Tanning Bed Safety-No Rules Of Any Kind Of Tanning

No matter how much information we see about the possible dangers of too much time in the sun, there are those people who love the way they look with a tan. Some of them will even use artificial light during the off season to keep that golden glow all year long. At the minimum, follow some simple tanning bed safety guidelines if you are going to go to a tanning parlor.

We have known for many years that too much exposure to the sun can have a long term detrimental effect on our overall health and the health of our skin. While the damage may not show up for decades we can develop skin cancer and premature aging to name just two.

In order to decrease these risks in the future use these tanning bed safety rules (as well as any rules that the individual tanning parlor may have in place):

1. Limit the amount of time you spend in a bed when you are first starting out. A good salon will make it part of their policy to limit how much time you can spend when you first start out.

They will force you to increase your time incrementally over a few weeks. It may be frustrating to be able to go for only two or three minutes at a time when first starting but it is the safest way to go.

While all exposure to UV rays can be damaging to your skin, and could lead to future skin cancer, the more often you burn your skin the more likely you are for long term damage.

Avoiding getting burned is one of the best ways to make the whole process “safer”.

2. Make sure you use the eye protection provided (or bring your own). Also, keep your eyes closed. The eye protection is only your first line of defense, your eye lids are your second line of defense. Use both.

Your skin is not the only thing that is vulnerable to too many UV rays. Your eyes are too. If you don’t protect them you may find that skin cancer is the least of your concerns.

3. Allow a minimum of 24 hours between tanning sessions. Again, a well run tanning parlor will make that part of their rules and won’t let you tan more frequently.

This may seem unnecessary but your skin can actually keep tanning for a long time even after you are out of the sun. Until you know how much exposure you really got and how your skin will react you need to allow yourself plenty of time in between visits.

4. Wear sunscreen even in the tanning booth. I know this may seem counter intuitive, but you can still get a tan even while wearing sunscreen, you are just cutting down the amount of these harmful rays that are making it through to your skin and thus minimizing the damage.

5. Make sure the beds are kept clean and sanitary. You don’t want to get more than a tan when you visit your local tanning parlor.

Tanning bed safety guidelines like these are the best way to keep yourself as safe as possible when doing something that isn’t that safe. Don’t compound your risk, follow these rules.

How To Age Gracefully-Getting Older Is A Fact Of Life

How To Age Gracefully-Getting Older Is A Fact Of Life

Getting older is a fact of life. From the time you are born, you are getting older, and there’s nothing you can do about, at least not when it comes to your chronological age. You can, however, do a lot to slow down the aging process, but at the same time, you will be much more content when you discover how to age gracefully.

An endless series of plastic surgeries is not what aging gracefully is all about. Perhaps you are familiar with a few actors and actresses who have had so much plastic surgery that they now look awful. Despite their best attempts to look younger, they still look older, but they also look worse than if they would have let themselves age the way nature had intended. Does that mean you should never get any form of plastic surgery? Not at all, but you should be very choosy about what you get done, and be sure that you don’t overdo it.

Another key aspect of aging gracefully is acting your age, or at least close to it. Few things are more unsettling than somebody trying to dress and act like they are decades younger than they really are. You may think that you are fitting in with younger people by doing this, but you will make yourself look ridiculous. Now, it’s okay to dress well, and to hang around with younger people, but don’t be phony about it; be yourself.

Your skin is one of the most important aspects of your appearance. Having younger looking skin is fair game when it comes to aging gracefully. Your skin needs to be properly moisturized for it to be healthy. You can use moisturizing creams on the outside (look for those that contain humectants) of your skin, but remember to drink plenty of water so your skin gets moisturized from the inside. Using a toner will help to tighten your skin, but avoid those which contain alcohol. Exfoliating removes dead skin cells that have accumulated on the surface. However, don’t exfoliate too often, and use a product that is gentle.

If you smoke, quit. Period.

How you look is only a part of aging, so don’t forget to take care of yourself spiritually as well. Frequent prayer, attending worship services, reading holy books, and meditation all help to give your life a sense of purpose. Having a sense of purpose as you get older is vital because it lets you enjoy each moment with a fuller sense of what life is all about. You are no longer fighting life, but rather embracing and enjoying it for what it is.

Yes, we are all getting older, but this isn’t a bad thing when you know how to age gracefully. Taking it all in stride and doing a few basic things is all it takes to not only look better, but to feel better too.

