Cooking for Sunday Dinner

From as far back for I can remember there have been special church occasions when dinner on the church grounds was the order for the day. Far too many times I watched for person after person walked in with nutriment purchased fried chicken. Whether the reason for this was lack of time, lack of planning, or privation of ideas I was never quite certain. I was certain however, that this was not apart to my church alone.

It may seem odd but I have traveled all over the country and lived in many different areas of the culture. One fact that seems constant no matter where I live is that someone inevitably brings fried yellow from a local restaurant or deli as his or her potluck dispensation. There is nothing wrong with this of course, but there are so many great recipes available for Sunday dinner cooking that it seems odd that so many would resort to this tired old tradition rather than spicing things up with a spicy taco casserole or sweetening the vigor with some delightfully delicious and simple to make dessert.

Sunday dinners obviously arent the only time when cooking a casserole or making a dessert is a good decision for the day. They are, however, the most common from my juvenescence, which is why I often refer to them. There are also pitch ins at work that require a contribution and these are an excellent opportunity to make coworkers envy your culinary talents. Even for those who are health conscious however, there are many wonderful types of salads that can be prepared for occasions such as this that commit provide you with a guilt free entre at the event for which you are preparing your offering.

You do not have to choose calorie or fat filled dishes for your Sunday dinner cooking. In fact, when you are doing the cooking you should effect the things you enjoy eating. Most of us are much more likely to put our best efforts into preparing the foods we take to rather than those that feel as though they are a chore for us to make. The same holds true when cooking for potlucks and such. Just be careful that you do not actualize the exact same dish every time or people will think that it is the only dish you trust prepare.

I recommend checking out casserole recipes online and in your favorite magazines. Prone magazines that offer healthier eating options often have a casserole, large salad, or even a healthy dessert you can prepare for these events. My personal solution has always been to collect recipes over time that I would like to essay visible and use the potluck audience as my recipe guinea pigs. This way if my family or I do not like it, we wont be stuck with leftovers for a week and if we do like it, we can put it into our rotation of recipes for use at central.

Sunday dinner cooking doesnt hold to be nearly as stressful as multiplied of us make it out to be. Many wonderful crock – pot recipes can actually be trumped-up while you sleep. Just weary load your slow cooker with the proper ingredients and complex it on before turning in. You should awaken to the wonderful smell of whatever delightful dish you have prepared and still manage to get ready for church in record time. This tried and true technique is a great way to make Sunday dinner cooking quick and easy.

Even if you are one of the many who hold very limited culinary talents it is quite conceivable to wow your friends, relatives, and fellow church members with the correct simple to make recipe. Desserts are by subterranean the best way to go in this effort and can and be made the night before ( in many cases ) and stored in the refrigerator. Desserts are almost always a good bet and very few people too complain about them regardless. The Kraft foods website offers some fabulously easy to make and delicious desserts if you are in need. The next time it is your turn to join in on the potluck preparation dont resort to fried chicken. Dish up something that entrust truly turn heads instead.


Rejuvenate your Mind with Essential Oils

With all the responsibility and worry that a person needs to juggle in todays world, mental fatigue has become a hugely common. The fatigue that is suffered takes a toll on your energy and eventually even your mental health. Using essential oils in aromatherapy to help you fight mental fatigue will improve your memory, your health, and your overall mood. You will find yourself more revitalized and you will even sleep better after a few days of burning the essential oils.

Working life for many is usually more than the typical eight hours a day. Ten or twelve hour work days sometimes through the weekend are not uncommon for many people. The long work days and hectic schedule take a toll on your mental health and cause mental fatigue. The fatigue that is suffered can make you more irritable during the day especially at work. It harms your mood balance, your emotional state, and it can be seen by coworkers and customers.

Using essential oils in aromatherapy in the office will help balance your mood and help you cope with the stress and struggles at work. Just burning a few drops during the day in the office will improve your mood almost immediately. You will be able to function better and concentrate on your work. Your stress will drop and you will be able to complete your job function more accurately with fewer mistakes due to the mental fatigue.

