Ada Diabetes Diet

The ADA diabetes diet, called the Carb Consistent Diet, was once referred to as the Standard ADA Diet. It is now called the Carb Consistent Diet because it allows you to keep your carb intake evenly distributed throughout your day so your blood sugar does not spike too high or go too low therefore keeping your diabetes under control.

Although there are many variations of the Carb Consistent Diet, the ADA diabetes diet we will be concentrating on is the 1800 calorie diet.

As a diabetic you know that everything you eat affects your blood sugar. Keeping your carb intake steady throughout your day is important. Whether you eat three meals a day or you eat more often you should try to eat the same number of carbs at each meal.

The 1800 calorie diet allows you 180 grams of carbs in a day so if you eat three times a day then you can have 60 grams of carbs at each meal. If you eat five times a day then you need to do the math and divide 180 by 5 and then figure up your meals at only 36 grams of carbs at each meal.

Smaller meals may be the better way to go also if you need to lose a few pounds. Losing weight on the 1800 calorie diet may not be the easiest thing to do and you might consider switching to the 1500 or 1200 calorie diet to lose the weight you want to lose.

Plan on eating 3-5 servings of fruit everyday. What this means is, you should be eating a piece of fruit with every meal. The ADA will tell you that a serving of fruit is a small orange, pear, kiwi, or apple, or two tablespoons of dehydrated fruit like apricots, prunes, cranberries, or cherries.

You should also be sure to add 3-5 servings of vegetables in your meal plan for the day. Once again, this means a vegetable at every meal. Mix it up have a small salad for lunch and eat your broccoli at dinner. Cut up some celery sticks, carrot sticks, and radishes, or a cucumber. Serving sizes of all of these vegetables are not huge, just about a half a cup, so do not think you will be eating mounds of vegetables every day because you won’t be.

Whole grains will help you feel fuller longer. Make sure to get a good 5-6 servings each day. Stay away from starchy foods like potatoes, white bread, and white rice, they will make your blood sugars spike unnecessarily. Stick with brown rice and things like lentils and beans to get your whole grain and fiber. Make breads one of the things you eat the least of.

With lean protein sources and low fat or non-fat dairy products rounding out your ADA diabetes diet you should be well on your way to really getting a handle on controlling your blood sugars so you can continue to live a happy, healthy life.

Skin Care the Natural Way

Washing the face everyday is sometimes not enough. Some get facials done while others regularly visit their dermatologists for consultation. There are also some who are forever undergoing some kind of medication to help keep their face blemish free. This can eat up a lot of the money that they earn. Remember that facials and consultations are not cheap. They can be mightily expensive.

But why go with the medical when you can do it in the natural way? Below are some of the ways that you can take care of your skin without spending so much.

1. Exfoliation in the shower

Exfoliation is one of the things that help keep your skin, smooth and silky. The process removes the dead cells from the skin, thereby preventing the buildup of dead cells in the pores.

Exfoliation can actually be done before you take a bath everyday. You just need a dry brush. Make sure that it has soft bristles; otherwise, you will end up irritating the skin. Brush in circular movements to also help in the circulation of the skin. This process however can only be done in certain parts of the body. Sensitive areas like the face may only be irritated.

2. Use fruits and veggies

Clich as it is, fruits and vegetables really do have properties that help in keeping the skin healthy. What is more you dont have to eat them. There are fruits and veggies that you can put directly to your skin like the tomato and the cucumber.

Of course, eating an apple a day will definitely keep the dermatologists away as apple contains natural nutrients that are really good for the body, especially for the skin. High fiber fruits like bananas are also highly recommended as they are able to improve on digestion and metabolism.

3. Water

Not only will water help you in washing your face, drinking lots of it will also help you get rid of the toxins in the body. In fact, one of the secrets to having great skin is drinking lots of water. Experts recommend at least 8 glasses a day. For people who have digestive problems, about 10-15 glasses is already enough.

4. Exercise

Another way to get rid of the toxins in the skin is to regularly do physical activities whether they like working out in the gym or doing sports activities.

5. Avoid sugar

Do you know that sugar can actually make your skin sag and develop wrinkles? This happens when the excess sugar go to the bloodstream and sticks to the protein.

