Sinus Infection Prevention

You dont always have to wait for sinus infection to strike before you take action. In fact, there are steps you can take to prevent this from happening and here are a few.

1. Moisten the air in your home. You can do this by buying a humidifier or an air conditioning unit as this regulates the temperature during hot and cold weather.

2. Aside from humidifiers or air conditioning equipment, you can also install electrostatic filters which are designed to remove allergens in the air.

3. If you live in an area that is polluted, move somewhere else. You have to remember that sinus infections area also caused by strong fumes and chemicals that may irritate your sinus linings.

4. Drinking too much alcohol may also trigger a sinus infection because it swells the nasal and sinus membranes which leave them exposed to irritation. This simply means that you should drink moderately.

5. Smoking also causes sinus infections because it irritates the sinus lining which causes bad drainage of the mucus and the sinus to congest. So, you should quit smoking and stay away from people who smoke.

6. If you travel often, you should cut down the number of times you have to fly from one destination to the next. This is because a bubble of air within the body expands as the air pressure in the plane reduces. When this happens, this could result in the blockage of the Eustachian tubes causing your nose to clog during the planes ascent or descent. If you have to fly, be sure to bring with you a decongestant nose drop or inhaler and use this before the flight.

7. When you have a sinus infection, the best way to fight it is to stay hydrated. The same thing goes to prevent it by drinking lots of water, juice or any other liquid to replenish what was lost from the body.

8. You should also practice good hygiene since most sinus infections are caused by bacterial and viral infections. This means taking a shower twice a day and washing your hands with soap and water each time you go to the bathroom. You should also do this every time you sneeze because when you cover your mouth, the germs go to your hands.

9. For years, we have said that consuming dairy products will keep our bones strong. But studies have shown that too much can thicken your mucus and cause nasal passages to narrow down which results to headache and pain.

10. You should also get a flu shot every year.

11. Drinking liquids should also be followed with eating good food especially fruits and vegetables. After all, these are rich in antioxidants that will boost your immune system and help your body resist infection.

12. Lastly, stress makes us prone to sinusitis and many other infections. So we should get sufficient rest like 8 hours at least every night.

13. You should also take some multivitamins and supplements to add to your daily supplement.

You can prevent sinus infections from happening so that you dont have to call in sick and miss a day at work or school. It takes a little effort to take these safety measures which happen to be much cheaper than going to your doctor and buying over the counter medication.

Body Detox Naturally Remove Unwanted Toxins

Toxicity is one of the greatest concerns in the 20th century. This is because there are several factors contributing in the development of toxins in the human body such as stronger chemicals, water and air pollution, nuclear power, and radiation. Many people are ingesting new chemicals, using all kinds of drugs, eating more sugar as well as refined foods, and abusing themselves with various sedatives and stimulants.

These toxins lead to an increased incidence of acquiring diseases as well. Some of the most dangerous are cardiovascular illnesses and cancer. Others include obesity, allergies, arthritis, and other skin problems. Moreover, it also displays symptoms including fatigue, headaches, pains, gastrointestinal problems, coughs, and other problems associated with weak immune system.

These chronic and acute illnesses can be alleviated through cleansing or detoxification program. This process naturally eliminates the harmful toxins from the body. It can either be a short-term or a long-term procedure. Those people who are addicted to some substances are well benefited by this program. They can temporarily avoid addictive agents and later on withdraw from their abusive habits.

Take note that toxicity can occur on two major levels. It can either be internal or external. External toxicity is acquired from the environment through breathing, ingesting or physical contacts. It also includes the chemical characteristics of foods which affects the health. Most food additives, drugs, and allergens create the bodys toxic elements. In fact, substances such as sodium, many nutrients, and even water have toxicity in particular circumstances.

On the other hand, internal toxins are internally produced by the body from its daily normal functions. Cellular, bodily, and biochemical activities are producing substances that should be eliminated. These free radicals known as biochemical toxins can cause inflammation or irritation of the tissues and cells which blocks the normal functioning of an organ, cells, or entire body level. All kinds of microbes, foreign bacteria, intestinal bacteria, parasites, and yeasts produce waste products that are metabolic. Emotions, thoughts, and stress also increase biochemical toxins.

Almost everybody needs to detoxify their bodies so that it can function well. Detox or cleansing is a trilogy portion of the nutritional action. Eating balance diets and avoiding excesses will need lesser intensive detoxification. Although the body has its elimination cycle carried out mostly at night and early morning, eating a congested diet with higher fats, refined foods, dairy products, and even intake of drugs can procure lots of body toxins. That is why body detox is needed because some individuals are having this kind of lifestyle.

Fasting is a detox therapy that is sometimes incorporated. It is considered as the oldest and complete natural treatment for humans. Detox processes can help clear dead cells, wastes, and revitalize the natural functions as well as the healing capacities of the body. Well, many people are claiming that cleansing programs have incredible and positive results on their body.

