Fever in Children

The normal temperature of human body is 98.6F. If the temperature is taken rectally, the thermometer will show a rise of 1F, that is it will show 99.6F. The normal body temperature can vary slightly among individuals. The doctors consider the rise in body temperature as fever if it crosses the mark of 99.4F when taken orally and 100.4F when taken rectally. Rectal checking of temperature is done in infants and children who are older than four years have their temperature checked orally. Infants under three months should be rushed to the hospital if they have fever above 100.5F. The same applies for children older than three months and having a body temperature above 102F.

Digital thermometers provide a more accurate temperature reading. Mercury thermometers pose a health risk to the family as it is an environmental toxin. Hence, this is another good reason why mercury thermometers should be replaced with digital thermometers. Parents must take few measures before and during the task of checking the childs temperature. First of all, the parent should be sure about the kind of thermometer he or she wants to use, that is whether the thermometer should be meant for oral use or rectal use. The child shouldnt be bundled up very tightly before the temperature is checked. When the thermometer is being held by the child, the parent should supervise the whole procedure. Infants might experience pain when the thermometer is inserted into his rectum. Therefore, it is a good idea to cover the thermometers tip with petroleum jelly before insertion and only half of the thermometer should be inserted inside. The thermometer should be held until the beep is heard as children tend to drop the thermometer, if it is left to them. When taking the temperature orally, the thermometer should be placed underneath the tongue and should be left there until the beep is heard. After usage, the thermometer should be washed with cold water and soap.

When an infection is being fought by the body, it shows signs of fever. When the child becomes fussy and experiences aches in parts of the body, the child should be administered with some medicines. Medicines are available for children, depending on their needs, age and weight. The recommended dosage will be written on the pack or the label of the medicine and the parents should check that chart before giving any medicine to the child. If there is any kind of confusion, a doctor should always be consulted. Medicines like Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, and Tylenol for children are available over the counter. When acetaminophen is given along with lukewarm bath, it helps decrease the fever. The medicine should be given just before the bath. The water shouldnt be cold and no alcohol products must be used while bathing. If bath is given minus acetaminophen, the child can begin to shiver and there is chance of body temperature going high again.

Aspirin is not advisable for children as it may develop serious illness called Reyes syndrome in the child. The risk is even more in kids having chickenpox or flu. Not more than five doses should be given in twenty four hours. If drops are given, the dropper should be filled till the marked line. A liquid medicine usually comes with a measuring device in the form of a cap. If not, it can be bought at the local drug store. Infants under four months shouldnt be given medicine, unless told by the doctor.

Certain symptoms call for immediate attention and the doctor must be contacted immediately. Symptoms can be dry mouth, rapid change in body temperature, ear-ache, behavioral changes, frequent diarrhea and vomiting, paleness, seizures, skin rashes, intense headaches, sore throat, swollen joints, irritability, high pitch crying, not feeling hungry, stiff neck, stomach ache, whimpering, wheezing, limpness, and breathing problems. At all times, the child must be made to wear comfortable cotton cloths which help the body to breath properly and at the same time absorbs the sweat. The child should also be given fluids constantly, in order to combat with dehydration.


Word Count 681

Toothache Home Remedies That Work

A toothache hits! The first thing is a dentist is called and an appointment made. Unless there is something more serious such as an abscess, appointments are not usually instantly available. So while the sufferer waits and endures what some people have called ‘one of the most painful pains known to man’, the sufferer immediately begins to hunt down a variety of toothache home remedies that will work and ease their pain!

Which of the toothache home remedies that will work for each individual is dependent on what exactly is the problem with the tooth. Problems can result from infections, blows to the mouth, decay or even food lodged between teeth or within cavities of teeth.

If the problem is that there is food or debris stuck within the teeth and it is causing pain, then a gentle swilling out of the mouth is usually effective. What can also help is the gentle brushing of the teeth to dislodge the food.

Toothache home remedies for a blow to the mouth, which usually result in a swelling or even a tooth falling out, are best treated by icing the area. In effect you treat the damaged area as you would do any other bruised area of the body. Applying ice will help reduce the swelling and will even numb the nerves around the area and bring pain relief.

Another proven toothache home remedy is rinsing the mouth with salty water. This works by cleansing the mouth and keeping any open cavities within the tooth clean, so helping to prevent painful infections. Warm water, as opposed to cold water, should always be used so there is no painful shock to any exposed nerves.

One of the least known toothache home remedies involves keeping the head upright. If you think back and analyze, a lot of toothaches will begin during the night when the sufferer is laying down asleep. This is because in this position, pressure builds in the head and causes pain in the tooth. So often times, simply propping yourself up in bed will bring some relief.

Further more, something as apparently unrelated as massaging the hand with an ice cube can bring a degree of pain relief for a toothache. Between the thumb and the forefinger, in the groove of the bone just below the V shape, an ice cube rubbed gently over this area can be immensely beneficial to anyone who is enduring a toothache.

