The Lowdown on Laser Acne Treatment

Acne is a very common skin problem, especially among your people. As a proof that it is indeed very common, we see a lot of commercially available treatments for this skin disorder. And acne treatments come in many sizes and forms. There are anti-acne creams, ointments, facial washes, lotions, etc.

Apart from anti-acne products there are also treatments to acne. These treatments are commonly performed by dermatologists. These treatments cost more money than commercially available solutions to acne but their effect is more lasting and the results are quickly seen.

One anti-acne treatment that has been around for several years already is laser treatment. Over the last few years, laser acne treatment has quickly replaced other more traditional methods of treating acne. The reason why more and more people are using this form of treatment is the fact that it provides faster and longer-lasting results.

So how is laser acne treatment performed?

In laser acne treatment a laser pen is used by a dermatologist. The doctor holds this pen just above the acne or acne scar tissue. The laser pen emits concentrated beams of light. What dermatologists do is move the laser pen back and forth over the acne or scar to vaporize the unwanted tissues.

This back and forth motion also stimulates the growth of new skin cells. It is actually prove n that new collagen, the protein in the skins connective tissue that gives skin its texture, is formed after laser acne treatment.

Is laser acne treatment safe and painless?

Two of the best things about laser acne treatment is that is safe and painless. The only side-effect that the patient will experience is some swelling and bruising. This is normal and would only last for about seven or ten days. After the bruising and swelling are gone, the patient can already wear make-up.

Is laser acne treatment for you?

If you have light colored skin, then laser acne treatment is definitely for you. This treatment can greatly improve the quality of your skin. But if you dark colored or toned skin, you might want to think twice before undergoing laser acne treatment.

This is because laser acne treatment can alter the color and texture of the skin dramatically. It also sometimes produces unpredictable results. There are some doctors though who believe that laser acne treatment is perfect for dark-colored women who want to lighten up their skin.

How much does laser acne treatment cost?

A full face laser acne treatments cost between $2,000 to $3,000. This price is definitely very expensive compared to other types of anti-acne treatments but as said earlier, the results with laser acne treatment is seen much more quickly and it is more lasting.

Where should you go for a good laser acne treatment?

To be sure that you will get proper a laser acne treatment, consult only with a license dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Never ever go to a fly-by-night practitioner even if he or she offers the laser acne treatment at a lot less.

You could be saving a lot of money from these practitioners but you could end up with a much worse condition than the one you had when your first came in. This is why it is very important to first ask the practitioner before letting yourself be treated. Remember that you face is a very precious thing so entrust it only to experts.

Acne Scar Reduction-Prevention Best Treatment

Yuck! Nobody likes to suffer through an outbreak of acne, but even that can go from bad to worse if scars develop. Not only do you have to live with the acne, but you could be stuck with the aftermath for years to come, especially if you have severe outbreaks. However, there is good news because there are a lot of options for acne scar reduction.

The following is somewhat simplified, but it’s enough to give you the information you need to start treating your acne scars. When you have a bad outbreak of acne and sores develop, and that can lead to an infection which causes collagen and elastin to decrease. If that happens, then the skin cells themselves become damaged. The body then sends out its natural defenses and tries to repair the skin near the damaged area with connective tissue, and it’s this tissue that causes scarring.

Prevention of scarring is by far the best thing you can do. That may sound obvious, but all too many people overlook it. A good first step is to start treating your acne as soon as possible. Though it is often easier said than, you should never pick at the sores from your acne. Of course, if you start treating right away, there will be fewer sores to pick at.

You can always try using medicated treatments for acne scar reduction. Again, do what you can to prevent and treat outbreaks first. Over-the-counter medications may work just fine, but if not, you can always talk to your doctor or a dermatologist about prescribing something for your outbreaks.

You may not be able to do much in the way of prevention if you already have some scarring, but there are things you can do to minimize or eliminate the appearance of existing scars.

The first thing you need to do is talk to your doctor or dermatologist about your treatment options. They will be able to give you advice based on your personal medical history. Even if you want to try some home remedies for acne scar reduction, you should still talk to a medical professional about your concerns.

Laser treatments are becoming more and more popular as people see how well they work. The laser has to be used by a qualified dermatologist, so it will require an office visit. In simple terms, the laser burns of some of the skin in a controlled manner, then the scars are minimized when the new, healthy skin grows back.

Dermabrasion is where the top part of the skin is abraded or scraped off. A machine or buffer is used to make this happen. The idea here is that it will reveal the healthier skin underneath, but it also encourages new skin cell growth which adds to its effectiveness.

There are also different medicated lotions, creams and supplements that can help with acne scar reduction. Remember, you don’t have to live with yucky looking scars, so take advantage of any of these options right away.

Pain Relief and Arthritis

According to medical experts, when you have arthritis, youre likely to suffer other diseases. People who have arthritis often feel joint pains because it is accompanied by inflammation. Arthralgia is the medical term for the joint pain. There are over 40 million arthritis sufferers in the United States and they are all continuously looking for effective pain relief. The disease is considered debilitating because sufferers can hardly stand the inflammation and pain.

