A Look At Gingivitis And Periodontal Disease

Gum disease, also known as gingivitis, is a serious condition that will normally result in tooth loss. With adults, gingivitis and periodontal disease are the most common forms of gum disease. To prevent both types of gum disease, you should always brush your teeth and remove as much plaque as possible. If you allow the plaque to build up, gum disease will normally be the result.

Gingivitis is known as inflammation in the tissues of the gums. If plaque and tartar build up along the gum line, the gums will eventually get swollen and irritated. Over time, the gums will get very tender and start to appear puffy. When you brush your teeth, youll notice that your gums have become very sore and they will start to bleed with little to no pressure. If you notice blood when brushing, chances are you have gingivitis. Anytime you brush your teeth or floss, there shouldnt be any sign of blood.

During this stage of gingivitis, there is no loss of bone structure. You can help to prevent gingivitis though, through flossing and brushing a few times a day. If you have gingivitis and you dont do something about it, it could lead to periodontal disease. Those who dont treat gingivitis or those who keep poor oral hygiene habits, will normally end up with periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease is a condition in which the bone and surrounding structures are destroyed. Even though this form of mouth disease cannot be reversed, you can put a stop to its progression by going to your dentist on a regular basis and brushing your teeth a few times day. Periodontal disease is a serious condition, which is why you should always try to stop the progression or even better – never let your gums and teeth get this bad.

If you dont do something about the progression of periodontal disease, the condition will continue to get worse. During the early stages of the disease, youll notice that your gums appear to be bright red, and very sore. This is due to the plaque building up below the gum line. When left untreated, the plaque and tartar that is below the gums will continue to eat at the teeth.

Keep in mind that plaque doesnt need to be visible or detected in order for periodontal disease to be diagnosed. To determine if you have periodontal disease, youll need to have your dentist examine you on a regular basis. Your dentist can perform tests on your gums and your teeth, to determine if you have it. If you do have periodontal disease, your dentist can tell you how to stop the progression and prevent things from getting any worse than they already are.

Both periodontal disease and gingivitis arent normally painful and both tend to progress in a slow fashion. Although you may not be aware that you have either of the two at first, the symptoms and signs will start to show in the later stages. Once the later stages have started to progress, youll normally end up losing the tooth.

To be on the safe side and protect your teeth and your gums, you should always go to the dentist for your regular checkups and cleaning. If you catch it in time, your dentist will be able to help you treat the earlier stages of gum disease. You dont want to wait until it is too late, as the more advanced stages of gum disease can completely destroy your teeth and gums – and there will be little to nothing that you can do about it.

All About Tooth Decay

In order for tooth decay to be developed in a tooth, that tooth must have acid producing bacteria around it, along with food for the bacteria to feed upon. Teeth that are susceptible to decay will have little to no fluoride in the enamel to fight the plaque. Fluoride can destroy decay, although it wont be able to do much once the decay has started to eat the teeth.

Poor hygiene habits will allow the plaque and tartar to build up around teeth and speed up the process of decay. Even though your mouth has a lot of bacteria that is always present, only one type will generate the acid that results in tooth decay. Some people have active decay that is always present in their mouths. Parents with active decay can easily pass the decay on to a child or loved one through eating, drinking from the same glass, or even kissing.

Once the decay has settled in the tooths enamel, it will progress very slow. Once it has made it through to the second layer of the enamel, it will spread faster as it heads towards the pulp. The pulp is a vital area of the tooth, as it contains the nerves and blood supply. This is where the pain will be the most intense, as the decay will start to eat at the nerves.

Although decay can take 2 – 3 years to get through the enamel, it can make it from the dentin to the pulp in less than a year. Once it makes it to the dentin, the decay can destroy most of the tooth structure in a matter of weeks – or months. The most preventable type of tooth decay, known as smooth decay, also grows the slowest. It starts out as a white spot in the tooth, where the bacteria dissolves the enamel. Smooth decay is very common with those 20 – 30 years of age.

Pit or fissure decay is a bit more serious, forming along the narrow grooves in the chewing side of the molars. It progresses more rapidly, and can eat your teeth a lot faster than smooth decay. Due to the grooves being so narrow, it can be hard to clean them with regular bushing. Even though you may brush on a regular basis, this type of decay is hard to prevent without going to the dentist for your regular checkups and cleaning.

The last type of decay, known as root decay, begins on the surface of the root. Root decay is common with middle aged individuals. It is normally the result of dry mouth, a lot of sugar, or not taking care of your teeth. Root decay is the most difficult to prevent, and the most serious type of tooth decay. It can eat teeth fast, leaving you no choice but to get the affected teeth removed.

Tooth decay is no laughing matter, and should always be treated before it has time to spread and affect more of your teeth. If you visit your dentist for your regular checkups and cleaning, you can normally prevent it from starting. You should always brush on a daily basis, and use mouthwash such as Scope or Listerine to kill bacteria. Bacteria is always present in your mouth, although you can use mouthwash to kill it. If you take care of your teeth and follow the advice of your dentist, you can normally prevent tooth decay before it has a chance to eat at your teeth.