Are There Side Effects for Spider Vein Treatment

Are there any side effects from spider vein treatment? There are a few but most people do not experience it. Just the same, you should know what could happen.

The first side effect is hyper pigmentation which occasional develops when the vein is injected. Fortunately, it does not that long and it normally fades. Since your skin will turn dark, one way to prevent people from seeing it is to wear pants or apply bleaching cream.

It is also possible that an inflammation will occur for a few days after the procedure. Doctors that perform on patients say that this is also normal because things will look worse before they get any better. You just have to bear with it.

Your skin may not turn dark but it can become reddish. This happens when multiple veins develop around the injection site.

The last spider vein treatment side effect is deep vein thrombosis. Of the four mentioned this is very rare and when it does happen, the patient will feel pain and the veins will be red, swollen and engorged.

If you experience any of these side effects, it is best to call your doctor immediately so he or she can come over and examine it further.

Doctors will always do their best to prevent complications and side effects like these from occurring. One of the things they do is let you answer a questionnaire and you have to answer it truthfully. You will also need to undergo a physical exam because you may or may not have spider veins but something more serious.

Patients who have circulatory problems, diabetes, heart condition or a blood born disease like hepatitis or AIDS are also not allowed because these people have the tendency to bleed or have poor healing.

If you experienced a blood clot in the past, the doctor will not say no right away so you still have a shot since this is decided on a case to case basis depending on the cause of the clot.

Women who are pregnant or are breast feeding are also not allowed to undergo this procedure because it could contaminate the milk which is fed to the infant and in some cases, spider veins go away on their own once the female gives birth. In both cases, the patient will just have to see the doctor later on if she still wants this done normally after three months.

You should avoid certain activities and taking certain things a week before surgery to prevent any problems. This includes not taking any medication especially antibiotics and not applying any lotion especially in the areas where the doctor will work on.

The side effects of spider vein treatment are minimal and in some cases very rare which is why sclerotherapy which was widely used in Europe has made its way to the US and doctors here have been performing this procedure for more than a decade.

You just have to find a licensed practitioner who will be able to perform this procedure safely so you can go out and show your legs. This could even make you look younger so you will feel good about yourself which is perhaps the best thing about this form of spider form treatment.

What You Should Know About Spider Vein Treatments

Spider veins are nothing more than a cosmetic problem. If you plan to undergo spider vein treatment, here are a few things you should know.

Before you undergo any type of treatment, you have to consult with your doctor. You will be asked a few questions with regards to your medical history, what medications you take, what type of work do you do and a few others because these are some of the cause of spider veins.

He or she will examine your leg to check if there are other problems. The hand held Doppler ultrasound device will be used to detect if there is a backflow within the venous system. If there are no serious problems, then you can undergo spider vein treatment but should there be any, you will be referred to another specialist.

Lets say there are no problems. Your doctor will then explain to you what happens when you undergo sclerotherapy. This procedure is the trend these days for this cosmetic problem. In this procedure, sclerosing agents are injected in the affected area which is designed to lighten the color of the veins.

If you have any questions, dont be afraid to raise them. Some people ask if it is going to hurt, what are the risks and benefits, how long is the recovery period and the costs which is perfectly normal since you will be the one who will undergo the procedure.

After getting all the necessary information and your willingness to still do it, you have to follow your doctors instructions to prepare you for treatment. You must not apply any moisturizer, sunblock or oil to your legs on the day of your procedure. You can wear shorts during the procedure but have to wear a prescribed support hose and slacks when you go home.

The procedure does not take that long. This may last from 15 to 45 minutes. It is a painless procedure and you dont have to be injected with anesthesia. If your doctor has their own clinic, it will be done right there.

Just how many injections will be used depends on the number of spider veins. Some patients will get 5 injections while this can go up to about 45. When the injection has been removed, the doctor will apply cotton ball and compression tape to that area of the leg.

Your legs will look bruised or slightly discolored for a few weeks and chances are you wont be going to the pool or beach for a few weeks because you will not be comfortable wearing a swimsuit. You can go to work and party but instead of wearing dress, you will be wearing slacks or a pair of jeans.

Since one session is not enough to make the spider veins unnoticeable, you will have to go back for the next session after one month. If new spider veins start appearing, it is your choice whether or not you want to undergo this procedure again. If you are vain, chances are you will.

Not everyone can undergo sclerotherapy. If you happen to suffer from diabetes, circulatory problems, heart condition or are suffering from a blood born disease like hepatitis or AIDS, you will have to find another form of spider vein treatment.

Spider Vein Treatments

Spider veins are more common to women than men and since they are more concerned about how their legs look, it is important to know what spider vein treatments are available.

