Positive and Negative Effects of Estrogen

Compared to other hormones, there are many large and dependable researches of estrogen and its possible effects on the body that have been performed. These researches have presented that estrogen offers many significant benefits. Because of this, many women are recommended to take estrogen to reduce menopause symptoms.

While many women are benefited by estrogen during or after menopause, some are found at greater risk for particular diseases if they take it. As researches give more information about estrogen, it may help pinpoint the reasons should those persons take it or not.

To most women, the helpful effects of estrogen are far more important than the harmful effects it can give. Estrogen helps reduce hot flashes and lessen the threat for osteoporosis. Other researches show that estrogen also lessens the risk of cardiovascular diseases like heart disease.

However, there are also researches, which presents that estrogen has no beneficial effects for heart problems. Others suggest that estrogen can protect a woman from having Alzheimers disease, but this is not yet confirmed. Recent clinical tests of estrogen in postmenopausal women with symptoms of Alzheimers disease have not presented any effects.

Other beneficial effects of estrogen are:

Reduce night sweats
Reduces the risk of colon cancer
Improves pelvic musculature
Avoid loss of collagen in the skin

However, besides its promises, estrogen has also increased the number of severe concerns because there are dangerous effects that could possibly happen with some women. For instance, some women take an estrogen with another hormone called progestin. Estrogen may also increase a risk of blood clotting, which can damage the proper circulation in the arteries.

Significant proof suggests that long-term use of estrogen can slowly increase the risk of breast cancer. In addition, researches have also shown that there is a greater risk of breast cancer among women who use both the estrogen and the progestin.

Other possible negative effects of estrogen include:

Vaginal bleeding or spotting
Abdominal pains
Poor sleeping habit
Skin rashes
Head aches, migraine headaches
Causes endometrial cancer

Therefore, with both of these positive and negative effects presented, the decision in taking estrogen will not be all yes. It depends on the woman if she wants to use it still despite of all the negative effects it could have.

Always remember, even if many years will pass, researchers will continue to find out information about the advantages and disadvantages of estrogen. When these new findings come out, more women and their physicians might reconsider their decisions about taking estrogen.

Benefits of Fish Oil

Fatty fish like salmon, tuna and mackerel have fats that can produce fish oil. Fish oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids which are recommended by health-care professionals to be included in a individuals diet. Omega-3 acids are mainly docosahexaenoic acid or DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA.

Omega- fatty acids are essential in cell building. It is important to get them from our diet since the body cannot produce this kind of acid. Research showed that Omega- 3 plays a significant role in brain and fetal development during pregnancy and infancy. Fish oil are believed and proven to provide numerous health benefits. Aside from this, there are also a lot of advantages by taking fish oil supplements.

Fish oil can:

Improve brain development and memory. There are studies showing that DHA actually plays a major role in brain functions. Low levels of DHA can increase the risk of having Alzheimers disease. Intake f fish oil during pregnancy is also recommended. According to a research conducted by the University of Western Australia showed that pregnant women who ingest fish oil supplement actually give birth to babies with better hand and eye coordination, better in speech and better cognitive development at the age of two and a half.

Aside from Alzheimers disease, fish oil can also help in reducing the risk of other mental illnesses like depression, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among children, dyspraxia, bipolar disorder and dyslexia.

Reduce the risk of hear attack. Even if the DHA and EPA are fatty acids, they can reduce cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. It helps in preventing blood clots in the heart. So aside from heart attacks, fish oil is also important in reducing risks of coronary heart disease.

Reduce the risk of cancer. Researches have showed that fish oil can help in reducing risks of developing breast, prostate and colon cancer. They stop the growth of cancerous cells and inhibit its growth. For postmenopausal women, those who consume more Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon and mackerel or fish oil supplements are less likely to develop breast cancer.

Reduce the effects or helping patients deal with lupus, arthritis, colitis and asthma. Its natural anti-inflammatory capabilities can reduce pain brought by inflammatory arthritis and gastritis.

Help a lot during pregnancy. Not only does Omega-3 fatty acids and fish oil help in he fetal brain development, it can also reduce the risk of giving early or premature birth, post-partum depression for mothers, allergic reactions among babies an low- birth weight. Not only does it helps in pregnancy, there are preliminary researches showing fish oil to aid in getting pregnant or fertility.

Help improve the body overall. Fish oil can help in producing serotonin, the happy hormones. Happiness can help a lot of people deal with stress and other emotional issues which can totally improve a persons emotional and mental disposition. They can also revitalize and rejuvenate skin, reduce wrinkles, weight loss and improve eyesight. It is even said that fish oil can reduce acne and make your hair a lot better.

Fish oil is very important in building a better you. But doctors and experts suggest in taking pharmaceutical grade fish oil supplements. The problem with eating too much fish can actually lead to mercury contamination.

So, ask yourself, are you getting enough fish oil in your body? If not, then it is time to start making sure that you do.

You Gotta Love Fish Oil

One has gotta love fish oil. If you think that Im kidding then please continue reading. Those who shun fishes like mackerel, tuna and salmon due to some personal and at times even weird preferences might have second thoughts after they come to learn the benefits of eating those kinds of fish. These fish along with herring, sardines, flounder and lake trout contains omega-3 fatty acids.

However, just to clarify the fish themselves are not capable of producing the oil themselves. In the case of herrings and sardines, they accumulate the omega-3 deposits from eating microalgae that produces them. And mackerel, salmon, flounder, and trout get their supply from eating small fishes like the herrings.

Now aside from the omega-3, other fatty acids present in what we may call oily fishes are the eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA and docosahexaenoic acid or DHA. You have probably heard of these two from commercials or advertisements which markets products that contain these acids. EPA and DHA can play an important role in the development of ones brain, helps keep the nervous system in top shape and even protect people from heart disease. If you, however, find that these benefits are not enough then I dont fret fro there are a number of other great advantages from including fish oil in ones diet. Let us begin.

Another good reason of making oily fish part of the daily meals or considering fish oil as food supplement is that it can reduce the risk of getting cancer. May it be breast, prostate or colon cancer, fish that are rich in fatty acids were found to be capable of stopping the development and spread of cancer cells to healthy ones.

And what about the findings that pregnant women has less chance of developing complications during pregnancies? You see, those fatty and oily fishes are more than just a treat to the palates. The fish oil, moreover, helps prevent premature delivery and low birth weight. In fact, women who consumed fish oil during their pregnancy were found to deliver babies that are stronger against allergies.

Besides the things that have mentioned so far, fish oil seems to be quite beneficial for our eyesight as well. As we grow older our eyesight slowly diminishes. Thats why a lot of older folks need corrective eyeglasses or even surgery just to see a little bit clearer. Fish oil helps improves eyesight, decrease the dryness, and prevents the decline of eyesight in old age.

Other known benefit include treatment for inflammatory bowel disorders, rheumatoid arthritis and even systemic lupus. Not to mention, fatty acids from fish can help prevent a variety of depression and anxieties. The omega-3 in the fatty acids are good for relieving anxiety, sadness, stress, mental fatigue, restlessness, suicidal tendencies and some nervous disorders. Even those who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorders are encouraged to include fish oil in their diet.

If you by now youre still not loving fish oil then I dont know what else to say. Since studies are being conducted continuously, scientists will find more benefits from eating fish oil. They will find a whole new list of why it would be good to add fish oil in ones diet.

However, even at this time with the different benefits that have been cites, I have no reason to doubt that one really gotta love fish oil.