Relief for Arthritis

Relief for Arthritis

Inflammation or degeneration of the joints is a common problem
especially as one ages, and sufferers are constantly on the
lookout for arthritis

Popping a pill may be the first thought that comes to mind,
perhaps a pain killer or one of the anti-inflammatory
medications. The latter come in the form of pills, ointments,
gels or salves and may provide the desired relief. However, if
the problem persists, use of medication should be discussed with
a physician so the sufferer is aware of possible side-effects
and precautions with their use.

In spite of the pain, moderate daily exercise, such as swimming,
walking, or perhaps physical therapy is critical if the
arthritis sufferer is to maintain mobility in the joints. A
therapist will help design an exercise program which, when
interspersed with rest periods, will help reduce joint
inflammation. Moist heat is helpful in reducing pain and
increasing ease of movement. Heat is soothing and infra-red is a
penetrating heat. Placed about 60cm or 24inches from the
affected joint, for about 20 minutes, up to 3 times daily, it
may be helpful, especially just before beginning an exercise
routine. However, there is probably no long term benefit.

A physiotherapist may give advice on maintaining correct
posture, during sitting and standing. Some individuals seek
relief from various forms of alternative medicine. . Needless to
say, excess body weight aggravates the problem.

In severe cases, surgical procedures may be necessary;
artificial joints may be implanted to replace those damaged
beyond repair.

Some detective work on the part of the sufferer may be called
for. By determining when the symptoms pop up, it may be possible
to manage some of the suffering. Pain in a joint may be felt
during or after use, or after a period of inactivity. Discomfort
may signal a change in the weather or be felt during it.

Although there’s no cure for arthritis, available treatments can
relieve pain and help you remain active. At the first signs of
the illness, treatment should begin. Rest and easy exercise such
as swimming may be effective starting points along with some
over the counter medications to ease the pain and improve joint

Among the treatments your doctor may suggest are medication,
self-care, physical therapy and occupational therapy.
Occasionally surgery is recommended.

In addition, how well you live with arthritis often depends on
your behaviors and attitude. If you actively manage your
arthritis, you may be able to gain control over your pain.

SEO Solutions and one way
link publicity services provided by LinkAcquire.

David C Skul – CEO and Relativity, Inc. can provide
global market exposure
and solutions

About the author:

Handling Pain from Arthritis

Handling Pain from Arthritis

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints, the junctures where
the ends of two bones meet. This common disability comes in more
than 100 forms but for many sufferers, all they really want to
know is how do I get arthritis pain relief.

Some detective work on the part of the sufferer may be called
for. By determining when the symptoms pop up, it may be possible
to manage some of the suffering. Pain in a joint may be felt
during or after use, or after a period of inactivity. Discomfort
may signal a change in the weather or be felt during it.

Although there’s no cure for arthritis, available treatments can
relieve pain and help you remain active. At the first signs of
the illness, treatment should begin. Rest and easy exercise such
as swimming may be effective starting points along with some
over the counter medications to ease the pain and improve joint

Among the treatments your doctor may suggest are medication,
self-care, physical therapy and occupational therapy.
Occasionally surgery is recommended; some individuals seek
relief from various forms of alternative medicine.

Medications include both topical and oral medications. Topical
medications come in the form of sprays, gels, creams and
ointments. Over-the-counter (OTC) medications may be sufficient
to treat milder arthritis, but stronger prescription medications
also are available.

OTC pain relievers such as acetaminophen can relieve pain but
does not reduce inflammation. Taking more than the recommended
dosage of acetaminophen can cause liver damage, especially if
you consume three or more drinks of alcoholic a day.

Acetaminophen can also affect other medications you may be
taking, so be sure to inform your doctor if you’re taking it.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) work in two ways.
They relieve muscle pain and fight inflammation (such as from
rheumatoid arthritis). NSAIDs have risks of side effects that
increase when used at high dosages for long-term treatment.

Discuss with your doctor before using other medications such as
COX-2 inhibitors, and others which have different side-effects.
Antidepressants, apart from their antidepressant qualities,
especially tricyclics, can help reduce chronic pain. Some people
with arthritis also experience symptoms of depression.
Antidepressant medications can treat the sleep disturbance that
can accompany arthritis. Occasionally, your doctor may suggest
injecting a joint space with a corticosteroid, which can offer
some pain relief and reduce inflammation. In addition, how well
you live with arthritis often depends on your behaviors and
attitude. If you actively manage your arthritis, you may be able
to gain control over your pain.

SEO Solutions and one way
link publicity services provided by LinkAcquire.

David C Skul – CEO and Relativity, Inc. can provide
global market exposure
and solutions

About the author:

Does My Credit Card Cover Air Ambulance Services During Travel?

Does My Credit Card Cover Air Ambulance Services During Travel?

Credit cards seem to fill the pockets and purses of nearly every traveler around the world. Premium credit cards frequently offer benefits and perks for travelers. These little extras lure consumers into using their specific credit card to make travel purchases. If you use credit cards when you travel, it is important to learn about the specifics for your particular card.

Does your credit card cover lost or stolen items away from home? Does the card cover air ambulance services in an emergency? Learning about such benefits will help you prepare for your next trip whether it is across the country or around the world.

Begin your quest for answers by digging out your paperwork from your credit cards. Start combing through the fine print to see what your premium credit card covers and what exclusions apply. After doing a little detective work, you will undoubtedly realize that you do have some coverage during your trip away from home. Credit card companies will typically pay for lost or stolen luggage or other personal goods during a trip, but this feature is only effective after a deductible has been applied. Of course, all credit card agreements are different, so check your card to be certain.

If a medical emergency should arise, the credit card coverage may pay to have you transported to the nearest medical facility. Your premium credit card may even pay to have someone fly to be with you. Yes, this is quite a nice benefit, but the card will not cover expenses to fly you home on an air ambulance to the hospital of your choice to be near family and friends. Also, it will not cover the added expenses of hotel rooms, food, and other expenses associated with the family member traveling and staying in the area so far from home.

Due to this vulnerable situation, many cardholders decide to purchase a membership to an air ambulance service that will cover any fees associated with getting the patient home. Such a company will charge a set fee, typically charged monthly or annually. For this fee, the covered person or family can choose to fly via air ambulance from any hospital far from home to the hospital of their choice. All of this is at no additional cost. Since such a flight home on a medically staffed air ambulance is expensive, this membership can save a great deal of money. One trip on an air ambulance can cost between $10 and $75,000.

Even a premium credit card won’t cover those expenses.

Before traveling away from home, it is crucial that you learn the ins and outs of your coverage from a credit card. Even premium credit cards with fabulous benefits may leave you open and vulnerable in a medical emergency. All credit card agreements vary, so read the fine print very carefully.

If you are not guaranteed coverage of a flight home on a medically staffed air ambulance to the hospital of your choice, then you are not adequately covered with your credit card. Additional coverage is necessary to protect yourself, your family, and your wallet.