Pretty much then, making use of these home remedies for toothaches will depend on what has caused the pain. The good thing is that all of these remedies are fairly straight forward to implement and are proven to bring relief.

Natural Remedy For Dry Skin – Finding The Right Remedies

Natural Remedy For Dry Skin – Finding The Right Remedies For Your Dry Skin

There are a wide variety of different options that are available when it comes to finding the right natural remedy for dry skin. If you are dealing with dry skin, then finding the right natural remedy is vitally important. It will help you overcome your dry skin, returning its natural moisture so that you can look and feel younger. There are a number of natural remedies listed below for dry skin. Try combining different natural remedies for dry skin until you find the combination that is going to meet your needs the best.

– * You can try mashing up half of an avocado, mixing it together with a couple of drops worth of the juice from a fresh lime. Spread this well mixed paste over your recently cleansed skin. Allow it to remain on your skin for between 15 minutes and 20 minutes. You can wash your skin off alternately using cold water and warm water. This is an effective skin care home remedy for you to consider.

– * Another excellent home remedy is for you simply to consider eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. This is because fruits and vegetables are often very rich in Vitamin B and Vitamin A, and both of these vitamins are especially helpful in keeping your skin feeling young, healthy and moisturized.

– * When it comes to washing your face, if you want your face to be young feeling and moisturized, then you should be using mineral water rather than tap water because it puts more healthy minerals in your skin rather than taking minerals out.

– * Here is another worthwhile natural remedy for dry skin: Try mixing between 2 tablespoons and 5 tablespoons worth of raw peanuts with milk and mash them together until you have crafted a fine paste. Now add in a teaspoon worth of raw honey into this mix. Apply the paste to your face and other places where your skin is dry and allow it to completely dry. Wash it off using cold water after it has completely dried. This is another excellent way to perk up dry skin.

– * Before you go in for a bath, try adding between 5 drops and 6 drops worth of lavender oil or oat extract to your bath water. When your skin soaks up the water and becomes soft, it will also soak up the extracts or oils in order to improve upon your dry skin.

– * Having a milk bath once every month is another excellent home remedy for dealing with dry skin that is well worth your consideration. You can try this more often if it seems to be having a positive effect on you.

Try out different home remedies for your dry skin problems until you are properly satisfied with the results that you obtain. Experiment with different dry skin home remedies, and combine different remedies to create a dry skin care regimen that suits you.

Shower Massage and its Power

Another popular form of therapy that is widely accepted these days is known as the shower massage. It is known to relieve the physical body of all the tensions and pressures that have been absorbed after a hard day’s work. To be able to enjoy its therapeutic effect, using equipment is necessary. Several shops and stores sell the special shower equipment that brings about the rejuvenating experience. They can be found in the leading shopping centers and those online shopping websites too. True enough, your options are never limited.

A Glaring Truth

The fact is that not everyone is able to afford the expenses that come around just so he can be in the spa at all times. Even if you earn your own money, the cost of getting a spa massage can truly be shocking. How much more if you want to do it every now and then? However, you have an alternative option. You can enjoy the same effect and benefits even as you stay at home. By purchasing the right type of equipment, you will be able to enjoy your private chances of retreating into a spa experience within the confines of your own abode at anytime. Come to think of it, a relaxing shower after a tedious day of work is sure to wash away every single trace of stress from your body. After which, you will be able to come out from the shower room clean, refreshed, and energized.

Setting the Mood

You can do some work in your own bathroom. If your funds allow you, better set up some theme into your bath area. Put on some wallpaper that will invite a positive atmosphere and one that will set a peaceful mood. Affix lights that allow a soft glow. Dim lights are perfect to employ since they permit you to adjust the brightness mode. Add some scented candles that will bring about the pleasing aroma. Certainly, it will enhance your emotional relaxation. The shower can be fixed in its most comfortable place. You may choose between the hot or cold water flows depending on how you want things to go on. Don’t forget to play some soothing music too! The use of essential oils likewise counts as a great idea in rejuvenating yourself. If you have a bath tub, let the water bubble so you may soak in there all you want.

The Nature of the Showers

The showers come in different types, sizes, shapes, and colors. They are also equipped with different features. You must buy the one that contains the spa features since it is your main goal. Today’s trend has made it possible for the shower manufacturers to include the massage showerheads and other kinds of beneficial add on. The equipment may cost a bit expensive but you will surely find out why it is a must-have. One thing is for sure though it will let you save more money in the long run.

The shower massage is yet another present day technological innovation that is worth experiencing. As compared to the usual trips to the spa, purchasing this equipment will do wonders for your health and your budget. Check out the nearest shops in your area and do your rounds online for the best offers and freebies that you may grab.