Home Remedies For Gout

Gout, that arthritic condition that for so long has been associated with rich old men, is a painful and debilitating condition. Not surprising then that home remedies for gout usually begin and end with managing a diet that does not aggravate the conditions that can bring on an attack.

The home remedies for gout that are centered around diet should start by cutting out those foods which are purine rich. Purine is found in certain foods and in differing levels. When the body breaks down purines, it leaves behind what is called, uric acid. This waste product from purines, is what causes crystals to form around the joints in the body and it is these crystals that causes gout.

Therefore if foods that are not rich in purines are added to the diet and those that are rich in purines are eliminated or lessened in the diet, then this will go a long way as one of the home remedies for gout. Typically red meats, seafood, beers and wines all are rich in purines and should be avoided.

Foods that should be encouraged in the diet as a form of home remedies for gout includes the common apple. Apples that are prepared and cooked into a preserve are a great way to combat the conditions that often lead to gout attacks. Yes, a simple apple preserve, made without sugar, is a easy and simple step to lessen the build up of uric acid that causes gout.

Cherries are another food that should be encouraged in a gout sufferer’s diet. Cherries are pretty much considered a super food for many reasons, not least because they have the ability to remove toxins from the body. It is the removal of toxins that will help with the workings of the kidneys, which for a gout sufferer, who needs to rid the body of uric acid, is going to be key. So eating fresh cherries to lessen the uric acid in the body is especially powerful for the gout sufferer.

Charcoal, in many guises will draw toxins from the body. A poultice can be made and applied to the inflamed joint by mixing charcoal powder and flaxseed with enough water to form a paste. The paste is then smeared over the affected joint and a clean cloth is wrapped around it to keep the paste in place.

Often times the pain and fragility of a gout ridden joint is so bad that trying to apply a poultice might just be too painful. In that case icing the joint might just be what is needed. Ice will sooth the inflammation and it will also help to numb the area and bring much needed relief the pain of gout should never be underestimated!

As with many home remedies, plenty of drinking water should be added to the diet and body weight kept to a healthy level.

What are Kidney Stones?

Kidney is one of the most sensitive and important organs of the body so if something happens to it, necessary steps have to be taken to make sure that there is still time to fix the problem. When the kidney fails then there is a greater chance that the organs will fail as well. One of the most common ailments to strike the kidney is the formation of kidney stones and even though it seems to be trivial, it has to be given attention.

Kidney stones have affected human beings for many years already. It has been said that traces of kidney stones were found in a 7000 year old Egyptian mummy which means that kidney stones are actually part of ancient history.

Another fact to consider is that more than half a million people rush to hospitals emergency rooms are found to have kidney stone problems. It simply shows how prevalent it is and the commonality of it should not be a reason to take it for granted but it should also not cause us to panic. Despite the long history of humans with kidney stones and the startling increasing number of people affected by it, most cases of kidney stones are actually very minor in the sense that the stones can be flushed out of the body without outside intervention through regular urination.

If however discomfort lingers or complications arise in relation to the presence of kidney stones in the body then there is a need to consult your doctor so that proper assessment can be done. There is nothing to fear though because most of the medical steps needed to get rid of kidney stones do not involve any major surgery.

A kidney stone is scientifically defined as a hard lump of mass that are formed from crystals that are left behind in the urinary tract. For a normal person, the urine has chemicals that disables these crystals from forming. It is when these inhibitors fail to do their job that causes the problem but as mentioned earlier you can easily get rid of smaller stones.

However if the kidney stones are bigger in size that it cant be simply gone then there are procedures available to take it out. The good news is because of advancements in technology, most of these procedures do not require for the person afflicted to be opened up. There are special instruments that can melt or crush the kidney stones and putting them inside the body do not have to involve having a knife go through ones body.

For unqualified reasons, more and more people seem to be getting kidney stones. As per cases reported, it is men in their forties and seventies that are prone to getting kidney stones. It is also important to mention that once a person gets stones then that person is more susceptible to forming kidney stones in the future. Hence the key here is really prevention. The main problem though is that there are really no singularly very particular cause of kidney stones.

Doctors though are one in saying that the best way to prevent it is in drinking fluids preferable water. This is not the same though as in drinking just eight glasses of water a day but rather it is highly advised to drink water whenever you can.