Its All in the Cream

In a world where physical comeliness matters, it is only natural for people to find ways to maintain and protect their God-given potentials. Since not everyone is endowed with physical beauty based on the standards of the majority, more and more people search endlessly for products and services that would give solution to their physical flaws.

One of the most common complaints of people when it comes to skin is having infected and irritated pimples or acne breakout. Identified by superficial skin eruptions, acne in adults as well as acne in teenagers can be upsetting and disfiguring aside when left untreated.

Today, the market offers a wide range of acne treatment and products to cure acne. Among the so many products available, acne creams are proven to be one of those quite effective in treating acne in different stages.

Buying Acne Creams

Buying and using acne creams is indeed a good option in combating the skin disorder. But, before you purchase acne creams, try to research first on how the formulation and content of these creams help cure the skin infection:

– According most dermatologists, acne creams are effective to treat acne because these are quickly absorbed by the skin.

– It is a good option to cure acne because it is made from natural substances gathered from reliable and effective sources.

– Quality acne creams can help you get rid of adult acne as well as teen acne while preventing possible acne scarring.

– It is proven that the natural substances found in acne creams are complex compounds that combine natural antibiotic peptides proven to fight acne infection within the skin follicles; bio-available allantoin & skin regenerating peptides to vanish dark marks, prevent and repair acne scars; glycolic acid that opens clogged pores and allows for the other ingredients to penetrate deeply into the skin follicles; vitamins that stop the progress of inflammation; collagen and elastin which help restore the natural moisturizing capacity of a healthy skin.

– Most medical experts agree that acne creams work for most people that have mild acne. It is also proven to work for those who have developed severe acne infection when it is used simultaneously with oral antibiotics or retinoids/accutane to detoxify your skin.

– Acne creams that are applied twice a day are known to speed up the process of clearing the skins sebaceous glands of debris. This will get rid of acne bacteria within the skin follicles that eventually lead to the clearance of acne marks and repair acne scarring.

You have to bear in mind that before you buy acne creams, you have to make sure that they are hypoallergenic and can be used by children or pregnant women without enduring any pain or discomfort by checking the label. Knowing the ingredients used in the product will ensure that the acne cream has balanced formulation to deliver effective results. It will also pay to do a little research about the acne creams available in the market today because it will determine which is the best and suitable for your skin type.

After the initial application of the acne cream you bought, observe how your skin reacts to the product. Take note of the visible changes you notice to prevent possible side effects. If you think that the acne cream does not work on your skin after the prescribed length of time to be taken, stop using the product to avoid further damage on your skin.

Acne Scar Reduction-Prevention Best Treatment

Yuck! Nobody likes to suffer through an outbreak of acne, but even that can go from bad to worse if scars develop. Not only do you have to live with the acne, but you could be stuck with the aftermath for years to come, especially if you have severe outbreaks. However, there is good news because there are a lot of options for acne scar reduction.

The following is somewhat simplified, but it’s enough to give you the information you need to start treating your acne scars. When you have a bad outbreak of acne and sores develop, and that can lead to an infection which causes collagen and elastin to decrease. If that happens, then the skin cells themselves become damaged. The body then sends out its natural defenses and tries to repair the skin near the damaged area with connective tissue, and it’s this tissue that causes scarring.

Prevention of scarring is by far the best thing you can do. That may sound obvious, but all too many people overlook it. A good first step is to start treating your acne as soon as possible. Though it is often easier said than, you should never pick at the sores from your acne. Of course, if you start treating right away, there will be fewer sores to pick at.

You can always try using medicated treatments for acne scar reduction. Again, do what you can to prevent and treat outbreaks first. Over-the-counter medications may work just fine, but if not, you can always talk to your doctor or a dermatologist about prescribing something for your outbreaks.

You may not be able to do much in the way of prevention if you already have some scarring, but there are things you can do to minimize or eliminate the appearance of existing scars.

The first thing you need to do is talk to your doctor or dermatologist about your treatment options. They will be able to give you advice based on your personal medical history. Even if you want to try some home remedies for acne scar reduction, you should still talk to a medical professional about your concerns.

Laser treatments are becoming more and more popular as people see how well they work. The laser has to be used by a qualified dermatologist, so it will require an office visit. In simple terms, the laser burns of some of the skin in a controlled manner, then the scars are minimized when the new, healthy skin grows back.

Dermabrasion is where the top part of the skin is abraded or scraped off. A machine or buffer is used to make this happen. The idea here is that it will reveal the healthier skin underneath, but it also encourages new skin cell growth which adds to its effectiveness.

