The Damaging Nature Of Chronic Fatigue

At first glance, you would think that the term “chronic fatigue” says it all. In medicine, any disease, disorder or illness that has the word “chronic” attached to it means that they persist for more than 6 months, either recurring or not. However, chronic fatigue means more than that.

While it seems pretty straightforward, there is actually so much more to this disorder (or disorders) than what its name suggests. It could mean anywhere from persistent headaches, flu-like symptoms or fatigue that goes on for weeks and months. Some even have to suffer for over a few years. Some never really fully recovered.

Patients normally have to suffer from flu-like sickness that does not subside from medications or rest. Also, there is some degree of debilitating exhaustion that limits one from functioning well. Many patients describe this exhaustion as being worn out even before getting up in the morning. In fact, chronic fatigue is not resolved simply by taking a nap or a longer sleep.

The reverse is often true- the lesser activities a patient performs, the higher are the chances that the illness will get worse. With chronic fatigue, a person is also constantly plagued with foggy thoughts and unstable concentration. As if to make it much worse, the person also simultaneously feels joint and muscle pains, disturbed sleep, sore throat, and general sense of absurd health.

But that is not the end of it. For some, these symptoms develop psychological stress that in turn develops anxiety, depression and irritability. These conditions pose great risks of becoming full-blown disorders if appropriate interventions are not administered.

The sad fact is, people who are affected with chronic fatigue syndrome used to be very healthy, very active individuals. They used to lead very normal lives that were free from any of the aforementioned symptoms. This makes one wonder how a perfectly healthy person in fact one who probably had led a very active, if not exceptionally energetic life turn into someone who is perpetually sick? Good question, but one that is difficult to answer.

There are actually no clear answers as to why chronic fatigue syndrome develops in one person and not to another. Current studies and clinical evidence however suggests that chronic fatigue syndrome can develop after contracting a serious infection or after experiencing extreme levels of stress. Having said that, there are numerous medical cases that purport to these theories, so to speak.

There are, for example, valid estimates where 96% of people who develop chronic fatigue used to actively exercise prior to the onset of the disease. Majority of the patients were also at the prime of their lives when they developed the disease. It is not surprising therefore that this disorder is coined as the “yuppie disease”, because it occurs at the time when a person is supposedly healthy and full of life.

After the onset of the disease, the lives of these people are changed drastically. They get stuck in their beds and quit their jobs because it is very taxing to get up. They had to abandon their roles and obligations because they do not have even enough energy to take care of themselves. In fact, they had to live a very sedentary and weak life because they are exhausted all the time.

Indeed, life for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers is hard, oftentimes debilitating.

Dangers of Chlorine in Swimming Pools

Do you ever feel like you know just enough about chlorine to be dangerous? Let’s see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from chlorine experts.

Chlorine can have its benefits. But, what people dont know is that chlorine care become a disadvantage especially the moment it comes in maturity with your body, inside and out. Despite the dangers of chlorine in pools, owners have a very good reason why they stabilize chlorine together with their water.

First, if used on a low concentration, chlorine can effectively kill any congenial of bacteria that can live inside the water in a very effective and quickly manner. Next, if in higher concentrations, it has the capability to kill algae that can live at the side of the pool. Bather wastes are broken down by chlorine which is known as skin oils and flakes and lotions.

With all those advantages, pool owners are looking on the side site chlorine becomes the enemy of the body and altering its every function. By far, there posses been reports on the different dangers when in contact with either tremendous or low level of chlorine.


According to studies, THMs or Trihalomethanes considered as pollutants to the environment and are also addressed to be carcinogenic. It is a consequence of the combination of chlorine and water compounds which are organic. There is a less chance for these chemicals to degrade and when inside the body, can be found in fatty tissues.

So, what about it? Seems harmful right? Wrong.

When you start to think about the fatty tissues, you importance regard it as a mothers breast which produces milk. These chemicals are stored in the milk based from the mothers breast which can also be found in accurate fluids in the habitus semen and blood. When this comes in contact with the constitution, sincere can cause certain mutation that has the ability to suppress immune employment and interferes with growth and development of new cells.


Chlorine is considered as one of the chemical compounds that can cause irritation to the skin and eyes. You know that chlorine is intimacy a very good job in killing microorganisms in pools if you have a feeling of blurry, stinging eyes. You can also spot a different philanthropic of smell that is not normal with ordinary water. Studies show that water with chlorine can cause skin irritation which can be associated with eczema.

Water with chlorine can have the ability to damage Vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids that are normally situated inside the body and considered as essentials to the bodys healthy status. Chlorine also has the capability to generate toxins that can produce ill-starred free radicals. Upon noticing that your skin is highly irritated because of pool water, this can be undone by supplementary diet. Chlorine further has the capability to aggravate some existing skin conditions like psoriasis, seborrhea and acne.

It doesnt stop there. There are still multiple reasons why chlorine is uttered as a dangerous compound. It concerns other health problems that are associated with melanoma, bladder and breast cancer and difficult bowel movements. In children, development of early asthma can show of field. Furthermore, there are studies that show links between chlorine and cardiac anomalies.

The dangers of chlorinated water to people are increasing and others are still innocent of the bad effects of it. Chlorine can exhibit good and become potentially bad if not prevented nor taken into consideration.
When word gets around about your command of chlorine facts, others who need to know about chlorine will start to actively seek you out.

