Asthma And Fish Oil

There was a study conducted in Indiana University which revealed that fish oil is a very effective remedy for asthma symptoms, especially that caused by over activity or too much exercise.

Emergency medication is often needed by people who have severe asthma symptoms. The study involved 16 asthma patients suffering mild symptoms to severe ones. These individuals need daily asthma medications in order to control the attacks. The asthma patients were given high doses of fish oil which contain EPA or Eicosapentaenoic acid (3.2 gm) and DHA or Docosahexaenoic acid (2gm) for about three weeks.

Before fish oil administration, the lungs of the asthma patients were first examined through efficiency tests. Sputum samples were also taken and analyzed. The tests took note of the inflammatory cells and some markers. The same tests were conducted after the end of the study. After the 3-week period of fish oil administration, the patients showed 64% improvement in terms of lung efficiency and the need for asthma medications also reduced by about 31%. Fish oil contains fatty acids (Omega 3) which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Asthma patients often have second thoughts about exercising because they fear that it can cause asthma symptoms. This is true especially in some asthmatics. However, the body needs adequate exercise and this is the reason why some asthma patients still engage in some forms of exercise. In some case, the air passage swells or become inflamed when the asthma patient engages in strenuous exercises. When this happens, the doctor will tell you that the asthma attack was exercise-induced. How can you tell if youre exhibiting asthma symptoms? Its quite simple; once you experience wheezing, breath shortness, chest tightness, and coughing, youre already having an asthma attack. Dont worry because the asthma symptoms will just ease off after 1 hours.

If you exercise during dry and cool conditions, youre more likely to experience asthma symptoms because there is cooling and drying out of the air passages. This will result to the release of inflammatory chemicals which narrows the airways. Some doctors encourage swimming as a form of exercise because the air is usually warmer and moist and so asthma attacks seldom happens.

When the asthma attack is exercise-induced, the individual will not be able to get enough exercise. In the case of youngsters who like sports and other physical activities, their health condition will serve as a barrier and so they cant enjoy their life to the fullest.

Omega 3 is different from Omega 6. Large percentage of Omega 3 is found in fish oil and this is very beneficial to asthma patients because of its anti-inflammatory properties. The latter is pro-inflammatory which means that it can trigger the release of inflammatory chemicals, thereby resulting to asthma attacks. Medical experts advise asthma patients to increase their consumption of Omega 3 or fish oil instead of consuming more vegetable oils, processed foods, dairy products, and meats which contain Omega 6. So where can you get fish oil? You can get it from oily fishes or in fish oil that came from plant sources.

You have to include fish oil in your everyday supplements because of its therapeutic benefits. You can use it to prevent future asthma attacks which are exercise-induced. Beware of fish oils with lesser grade because it has harmful toxins. Try to purchase only the pharmaceutical grade or best quality supplements of fish oil.

Fish Oil: The Quantity I should Take

For people who came to know the health benefits of fish oil, the next question they ask is how much quantity does one take? Well, some would recommend at least 3.5 grams a day while others suggest a mere 2.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids would be enough to get the whole health benefits of fish oil. To be on the safe side, it would be better to consult your doctor of nutritionist for the proper dosage of fish oil.

There are in fact a number of factors to consider. Take age for example. It has been found out that the needs of younger people for essential fatty acids are higher than the older folks. One of the possible reasons is the fact that young people are more active which makes their needs for essential fatty acids greater than old people who have gone on with their retirements.

However, this should not be misunderstood that older people do not need daily intake of fish oil. The dosage or amount only diminishes but the importance of taking fish oil does not. Nothing can stress this more than the studies that have been conducted in the past which shows that the healthy essential fatty acids in fish oil help reduce and prevent the inflammation of blood vessels which is linked to heart disease.

According to experts, the lack of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and the docoxahexaenoic acid (DHA) can result to depression and heart disease. And since EPA and DHA are the primary omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil the significance of fish oil in ones diet cannot and should not be undermined. Plus, our body cannot produce essential fatty acids so our only hope to get them is through an outside source. Only by eating fish rich in fats and oil or taking those commercially available fish oil supplement capsules does our body get the necessary supply of omega-3.

Probably one way of determining the amount of omega-3 you take also depends on your intake amount of omega-6 fatty acids. You can find omega-6 acids from common vegetable cooking oils like canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil and sunflower oil. These are present in a lot of food available in the supermarket, most especially the processed ones.

We need to balance the intake of omega-3 and omega-6 since the latter compete for enzymes with the former. And too much omega-6 could result to inflammation which can later affect the heart. The effects of omega-6 counters the benefits omega-3 gives the heart. According to some experts, having a ratio of 2 to 1, omega-6 to omega-3, would be the best combination to have. The ratio properly balances the effects of both essential fatty acids.

Other doctors recommend taking only a minimal quantity of say 2.5 grams per day or even lower depending on how much it will take to maintain your state of health. Taking too much might result to bodily imbalance which can become harmful to your overall health. However, if you have a certain disease or existing condition like, your doctors might prescribe you a stronger daily dosage of fish oil to help you cope and regain your health.

To sum up, the quantity of fish oil you should take depends on your state of health, diet, age, among other factors. Consulting your doctors would be the best move before starting on a daily intake of fish oil.