The proper way of eliminating these toxins is very important to the health of a person. Although the body can handle certain amount of toxins, it is always necessary to think of reduction or elimination in case of excess toxin production and food intake occurs. Of course, in the end you will be benefited with a well-working and stronger immune system to prevent diseases from attacking you. In this way, you will live a much better life.

Natural Relief for Arthritis

Natural Relief for Arthritis

Many arthritis sufferers do not like the idea of conventional
medicine as a means of treating their ailment. They want natural arthritis

There are those who claim that, if a pill comes from ingredients
from a plant, it is therefore “natural” and suitable for human
consumption. They ignore the fact that extracts of plants and
herbs are chemicals – and some chemicals can kill!

Prescription medicines have undergone numerous tests, following
rigid procedures until there is evidence that any drug or
treatment really does work. Most natural products have not
undergone such testing.

Many so-called “quack” remedies fall in the “natural” category;
their acceptance depends on the fact that, for some unknown
reason, the pain of arthritis tends to flare up and then
subside. Frequently the symptoms subside while the patient is
taking a particular “miracle cure” and the arthritis sufferer
believes he or she is cured. However, it is not uncommon for the
symptoms to return, worse than ever. The fact is, virtually any
new treatment, effective or not, often seems to help at first,
simply because the sufferer wants it to so desperately.

Willow Bark is an example of how “natural” remedies can gain
their reputation. Willow Bark is used in treating arthritis but
its’ effect is a result of the salicylates or everyday aspirin
it contains. Devil’s Claw is also used to treat arthritis – and
it is an analgesic (pain killer)that makes people consider it a
“natural” remedy.

A product prepared from freeze-dried extract of green-lipped New
Zealand mussels was touted as being effective in relieving the
painful swelling and stiffness of arthritis; a variety of
gold-based compounds make up a variety of drugs which
temporarily banish the painful symptoms of arthritis; relief
from arthritic pain is sought by many, especially sportsmen,
wearing magnetic bracelets. Does it matter if these products
actually work – or if the individuals just believe they do?

Actually it does matter: many of the untested products can cause
serious side-effects – especially over the long term.

And what of our diets? Numerous theories have come and gone,
including a “No Nightshade” diet et which eliminates members of
the nightshade family of plants. Another theory “advised
sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis to eat like the Eskimos!”
Current advice follows along the lines of that given for
sufferers of heart problems: eat lots of fish, cut back on
animal fats, include plenty of fruits and vegetables. Experiment
with eliminating dairy products. Does it make a difference in
joint pain or stiffness?

Some of the most natural ways of dealing with arthritis may be
just plain common sense: losing excess weight, mild exercise,
reasonable rest, using moist and local heat to give the joint

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Food Cravings During Pregnancy

Do pickles and ice cream sound good to you? How about red peppers and peanut butter? If these do, you are probably a pregnant woman who has just gone looking for that ice cream carton you know you have buried in your freezer. More than three quarters of all pregnant women experience cravings at some point. The most common cravings are for sweets, dairy products and salty foods although there are some weird cravings out there. Some women have been known to put black olives on cheesecake, while others have been known to dip fruit in salsa. As bizarre as some cravings can be, they are mainly perfectly safe.

There are old wives tales that believe what you crave could be a good indication of the sex of your baby. If you are craving sweets you are having a girl. If you crave meats or cheeses, it is believed you are having a boy. Cravings are something that most women love most about pregnancy. It is when a woman is craving dirt or clay that an alarm should go off. If you should find yourself craving dirt, soil, or chalk call your doctor right away. Not only could these be harmful if you do eat them, but chances are they are a sign of iron-deficiency anemia.

Most doctors believe that cravings can be nutritionally based. That is to say the cravings are a message from your body on what it needs to eat. If you are craving salts foods it could be because your body needs more sodium as your blood volume increases. If you are craving fruit, your body might need more vitamins C. The problem is sometimes the message gets lost on the way to our brain. You may find yourself craving something sweet and instead of getting berries or fruit, you find yourself gulping down snicker bars by the cart full. Cravings can be the downfall of your weight gain especially if the message is getting scrambled. There are some ways though you can help curb your cravings.

For starters, eat a good breakfast. Eating a good breakfast can prevent cravings later in the day. You also want to try and make wise choices by looking for healthier alternatives. If you are dying for potato chips try eating some soy crisps. Instead of ice cream, try frozen yogurt. If you feel like candy is calling your name, snack on some frozen grapes. If you want something salty try pretzels, or even rice cakes to satisfy that urge. A good substation for soda would be some fruit juice mixed with sparkling water.

Next, think small. If you are craving chocolate, you do no need to reach for a king size bar. The snack size bar will satisfy your craving just the same. If you want a brownie, have one; just do not eat the whole pan. There is nothing wrong with indulging in a few of your cravings as long as you know not to over do it.

Giving in to your cravings during pregnancy does not make you a bad person and it is not something you should beat yourself up about and feel guilty about. Cravings are a normal part of pregnancy and denying yourself all the time might make you resent being pregnant. Indulge when you want to, just make sure you make wise choices and do everything in moderation.