Deaf People Can Benefit From Cochlear Implants

Some people suffer from a deafness problem that cannot be corrected. Fortunately, there is a way to make them hear sounds.

This is where cochlear implants come along. This device is surgically planted and instead of amplifying sounds which hearing aids do, it stimulates the functioning auditory nerves inside the cochlea with an electric field stimulated through an electric impulse.

This implant consists of many small parts. These include a microphone, speech processor and an RF transmitter. Not that many people have undergone this procedure because it is very expensive and there are still other options available before this will be utilized.

But is it worth the money? Most of the patients who have undergone cochlear implant say so because although you get almost near to normal hearing.

A study has shown that adults who have had cochlear implants benefit almost immediately and their hearing improves quite rapidly after the first 6 months of tuning sessions. This is not the same for children because it will take them more time to adjust to the implant.

The device helps them distinguish different types of sound and understand speech without the need to lip read. In fact a surprising number are able to use the telephone.

The only limitation to cochlear implants is that background noise is still present and this will interfere with the persons ability to understand. When this happens, he or she has to rely more on speech or lip reading instead of this listening device.

This is why doctors say that although there are benefits to cochlear implants, to what degree really depends on the patient. These factors depend on auditory memory, exposure to sound before hearing was lost, shorter period of deafness before surgery, the condition of the cochlea and the auditory nerve fibers.

Once the device has been implanted, the patient has to visit the clinic regularly for the first 6 months to adjust the volume and to make sure that everything is working. If a child was the one who underwent the cochlea implant, they will need to develop their listening and speech skills compared to adults.

So what is the price tag for a cochlear implant? The cost could go from $40,000 to $100,000. This depends where it was performed and who was the specialist in charge of the operation. Money should not be an issue anymore given that most third party health insurance health plants now cover a certain percentage for those who need a cochlear implant.

The cochlear implant is the only device to date that can help people who have permanent deafness problems. In fact, research is now ongoing to see if this can also help people with other types of hearing loss.

In the US alone, 23,000 adults and 15,500 children have received them. Most of the children who had this were between two to six years of age but the age requirement was lowered in 2000 making it possible for even a one year old to undergo the implant.

There is no doubt that someone who is deaf or is suffering from a permanent deafness problem will benefit from a cochlear implant. You might even call it life-changing given that you are given second chance to hear again the different sounds that life has to offer.

Understanding People Who Are Deaf And Are Suffering From Deafness

Understanding People Who Are Deaf And Are Suffering From Deafness Problems

Some people are born into this world without any complications. Sadly, there are those who are born deaf or who will soon suffer from deafness problems. That sucks and if you happen to meet someone who has this problem, dont feel sorry for them or treat them differently because that is the last thing they want from you.

If you meet someone who is deaf, ask them how they prefer to communicate with you. You have to remember that although deaf people cannot hear you, they can lip read so you have to talk to them slowly so they can understand what you are saying.

For the males, one problem in communicating with a deaf person could be your facial hair because some of them will not be able to understand you especially if you have a mustache or beard. If this happens, try using the other ways to communicate with them like sign language if you are familiar with it but if you dont, try writing it down so they can respond.

In the event that you need to get their attention, wave your hand, tap their shoulder gently, flicker the lights or stop on the floor because the vibration will tell them if someone is around. Since they cant hear you, never shout because you are just wasting your breath.

When you talk to a deaf person, make sure that your face is in the line of view. This will make it easy for them to respond should they want to read your lips. If the person appears to be lost, ask if they understood what you said. If not, repeat it slowly this time.

Some deaf people that you might talk to may not speak English very well. If you have a hard time understanding what they said, tell them to kindly write down what they are trying to say.

Deaf people are just as hard working as people who can hear. Although they wont be able to answer the phone, they can be tasked to do other things so give them a little credit and accept them for who they are.

If at work you have to speak to other members in a group, take the time out to make sure they understand what is going on because for most deaf people, they are used to interacting on a one to one level.

The same goes if you are hanging out with your friends who can hear on their own and you decide to bring your deaf friend along.

The day may come when you encounter a deaf person accompanied by an interpreter. If you have to communicate, always refer to them in the first person tense. Failure to do this is offensive to the deaf person given that he or she is present.

How we treat people who are deaf should not be different to people we communicate with normally. Why? Because deaf people have feelings and the only difference between both of you is the fact that one person can hear while the other cant.

With that, you should speak slower, be patient and understanding with these individuals. If you take the time to know them, you might enjoy hanging out with them and forget that he or she is deaf.