Drugs as a Treatment for Alzheimers

As more and more individuals are diagnosed with the debilitating Alzheimers disease, more and more information are coming up as scientists and researchers continue to find out more about this enigmatic type of dementia. Despite this however, a lot of questions remain unanswered. These unanswered questions are hampering experts from finding out the cause of the disease as well as the cure.

What is known for a fact is that individuals begin to become susceptible to the disease at the age of 65 and above. It is also known that Alzheimers disease attack the brain and causes an abnormality there, which in turn causes the loss of normal functions in the body.

When a person has Alzheimers, he or she will have an abnormal deposit of brain protein that destroys the brain’s neurons, nerves and neurotransmitters. An autopsy of the brain of the person who suffered from Alzheimers will show a decrease of brain size and a smoother surface.

If experts can absolutely conclude on the causes of Alzheimers then perhaps an Alzheimers drug as a vaccine can be administered to individuals to be able to inhibit the ailment from happening. The statistics on Alzheimers cases are starting to raise much concern because care for individuals with this disease can rake up a lot of money that may in turn put a dent on a country’s health care system funds because of the alarming number of cases of individuals with Alzheimers.

Intensive care and costs are entailed for individuals who suffer from this because although at the onset and mild stage of the disease, only a slight short term memory loss is perceived, eventually the sufferer will lose more and more cognitive abilities. The person will begin to forget things more and more and will even begin to lose recognition of people and things that are a close part of his or life. There will also be marked instances of uncontrollable changes in behavior.

As the disease advances, the Alzheimers sufferer will begin to lose more and more motor skills and the ability to function independently from another. They will then have to be cared for by qualified caregivers who will have to take care of getting them fed and mobile when needed.

Aside from this though, the most imperative need for concrete answers in terms of Alzheimers drug treatments lies in the fact that this disease is irreversible and inexorably progresses into death. At present, Alzheimers disease has no known cure and Alzheimers drug treatments give only slight symptomatic relief for some patients but in no way can it buy an individual more time.

This claim has been debated however by pharmaceutical companies. For more information about Alzheimers drug treatments: what has been observed to work and what hasn’t; check out literature on The American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry’s official statement.

There is no reason to lose hope however because involved sectors are doing all they can to be able to conquer this disease. As more and more breakthroughs on the subject arise, there is no doubt that perhaps in the near future, an Alzheimers drug will be found successful in treating and curing this disease. In the meantime, friends, loved ones and caregivers of individuals with Alzheimers need to stay abreast of the latest news and breakthroughs in the field of Alzheimers research.

Alzheimer’s Disease

People tend to forget certain things because of work and other priorities. This is not uncommon because this does happen to everybody. However, when an individual tends to forget even the simplest things, there is already something definitely wrong. There is a chance that one has Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease is a disorder in the brain. In time, the patient will gradually lose both the intellectual and social abilities making it difficult to do anything and even interact with others.

This disease commonly afflicts people above 65 years of age. There are currently 4.5 million Americans that are suffering from this disease. It is projected that this number will increase, as the more population will reach the retirement age.

There is no known cure yet for Alzheimer’s disease. The only thing medical science can do for now is simply delay the inevitable for those who have just been diagnosed with the disease.

Is Alzheimer’s disease the same as dementia? The answer is no. This is because dementia is a symptom, which is caused by a disorder such as Alzheimer’s disease.

There are many symptoms for this disease. It may begin with the person simply forgetting certain things. It is hard to tell at this point but when it gets worse such as not knowing how to get to the office or get home, then there is definitely a problem.

Some patients are known to forget how to do some simple mathematical computations or even find the right words when writing a letter. There are those who are also disoriented and find it difficult to do certain tasks and make simple decisions.

The worse of these symptoms is perhaps experiencing personality changes even in the presence of family members and close friends. There are times the person is happy and then this will just change for no reason at all.

A neurological scan is the best way to check if the patient has Alzheimer’s disease. If it is confirmed, the individual has this problem, the best way to treat it is through the use of medical prescribed drugs.

There are two namely memantine and cholinesterase inhibitors. Studies have shown these can slow down the process as scientists are still conducting research to finally find a cure for this disease.

Patients who are diagnosed with the disorder will probably live more for 8 more years. This will really depend on how strong the person is because some have lived for 3 while others have fought with it for more than 10 years.

How can family members help a loved one with this disease? The siblings can take turns watching over the patient. If this is not possible, this is the time that a caregiver must be hired to check on the patient. This specialist will usually stay in the home and make sure the person is safe.

Physical and mental exercises must be administered to keep the patient’s strength up and even help depression, which is another symptom commonly, associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Whenever the people visit, it is best for each person to stay in the line of sight of the patient. It is best to speak slowly and even hold on to the individual, which is known to make the sufferer remember who he or she is talking to.

