Top 10 tips for Arthritis sufferers

Top 10 tips for Arthritis sufferers
delore dartrite

Arthritis is a chronic disease affecting the
joints — the points in the musculoskeletal
system where the bones meet. When arthritis
sets in the joints grow into inflamed,
resulting in imposition, swelling, and stiffness.
People with the condition of arthritis often
find it demanding to perform basic tasks
like opening a jar or walking higher stairs.
Arthritis most typically happens in older
adults, although it is possible for young
adults and children to suffer from the

There are two main varieties of arthritis:
osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis
(RA). Osteoarthritis, by far the most
common, involves the breakdown of bones
and cartilage. It usually strikes the most
active joints, like those in the hands
and fingers, knees, hips, and back. Proper
coarse of action is essential to slowing the
progression of arthritis. Here are a select number
– Exercise 20 to 30 minutes a day
– Get a full eight hours of sleep in the over night.
– Practice wonderful body posture.
– Elevate the affected joint or joints for
15 minutes a day, many times a day.
– Apply caring compresses to the painful
– If you transpire to be overweight, lose weight.
– Sleep on a firm mattress and avoid soft
– Protect your joints by wearing caring
– Ask your doctor about splints, canes,
and/or surgery for unrelenting imposition or
– Listen to relaxation tapes and then
– Talk to your doctor about taking aspirin
for pain.

RA is an autoimmune disease that primarily
infects the joints however can as well effect even more
organs. This type of arthritis infects the
joints of both sides of the body equally,
which is one of the factors distinguishing
it from OA. Even given that the exact cause is
unknown, genetics is believed to be a primary
factor. Coarse of action can include a combination
of medication, physical therapy, and every so often
even surgery. RA is generally considered to be
even more fantastic than OA.

About the author:

delore dartrite is the owner of Arthritis Org which is a premier resource for arthritis information. for more information, go to

The Care of Rheumatoid Arthritis

The Care of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Leroy Gastering

There are different forms of arthritis each painful and possibly debilitating. Often attributed to those of advanced age, arthritis can afflict anyone and can develop for a number of reasons, depending upon the type. Since this particular disease affects the joints, the agility and mobility of the patient can be significantly impacted as it progresses sometimes to the extent of physical deformity.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease of the immune system which often targets the hands of the patient. In addition to great pain and inflammation of the joints, those who suffer from this form of arthritis will often experience a deformity of the hands and fingers. The disease typically affects both hands simultaneously and can cause exquisite pain, swelling and loss of normal function, in addition to severe deformity.
In broad terms, arthritis refers to inflammation of the joints. Where rheumatoid arthritis is concerned, the actual linings of the joints is what becomes inflamed. This causes the cartilage in the joints to grow and swell, which over long term erodes the joints. This is what causes the very characteristic crippling deformities that occur in the fingers and hands of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers.
People diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis comprise only 1% of the population. (Vast numbers of people who suffer from other types of arthritis.) This disease affects women much more frequently than men. So far, there is no known cure for rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore, the only recognized treatment at this point, is to manage the pain. Doctors prescribe various remedies which depend upon the patient’s medical history, overall profile and other related factors.
Of the many types of pain control, oral medications are often used to control the swelling and pain thats associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Other options include braces and splints which gird weakened joints and remove excessive pressure from them and surgery, in more critical cases. The latter option not only aids in reducing pain, but also provides greater mobility and improves the appearance of the hands. These surgeries may consist of a synovectomy, osteomoty or joint replacement.
When diagnosed early enough, there are many steps that can be used to reduce pain and the other consequences of this type of arthritis. So, even though theres no known cure, if one experiences pain, swelling, or diminished use of the hands, one should contact a doctor immediately. A plan can be outlined to reduce pain, and prepare for future surgery.
No-one should have to live with pain of arthritis, now that so much progress has been made in the field of pain management. The first steps in managing the pain may be as simple as common aspirin or other medications. If they do not work, a doctor will then prescribe medication that specifically targets arthritis pain. But before that can happen,there has to be open communication between the doctor and the patient regarding the pain early in the treatment. So, it is not advisable to suffer quietly in this case.

About The Author

Leroy Gastering is the owner of Arthritis Biz, inc. which is a complete resource center for anything and everything related to Arthritis. For more details please visit

Rheumatoid arthritis treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis treatment
Robert Kokoska

Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition where involves inflammation
of joints which leads to further swelling and pain. It causes an
upset inside the body where the immune system starts attacking
joint tissue, cartilage and other organs.

However the causes of rheumatoid arthritis are still not known
fully. This type of arthritis is the most common and affects one
in every 100 people. Rheumatoid arthritis affects people of all
ages but mainly effects people within the ages of 30 – 50. Women
are three times more likely to be effected as men. Patients
carrying this form of arthritis most often complain of
fluctuating pain and inflammation of joints, which can get gets
worse during flare-ups.