Doppler Fetal Heart Rate Monitor

Becoming a mother is one of the greatest things that can happen to any woman. And when she is about to have a child, she would do everything just to make sure that the baby she is carrying in her womb is safe, healthy, and happy. This is the reason why expectant mothers would go to medical centers for regular checkup on the status of the baby inside the womb unmindful of the cost that would take to do it.

Today, if you are about to be a mother, there is a better way to get in touch with your future baby right at the comfort of your home. All you need is the doppler fetal heart rate monitor.

The doppler fetal heart rate monitor uses high frequency sound waves that lets you hear the sound of your babys heart beat through an audible device sometimes an earphone or a speaker that is usually built-in on the heart rate monitor. In order for this wave to travel, the doppler fetal heart rate monitor is aided by particular liquid often a lotion, oil or water. The liquid is applied on the mothers belly that would let the sound waves to travel from the heart of the baby across the belly through the monitor.

The doppler fetal heart rate monitor can be used on expectant mothers carrying as early as 10-12 weeks old fetus to the moment you are about to give birth. So the first bond you would create with your child would start the moment you make contact with through the doppler fetal heart rate monitor.

The doppler fetal heart rate monitor lets you know and hear the heart beat of the baby inside you while seeing the digital result on an LCD screen. It uses the same ultrasound technique that has been in existence and trusted by doctors for more than 3 decades so it is proven safe and effective. Most doppler fetal heart rate monitors are battery operated, lightweight, and very portable so you can carry it wherever you go. Some are also compatible with any PC so you can track and record every detail you would get from the monitor.

With the doppler fetal heart rate monitor, you can now experience the connection with your child safer and earlier than you can expect. The doppler fetal heart rate monitor makes parenting and motherhood more fun, more exciting, and more intimate.

Aromatherapy Massage Oil Adding Ease To Your Life

When most people think of alternative medicine, what comes to mind is usually basic information that’s not particularly interesting or beneficial. But there’s a lot more to alternative medicine than just the basics.
Aromatherapy Massage Oil Adding Ease To Your Life

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Aromatherapy massage oil has gained popularity now a days due to the benefits attached with it. It can be settle to diverse purposes depending on your need and requirements. Minor in how aromatherapy massage oil can balm you get stress free and gives you a upright push to make a fresh starting.

Aromatherapy Massage Oil, essential massage oils, aromatherapy treatment

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Hectic schedule may be leaving you stressful resulting in oversize strain and pressure. If you too are caught up in the same situation and looking for a solution to relieve the stress, then massage with aromatherapy massage oil can be the whole solution to get relaxed and regaining the freshness that you had missing for a long time.

Form serves as an active incubus antidote. Various knead oils are available in the market but if you are looking for the best and the natural one then aromatherapy massage oil would definitely pose to be the best option.

Nature presents the best aid. In the past, natural herbs were used over an ailment to curb the disease and other problems. But, in the past few decades whole arena has changed there has been a rapid increase in the usage of chemicals, which have adversely affected the body and skin of many people.

But, aromatherapy has introduced a breakthrough to the shell of troubles that artificial oil massages has been creating. Relax and cure various joint with a little massage all over your body stash aromatherapy massage oil.

Aromatherapy massage oil can be put to diverse uses namely relaxation, romance, stress reliever, childrens massage and many more depending on your aspirations and needs. Just a simple massage with aromatherapy massage oil works as a helpful theraoeutic process, where disease or injury has occurred in muscles, connective tissues, bones or any other part of the body.

You can choose the incomparably appropriate massage oil that suits your needs and aspirations the best. If you find it difficult to decide which aromatherapy knead oil is tailor-made for you, seek the advice of professional cosmetologist who can guide about the suitable oil that suit your type of skin to the best.

You can look for massage oils in the shops nearer to your home. But, in position you dont want to indulge in troubles involved in works out and shopping. One more easier also faster option is available, the Internet. You can browse through various sites selling access wide range of aromatherapy squeeze oil. They also give you the benefit of reasonable fed up prices on bulk purchase of aromatherapy massage oil.

Internet can be the one stop shop for you, you can compare the prices of massage oil offered by various sellers and burden cluster the appropriate message oil accordingly.

Get stress free the natural way with aromatherapy massage oil that can help you relieve the stress by activating your body cells and toning your body. Make the best use of Internet shopping that gives you an added advantage of getting the desired massage oil from the comfort of your home.

Now might be a good time to write down the main points covered above. The act of putting it down on paper will help you remember what’s important about alternative medicine.