Rheumatoid arthritis treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis treatment
Robert Kokoska

Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition where involves inflammation
of joints which leads to further swelling and pain. It causes an
upset inside the body where the immune system starts attacking
joint tissue, cartilage and other organs.

However the causes of rheumatoid arthritis are still not known
fully. This type of arthritis is the most common and affects one
in every 100 people. Rheumatoid arthritis affects people of all
ages but mainly effects people within the ages of 30 – 50. Women
are three times more likely to be effected as men. Patients
carrying this form of arthritis most often complain of
fluctuating pain and inflammation of joints, which can get gets
worse during flare-ups.

This article aims to offer an insight into several treatments
that can be used against rheumatoid arthritis.

There are two main kinds of drugs used against rheumatoid
arthritis; first line drugs, fast acting drugs, and second line
which are slow acting drugs.

First line drugs include nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Examples of NSAIDs are
aspirin, ibuprofen and etodolac. These can be used to reduce
pain and swelling of joints.

Aspirin has long been used to decrease inflammation. It can be
used to treat rheumatoid arthritis by using doses that are
higher then those used during fever. Newer types of NSAIDs are
effective as aspirin and require fewer intakes per day. However
just like all medication, it has its own side effects which
include stomach pain, abdominal pain and a few others. In order
to minimize the side effects of NSAIDs, they are regularly taken
with meals.

Another type of first line drugs includes Corticosteroids. They
are more powerful then NSAIDs and are given either orally or
through an injection to the inflamed areas such as joints.

Corticosteroids are given in small doses, mainly during
flare-ups as it reacts more strongly to inflammation. However it
can have serious side effects on the body if given for an
extended period of time in high doses. These include weight
gain, easy risk of infection, easy bruising and others. The side
effects can be minimized by decreasing the level of doses given
to the patients slowly as the condition of the patient improves.
A sharp decline in the doses given to the patient is discouraged
as it can lead to flare-ups and other symptoms of the disease.

Second line drugs include Disease-modifying
Anti-rheumatic Drugs or DMARDs. These drugs are mainly used to
prevent destruction of joints and deformity. DMARDs are used for
an extended period of time in order to be effective. DMARDs can
often be used with a combination of other second line drugs as

Some examples of DMARDs include Sulfasalazine,
Hydroxychloroquine, D-penicillamine and others.

Apart from the above methods, there are some other approaches
that can be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. The patients can
undertake exercise that can help them improve their physical
condition and improve joint mobility. Additionally it is
important to have a healthy intake of food.

Many often patients with rheumatoid arthritis can experience
weight loss. This can be combined with medication and therapy to
come up with a more potent combination against the condition.
Depending on your position, you can under go either
physiotherapy or occupational therapy. This will help improve
flexibility, mobility, and reduce pain in your joints.

The aforementioned approaches to rheumatoid arthritis have been
used time and again. However it is essential to seek your
nearest doctor to get firm guidance. Each arthritis case shall
be dealt on an individual basis.

With the passage of time, new and more effective treatments
against arthritis are starting to come through. However the only
way to gain the maximum benefit from the existing treatments
will be to remain punctual throughout the course of the
medication. It is important to constantly consult your doctor
and keep him or her up to date with your condition, so that the
doctor can advise you further and give more effective feedback.

About the author:
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Cure IBS Permanently

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a very common digestive disorder yet hard to get diagnosed accurately at once. This is because the digestive track is a very complex part of the body, unbelievably compressed inside the stomach. The small intestine alone measures an approximate 21 feet long, making it hard to imagine how it added bulk to the body trunk. Imagine how the body mechanism works hard 24 hours, seven days a week in every food processing taking place in the digestive system? If an automobile needs overhauling out of wear and tear, the counterpart of that in human body functioning is getting sick and being given the right medicine. Talking specifically of IBS, once diagnosed, options to have relief vary. IBS is a very tricky condition especially if it is associated as a symptom of another disease.

Generally, IBS is buried in every stomach dysfunction considered chronic and broad in nature with no exact cause but diagnosed based on the patterns developed in a patient. Although there are some lists of medicines for specifically for IBS, there is no exact cure other than management of symptoms. There are categories of medicines for other broad IBS linked discomforts to alleviate the symptoms follows:

1. Laxatives to ease bowel movements and promote fecal softening

2. Corticosteroids and Inhibitors a medication for Crohns Disease as linked to IBS and for ulcerative colitis

3. Anti-diarrheal Medicines and Oral rehydration solutions aids in suppressing the attacks of diarrhea and its effect of robbing the body of the necessary fluids. The combination of both drugs will work to control the embarrassing and consequential dehydration if the diarrhea worsens.

4. Antacids helps ease stomach pain due to excessive acid production the stomach to those who are suffering from hyperacidity.

Taking medicines to relieve IBS helps temporarily until one gets nauseated enough to look for permanent cure. Instead of getting imprisoned by medicine dependency, changing into having healthy lifestyle may pave way to a good start. Shifting to a healthy diet by eliminating synthetic and allergy-causing foods is one of the best preventive measures in giving the stomach some rest. These solutions may sound universal, but basically people never know the abuses done to the body until it is signaling red alert thru body discomforts. Like a machine, food digestion is one the bodys basic and important task. It is all about what the body is taking; therefore, managing IBS is all about having quality food intake to prevent getting into stomach trouble.

