Conventional Medication For Sinus Infections

Conventional Medication for Sinus Infections

There are many things you can take to fight a sinus infection. Apart from antibiotics, there are others as well namely antihistamines, decongestants, leokitrienes, mucolytics, nasal saline irrigation and steam inhalation as well as steroids.

Antihistamines are recommended if the doctor has determined that your sinus infection is caused by an allergy. Majority of them do not have to be prescribed by a doctor so you can easily get this off the counter. The only limitation with antihistamines is the side effects. Those who take it will usually feel groggy or sleepy while some may experience dryness. To counter this, decongestants are added to the ingredients of the antihistamine like those normally found on those that are prescribed by the doctor.

Then there are decongestants. These are also available over the counter and in prescription form. These are designed to relieve congestion, nasal pressure and nasal swelling by reducing the blood flow to the membranes that in turn will improve air flow, lessen breathing through the mouth, decrease pressure in the sinus and head as well as ease discomfort.

The one thing it cannot do is relieve a runny nose. Sadly, it also has side effects such as increased blood pressure and heart rate which means patients who have high blood pressure or heart problems have to consult a doctor before taking them.

Leokotrienes are anti-inflammatory prescription drugs that are used to prevent inflammation in the airway and sinus cavities. It has been proven useful in helping patients who have sinus infections due to asthma. The side effects associated with this drug include dryness of the nasal passages, headaches, bleeding, crusting, upset stomach and skin rashes.

The doctor may also recommend the use of mucolytics. This is also used in treating cough because it destroys or dissolves mucus which makes it difficult for the person to breathe. These are available in tablet or liquid form. You can also inhale it when this is placed inside a nebulizer.

This is usually given in high dosages as this is the only way to achieve easier drainage. Once this is done, it will be easy for the body to expel through coughing. If not, this has to be done with the help of suction.

Your doctor may also recommend nasal saline irrigation and steam inhalation. This is the only one that does not have any side effects. It is safe and non-addictive. This works almost immediately especially when what you are dealing with is indeed a viral infection so you can stop using it after 3 to 5 days.

Steroids are also used to get rid of sinus infections. In fact, there are two kinds and the one used for inflammatory conditions are known as glucocorticosteroids. This can be administered orally, applied to the skin or by injection.

The side effects associated with it include increased appetite, weight gain, upset stomach, increase blood sugar and blood pressure, sleep disturbance, mood swings as well as fluid retention. These gradually disappear of course once you stop taking it.

As you can see, there are other medications around that doctors can use to help you fight off your sinus infection. They will have to determine first what is causing it rather than through trial and error because this can lead to complications and you surely dont want that to happen to you.

What Is Chronic Sinus Infection

There are two types of sinus infection. It could be acute or chronic and among the two, more people get afflicted with the chronic sinus infection.

The difference between chronic and acute sinus infection is the fact that this can last for 12 weeks or longer and this can recur once you get better. An acute sinus infection is gone after a week.

Common causes for chronic sinus infection include allergies, airborne fungus, nasal or sinus obstructions, trauma to the face, certain medical conditions and respiratory tract infections.

As a result, some of the symptoms that most people feel include headaches, congestion, difficulty breathing, reduced sense of smell, ear pain, fatigue, cough, nausea, sore throat and aching in the upper jaw or teeth.

Since you probably tried already to self medicate yourself without any positive results, the doctor is your only hope to make it go away.

After reviewing your medical history, some test will need to be done such as an MRI, CT scan, nasal endoscopy, extracting nasal or sinus cultures and an allergy test.

An MRI or CT scan is similar to an X-ray machine because they can show details of your sinus and nasal area without inserting anything into your body.

If this is needed, the doctor will have to do a nasal endoscopy by putting a thin, flexible tube with fiber optic light up your nose to see what is happening inside.

Not many people like that because it is like putting a similar tube up your anus. If possible, they will give a nasal or sinus sample instead so this can be checked.

If your doctor has not yet determined the exact cause of the chronic sinus infection, you may be referred to another specialist especially if he or she suspects that this is caused by an allergy so they can conduct an allergy test.

Once the results come in, the doctor will probably prescribe some antibiotics until you are free of the symptoms. To deal with the inflammation and swelling in the nasal cavity, you will be prescribed a corticosteroid. If this doesnt work, then you will probably try antihistamines, decongestants and expectorants.

The doctor may also try moisture or humidification to help flush the nasal cavity and loosen the dried mucus. Should the chronic sinus infection be caused by an allergy, it can be treated with immunotherapy. A method designed to stimulate the antibodies that block the bodys reactions to a specific allergy.

Chronic sinus infection can be prevented and the steps that you take are not that different when you are suffering from an acute sinus infection. You just have got to practice proper hygiene, get flu shots once a year, stay away from people who have colds as it is a contagious illness, limit your drinking, keep yourself hydrated at all times, buy a humidifier and avoid being in polluted areas or around people who smoke.

Should you already have chronic sinus infection, just follow the instructions of the doctor and update him or her on any progress.

Chronic sinus infection is no joke. Just to give you an idea of how serious it is, over 30 to 40 million Americans get it every year. If you dont want to be another person added to the statistics, do what is needed so you are always healthy.

Causes Of Sinus Infections

Sinus infections are more commonly known as sinusitis. It can definitely create a lot of pain and discomfort to the affected individual. To better understand your health condition, there is a need to determine its causes and one way to do that is by consulting a medical professional.

