible heart attack when not taken cared of.

So what can you do lower your cholesterol levels? The first line, perhaps the only one that is truly effective is a combination of regular exercise and proper diet. These two activities go hand in hand. Without one factor, you cannot succeed. Dieting without exercising the body will only lead to weak muscles, which will eventually weaken the bodys resistance.

It may also lead to fatigue and sore muscles because there is not enough nutrients in the body. Exercising, on the other hand, without the proper diet is useless because you will only be maintaining your usual weight.You will not be gaining of course, because you are burning whatever you need; but you will not be losing any pound either.

Besides, exercising too much will strain the muscles and might even lead to a possible heart attack because of too much strain to the heart.

So what do you have to eat in order to lower those cholesterol levels in the body and ultimately prevent the occurrence of hypertension?

Eat less oil

One of the first things that a person dieting should avoid is to eat foods that are deep-fried or those that are cooked using oil. These include potato chips, fries, fried meat, fried seafood, fried veggies and a whole lot more.

Oil, when taken into the body translates to cholesterol. What you should be eating are foods that are boiled, steamed, baked and braised. Grilled foods may also be eaten but not so much.

Eat less meat

The fats from meat contain a lot of cholesterol. If you can avoid eating meat all the frequently, better; but if you cant stop munching those meat, just remove the fats that hang on the side. Chicken and Turkey meat is a lot healthier so if you can have a choice, opt for these kinds of meat products. Dont forget to remove the skin though as cholesterol concentrate in white meats can be found on the skin.

Eat vegetables

Vegetables do not only contain zero cholesterol, it is also a great source of fibers that help the body in digesting the food that we take in.

As much as possible, steam the vegetables that you eat to maintain the nutrients in it and of course avoid fatty and cholesterol additives like oils.

Eat less period

Try to curb that appetite slowly by taking in less food that you normally take in. If you can lessen the number of times that you eat or of you do want snacks, eat healthy snacks like fruits.

Try to also lessen the carbohydrates that you take in, which can be found in rice, cereals and bread. If you must eat these staple opt for the healthier kind like brown rice and wheat bread.

Knowing the Right Acne Medication for You

Most often than not, the physique becomes the innermost reflection of people, their lifestyles and their personalities. Everybodyeven those who are evidently endowed with almost flawless skin and perfect bodystill wants more that is why they continue to search for products that would maintain and enhance their physical wellness.

But sometimes, it is quite unavoidable to encounter problems when it comes to achieving physical beauty. One of the most common problems people have to deal with is having various skin disorders or skin diseases.

Peopleregardless of their gender, age, and nationalityexperience different kinds of skin disorders. But among the so many skin diseases, majority of them agree that acne is indeed one of the hardest to get rid off.

Ccombating Acne

People who have skin diseasesespecially those who are suffering greatly from a skin disorder like acneendlessly search for products to cure their skin imperfections. And with the growing popularity of different acne medication, more and more people often resort to these products and treatments without consulting a dermatologist or a physician. More often that not, the result is more devastating than their current uncomfortable situation.

In order to avoid mistakes in choosing medications and treatments to acne, people should first gain information about the general cause of acne, its types, and the products appropriate for each kind.

For people who suffer from this skin disorder, it is very important to learn the current and future physiological and psychological effects of acne apart from focusing too much on the aesthetic aspect. It is also equally important for the acne patient to get support and advice from family members and relatives in combating this skin disease because getting improper acne medication may lead to a worst physiological shape in the future.

Basically, the use of any acne medication will depend on the kind of acne the person has developed. Most studies show that acne cases depend on the life stages of a personinfantile acne, juvenile or teenager acne, and adult acne.

Knowing the type of acne the person has is quite significant in determining the kind of acne medication required. This is a very significant factor because this is where the calculation of dosage and span of time the acne medication depends.

In giving any acne medication, it is also quite important to take note of the type of acne the patient has, his or her age, the prevalence of acne organism present, and the overall well-being of the individual. These pieces of information will determine the kind of acne medication to be given in order to avoid possible allergic reactions due to the antibiotics.

Recommended Acne Medication

Since antibiotics have been known as effective solution for moderate to severe and persistent acne, doctors and dermatologists continue to administer the use of it for years now. Through the years, medical research, and developments also proven that antibiotics can be more effective when taken orally.

Today, acne medication is usually administered through oral antibiotic medication or medicine taken by mouth usually prescribed by a physician or a dermatologist.

Of all the existing oral antibiotics for acne out there, oral tetracycline remains one of the most widely used. Tetracycline medication starts from 500 to 1000 milligrams a day. When developments occur, lesser dosage is given until the bacteria that caused the disease have been suppressed. Oral erythromycin on the other hand serves as an alternative to tetracycline safe for the consumption of pregnant women and very young children.

Other acne medications that are derived from tetracycline include oral minocycline and oral doxycycline these are both believed to be more effective than tetracycline itself but are dangerous to pregnant women and kids. Physicians also consider oral corticosteroids and isotretinoin as effective acne medication. Topical acne medication or treatments through surgery are also other options to treat acne.

Blood Pressure Control

Do you realize by taking control of your blood pressure you can also take control of your health? Who doesn’t want to have a healthy and long life? Taking care of your body can help ensure you get to endure that long healthy lifestyle you want.

You should be receiving regular blood pressure checks at your regular doctor visits. If you want to check it more often than you go to the doctor, you can purchase a home device that lets you monitor your blood pressure. There are different kinds to choose from.

Two of those are the aneroid and digital monitor. There are ups and downs to both monitors so you want to choose which one is best for you. The aneroid monitor uses a pointer to let you read your blood pressure. The digital monitor displays your reading on a screen which makes it easier to read.

The aneroid monitor is cheaper than the digital but requires more work from you. Check them out and even discuss with your doctor which one might be better for you. Once you purchase it, have your doctor show you how to effectively use it.

Among taking your own blood pressure readings, you can double check your lifestyle habits. Are you on a healthy diet? Eating healthy will help keep your blood pressure low and normal. Cut back on salt and sodium if you can’t get rid of it altogether. Opt for seasonings instead.

Introduce more vegetables and fresh fruits into your diet. Once you become used to eating certain foods, it will be easier to do it every day. Before you know it you will be in the habit of eating healthy foods and won’t think twice before doing so.

If you use tobacco or drink excessive amounts of alcohol try to cut back or refrain completely. These will raise your blood pressure putting you at more risk for a stroke or heart disease.

If you cannot quit these on your own there are plenty of resources and medications to help you. Talk with your doctor about the best way to go about quitting.

Would you consider yourself at a healthy weight or overweight? Overweight people are more prone to developing high blood pressure and if this is your case, try to lose at least ten pounds. You should see results in your blood pressure as well as the way you feel.

If you are not already regularly physically active, try to do at least thirty minutes of physical activity or exercise every day. This will help lower your blood pressure as well as make you feel a whole lot better.

If you find yourself lacking motivation to do some of these things, talk with a friend or relative that could buddy up with you. Having someone to exercise with or take on a challenge such as quitting smoking or drinking can help drastically.

Having high blood pressure puts your health at risk and that alone should be motivation but to some it isn’t. Do not be discouraged, there are many ways to help lower your blood pressure.

If these lifestyle changes do not help, consider medication. There are many different kinds of blood pressure medications and sometimes they need to be combined with a healthy lifestyle to work more effectively.

If you have questions or concerns about your blood pressure talk with your doctor. Let them know what you want and they can help find the way that is best for you to control or maintain your blood pressure letting you control your health as well.