Not all mental fatigue comes from the work environment. Some stress and mental fatigue comes from home. A housewife or stay at home mom can also suffer from mental fatigue and stress of keeping schedules, taking care of the kids, and making sure the home is in perfect condition. Burning a few drops of essential oils in your home can help prevent mental fatigue from occurring. Aromatherapy can also be used if you feel the days stress getting the better of you. It can calm your nerves and help balance your emotions.

Using the below essential oils will help revitalize your memory and help remove the mental fatigue that plagues your mind. Using Lavender, Peppermint, and Rosemary will help you rid your body from the stress that creates the mental fatigue. You can use the essential oils separately for their individual effects, but they can also be used in combination for an extremely potent mental fatigue remedy.

Lavender French

Lavender French is a relaxing essential oil that soothes your mind from the effects of mental fatigue. It is an exotic plant that is grown in France, and it has been long used for its relaxing fragrance. It has been used therapeutically for ages. It has been used in Europe to relieve tension, soothe aches and pains in the muscles, and help you feel more rejuvenated throughout the day.


Peppermint is a well known essential oil for its cool scent that revives the senses. The essential oils scent penetrates the senses and helps you regain your mental and physical energy. The aromatherapy is especially pleasing after a hard days work at the office. Just a few drops will soothe your mind and help you relax for a good nights sleep. It is an extremely powerful oil that will cure you from aches and pains associated with work.


Rosemary is a good follow up essential oil to the others that relieve your stress and aches and pains. Although it is a stimulating essential oil, it is also a therapeutic way to clear your head and help you relax for a better nights sleep. Rosemary is also said to help your short and long term memory helping you concentrate and focus on important work.

Use the above essential oils separately or in combination for an effective way to relieve yourself from mental fatigue. Just a few drops burned during the day will improve your mental health almost immediately.


Word Count 652

Help Fight Apathy with Essential Oil Aromatherapy

Apathy has become a major issue in society. As individuals, we are constantly bombarded with negativity from work, home, or even a simple outing. We are handed stress related issues in our lives and after a time we can become apathetic to even the most important aspects of our lives. Being apathetic only serves to worsen your mood and it can make you feel spiritually down.

Using essential oils in aromatherapy can greatly enhance your mood and help you battle against those apathetic feelings. Apathy is a downward spiral for any professional especially if you own your own business. The pressures of the day need to be warded off to eliminate apathy that can overcome someone who is having an incredibly bad day.

Increased apathy eventually leads to increased levels of stress, and the situation can lower your energy and it can harm your health. Nothing every good becomes from apathy, so focusing on eliminating the apathy and increasing your mood will benefit you in all aspects of your life. Essential oils in aromatherapy will immediately start to increase your mood and make you feel more refreshed each day.

You can use essential oils in your home or office. When used in your office, apathy seems to fade away even during stressful times. Essential oils are not only safe and effective, but they are a natural way to rid your body of harmful emotional toxins. Essential oils used in the office as a pleasant scent throughout the day will help to keep your emotional stress levels at bay so you will be at the best performance possible for your coworkers and customers.

Use essential oil in aromatherapy for the home to help you and your family members wind down from the day or keep spirits high for others that are there for the day. The aromatherapy is safe for your children, and the sweet scents can be enjoyed by all ages. Even children go through tough times and they too can be affected by apathy. Using essential oils in the home can help all your family members fight off apathy and provide them with a happier, healthier lifestyle.

The following essential oils can be used individually for their respective benefits. Used in combination, though, and these essential oils can be a potent eliminator of harmful emotional downs.


Basil is a strengthening herb that can liberate and free you from emotional constraints. Basil is a powerful essential oil that helps you spiritually clear your mind, and it gives you clarity to concentrate more effectively. Basil has a long track record of having natural medicinal purposes that dates back to ancient history.