This article aims to offer an insight into several treatments
that can be used against rheumatoid arthritis.

There are two main kinds of drugs used against rheumatoid
arthritis; first line drugs, fast acting drugs, and second line
which are slow acting drugs.

First line drugs include nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Examples of NSAIDs are
aspirin, ibuprofen and etodolac. These can be used to reduce
pain and swelling of joints.

Aspirin has long been used to decrease inflammation. It can be
used to treat rheumatoid arthritis by using doses that are
higher then those used during fever. Newer types of NSAIDs are
effective as aspirin and require fewer intakes per day. However
just like all medication, it has its own side effects which
include stomach pain, abdominal pain and a few others. In order
to minimize the side effects of NSAIDs, they are regularly taken
with meals.

Another type of first line drugs includes Corticosteroids. They
are more powerful then NSAIDs and are given either orally or
through an injection to the inflamed areas such as joints.

Corticosteroids are given in small doses, mainly during
flare-ups as it reacts more strongly to inflammation. However it
can have serious side effects on the body if given for an
extended period of time in high doses. These include weight
gain, easy risk of infection, easy bruising and others. The side
effects can be minimized by decreasing the level of doses given
to the patients slowly as the condition of the patient improves.
A sharp decline in the doses given to the patient is discouraged
as it can lead to flare-ups and other symptoms of the disease.

Second line drugs include Disease-modifying
Anti-rheumatic Drugs or DMARDs. These drugs are mainly used to
prevent destruction of joints and deformity. DMARDs are used for
an extended period of time in order to be effective. DMARDs can
often be used with a combination of other second line drugs as

Some examples of DMARDs include Sulfasalazine,
Hydroxychloroquine, D-penicillamine and others.

Apart from the above methods, there are some other approaches
that can be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. The patients can
undertake exercise that can help them improve their physical
condition and improve joint mobility. Additionally it is
important to have a healthy intake of food.

Many often patients with rheumatoid arthritis can experience
weight loss. This can be combined with medication and therapy to
come up with a more potent combination against the condition.
Depending on your position, you can under go either
physiotherapy or occupational therapy. This will help improve
flexibility, mobility, and reduce pain in your joints.

The aforementioned approaches to rheumatoid arthritis have been
used time and again. However it is essential to seek your
nearest doctor to get firm guidance. Each arthritis case shall
be dealt on an individual basis.

With the passage of time, new and more effective treatments
against arthritis are starting to come through. However the only
way to gain the maximum benefit from the existing treatments
will be to remain punctual throughout the course of the
medication. It is important to constantly consult your doctor
and keep him or her up to date with your condition, so that the
doctor can advise you further and give more effective feedback.

About the author:
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Remain Active with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Yoga Guide

Remain Active with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Yoga Guide
ARA Content

(ARA) – More and more people are performing the age-old practice of Yoga. Yoga can stretch you, it can relax you and now it may help people with arthritis. According to the American Yoga Association (AYA), Yoga may help people with arthritis deal with pain and stiffness, improve range of motion and increase strength for daily activities.
One of the most common forms of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which affects approximately two million Americans, of which more than 75 percent are women. RA is a chronic, autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks healthy tissue lining the joints, leading to pain, deformity and disability that may be permanent. Now available is a first-of-its kind online Yoga guide specifically for people with RA, developed by the AYA, in collaboration with the Arthritis Foundation and support from
For thousands of years people have used Yoga to build flexibility and strength, improve concentration, relieve stress and increase energy. Today the benefits of Yoga may extend to people with RA. According to a pilot study published in the British Journal of Rheumatology, people with RA who participated in a Yoga program over a three-month period experienced greater handgrip strength compared to those who did not practice Yoga.
“People with RA may benefit from low-impact exercises like Yoga to help improve overall health and fitness without further damaging or hurting the joints,” said Dr. Cheryl Lambing, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California Los Angeles. “Physical activity may optimize both physical and mental health and plays a vital role in disease management.”
The unique Yoga guide, Remain Active with RA, encompasses traditional Yoga poses including range-of-motion, muscle strengthening, and endurance exercises – the three major forms of exercise typically prescribed for people with RA. Each exercise contains detailed photographs and instructions indicating the proper way to perform each movement, with variation of exercises based on disease severity. It is important for people with RA to speak to their physician before embarking on any new exercise program.
“With my rheumatoid arthritis, I never thought I would be able to do an exercise like Yoga,” said Lynn McKenzie-Collins, Ph.D. “I am now reassured that there is a Yoga guide tailored for people with my disease that may help my pain and stiffness.”
The Remain Active with RA Yoga Guide is offered free exclusively at and can be accessed when visitors to the site register. RAacademy is a disease web site, sponsored by Aventis Pharmaceuticals that provides RA-related news and information to people with the disease and their families. In addition to the Yoga guide, the site features self-care tools and tips for living with RA.
About The Author
Courtesy of ARA Content,; e-mail: