Children at Greatest Risk for Sports Injuries

The statistics all around the world are startling; children are much more likely to be injured while playing sports than an adult, even if they are only playing the occasional game. As parents and adults, how can we protect children from the majority of the injuries? There are some things you can do, both as treatment and as preventative to ensure that they are as protected as possible.

Your first concern should always be getting a physical check up of your child done before allowing them to actually play sports. This is absolutely imperative to let you know if there are any potential problems that you need to know about. While most children are healthy, there are some children that are not or that are highly prone to injuries. A good doctor should be able to let you know if your child can handle the physical activity of playing a sport.

Ensure your child has the appropriate safety equipment. Never allow them to play or practice without it. This can result in serious injuries as well as minor injuries, but it is always best to protect your child by ensuring that safety equipment is always worn. In addition, it is important to ensure that the safety equipment your child uses fits properly. This means that while it may be cheaper to pass down equipment from child to child, making sure it fits appropriately is even more important.

Other concerns should be ensuring that the coach your child plays with has been trained in how to interact with children, as well as teach them the rules of the game. Ensuring that all kids playing follow the rules is one of the best moves that coaches can make to help avoid injuries both during practice and during games. Teaching how to cheat will not only rob your child of sportsmanship but also increase the risk of injury immensely.

Make sure your child is playing with other children who are around the same size, as well as skill level. Common sense should tell you that a 5 year old should not be playing on the same team as a 15 year old. However, many parents do not realize just how important skill level can be. Having a child who is a beginner playing on an intermediate to advanced level team is a recipe for disaster and should be avoided. Always ask about the skill level of the team before signing up, if the team is too advanced for your child, find a team that is better suited.

Before your child starts any sport, regardless of age you should find a sports medicine doctor whom you are comfortable with as well as whom your child can talk to. This is important because many parents must deal with restrictions due to insurance and geographical location. Finding a doctor who is suitable before an injury occurs means you will spend less time waiting to start appropriate treatment in the event that an injury does occur. This also helps to ensure that you start your child on the appropriate foot in terms of preparing to be the safest and healthiest possible while playing sports.

As you can imagine, there are always numerous things to look out for in childhood. Injuries in sports just constitutes yet another potential danger, but with careful consideration and close supervision it is possible for most children to enjoy playing sports with very few, or minor injuries.

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Warts: Weighing Up Your Options

In every area of medicine there always new developments being made in diagnostics, preventions, and treatments. Some are genuine improvements based on sound scientific research; others are more a matter of hit-and-miss, and not nearly as helpful as they proclaim to be. All it really takes is becoming adequately informed and exercising a bit of common sense to decide which ones fall into which categories. In doing this, you can then determine what will be the most beneficial for you.

On the subject of treatments for warts, the seemingly-wide range of options available can be broken down into three categories. Each has its own particular benefits, and each has its own particular drawbacks. You should weigh these factors carefully, in order to find the option of treatment which is best for your situation.

Although having your warts removed by a medical professional may initially seem like the most viable course of action, it would be wise to assess the facts about this procedure before dismissing other possibilities. First, while the methods which are currently available are minor procedures, they are indeed surgical procedures. Surgical procedures, regardless of how minor, are never without some degree of risk involved. The main risk involved in having warts removed surgically is that of infection. A skilled professional, as well as a sterile environment, greatly lessen this risk, but it is impossible to eliminate the risk entirely.

Another important factor to consider if you are thinking about having your warts surgically removed is that many people have some degree of apprehension about medical procedures of any type. People who are in this category can be traumatized by any of the aspects of these procedures. The procedures which require either general or local anesthesia may be particularly traumatizing.

Last but not least, one of the main factors to carefully consider is that the surgical removal of warts will be considerably more expensive than any other methods. While you might assume that having them removed professionally will be worthy any extra cost, the fact is that even having them removed by surgical means does not guarantee that they will not return.

The do-it-yourself methods also pose both benefits and drawbacks. There is a very large range of products you can purchase over-the-counter at pharmacies, department stores, and even supermarkets, which are all designed for the purpose of removing warts. Although their effectiveness varies from product to product and from person to person, the drawbacks of these products should be considered before deciding that you wish to purchase one of them for attempting to remove the warts yourself.

First, it is unwise to spend money on a product if you are not certain how to use it correctly, or do not have the ability to do so. Second, incorrect use of these products can cause more harm than their potential benefits. At the very least, incorrect use of over-the-counter wart removal products will result in the product not working, and therefore being a waste of money. You must read and be follow the instructions on the packages, and be willing to use the products for the specific time basis that it requires. This is a special concern for people who have very busy or active lifestyles, for they must ensure that they are willing to take the time necessary to use the product on a regular basis.

Another important concern about over-the-counter wart removal products is that if they are not properly used they can damage healthy skin tissues around the wart. This means you must take special care to keep the product localized on the wart itself, and not allow it to spill onto your skin or clothing.