Put Yourself in a Better Mood

Your mood can determine how you deal with stress, complicate your health, and help you deal with the daily pressures of the work week. Using essential oils is a great way to uplift your mood and put you in good spirits throughout the day. Not only will your mood become increasingly better, but your energy levels will increase as well. The natural fragrances given off by essential oils helps your body use its natural defenses against loss of energy and bad health. Overall, enhancing your mood through essential oils is a healthy way to increase your mood while bettering your health.

Essential oils used in aromatherapy techniques can also be a preventive against the stress and low energy that ultimately harms your health. Even if you dont expect to have a bad day, using essential oils will help you maintain and uplifted mood when the day starts to go sour. This is especially useful in the office when the day can start out good and slowly become stressful and demanding. A better mood can make you more productive and customer service oriented within the office when your mood starts to drop. Essential oils can help pull you out of a controversial situation by helping you think more clearly while in the office.

Essential oils are also useful in the home for stay at home moms or dads. Using the essential oils in your home is safe for the kids, and it can help you cope with a hectic schedule. If you find yourself losing your emotional control, use essential oils in aromatherapy to help uplift your mood and stay calm while watching your children. The aromatic scents help you control your mood, keep yourself positive, and it can even improve your concentration.

Whether you are at work or at home, using the following essential oils will greatly increase your mood and help you sustain a positive attitude even during the bad days. A positive attitude can increase your health and allow you to eliminate stress from your body. Using essential oils such as grapefruit, bergamot, and geranium can greatly enhance your mood and internal energy levels. The following essential oils can be used individually, but used in combination they provide a powerful way to enhance your mood and keep your spirits high.


Everyone is familiar with that freshly peeled smell of a ripe grapefruit. The citrus scent immediately makes you feel refreshed and it feels that energy levels instantly rise. The aroma is tangy and brings back an invigorating feeling that happens when your mood quickly becomes better and your spirit is uplifted.


Bergamot is an exotic plant extract that is energizing and has an antiseptic for your mind quality. It stimulates your senses and it even helps balance your emotions while increasing your mood. The bergamot aroma is taken from the fruits peeled layer, and it used to be used in colognes. The bergamot aroma can be used separately, but it blends well with most other essential oils.


Geranium is a balancing plant that helps stabilize your mood and makes you feel spiritually healthier. When you allow stress to enter your life, you can start to have a roller coaster of emotions that can affect your health and it affects the people around you. Geranium essential oils can help stabilize these emotional up and down issues with its flowery sent.

You can use each of these scents, grapefruit, bergamot, and geranium, individually for their unique emotionally uplifting qualities. Individually, they are powerful essential oils that should be a part of your day whether you stay at home or if you have a busy day at the office. Essential oils in aromatherapy should be a common use especially if you feel your mood is emotionally unstable. Using essential oils can help you handle the daily stress at work or at home.


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How music helps you get better sleep

Music has been proven to improve a person’s life. For some, it is an outlet for their creative side. For others, it serves as a medium to express themselves. To some people, it serves as a source of their inspiration and hope while for others, music serve as their ultimate relaxing treat. But for people who battle out things just for them to get better sleep, music definitely is their best option.

People who are having problems to get better sleep are finding ways to get that most-coveted “treat”. Some try exercises while others resort to other alternative means such music. Why? because music itself can lull them into deep slumber when chosen properly.

The power of music

To be able to avoid the distraction brought by this simple sound, people who are having a hard time sleeping have found a way to fight it off using music. Of all the so many kinds of music out there, peopleespecially those who are just beginningare having a hard time choosing which one would suit the practice.

If you are one of those who would want to use music as a tool to get better sleep, here are some guidelines in choosing the music that may help you achieve that purpose:

– make sure that it doesn’t have lyrics. In choosing music that will help you get better sleep, it is always best to choose one that has no lyrics because it can only distract your concentration. If you find plain rhythm boring, try to play something that has lyrics that your dont understand so you dont have to think what the song is saying. Aside from distracting your thoughts through the words you understand, music with lyrics will also encourage you to sing along which will totally shatter your concentration.

– relaxing music with soft rhythm is always advisable. For starters, this type of music will do you good because it will help you clear your mind and focus on something. But, if want something better, you can choose music that have faster rhythm and beats or anything that your truly enjoy because this can no longer distract you.

– do some experiments. Although soft and relaxing music is always advisable, try to play other types of music. Who knows? You might find better concentration of you play something that you truly enjoy.

– try simple and soothing music is sure to focus your attention. If you dont have the luxury of time to experiment on types of music to be played during meditation, then try surefire hits, which are simple and soothing music. Some of these may include classical sounds, sounds from the nature such as clapping of thunder, sounds of big waves, sounds of insects, and the wind. Other alternative options may also include simple instruments including tibetan singing bowl, flute, sitar, and tamboura which are known to have meditative inducing qualities.

When choosing music that may help you get better sleep, it is very important to keep in mind that the type you should play must induce you to deep concentration and into deep sleep. You can download the music that you like from various sites in the Internet and burn in a CD. But if you burn have a portable MP3 player, it is best to upload the music there so you can listen to it anytime you to sleep.