
Epidemiology is the process of where one is able to study a disease or disorder. The public health department job is to conduct studies that are epidemiological in nature in order to prevent contagious disease from spreading. An epidemiologist is one who understands the rate/risk ratios, rate/risk differences, and measures the impact on the public.

Each epidemiologist deals in his own science and disciplines when he is taking these factors and measuring them. The discipline requires him to be able to select and use appropriate statistical methods in the analysis of simple data sets and apply these methods by computer using either STATA or EPI-INFO. He must also be able to understand and interpret output from statistical analyses carried out by computer, in relation to research and other questions asked. Then the epidemiologist must present findings based on statistical analysis in a clear concise manner.

The epidemiologist must be able to define a research problem and formulate a study hypothesis and objectives. He must choose an appropriate and ethical study design, plan field procedures, including sample selection, and the design of questionnaires and record forms. A time schedule for the conduct of the study is vital part. The need to prepare a budget is always important for this type of research. A detailed protocol that is of sufficient standard developed into a submission statement for a funding agency.

The epidemiologist must understand the basic statistical measures and concepts underlying the analysis of epidemiological data. He must perform analyses of data arising from epidemiological studies using appropriate computer software. He must be able to identify factors that suggest a disease has an infectious cause. He also must understand the factors determining the spatial, temporal and social distributions of communicable diseases. It is vital that the epidemiologist understand how to measure transmissibility of infections, design, and carry out, analyses, interpret and report an outbreak investigation report. It is of course very vital that the evaluation of vaccine efficacy be investigated.

The study of epidemiology and the use of an epidemiologist are vital for any nation’s health. This is very important for it helps our nation prevent major breakouts of diseases. I would like to say our people do an excellent job in this field and their tasks are not always easy but always necessary. The American Heart Association feels that since heart failure is the number one killer of men and women in America today that our Public Health Department is not fulfilling their duties toward heart related diseases.

In the above description of what epidemiologist, duties are and why we have the study of epidemiology gives a better understanding the medical field problems concerning heart failure patients. The AHA has gathered as much information as possible thru magazines and articles and made a journal for the doctors to refer themselves too. That journal is piece meal at best not complete and not adequate for the care and prevention of heart related problems. That is why we need an epidemiologist from our Public health Department to look at the situation.

Prepare for the Certified Nursing Assistant Exam

Pursing a certificate as a Nursing Assistant is a very exciting adventure. The curriculum generally lasts from four to twelve weeks depending on the requirements in your state. Federal regulations require a minimum of seventy five hours of training. You Nursing Assistant course will be composed of classroom training, practicing what you learned on mannequins and each other, and clinicals that involve working with actual clients in a medical facility under the supervision of a Registered Nurse.

Upon completing your certification, you will be required to take the Certified Nursing Assistant Exam. Most states require you to sign up for the test within ninety days of completing all course work. Your program is set up to specifically teach you the fundamentals you will need on the job as well as to pass the exam. It is your responsibility to ask for clarification of any areas you are unsure of prior to taking the Nursing Assistant exam.

While the Certified Nursing Assistant Exam requirements will vary from state to state, most are very similar in structure and content. The test is made up of two parts written and clinical. The written portion of the test will contain questions about basic concepts and procedures. Your course textbooks and class notes are excellent studying resources.

The clinical portion of the exam requires you to demonstrate anywhere from three to five Nursing Assistant skills you should have mastered during your program. You will need to perform these skills for a state examiner who will be watching your every move. These skills involve hand washing, privacy, dignity, providing a bed pan, re-positioning a patient in their bed, grooming, taking a patients temperature, and completing a linen change with the occupant still in the bed.

While hand washing, privacy, and dignity may all seem like common sense areas to many of us, they are very important. Since most communicable diseases can be eliminated by proper hand washing, this skill is absolutely necessary. Providing all patients with privacy and dignity are the cornerstone of any area of the medical profession. They are relevant to the many duties of Nursing Assistants.

Most people are very nervous about this portion of the test, but practicing correct processed during your program and on your own will help you be prepared. Forming study groups with classmates is an excellent way to practice for both the written and clinical portions of the test. There are also study guides available and online practice tests.

The state examiner understands that exams are stressful and make people nervous. They will be watching to see how you react under stress and pressure because these skills are also important for Nursing Assistants to acquire.

Passing your Nursing Assistant exam is very important. Some employers will hire you once you have completed the program, but you must provide verification that you also passed your state exam within a specified timeframe to maintain that employment. Most states will allow you to find out right after the exam if you have passed or not. You will have the opportunity to retest if you dont pass the first time.

There are rules regarding how many times you can take the test, the length of time between each testing, and the cost to retest. These things all vary by state guidelines.