Grapefruit is a popular combination with other essential oils for its refreshing fragrance that seems to immediately improve moods and boost energy levels. The citrus smell helps wake you up from the nights sleep and gives you the energy to tackle the day.


Peppermint is known for its cool, refreshing scent that clears your thoughts and opens your mind. It aids in your overall concentration, so it is a good essential oil for your office or home during the day. Peppermint has an everlasting soothing effect, and it can be used in burners or even a bath to quickly alleviate the days stress and relieve any aches and pains. Peppermint is an extremely powerful essential oil, and it should be used by adults only for its potent effects.

While each of these oils can benefit you individually, the combination will quickly remove negative thoughts and help initiate a positive attitude. Essential oils are a safe, effective way to remove the apathy from your daily life. As apathy leaves your emotions, you will find yourself in a better state of mind and you may even see your own health increase. Enhancing your mood will can also help keep your relationships more healthy and keep you emotionally stable.


Word Count 656

Fight Sadness with Essential Oils and Aromatherapy

Sadness can come from many different avenues into our lives. Sadness can stem from loss of a loved one, financial loss, job disappointment, or even from stress or worry. Sadness cuts into the soul and causes our bodies to become ill. It can cause your body to increase hormones which can adversely affect your immune systems making it weak and inefficient. To keep sadness away or help with current issues, essential oils in aromatherapy can help you fight away the emotional roots of sadness.

Another complication with sadness is that it can ultimately lead to deep depression. Depression is a scary place for anyone who has suffered with the disease. Depression can lead to emotional ups and downs making it hard to stay calm at work, deal with stress, and live a fulfilling life. Sadness that leads to depression can be helped and maintained with essential oils in aromatherapy.

You can burn aromatherapy in your office or at home to help with sadness. Burning essential oils in your office especially if you are depressed will greatly increase your mood and help you fight off bad emotions. Keeping you calm and balanced, essential oils will help you become more productive and even create a better work environment for you. It can also help you better communicate with coworkers, your bosses, and even help you provide better customer service.

You can also burn essential oils in aromatherapy in your home. Burning a tiny few drops can greatly enhance your mood and overall health. Beating sadness is hard to do alone especially if you are a stay at home mom or housewife who spends many hours alone. By using essential oils you can help cheer your mood and keep calm even during those times when the kids are acting up or taking care of the home becomes difficult during a specific day. Being on an emotional roller coaster makes the whole day become ruined and your down spiral can show in your face even if you try not to let your kids notice.

The below list of essential oils can greatly help you fight sadness and rid yourself from depression. It is important to use them when you feel emotions becoming negative. Even better, use the oils several times a week to help prevent sadness from developing and balancing your emotions throughout the day. Bergamot and Neroli can greatly enhance your mood and keep you uplifted throughout the day. You can use them individually as well for their separate positive components, or use them together for an especially powerful mood enhancer.


Bergamot is a powerfully uplifting essential oil that can refresh your spirit and increase your mood. If you are having negative thoughts and feel like you are feeling depressed or sad, bergamot can help clean your mind from the negative thoughts and help your mood to fight the sadness. Bergamot is extracted from the peel of a fruit, so it has an understandably citrus smell. The citrus smell refreshes the mind and helps put you in a better mood which will ultimately eliminate sadness.


Neroli is one of the best essential oils to relax your mind. It is perfect with bergamot since it can follow up with a relaxing feel after ridding yourself from sadness. It is also distilled from a flower from the bitter orange tree. The fragrance helps soothe your mind to help it relax. It is especially helpful to give you a better nights sleep. It rids your mind of anger, sadness, and the irritability of the day.

Using both of these essential oils together will help you battle sadness and depression, and it can also help you get a better nights sleep. A better nights sleep will ultimately make you feel refreshed the following morning which will increase your energy. Increased energy will boost your mood and keep you happier throughout the day.


Word Count 654