How can you tell if you have a sinus infection? Well, its really easy and you just need to look out for some symptoms such as a feeling of tenderness around your eyes, nose, forehead, and cheeks. Some patients even suffer from headaches, nose discharge, congestion, or fever, and cough. Most sinus infections are chronic and so you will need an experienced doctor to avoid frequent occurrences in a year. With the proper treatment, you can get rid of your sinus infection in no time.

Sinuses protect your skull. Sinuses come in four pairs which connect it to the nasal passages and the nostrils. When youre able to inhale germs, the infection will start. When the lining of your sinuses become inflamed, you will be suffering from a sinus infection.

Common colds are the main reasons for sinusitis. When you have a cold, there tends to be congestion inside your nasal passages. The sinuses drainage is inhibited, thereby causing the inflammation.

Scuba diving and flying can also cause sinusitis. You see, when you dive under water or you fly up into the air, the pressure changes. This change in pressure can cause inflammation in the nasal passages, causing sinusitis. Pregnant women are more prone to sinus infections because of the changes in the hormone level inside the body. Because of the hormonal changes, the nasal passages tend to swell causing discomfort and pain. Women who are taking contraceptives like pills are also prone to sinusitis because the pills trick the body into thinking that the person is pregnant and in turn, it creates hormonal changes as well. Asthmatics are also at high risk of developing the infection.

On most sinus infection cases, doctors prescribe antibiotics like amoxicillin, clarithromycin, and moxifloxacin. Depending on the severity of the infection and the age of the individual, the doctor can prescribe broad-spectrum or narrow-spectrum medications. Some medicines may cost big money especially if the infection occurs frequently but if it means reducing or eliminating the pain, anyone will be willing to spend that kind of money.

To sum it all up, the causes of sinus infections are the following: when you inhale germs, common colds, change in pressure when scuba diving or flying, pregnancy, and the intake of birth control pills. If any of the situations applies to you, you will be at high risk of developing the infection as well. When you feel any pain around your eyes, nose, forehead, or cheek, take that as a warning and schedule an appointment with your doctor right away. Sinusitis can really cause a lot of pain and discomfort. There are several effective medicines like antibiotics that the doctor can prescribe. Consult your doctor now and have your condition examined.

Once youre given a prescription, you need to follow all the instructions carefully. That way, your condition will get better and the pain will go away. Know the causes of sinusitis so that you can easily tell if youre exhibiting some of the symptoms. Sinus infections can be cured, so dont hesitate to visit your doctor.

How To Keep Yourself from Being Infected With Swine Flu

How To Keep Yourself from Being Infected With Swine Flu

Swine flu is an illness which derives its name from a virus that infects pigs. While the virus cannot affect people, they are likely to get an infection from time to time. The virus is communicable and can be transmitted from one person to another.

The symptoms of swine flu are like those manifested in a regular flu and may include cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, fever, chills and fatigue.

The H1N1 virus continues to become widespread in the United States. The Center for Disease Control believes that the number of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths will continue within the coming days and weeks.

The Center for Disease Control is aggressively responding to the growing outbreak. The objective of the agency is to curb the spread and severity of the illness as well as to inform health care providers, public health officials, and the general public to fend off the challenge by the medical crisis. Likewise, the CDC is giving interim guidance on a daily basis as a response to the rapidly growing crisis.

For treating swine flu, there are antiviral medicines that can be administered. So far, oseltamivir, amantadine, rimantadine, and zanamivir are the approved drugs for swine influenza treatment in the United States.
However, amantadine and rimantadine will not work against swine flu as the H1N1 virus was found to be resistant against these medicines. Laboratory procedures, on the other hand, have proven that H1N1 is susceptible to oseltavimir and zanavimir.

Using antiviral drugs in the treatment of swine influenza works by making your illness milder and making you feel relieved earlier than expected. Aside from that, antiviral medicines prevent the onset of serious complications.

Antiviral medicines are most effective when administered after the onset of the illness usually within a couple of days. However, it should be considered two days after the onset of symptoms, especially for hospitalized patients or those at greater risk for influenza-related complications.

Administration of anti viral drugs is also useful in preventing influenza when given to an individual who is not sick but has exposed to a person with swine influenza.

It can reduce the possibility of infection by 70% to 90%. The duration of intake will be determined by the condition of the patient. Currently, there are no accessible vaccines for protecting against H1N1.

In order to keep yourself from getting infected by the virus, here are some of the things that can be done:

– Keep yourself informed about H1N1. You can visit the official website of the World Health Organization or check brochures from local hospitals or medical facilities.
– Since the influenza virus can be transmitted from one person to another through coughing or sneezing, you can keep yourself busy by doing the following:

– When coughing or sneezing, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue. After using the tissue, dispose of it and throw it in the trash.
– Wash your hands with soap and water after coughing and sneezing. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers whenever necessary.
– To prevent germs from spreading, refrain from touching your eyes, mouth, or nose.
– If you become ill, the CDC recommends that you avoid contact with other people at work or school so as not to infect them.
– Comply with public health advice concerning school closures, crowd avoidance, and social distancing efforts.

As far as swine flu is concerned, health authorities are doing everything they can to prevent the outbreak of another deadly virus.