There are also different medicated lotions, creams and supplements that can help with acne scar reduction. Remember, you don’t have to live with yucky looking scars, so take advantage of any of these options right away.

Microdermabrasion, the Lastest in Laser Skin Care

One of the treatments that is growing really popular is Microdermabrasion, a procedure that removes the topmost layer of the skin, getting rid of the dead skin cells on the surface and bringing back its healthy glow.

It also leaves a smoother surface and even stimulates the growth of new calls as well as the production of collagen and elastin, which both plays a role in the development of wrinkles.

This procedure is similar to some chemical peeling treatment except that it does not burn the skin. There is also less irritation reported as well as allergic reactions to the procedure. One can even apply make-up on the skin that is newly treated.

One of the many benefits of Microdermabrasion is that it has less treatment time. This means that you dont have to spend so much time in the surgical room. Another pros is the fact that it has less recovery time compared to other techniques that basically do the same treatment.

It is also relatively painless that dermatologists and doctors do not even use anesthesia anymore. Because of this, it is also relatively cheaper compared to other laser skin treatments available.

Microdermabrasion can treat a lot of skin conditions such as age spots, acne, pigmentation marks, sun-damaged skin, fine wrinkles and even dull congested skin.

The kind of treatment as well as the duration will depend upon the skin type and the condition. Treatment results will of course vary depending on the condition of the skin before the treatment and of course the severity of the problem. But as mentioned before, with microdermabrasion, there will be shorter recovery time. Patients can already resume their work even hours after treatment.

Before the treatment

There are really no strict requirements before undergoing the procedure. But for safety purposes, patients are advised to not put any retinoid or retinal. There should also be no AHA usage for three days before and after the treatment.

Caring for the treated area

The first thing that should be done is to clean the area and keep it well moisturized. The doctor will also tell you the products that you can put on your skin. Another thing that you should do is to protect it from the sun at all times. Do this by using a sun block with moisturizer, at least SPF 15, to keep the skin moist and supple.

What You Need to Know About Organic Skin Care

Because today’s consumers are more conscious of their health and the environment, there are more organic skin care products available than ever before. Other people may have developed allergies to all of the toxins and chemicals used in commercial skin care produts and are looking for a healthier alternative. Some commonly used ingredients in commercial products include fragrances, dyes, and various types of acids.

By contrast, organic skin care products contain natural ingredients such as vitamins A, C, or E, essential oils, antioxidants, or proteins. These are necessary to replace the skin cells lost as we age. As the body gets older, it produces less collagen and elastin, which leads to dry, wrinkled skin. Re-hydrating the cells from the outside is the only way to repair this age-related damage.

You can now find organic skin care products in almost any pharmacy, drug store, or health food and nutrition store. If you do not have access to any of these places, there are many retailers online to choose your natural cosmetics from. Some spas and salons have also added organic products to their inventory, so you may want to look there as well. Most of these products are free of fragrances and dyes and will not cause or aggravate existing allergies.

There are organic products available both men and women. Men can find organic shaving lotion and after-shave, while women usually have more options of cleansers, creams, toners, and gels. Unfortunately, organic products generally cost more than the synthetic version of the same item. It is worth the extra cost to protect your skin and your health from toxic chemicals and preservatives.

An alarming number of mainstream skin care products may contain the wetting agents diethanolamine and triethanolamine, sometimes listed on ingredient labels as DEA and TEA, respectively. These substances by themselves are not considered to be a cancer risk. If the product contains nitrites as contaminants, this may cause a chemical reaction that creates cancer-causing nitrosamines.

Most commercial cosmetic products include some type of bactericides or preservatives. These are necessary to protect the cosmetics from contamination, but may also be dangerous or even carcinogenic. For instance, trace amounts of formaldehyde are found in some products. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen and is neurotoxic in higher doses.

How can you be sure that your skin care products are really organic? Unfortunately, there is still plenty of room for vagueness in labeling of cosmetic products. Generally, a cosmetic product must follow the same USDA rules as would a food product. The product must contain no less than 95% organic and natural ingredients in order to qualify for the label.

After the 95% threshhold is met, there is a serious lack of additional guidance and regulations. There are no restrictions on the words cosmetic manufacturers can use on their labels, so you many see plenty of products called “organic” or “botanical” even though they may still contain a small amount of synthetic chemicals. Read the ingredient labels carefully to be sure that your organic skin care products are really made of only organic materials.