The most popular one is scelotherapy. Here, the doctor will inject a solution to the veins which is designed to make the spider vein disappear within a few weeks or months. You have to go back for two to six sessions to make them go away and this is usually done in an outpatient setting. The best part about this treatment is that it is painless.

You also have radiofrequency occlusion. This is where a small catheter is inserted into the vein. Once inside, it delivers radiofrequency energy to the vein wall, causing it to heat, collapse, and seal shut. This is over in a matter of minutes which is why like sclerotherapy, it is done in an outpatient setting. You have the option to be given local anesthesia to offset the pain.

If the veins are too big and things are worse than before, your doctor will have to perform surgery. You will come in and then the doctor will remove the vein. This may be done with general, local or spinal anesthesia and if it is done in the morning, you can go home in the afternoon.

Laser treatment is another option. Here, the doctor will use heat energy to destroy abnormal veins. You just have to stay still so the target is destroyed without causing any collateral damage to the nearby tissues. You should expect your skins color to change or have blister formation.

But are these spider vein treatments really necessary? The answer is no because it is not life threatening. If you feel embarrassed about showing your legs in public, then you have to do it as long as you are able to pay for the cost.

How much you will be paying varies. It depends on the procedure, how many veins will be worked on, the professional fee of the doctor and where it is done. You can expect the cost of any of these treatments to be more expensive in a city like Los Angeles or New York compared to other places that also offer it.

When you are looking for a doctor make sure he or she is certified and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

To help pay for it, you can check with your insurance provider if they will be able to shoulder it but a lot of companies will disagree. You have to remember that this is merely a cosmetic problem and it is only when your doctor thinks that this is necessary that your request will be approved.

Before you can undergo any form of treatment, you will first be given a physical exam to see if there will be any complications. Women who are nursing or are pregnant are not allowed to do so and the same goes for those who have circulatory problems, suffering from diabetes or any heart condition.

Spider vein treatments are a god send especially for those who want to look good whenever they have to show some skin. If money is not an issue, you can try one of the options mentioned as long as you do not have any medical problems which you hinder the healing process.

Over-the-Counter Wart Removal Products: The Importance of Reading Directions

Over-the-Counter Wart Removal Products: The Importance of Reading Directions

Do you suffer from warts? If so, you are not alone. A large number of Americans have warts, somewhere on their body. Although the word suffer was used, most individuals do not suffer from having warts. In most cases, warts are harmless, although they can sometimes be painful. For that reason, you may be interested in having your warts removed.

When it comes to having your warts removed, what method do you plan on using? If you are like many other Americans, there is a good chance that you would respond with an over-the-counter product. Over-the-counter wart products are a popular choice for those looking to easily and safely remove their own warts. Although most over-the-counter wart removers are considered safe, you are advised to be careful when using them. This often involves reading the product description, as well as all product directions.

Over-the-counter wart removal products are no different than any other product that comes with directions. Unfortunately, not everyone makes the decision to read them. Depending on the type of wart removal product you have, it should only take you a few minutes to thoroughly read through the product description or product directions. The problem is that most individuals think they know the gist of the product that they purchased. Even if you think you know what to do, you are advised to take the time to read the directions. As mentioned above, this should only take a few minutes.

One of the most popular types of over-the-counter wart removal products are freeze-off medications. Freeze-off medications are similar to the medications that are used at the doctors. Not only do you need to read the directions to know what to do, but you also need to know what not to do. Although you may not necessarily think about it, knowing what not to do is just as important, if not more important, than knowing what to do.

One of the reasons why you need to know as much as you can about your wart removal product is because of the consequences. For instance, do you know what could happen if you accidentally use the freeze-off formula on something other than a wart? Your skin could burn or scar. That is why many products advised against use if you cannot see the wart in question. There are also warnings, on many freeze-away products that caution certain people from using them. These individuals tend to be those with high blood pressure, diabetes, children, or those who are pregnant or nursing. The product description, which is typically found on the outside of the box, may not have these warnings, but the paperwork inside should.

It is also important to read the directions of all over-the-counter wart removal products, including those that freeze off the wart, because the process may not work right away. Not all over-the-counter wart removers work after one treatment; however, many believe that they do. In fact, there are many individuals who give up after the first try. Those individuals are likely ones that did not take the time to thoroughly examine the product. You will find, depending on the particular medication in question, that you may be required to continue treatment for up to a week, or even longer. You will only know this by reading product descriptions or directions.

When using an over-the-counter wart remover, you are advised to be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary. If you experience persistent pain, especially after the first treatment has been completed, or if you develop an allergic reaction, you may want to seek medical assistance. This is important because if left untreated, you may develop an infection or other serious health complications; therefore, when in doubt, ask for help.

When reading this article, there is a good chance that you may not have actually learned anything new. Most individuals know and understand the importance of reading all directions, especially on medications; however, sometimes we just need to be reminded.


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