Pulling Your Own Teeth

Even though it may sound very odd and downright compelling, a lot of people actually try to extract their own teeth. Toothache pain can be very painful and very frustrating, making you try anything to get relief. Depending on how bad the pain is, youll be more than willing to do just about anything you can to get the pain to stop. Abscesses or really bad cavities are among the worst, as the pain never seems to let up – no matter what you do.

In the old days, teeth were extracted by pliers, as there were no dentists around. During these times, people would get drunk on alcohol and then the teeth would be extracted. There was no such thing as anaesthesia back then, so it was impossible to locally numb the pain. These days though, local anaesthesia is the best way to numb a toothache before pulling the tooth. If you attempt to pull a tooth yourself, youll feel the pain no matter what you do.

There are situations however, in which you can pull your own teeth. Baby teeth for example, are acceptable to pull. Before you yank it out though, you should check on the age of when the tooth in question should be removed. If you wiggle the tooth around and it appears to be loose, then chances are it will come out without a problem. On the other hand, if you pull the tooth and it turns out to be an abscess, youll end up with a real problem and your hands and youll need to visit a dentist as soon as you can.

Another situation in which it is acceptable to pull your own teeth is when you have a severe case of gum disease. Gum disease can cause the socket and the bone to become extremely decayed, which will result in the destruction of the tooth. If the gum disease is severe enough, the tooth will be extremely loose and will come out without a problem. In some cases, the tooth can be almost unbearable to the touch. If you have gum disease and notice a loose tooth, you should be careful when pulling it. If you dont do it properly or if you do it too soon, you could end up breaking the top of the tooth. If this happens, youll need to go to the dentist to have the remaining portion of the tooth cut out.

Even though a tooth may feel loose when you touch it, doesnt always mean that you can grab a pair of pliers and rip it out. Teeth are very delicate. If you try to rip a tooth out with pair of pliers and make a mistake, you should end up doing more harm than good. Putting pliers in your mouth can also lead to an infection, which would send you to the dentist. Abscesses on the other hand, should never be dealt with on your own – youll need to go to a dentist to have him properly extract the tooth and give you some antibiotics to stop the infection.

To be on the safe side and avoid any potential problems that could easily arise, you should always go to the dentist if you have a toothache. No matter how bad the pain may be, you should never attempt to pull the tooth yourself. Your dentist can numb the area before he pulls the tooth, so youll feel no pain at all. He will also prescribe you some pain medicine and antibiotics as well, to help treat any infection you may have. If you attempt to pull the tooth yourself, youll only cause more problems in the end – and end up going to a dentist anyway.

Chicago Teeth Whitening Methods: Why Everyone has that Smile on

Chicago Teeth Whitening Methods: Why Everyone has that Smile on Their Faces

Many people in Chicago are getting confused about which products are more effective when it comes to whitening their teeth. This because of the number of them already exists.

Advertisements about these products can confuse people all the more. All of them are saying that they are the best whitening solution. Many people are enticed by what they are saying that they end up buying brands that are not suited to them.

Do all these products really work?

Some people can attest to the fact that their teeth were made whiter by the products that they use. On the other hand, there are those that say none works for them. Whatever their individual views are, only one thing is certain; if you have found the whitening product that suits you and is using that regularly for some time, there is a bigger possibility that it will work.

What are the causes of teeth discoloration?

Drinking coffee and tea are known to dull the color of your teeth. This is if you are a constant drinker of these for a period of time.

Additional factors that contribute to teeth discoloration are caffeinated sodas, smoking and tooth injury. The most common and accepted cause is age. No matter how well you clean your teeth, it will eventually become dull as you age.

What are some methods of teeth whitening that people in Chicago can use?

1. Toothpastes with active teeth whitening ingredients.

For removing stains caused by foods you eat, whitening toothpastes are the best option. Toothpastes consist of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. These are the important ingredients for whitening the teeth.

Gradual discoloration of teeth can be prevented if you constantly brush your teeth. Not only that, you will be free from germs and plaque that can also cause other tooth problems.

2. Teeth bleaching and whitening formulas.

Teeth whitening and bleaching products have the same ingredients that present in toothpastes. The only difference is that the level of hydrogen peroxide is higher. Teeth whitening has 10-16 percent hydrogen peroxide content while bleaching products have 35 percent.

There are a lot of teeth whitening products you can buy from drug stores and groceries. If you want to find out which one is best for you, you can try different products and see which will suit you best. You will find that they are generally cheap.

Teeth bleaching are done by dental professionals. Because of the use of higher amount of hydrogen peroxide, this method should be taken with caution.

It is best to consult with your dentist first if you want to have your teeth bleached. They will be able to give you advice on how best to proceed with this method.

3. Veneers.

This is one of the best known method whitening teeth permanently. Veneers are made from porcelain. These porcelains are affixed to the tooth.

The process can be very expensive. It normally costs around $900 for every tooth. This is the reason why not all people can afford this method. Those who do are those that are intent on permanently having whiter teeth in the fastest time.

Today, it is not difficult to have super shiny and super white teeth. You only need to choose the best method that you think will suit you and your budget. Then you can start looking for the best teeth whitening method in all of Chicago.

Boston Teeth Whitening: If You Want People To Remember that

Boston Teeth Whitening: If You Want People To Remember that Unforgettable Smile

Boston teeth whitening is the best step to maintain that beautiful smile of yours. Remember that people will remember you for days just because of your smile. And bear in mind that your smile can brighten even the cloudiest day.

These are just some of the reasons why you need to maintain your teeth and keep it whiter. Nowadays, it is not as difficult anymore. Dentists now have more ways of whitening your teeth without the pain and the hassle.