Home remedies present another option. In general, the only risk involved with most of these home remedies is that they may not work, and the lack of results can be frustrating.

Assessing the pros and cons of these available methods will help you decide on the option which best suits your needs.

Issues About Warts

Warts can be an aggravation; warts can be deadly. There are a number of issues surrounding this topic. All result in the common sense that preventing warts is the best method of dealing with them, and that if you do experience an outbreak it should be treated as promptly and thoroughly as possible. If warts reoccur, as they often do, that too should be addressed and dealt with.

Although it is far from being a minor consideration, on the lesser end of the scale is the fact that warts are an annoyance. For anyone who experiences an outbreak of warts, they can range from embarrassment to social stigma. For young people especially, having visible warts on the face, hands, feet, or other parts of the body can result in ridicule from one’s peers. Warts are unsightly. That point in itself is a good reason to try to avoid acquiring them, or to have them promptly treated if they do occur. Adults should not act as if a child’s or teenager’s warts are “no big deal,” for the distress they cause is very real.

Another factor about the serious nature of warts is that they are contagious. If a person has warts, it is unfair and irresponsible to put other people in the position of becoming infected. This irresponsibility shows when someone who has warts freely shares infected towels, washcloths, other clothing items, and especially shoes.

It is very unfair to not be concerned if the virus which causes warts is transmitted to other people. This point also holds true for those who knowingly have this contagious problem yet willingly pass it on to other people by such means as using public swimming areas, showers, locker rooms, etc., without taking proper precautions as wearing sandals or some other type of protective item which can guard against it being transmitted. People who do not have warts are then in the position of having to safeguard themselves against the risk of infection.

By far the worst and most serious issue about warts is irresponsibility with physical and sexual contact which can transmit genital warts. As this form of warts is considered to be a sexually-transmitted disease, directly linked to causing cancer, one’s personal conduct plays the largest role in the extent of one’s risk factors. Simply not engaging in a promiscuous lifestyle with multiple partners significantly reduces one’s risk of acquiring this form of warts.

As is evidenced by debates in recent news, this subject has become more a political issue than a medical issue. It would appear to be more common sense to safeguard children’s health by discouraging children against sexual activity instead of providing them with a vaccine which will make unrestricted sexual activity safer. Many who disagree with this viewpoint, however, consider it to be a matter of “forcing values” onto children. Not taking common sense into consideration has already led a number of youngsters to die of complications from this vaccine, primarily blood clots.

Contracting Warts: The Basics

How likely are you to acquire warts? Do you know the answer to that question? If not, you can get an estimated answer by assessing your own personal risk factors. Never mind statistics; instead, simply get a clear picture on how this subject relates to you and to your lifestyle. After doing so, you can decide whether you wish to take the steps necessary in order to decrease your risk. Prevention is more sensible than treating warts after one already has them; and knowing where you yourself stand is the best defense.

One of the most annoying forms of warts are plantar warts. Assuming you probably do not wish to find out exactly how troublesome they actually are, you can simply take some measures to safeguard yourself against these pesky warts. As the usual way in which a person contracts plantar warts is by having one’s bare feet come in contact with infected surfaces, you can greatly reduce your chance of getting plantar warts by wearing protective covering when in public areas where the virus is likely to be present. Not wearing someone else’s shoes or socks is also a good preventative measure. Some products designed especially for foot and shoe care contain the type of disinfectant which will kill the wart-producing virus on these surfaces; others do not. Check the label on the products you wish to use to see if this is included.

One of the main factors which contribute to seed warts is direct sunlight. Although it is rare for young people to acquire this type of wart, the potential for it increases with age. In addition to exercising common sense in limiting your exposure to the sun for reasons such as avoiding skin cancer, it will also go a long way in helping you to not acquire seed warts when you are older. The more time you spend in the sun on an everyday basis, and the longer you do so, the more likely you are to eventually have seed warts as a result.

Genital warts are spread by sexual contact. Although it is possible to contract them from an infected partner, the two main factors assessed as being most relevant are sexual activity at a young age, and having multiple partners. These factors are generally within one’s own control, and therefore it is not difficult to both assess one’s degree of risk and alter one’s own lifestyle to reduce the risk.

As a compromised immune system places a person at a much higher risk of contracting warts due to having a lesser immunity against the virus which causes them, Although those who have serious medical problems which affect the immune system do not have as much control over it, the average person who is in good health does. The simple basics of having a healthy diet and getting a proper amount of sleep are well within the range of most people’s capabilities; and these two basics are two of the strongest contributing factors in gaining and keeping the immune system functioning at its best.

Most warts can be spread by a healthy person using personal items of an infected person, such as towels, washcloths, and intimate clothing. In most cases you have the option of either making sure such items are clean and sterile, or else to not use them at all.

Checking to see which risk factors are relevant to you is the first step in determining how likely you may be to contract warts. The next step is to turn that awareness into action, and reduce your risk.