Precautions Nursing Assistants Should Take

Being a Nursing Assistant is a very rewarding career for those who choose to enter the medical field with a thirst for knowledge and a dedication to helping others. Your Nursing Assistant course, clinicals, and trainings often dont prepare you for precautions you need to take. Most employers dont either. Therefore it is the responsibility of every Nursing Assistant to learn about them on their own.

One of the hardest parts of being a Nursing Assistant is taking direction from many other staff on the medical team. They are to report directly to the Nursing staff. It is not uncommon for each Nurse to have a slightly different way they want things to be done. This makes the job of the Nursing Assistant even more challenging. You need to be willing to stand up for yourself and the other Nursing Assistants.

If this type of issue is ongoing in the medical facility you work at, go to the charge Nurse. Explain why the changes among the Nursing staff are confusing and counter productive. Most charge Nurses will look into the situation, and help put policies, procedures, and trainings into place so that all staff knows exactly how something needs to be done.

Nursing Assistants are often required to life patients while bathing, dressing, or even getting them ready to go eat. It is important that you are properly trained in this procedure, or you can injury your back or other body parts. You also run the risk of causing injury to the patient. Since medical facilities are often short staffed, Nursing Assistants try to lift patients alone when they know they are to have a partner assist them. This is dangerous to your health, to your patient, and to your job security. Never cut corners on such practices no matter how much time they save you.

Communicable diseases are very important to avoid as a Nursing Assistance. You will likely be trained in communicable diseases both in your Nursing Assistant training and your employment orientation. However, it is important to remember that most communicable diseases are spread through bodily fluids. No matter how tight your time schedule is, if you find a patient has soiled their clothing or bed, make sure you use rubber gloves, clean the area properly including using a disinfectant, and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. This will help reduce you risk of infection from communicable diseases.

Many patients who require the care of a Nursing Assistant dont want it. This can lead to a variety of feelings including depression, being upset, anger, and hatred. Often, this mix of feelings gets released onto the Nursing Assistant. You may find yourself receiving verbal abuse and sometimes physical abuse from patients as a result. It is very important that you deal with this type of situation immediately. For verbal abuse, tell the patient you understand they are upset but that you are there to help them.

Physical abuse is more dangerous than emotional abuse. Patients need to understand that it will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Avoiding burnout is another key area for Nursing Assistants to be aware of. This is the result of continually feeling overwhelmed by your job duties. The medical field ranks number one in the area of job burnout. It is important that you pay attention to burnout and these other precautions. This will enable you to further enjoy your employment as a Nursing Assistant.

Nurse Assistants and Communicable Diseases

Communicable diseases are those that can be transferred from one individual to another. These include the common cold, tuberculosis, the flu, and HIV, herpes, measles, chicken pox, lice, and strep throat. Are of these are highly contagious. For those who already have medical issues, their immune system has a hard time fighting off anything else, so they are very susceptible.

Communicable diseases spread by human waste including saliva, stools, urine, blood, and other bodily fluids. Airborne droplets from the nose and mouth are also a common transmitter.

Since communicable diseases often spread like wildfire if not properly contained, it is everyones responsibility to do all they can to maintain their own health. Washing your hands often is a very good place to start. Most germs cant survive soap and water. Nursing Assistants are encouraged to wash their hands more than most people because they are in constant contact with other people.

As a Nurse Assistant, it is your responsibility to immediately notify your supervisor if you develop the symptoms of any communicable disease. They can then determine a course of action. It may be recommended that you dont come to work until the communicable disease has run its course. Depending on the disease, you might be able to continue working with a respirator to prevent passing it to anyone else. In some cases, it may need to be reported to the health department.

Some communicable diseases can be cured with antibiotics such as strep throat. Others including the common cold will have to run their course. You can do your part by remembering to wash your hands, taking your vitamins, being current on all immunizations, and getting an annual flu shot.

Learning about these types of diseases is an important part of the Nursing Assistant program. Most medical facilities train all new employees in the area of communicable diseases. There is also ongoing training. While preventing the spread of communicable diseases is important in any work environment, it is especially important in a medical setting.

Each medical agency will have different processes and procedures for handling the spread of communicable diseases. Make sure you are well trained in identifying them, noticing the onset, and knowing how to handle each type of situation. Epidemics of communicable diseases require emergency procedures to take place. It is very important that you agency trains all employees in that area as well.

Nursing Assistances come into contact with bodily fluids of patients on a regular basis, and this is the most common method that they are infected with communicable diseases. You should always use rubber gloves when doing tasks such as changing soiled bedding and clothing and empting bedpans. The use of a sterile disinfectant while cleaning is important as well. If you do get bodily fluids on you, immediately was the area with soap and water, then report the incident. Your report needs to include what took place and what bodily fluids you came into contact with.

Communicable diseases are an area many people dont know much about. It is important that Nursing Assistants do some research on their own to make sure they fully understand the health risks involved with coming into contact with communicable diseases. While it is very rare, there have been reports of Nursing Assistants being infected with HIV and other potentially deadly diseases.