In addition, there are a lot of whitening products available. You can choose from among the selections that are presented to you. The best thing about them is they are not as expensive as they used to be. For $30, you can buy some teeth whitening kits so you can do it at home and by yourself.

There was a time when teeth whitening was exclusive for those who can throw away big amount of money for aesthetics. Those who have other expenses to pay cannot afford going to the dentist. So the tendency is for them to just rely to toothpaste for their teeth to whiten.

But then, several unavoidable factors can result to teeth discoloration. Some of these factors are even part of daily life and cannot be avoided. In some cases, those who can afford them the first time tend to not come back again. The reason is not only because of the expenses but also because they think that it will remain that way.

Cheap teeth whitening products became the solution to the dilemma that people were facing. With or without prescription from the dentist, people can buy these products easily. Although there are some issues regarding the use of whitening products, it can be noted that more and more people are dependent on them today.

Some have already seen the results of their regular rituals. While others are still to see what their patient procedure will produce.

The steps needed in maintaining your teeth are basically simple.

First and foremost, make sure that your teeth on a daily basis. It is best to use whitening toothpaste. After brushing, you can rinse your mouth with the mouthwash of your choice.

After you have finished all these, you can now place the whitening strips over your teeth and leave it for the duration of time that is dictated in the label.

Teeth whitening strips are not difficult to find and purchase. Drug stores and groceries have them. If you use them regularly, at least twice a day, and make it a part of your dental hygiene, you will see the difference in the color of your teeth in no time.

Another teeth whitening product you can use is the whitening gel. This is known to whiten teeth a couple of shades lighter. The procedure is also simple. You can paint the gel into your teeth and let it remain there overnight. Do this at least twice a week and it will become an effective way of whitening your teeth.

Today, you do not have to have the budget for it and shed some hard earned money. The next time you went grocery shopping, look for some whitening teeth products on display. Check out the labels and see if that product is the one for you.

Make the most of what teeth whitening products in Boston. Use them to your advantage so that you can achieve a smile that no one will forget.

Periodontal Disease in Adolescents

The meaning of the word periodontal is around the tooth. Also known as gum diseases periodontal diseases are nothing but serious infections caused by bacteria that harm the gums and tissues in the vicinity of the mouth. While dental cavities or caries only affects the tooth Periodontal disease is devastating affecting the bones that surround the tooth, gums, coverings of teeth root and tooth membrane. A physician specializing in the treatment of periodontal disease is known as Periodontist.

The disease should not be taken lightly and if its left untreated it can spread and affect the bones under the teeth which would eventually dissolve and would not longer support the teeth in its place. The chronic form of the disease is responsible for tooth loss in seventy percent of the cases affecting seventy five percent of the people at some time in their lives.

The causes of periodontal disease are similar to any other oral disease wherein plaque buildup and bacteria are responsible for the condition. According to statistics plaque buildup is the main cause of gum related diseases. Apart from the causes listed, the other possible causes of periodontal disease include: Genetics, unkempt oral hygiene, food getting stuck to frequently in the gums, mouth breathing, low nutrient diet or vitamin c deficient diet, smoking, diabetes, autoimmune/systemic disease, changes in hormone levels, certain medications and constantly teeth grinding.

According to statistics nearly sixty six percent young adult population suffers from periodontal disease and nearly fifty percent of teenagers suffer from periodontal disease. Also, it is the most widespread tooth loss cause in adults. But, what are the symptoms of periodontal disease? There are various symptoms and it could differ from one adolescent to the other which may include swollen, tender, and red gums; if one gets bleeding during brushing or flossing the teeth it is also one of the symptoms of periodontal disease; receding gums; constant odorous breath; loose teeth; dentures not fitting any longer; change in alignment of jaw and bite. The symptoms of the disease may be similar to other medical conditions and doctors consultation is the best in this regard.

Periodontal disease can be diagnosed by a dentist or a periodontist after reviewing the complete medical history and also physical examination of the teenagers mouth. Usually x-ray of the teeth is taken to evaluate the disease. Periodontal disease is classified into different types based on what stage the disease is in. The mildest form of gum disease is known as gingivitis in which gums become swollen, red and tender resulting in bleeding while daily brushing and flossing. Gingivitis is again divided into 4 groups primarily acute, sub-acute, recurrent and chronic. Acute gingivitis is nothing but sudden appearance which lasts for shorter duration and could be painful. Sub-acute gingivitis is less severe type of gingivitis. Recurrent gingivitis is the one that comes back after treatment. Chronic gingivitis is the one that onsets slowly, lasts longer and is generally painless. A dentists treatment and proper and continuous care can easily solve the problem of gingivitis but if left untreated could result in periodontitis.

Periodontitis is further classified into mild and moderate to advance. Periodontitis results from untreated gingivitis. In this stage the deterioration of the bone in the vicinity of the tooth becomes evident. The common symptoms include red gums that bleed; mouth tastes bad; loose teeth; tooth loss. Proper treatment is a must to control the disease and prevent further deterioration. Periondontitis which is in moderate to advanced stage shows signs of major loss of tissue and bone loss near the teeth.

There are various treatments available for periodontal disease which is decided by the dentist depending on teenagers age, medical history and health in general. The method of treatment also depends on the extent to which disease has reached. The tolerance of the teenager to certain medicines, therapies and procedures are also taken into consideration. Expectations and opinion of the parents or teenager is also the criteria in deciding the type of treatment. The treatment usually involves plaque removal, medication and in worse cases a surgery.


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