The Importance of Estrogen and Progesterone

Women appear differently to men because of its primary sex characteristics brought by two female hormones called estrogen and progesterone. Women are pre dominated by these hormones that they appear to have smaller hips, bigger chest, slimmer body and firmer skin compared to men. These particular hormones are also the reason why women menstruate.

Women who lack such sex hormones often have different physique that is closer to males. Usually, if women do not have enough estrogen and progesterone, they appear to have smaller breast and masculine appearance. However, if a women have an over production of these hormones, it may lead to more serious state like stroke and osteoporosis, as what other studies says.

Everyone including men must also know the importance of estrogen and progesterone in the women body. Men should also know that they have these hormones in their body but are found in minimal or sometimes in negligible amount. The hormone that is dominant to men is called testosterone. However, if a man has many estrogen and progesterone in his body, he may have the identifying characteristics of women. Men who have these hormones in huge amount appear to have bigger than normal male breasts, smaller body mass and some other sexual characteristics of women. Thus, it is important that estrogen and progesterone are of least amount in a males body.

Estrogen have three classifications, these are the following:

Estrone is considered the relatively weak classification of estrogen.

Estradiol is also considered the most potent classification of estrogen.

Estriol is the weakest among them all.

The minimum amount of estrogen can be an effect of the following condition:

Fetal demise
Maternal ingestion of corticosteroids
Placental sulfatase deficiency

Progesterone has the following functions:

It is the hormone responsible for the preparation of endometrium for nidation.

It maintains the normal function of the endometrium

It relaxes the myometrium.

It is the hormone used to prevent the uterus from contracting during pregnancy.

It serves as the precursor for the critical fetal hormones during pregnancy.

It is also responsible for the stimulation of the aldosterone to produce more during pregnancy.

These hormones are essential during pregnancy. Estrogen and progesterone are the main hormones that functions during pregnancy. So without it, women are not capable of bearing or producing a child. Therefore, these hormones are very important in reproduction.

Eczema Treatment Corticosteroids and the Side Effects

Theres really no known cure for eczema. An eczema treatment can only do as much as lessening the symptoms of the skin disease. What are these symptoms? Constant itching, redness, swelling, scaling and thickening of the affected skin areas are the most common. However, the symptoms experienced by vary from one person to the other, as well as where in the body eczema is found.

One of the best interventions done on someone with eczema is to prevent the development of symptoms by avoiding exposure to triggering factors. The mildest symptoms may of course be easily remedied by moisturizers and compresses, which are great for preventing skin dryness and itching. But once skin inflammation is already present, such remedies may become less effective in delivering the job.

The worst of eczema symptoms may be effectively managed by anti-inflammatory agents, such as steroid-based corticosteroids. Whether in prescription or nonprescription forms, corticosteroids are a widely used treatment for eczema. What are corticosteroids? They are related to a hormone naturally produced by the body, which is essential for the reduction of the bodys natural inflammatory response. Since the mid-1950, corticosteroids have been used for many inflammatory skin diseases, including eczema.

Different Forms of Corticosteroids

There are several forms in which corticosteroids are utilized for the treatment of eczema. They may be in topical forms, the kind of preparations applied onto the skin ointments, lotions, creams and foams. These kinds of corticosteroids preparations are often used for mild to moderate inflammation of the eczematous skin. For severe cases, doctors often prescribe oral and injected forms of corticosteroids. These forms are the last resort when the topical preparations fail to resolve the symptoms. They are not recommended for use by pregnant women afflicted with eczema. Studies have shown that certain birth defects such as cleft lip and cleft palate may be linked to the use of systemic corticosteroids during pregnancy.

Potential Side Effects of Corticosteroids

Many people suffering from eczema and their families are apprehensive about the use of corticosteroids because of the potential side effects associated with the treatment. However, such fear may be lessened by working with a highly competent doctor who have had prescribed the treatment before to other patients, and got satisfactory results.

Still, as with any other treatment that deals with medications, no matter how effective it is, side effects are a major concern. Researches revealed that the side effects are related to the dosage and potency of corticosteroids used. Also, the mode of administration topical, oral or systemic as well as the length of treatment, patients age, and the site of the eczematous skin all contribute to the gravity of the side effects. What are these side effects? They include:

Cataract May be the result of high dosages of corticosteroids and topical application around the eye area for a long time.

Glaucoma This results from topical application of corticosteroids near or around the eye area, as well as when administered systemically.
Nausea and vomiting Found to result from taking oral preparations of corticosteroids. Such effects may be curtailed by taking the medication with food.

Osteoporosis Loss of bone density, especially among female patients who are undergoing long-term treatment.

Skin effects May include the development of stretch marks, acne, rashes, infections, dilatation of blood vessels; often result from employment of topical corticosteroids.

The key to safe and effective eczema treatment such as the use of corticosteroids is by using them under the supervision of a doctor. It is important that the doctor keeps a watchful eye of the patients during the treatment.