Arthritis can affect different parts of your body but in most cases, the pain and inflammation occurs on the tendinitis, fibromyalgia, sclerodermal, and joint types or articular. Tendinitis aims at the tendons; Sclerodermal refers to the thickening of the connective tissue and skin; when the muscles become tender and sore especially when touched, it is called fibromyalgia; and the articular refers to lupus or gout and it can be really painful.

You cant really tell when arthritis is going to hit you; whether youre young or old, you can suffer from arthritis. At present, a majority of arthritis sufferers have Osteo-Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. People who have these conditions feel persistent back and joint pains. The causes of Osteo-arthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis are different, as well as the effects and risk factors. If youre also suffering from the same symptoms, you can choose among the different pain relief devices, drugs, and products sold in the market.

In the US, Osteo-arthritis affects more or less 21 million individuals in different age ranges. If you have this condition, its natural to have swollen limbs. Your joint cartilage is affected and it also results to stiffness. The condition is commonly called OA and it can affect different body parts like the spine, hips, knees, and fingers. Other parts like the ankles, shoulders, elbows, and wrists can also be affected but this seldom happens. According to medical experts, these parts are subject to OA if there is a history of unusual stress or injury. Physical trauma and repetitive injury during early age can also cause OA.

The common OA symptoms are intermittent or steady joint pain, stiffness especially an inactive period, tenderness or swelling of a joint/joints, and crunchy feeling when you use your joints.

The only way to determine if you have OA is through an x-ray test. If the symptoms are already present, the doctor will request an x-ray test. The x-ray results will reveal the cartilage deformation as well as the tissues around it. Joint Aspiration can also be performed by a qualified doctor. A synovial fluid will be taken from your affected joints with the use of a tiny needle.

Rheumatoid arthritis is another dreaded condition because it is characterized by chronic and progressive pain of the joints. The synovial tissues tend to increase in size and this is called hyperplasia. This condition provokes bone and cartilage destruction. Damaged cells will eventually die and it also promotes abnormal growth of the surrounding tissues.

Natural products like cod liver, olive oil, and ginger act as pain relievers. These are renowned and affordable products which can relieve pain effectively. Try them out now and see the pain relievers can also work for you. When you feel chronic and progressive joint pains, consult a doctor right away because you may be suffering from arthritis already. It would be best to address your condition at an early stage to prevent the onset of undesirable effects of the disease.

What is Arthritis? A Definition

What is Arthritis? A Definition
Wendy Owen

Copyright 2006 Wendy Owen

Arthritis is known to affect around forty percent of the
Americans and over fifty percent of the people globally. This is
one disease that is responsible for the maximum amount of pain
worldwide and thousands of dollars have been spent on pain
relief medications because of this.

Arthritis is one of the oldest diseases known to mankind which
could date back to thousands of years – in fact the Romans were
believed to have built the roman baths for therapeutic reasons
other than hygiene – as the hot water baths were used by ancient
Romans to ease the pains associated with arthritis.

The word ‘arthritis’ is a blend of the ancient Greek word
‘arthron’ which translated literally means ‘joint’ and the word
‘it is’ which means inflammation – the disease being
inflammation of the joint.

Arthritis is an autoimmune disease disorder, which causes
inflammation, pain and stiffness of the joints and connective
tissues. This may be accompanied by redness, swelling and warmth
of the joints, which are medically identified as signs of
inflammation of the joints.

Connective tissues are a set of supporting tissues for the
joints – typical examples of connective tissue being –
cartilages, tendons, ligaments and muscles. Arthritis is a wide
spectrum of disease conditions that include well over one
hundred diseases – predominantly those of ‘Rheumatoid Arthritis’
which can occur at any age and ‘Osteoarthritis ‘ which usually
occurs after sixty years of age.

Arthritis is an autoimmune disease that is known to occur due to
a disorder of the immune system and usually continues throughout
life with periods of remission (characterized by total absence
of disease symptoms) and exacerbation (with increasing severity
of disease). The disease is known to occur more often in women
as compared to men.

Arthritis is known to present in a variety of ways such as some
arthritic conditions are chronic while others are intermittent
such as Gout. The arthritic conditions are either inflammatory
or degenerative. The inflammatory form of arthritis is
characterized by the presence of swelling, redness and warmth of
the involved joints while the degenerative form of arthritis is
best identified as having a small element of inflammation and
being predominantly degenerative – which is best known for the
wearing out of the cartilages lining the joints.

Simply put, arthritis can be defines as any inflammation of the
joint and could either be chronic or short term in duration.
There is no simple cure for arthritis, however there are many
natural remedies available which can ease the severity of
arthritis symptoms and effect a repair on cartilage,

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for information on natural remedies for arthritis. The author
Wendy Owen is a health writer and researcher. Join our list and
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