Customer Knowledge: Buying Fish Oil Supplements

Fish oil has many benefits to our overall health, whether it is for the heart or brain. Research showed that fish oil can reduce the risk of heart attacks, cancers, mental and psychological disorders and other sicknesses. The market is full of fish oil products, but how do we make sure that what we get are actually the ones that can benefit our health.

Not all fish contains Omega-3 oil or the essential fatty acids. Fishes that have the highest number of fatty acids are salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, and anchovies.

There are things that you would have to consider when buying fish oil. Actually, health professionals would say that eating too much fish that contains fish oil and Omega-3 can cause mercury contamination. This can happen if you do not exactly know where the fish are caught. If the fish is caught in polluted waters, we can ingest mercury and other heavy metals.

To avoid toxins entering out body, we have to make sure that the fish oil that we are taking is molecularly distilled and pharmaceutical grade supplements. These kinds of fish oil are removed of all toxins. You would have to check at the label to make sure that they come from clean waters and properly refined.

When checking the label of a particular fish oil supplement, you check their websites and look for the Certificate of Analysis. This COA is an analysis performed by an independent laboratory to identify the freshness of the product. Aside from checking the source of the fish and the freshness of the fish oil, you would also need to know what kind of fish the oil is from.

Studies showed that fish oil with docosahexaenoic acid or DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA have the most health and benefits. Studies showed that the brain uses or needs more DHA to function better. Aside from being free of heavy metals, it should always contain at least 60 % of EPA and DHA. You would also have to consider or be cautious with vitamins like Vitamin A and E which can be very harmful in large doses.

How would you know that you are buying the safe fish oil supplement? Only buy from companies that use fresh and high qualify fish and inform the public where they get their fish. You can check their websites or labels to be informed properly.

Fish oil supplements can be either liquid or tablet. Liquid fish oil costs more than oil capsules. But when compared with capsules based on the cost-per-gram it is actually less expensive. Capsules are tamper-proof and keep the oil from getting bad. Most people find fish oil to be expensive or over priced. Some experts would say that there are two ways to compare prices. You can compare the total amount of DHA in the supplement and the cost for each gram of DHA.

You would feel that you have low quality fish oil if you suffer from any ache or pain. So, we would have to be cautious when buying low-cost fish oil. They may not be the same as the high-quality fish oil. You would have to be cautious when buying cheap fish oil.

So, when buying fish oil, or any kind of product, read the label or the product information first. Getting informed will relieve you of any kind of health risk in the future. Reading the label or getting to know the product would not be more than a couple of minutes, anyway. So, spare the time.

Why Having Fish Oil in Ones Diet is Important

Why we need fish oil in our diet? Why is it important? The short version of the answer to those questions would be: were not healthy if we dont. Allow me to read some of your thoughts. You are probably thinking at the back of your mind that fish oil are just fatty oils and you know you have been told for so long that fats are not good for ones health so what is this writer raving about? Totally excluding fish oil in ones diet is not a healthy practice, is that true? And now kindly prepare yourself for the longer version of the answer to those two questions will follow next.

But before we go into the fish oil benefits lets briefly explain the omega-6 and omega-3 essential fatty acids. These are the two main divisions of the fatty acids. Vegetables oils like soy oil and corn oil fall under the omega-6 group. And most of us are aware, and take note that experts agree on this, that too much intake of vegetable oils could result to blood clothing and inflammation.

This is probably one of the reasons why you are reluctant to believe that not all fatty oils are bad for your health. In fish, the omega-3 fatty acids are produced by marine planktons which are part of the fishs diet. The omega-3 contains eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acids (DHA) which are basically the two important fatty acids that gives the body the most number of benefits.

Among the health benefits of EPA and DHA include preventing heart attacks, the development of cancer and atherosclerosis. In fact, studies have shown that people who eat more fish have lower chances of having their blood vessels inflamed which is definitely good for the heart. By eating a fish diet or taking fish oil supplements, the heart becomes healthier. Moreover, other studies have confirmed that by including fish in ones daily meals could help combat hypertension and obesity. These acids are also known to lower blood pressure.

Some studies have found out that fish oil when used by people with asthma conditions seems to provide relief and a general improvement of health conditions. Aside from those with asthma and other allergies, people who are being treated for depression and mood swings can use fish oil as well to help them control their emotions.

Although, we still maintain that the best way to obtain fish oil is by eating the fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel. However, due to several reports that the fish we eat contained rather high levels of the mercury, a pretty dangerous element. Pregnant women and those with young children should avoid eating fish with high mercury levels.

While having fish oil in ones diet is indeed very important, nowadays it is becoming more of a risk to get your daily allotments of fish oil from the eating salmon, tuna, mackerel, etc. Even though they are still the best ways to get your essential fatty acids, due to some recent reports of high levels of mercury found in fishes, it might actually be better to go with fish oil supplements instead.

These supplement capsules can be bought from health and even drugstores. But make sure you pick the best brand of supplement and read reviews as well as get referrals from friends. Dont think for a minute that youre just being picky.

What youre doing is making sure that you will invest your money on a trusted supplement brand.