Home Remedies For Kidney Stones To Help Relieve The Pain

Home Remedies For Kidney Stones To Help Relieve The Pain

Kidney stones are amongst some of the most painful experiences to have to go through and once you’ve felt that pain, chances are you’re going to be looking around for home remedies for kidney stones so that if an attack hits again, you’re ready.

But first of all what are kidney stones and who is most likely to get them. Well kidney stones are deposits that are left in the kidney that then grow to a size where they cause pain. They can block the tubes that take urine out of the body and make urination extremely difficult and painful. Men in the 20 40 age range are generally more susceptible to kidney stones as are those who suffer with gout. The symptoms can range from sickness, tiredness and fever.

One of the classic home remedies for kidney stones has to be drinking plenty of water at least eight glasses per day if you can. This will help to flush through your system and increase the amount of urine that you pass. What this does is to remove the toxins and the deposits that can accumulate and cause the stones in the first place. These toxins and deposits are formed by a mix of substances but the base of these are uric acid.

What you can also add to the water you drink, is any herb that is a natural diuretic and nettles fall easily into this category. Simply harvest the nettle leaves where no insecticides or other toxins have been sprayed, thoroughly wash them and then infuse them in some hot water for a warm drink.

As you increase your water intake, decrease any foods that will raise the calcium deposits in your body. That means dairy products, such as cheese and vegetables that are high in calcium. For instances cabbage, spinach and cucumber, however remember that some calcium is still needed in the diet because too little can be as bad as too much.

As home remedies for kidney stones go, you should avoid eating any foods that are purine rich. Purine rich foods once eaten will break down as uric acid. Uric acid will then build up and in those who are prone to kidney stones the results will be a painful attack of kidney stones. Purine rich foods are typically red meats, offal and organ meats, sea foods, yeasty foods and of course beer and wine.

Of course hand in hand with all the listed home remedies for kidney stones should be added regular exercise. Not only does exercise foster healthy bones and increase the body’s use of calcium in this way, but exercise also promotes a natural high and all round well being.

Great Cover-Up Helps With Dark Under-Eye Circles Shadows And Puffiness

Great Cover-Up Helps With Dark Under-Eye Circles Shadows And Puffiness

Having puffy eyes, dark circles, and shadows under your eyes. When you get older it happens more often. It is just one of the many things that happen with age yet there are products that help reduce the signs of aging other than having to rely on expensive surgery.

One of the first things you will need to do is reduce your consumption for sodium. Add Vitamins A, C, and E to your diet. Make sure you are getting enough sleep as well.

There are many methods that grandma used and swears works. Some of the popular ways to remove the puffiness and darkness are to apply tea bags, fresh cut cucumbers, and Preparation H. The tea bags and cucumbers to work but stay away from the Preparation H since it will cause eye damage.

When locating products for puffy eyes, look for ingredients with horse chestnut that promotes micro-circulation. Aloe that soothes and hydrates. Ivy to decongests and eliminate excess water. Caffeine to decrease the swelling. Green or white tea to soothe the redness and inflammation. Cucumber to reduce the inflammation. Licorice to reduce the puffiness and soothes the irritation.

When you are seeking a longer fix there are injectable wrinkle fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane used by experts. The filler is injected around the puffy area to remove the indentation as the result of the puffiness. There is also Botox that is commonly used to smooth out the fine lines and wrinkles. They all have the same effect of creating a younger appearance to the eyes. The methods last about nine months when you need to have the procedure repeated for the cost of several thousand dollars each time.

Some people have the daily morning darkness referred to as raccoon eyes that is near the underside of their eyes making the person appear tired, older, and drug out. The fact some people have it naturally even with getting the right amounts of sleep lead them to seek alternative products to remove the dark circles.

Look for products with Vitamin K to stimulate the blood flow and repair the broken capillary walls near the eyes. Vitamin A, C, and E to reduce the free radicals and to increase the antioxidant protectors. Peptide technology to promote collagen synthesis to firm the eye tissue. Hesperidin to strengthen the capillaries to reduce the leaking and reduce blood pooling as well as improving the micro-circulation in the eye region. Konica acid to lighten the skin areas from discoloration. Eyebright, pearls and light diffuser to visually filter light and to brighten and illuminate the eye regions.

To camouflage the darkness use a peach or salmon colored concealer. For the puffiness use nylon concealer brush to add a thin layer of a product in the creases below the puffy area. After you add a concealer a few shades darker than your foundation. Apply the foundation before the concealer.