Massage Oils Provide a Therapeutic Effect

Massage therapists know best. They make use of special massage oils to bring forth the feeling of rejuvenation that each and everyone asks for.

The Benefit of the Oils as Employed in Massage Therapy

As used in the science of massage therapy, the oils are the best additions to a relaxing and healing experience. They don’t only bring you into such a relaxing state in the course of the massage session but they trigger healing, so to speak. There is nothing new in the use of oil because it has been practiced since time immemorial. In fact, the great men Plato, Homer, and Socrates had mentioned in their writings the benefits of the oils in assisting in the relief of body pain. The latter is also one of the main reasons why oils are utilized during the execution of massage. Other benefits of which include the enhancement of the skin condition and of course, the improvement of the overall health.

Selecting the Type of Oil to Use

Is there a particular guideline in selecting the oil to be used during the therapy itself? Well, it is best to remember that people’s skin type varies. One kind of oil may be safe for one but it may irritate another person’s sensitive skin. There are also individuals who may not find the scent too pleasing to their sense of smell.

More so, when choosing the oil it is important to get those that are expeller-pressed or cold-pressed. They have gone through an extensive processing so they are known to last longer. Likewise, you may combine the essential oils of your choice but just ensure that they will produce a good scent. Your massage therapist is likely to ask you of your preferred combination.
Different Types of Oil to Use

For massage therapy, you have a wide range of options. Stated below are the various oils that are commonly used.

The sweet almond oil bears the anti-inflammatory components. It is light and applicable generally for many skin types. It works best for people who have dry skin.

The apricot kernel oil is known to employ balance in the skin. It heals the prematurely aging skin too.

The avocado oil is defined as heavy so it is important to dilute it in lighter oil.

The Castor oil is sticky and thick yet is best in drawing out the toxins. It is best used to treat the scar tissue.

Coconut oil has to be warmed first. It treats cracked skin.

Emu oil is good for sore muscles, arthritis, eczema, and bruising.

Grapeseed oil is safe to use because of its non-allergenic components.

Jojoba oil and kukui nut oil contain anti-bacterial elements.

Olive oil provides relief to stiffness due to its warming effect.

The wheat germ oil is high in vitamin E component as well as in the essential fatty acids. It aids in the healing of scar tissue, stretch marks, sun damaged skin, in improving the circulation of the blood, and in treating the symptoms of dermatitis.

Holy oil is best recognized for its molecular structure. It goes deep into the skin.

Hazelnut oil is a best moisturizer which tightens and tones the skin while assisting in the regeneration of the cells and enhancing the capillaries.

Massage oils are simply therapeutic. They don’t only soothe your tired and tight muscles but they are also able to make you feel better emotionally and mentally.

How to Treat Genital Warts at Home

Genital warts are usually treated by professionals. Some people, though, have found that they are able to treat genital warts in the privacy of their own homes. They find these methods preferable to subjecting themselves to a doctor’s treatments.

Some home remedies for genital warts involve some form of vinegar. You can dab cider vinegar on the warts. You can also use red wine vinegar and mix it with garlic to put on the warts. Or, you can use white vinegar. White vinegar has no unpleasant odor.

Certain oils have been used. Coconut oil removes warts, and is soothing as well. Vitamin E oil is also a good choice. It loosens the wart. At the same time, it is good for the surrounding skin.

Herbal remedies are numerous. There is a powder called Job’s Tears, a plant extract called hatomugi. It can be found in Chinese medicine shops. It also comes in tea and bags of dried herbs. If you take this substance for a few days, genital warts will fall off.

Other herbs are used in an effort to boost your immune system. Genital warts are caused by the human papilloma virus. This is why when you have one, you often have many. To help your body fight the virus, you can use herbs along with other immune system building activities.

Echinacea helps to fight off viruses by using the natural acids of your own body. Goldenseal has been used for centuries for wound care. It has recently been discovered that goldenseal has antibiotic properties. It can be used, and works especially well with prescription medications for genital warts.

Astragalus is another Chinese herb that has been used for thousands of years. It has been used as a remedy for genital warts. Today, there is proof that this herb actually does energize the immune system. This helps it fight off the virus that causes genital warts.

Some other herbs used in the treatment of genital warts are St. John’s Wort, Ginkgo biloba, and Olive leaf. These herbs are usually taken orally to help the body combat the virus. The herbs are easy to find in any pharmacy or health food store.

To go along with these herbal treatments, you should be taking time to care for yourself, too. Eat healthily, drink plenty of water, and get an adequate amount of sleep. Exercise is also helpful in helping to boost your natural immune system.

Garlic, in its many forms, has been used for a long time to fight genital warts. It can be used raw, or it can be found in capsules or ointments. You can take it by mouth or you can put it directly on the wart. It will not injure the surrounding tissue, so it is perfectly safe.

Actually, the most unsafe thing about these home remedies is that your condition may need to be seen by a physician. As little as you would like to tell someone about this problem, it may be necessary. When left untreated, genital warts can be very dangerous at times. If you have them, it’s best to ask a doctor before you try a home remedy anyway.

Remedy For Dry Skin – Overcome Your Dry Skin

Finding the right remedy for dry skin can be vitally important if you are dealing with uncomfortable and itchy dry skin. Dealing with dry skin is not impossible because there are a wide variety of different home remedies for you to choose from. Combine the following skin care methods in different ways until you find a mix that works well for you. Each remedy for dry skin is going to benefit your skin in different ways. Creating a combination that works well for you is the best way to ensure that you get the most out of your dry skin regimen.

– * You can take advantage of the healing benefits of oatmeal when it comes to treating dry or damaged skin. Oatmeal offers some truly skin soothing effects that were first discovered more than 4,000 years ago. Many people are just beginning to understand these benefits because when you put oatmeal in your bath it is capable of behaving as a soothing agent. You can pour approximately 2 cups woth of colloidal oatmeal such as Aveeno into a bathtub full of lukewarm water. Colloidal means that the oatmeal has been converted into a fine powder that will suspend in the water rather thank sinking into the bottom of the tub.

You can use oatmeal as if it were a soap substitute, for example. Tie a little bit of colloidal oatmeal into a washcloth or handkerchief, then dunk it in the water, squeeze the excess water out and then use it just like you would use a typical washcloth for a nice soothing effect.

– * You should also choose soaps that are superfatted. Most types of soap contain a material called lye in them, and while it is great for the process of cleaning, it is also very irritating when your skin is already dry. It is recommended, then, that you avoid strong types of soap like Ivory or Dial in favor of a super fatted soap such as Dove, Neutrogena or Basis. These super fatted soaps contain extra amounts of fats like cold cream, coconut oil, cocoa butter and lanolin which are added to the soap mix during the manufacturing process.

Products like Dove, for example, are not really actually soap at all. They are more like using a cold cream. There are trade offs to consider when it comes to choosing a product like this, as super fatted soaps do not tend to clean as well, but they are also far less irritating when it comes to washing dry skin, and this makes a real difference when it comes to remedying dry skin at home.

You can overcome your dry skin issues when you use the right home remedies. Use the above remedies and other skin care remedies to restore health and beauty to your skin once more. Keep in mind that the skin care regimen for you will be different than for other people.