Alzheimers and Dementia

Alzheimers and dementia are strongly linked because Alzheimers disease is the most common type of dementia. Dementia is the constant evolution of the atrophy of the brain’s cognitive functions. In the case of Alzheimers, abnormal protein build up happen in the brain which interferes with its normal functions through interactions with the brain nerves and neurotransmitters that cause these elements to whither and die.

Alzheimers and dementia are attributed with progressive memory loss and other functions that are attributed to brain deterioration. Natural brain atrophy and cognitive function loss is a normal experience by humans as we age. However, Alzheimers type of dementia is way beyond that of what is considered the norm.

Alzheimers type dementia is extremely debilitating and the disease can run its course from as fast as 5 years but some cases stretch on to 20 years. The disruption of Alzheimers type dementia can be very confusing and difficult. What’s really hard to accept is that as of the moment, there are no known cures or successful treatments available for Alzheimers patients.

Of all the types of dementia, only a very tiny percentage is reversible and Alzheimers is not one of them. Once it attacks, there can be no slowing or stopping down. All one can do is be prepared for the onslaught. In this case, it is also important the patient’s friends and loved one understand and know all about Alzheimers and dementia so that they too can be allowed to cope with this situation.

If you suffer from the very early stages of Alzheimers type dementia, it can be very difficult for you to accept what is happening to you while you are aware of your situation. Often times, patients can create very difficult situations for themselves as well as for the people around them. For instance, people with Alzheimers type dementia can have the same conversation with the same person over and over again without realizing it.

Perhaps a person with Alzheimers type dementia can forget that they have just previously called a loved one to tell them something only to put the phone down and call right back to talk about the exact same thing. Situations like these can cause difficulties that is why it is important for people with Alzheimers type dementia to have the proper care.

Loss of correct judgment will inadvertently follow as the Alzheimers type dementia progresses so it might be prudent for patients to be supervised all the time. Eventually, patients will have to depend exclusively on specialized care for all their needs. This makes it important for patients and their loved ones to choose the right facility for this process.

It is important that people with Alzheimers type dementia be treated with respect and dignity all throughout the duration of the disease. While the patient has not lost all ability to make judgments and remember important things, they should be consulted in terms of what facilities or type of professional care they think they would benefit from.

As a loved one of someone who has Alzheimers type dementia, it can be very hard and painful to witness the progressing of the disease. This may cause some negative emotions and a lot of grief that may be unwittingly projected at the patient.

However, at the onset of the disease, when the patient is still conscious and aware, they can go through an even more painful process of accepting their disease.

Alzheimers Information

Unbelievably, one out of ten people over the age of 65 have Alzheimers disease. In fact, in a recent statistic polls, almost 19 million Americans suffer one way or the other from this dreaded progressive disease. Below are some information that you will find useful about the disease.

What is Alzheimers disease?

Alzheimers disease is a degenerative problem characterized by memory loss as well as loss in thinking skills. It is actually part of a constellation of memory and brain problems called dementia. It can lead to behavioral changes, loss of language skills, disorientation, confusion and increasing dependency. Most experts believe that Alzheimers is caused by a problem in the genetic make-up and is often associated with old age.

What are the signs and symptoms of Alzheimers disease?

What is however difficult with this problem is the fact that the onset of the disease will often manifest in symptoms often associated with forgetfulness when getting old. What separates this problem though is the fact that people with Alzheimers will eventually even forget normal routines and simple tasks. For instance, patients with Alzheimers can forget how to hold a spoon and fork while others will forget how to brush their teeth and take a bath. Believe it or not, some medical experts even say that some even forget hoe to breathe, something which comes quite naturally with a person.

One problem though with this is the fact that one can actually have no way of knowing whether it is ordinary forgetfulness or Alzheimers when it is just in the initial stages. It can start with ordinary forgetting of names and faces until it progresses to something major that can render the person totally incapacitated.

Who are affected by Alzheimers disease?

Although there are cases of Alzheimers that affected people in their 30s, most patients are over the age of 65 and a vast majority is over the age of 85. In addition to old age, experts believe that a family history of the same problem or of dementia may predispose someone to the disease. This is because experts pinpoint a defect in the genetic make up of the person who has Alzheimers disease.

People who are not much into mental pursuits or work that do not much involve mental strains will also most likely develop the disease compared to people who often stretch their mental muscles. In fact, one of the way to prevent the onset of dementia is to exercise the brain all the time especially during old age.

Even when one is already retired from work, old people should not forget to still use their minds by engaging in mental pursuits such as reading, answering crossword puzzles and even playing board games.

How do you diagnose Alzheimer’s Disease?

As mentioned earlier, it is extremely difficult for a person to differentiate an ordinary case of forgetfulness and dementia at the beginning of the progression. Some of the symptoms of the disease such as slow mental processing and forgetfulness may be attributed to other problems such as thyroid gland problems, reactions to medications that are being taken, and even just a normal aging process.

To really ensure that the problem is indeed Alzheimers, doctors rule out other possibilities and conduct series of tests. The only way actually to conclusively determine the presence of Alzheimers is to examine a cross section of the brain tissue when a person is already dead.