Exercise And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS is a disorder characterized by extreme and prolonged exhaustion combined with several other symptoms such as muscle and joint pains, headache, sore throat and other flu-like symptoms. The exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is yet to be discovered and it may take years before the individual can recover from the ailment.

Sometimes, the CFS victims suffer recurring bouts with CFS through their lifetime. Because the exact cause of CFS is yet to be determined, there is no known cure for this illness yet. Non-drug treatments and medications are primarily to relieve the many symptoms of CFS.

One of the non-drug therapies put forward by doctors, as a treatment for CFS, is exercise. However. Medical opinion is still divided on whether exercise can actually help improve or worsen the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Some doctors believe that mild exercise can be helpful in overcoming CFS. Others warn against any form of aerobic activity that can aggravate CFS.

Exercise can be a problem for people with chronic fatigue syndrome because strenuous physical activity can worsen the symptoms of CFS such as muscle pain, fatigue and tenderness of the joints. While exercise is important in maintaining health and wellness, it can become dangerous for people with chronic fatigue. But a recent study released by the British Medical Journal has revealed that proper patient education on chronic fatigue syndrome combined with a supervised exercise program can help improve the symptoms of CFS.

Still, people with CFS typically find it difficult to perform basic activities such as walking let alone do rigorous physical activities such as aerobic exercise. During an onset of chronic fatigue, the patient may be bedridden. They usually feel better after some time and may attempt to do regular exercise. However there is danger that the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome may relapse once the individual attempts aerobic activity.

Muscular activity causes lactic acid to be produced in the muscles. This chemical by-product leads to fatigue. Research says that exercise can worsen the effects of chronic fatigue syndrome because it sets off production of excess lactic acid in the muscles. Recent studies reveal that people with CFS actually produce twice the amount of lactic acid than people without chronic fatigue syndrome. Researches believe that their findings suggest a link between chronic fatigue syndrome and an error in the body’s energy metabolism.

Researchers are also looking at a link between chronic fatigue and low levels of potassium electrolytes. A deficiency in potassium supply usually causes chronic fatigue. The bulk of the body’s potassium supply is in the muscle tissue as well as the brain, blood and internal organs. Studies have revealed that people with chronic fatigue syndrome have actually less total body potassium compared to healthy people of the same weight and age.

On the other hand, a sedentary lifestyle can also cause a whole range of health problems for people with CFS. These include loss of bone mass, muscle wastage or atrophy, and increased vulnerability to obesity and cardiovascular disease. People with chronic fatigue syndrome should have a gentle approach to physical activity.

There should only be minute increases in the frequency, intensity and duration of the exercise program to prevent any detrimental effects to the health and well-being of the chronic fatigue syndrome patient.

Do You Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Taking care of one’s health is the best thing that one can do to avoid all the physical illnesses. It may be painful to some to do it but it is in fact the simplest way if you don’t want to be affected with health disturbances. One of the most common illnesses that people complain about is the CFS, or chronic fatigue syndrome.

It is sometimes called post-viral fatigue, Epstein-Barr or myalgic encephalomyelitis disease. At other times, this is referred to as the chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome, or simply CFIDS. This CFS illness is often considered yuppie flu, or hypochondriacal behavior. Recently, health experts agreed that the illness is distinct and has physical symptoms.

The most common symptom is an unexplained fatigue feeling, in which it can not be easily relieved by some rest. Other physical symptoms are:

Muscle or joint pains or weakness
Unexplained headaches
Bowel problems
Poor concentration
Difficulty in sleeping
Poor temperature control

Some Causes

It was never understood what causes chronic fatigue syndrome. However, there are conditions which believed to trigger chronic fatigue syndrome such as toxins and virus infection. In some studies, the disease can be related to physical inactivity, immune system problems, low blood pressure, hypoglycemia, overwork, stress, hormonal imbalance, brucellosis, and colitis. Regardless, chronic fatigue syndrome is not a simple health case that can be ignored as it can provide major disturbance on the patient’s quality of life.

Not Easy to Diagnose

It is often hard to detect if one is suffering with chronic fatigue syndrome. In many cases, it would go for years before a patient is found to have the illness. The reason is there are not any laboratory tests that can confirm or diagnose such illness. The diagnosis can only be made if the patient exhibits no other causes, including drugs’ side effects.

If the patient suffers four from the eight symptoms stated below, they can be diagnosed with chronic fatigue illness.

Short-term memory impairment or difficulty in concentration
Tender lymph node
Sore throat
Multi-joint pains
Muscle pains
Un-refreshing sleep; and
Fatigue that lasts more than a day.

If four, or more, of the above symptoms are suffered by the patient for six consecutive months, they will be officially and medically diagnosed with the syndrome. Otherwise, the condition will be most diagnosed as another illness, the idiopathic chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue syndrome may not sound serious to others, but this can be frustrating illness to others as the effects can be so much troublesome to most especially it entails daily life style. What is worse about is it can affect people of all walks of life, whether children or adult.

The problem with diagnosis is also the reason why there is no known exact number of people suffering from the syndrome. Only an estimation of half million Americans were suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. Women are found to suffer more than men, though the statistic is not clear whether the illness affects more women due to a different condition and lifestyle or if only that women report their condition more than men do.

Regardless of which, it is always advised that proper health care is practiced all the time as it is one way to avoid CFS, or any illness, for that matter.

Complementary And Alternative Medicine For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Controlling the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome is no longer restricted to changes in lifestyle, medications and behavioral therapies. There are in fact current treatment modalities that make use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Since many conventional treatments do not guarantee absolute success, alternative medicine, for most people, prove to be very attractive treatment options. Below are some of the most common complementary and alternative treatments used in relieving patients from the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

In Asia, ginseng is a popular herbal treatment for fatigue as well as in increasing energy which is basically what patients of CFS need. It turns out, the claims around this ancient energy booster herb hold water even when tested through contemporary research. Based on the study conducted by the University of Iowa, ginseng is among the more reliable and effective herbs for CFS. An independent study conducted in California further proved that ginseng is a powerful herb for treating CFS.

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH)
In a pioneering study conducted among chronic fatigue patients, it was proven that Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, more commonly known as NADH, helps in providing extra energy for CFS patients.

Carnitine, a substance found in almost all living cells, has the main function of transporting fatty acids to the powerhouse or the mitochondria of cells. This substance, in a way, is instrumental in the production of cellular energy. Carnitine supplements are helpful to CFS patients since it is found out that among these people, Carnitine levels are very low which is linked to some types of pain, muscle fatigue and decreased tolerance to physical exertion. Supplementation, therefore, can help fix low Carnitine levels.

Carnitine supplements, in general, work well with patients of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. However high dosage of these supplements may lead to side effects such as diarrhea, rashes, increased appetite and body odor.

Coenzyme Q10 or Co Q10
This is another compound that is found in the energy-producing organelle of the cells- the mitochondria. It is known to play roles in the production of ATP, a chemical compound which produces energy used during muscle contraction.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
DHEA is a type of hormone that is released by the adrenal glands. Small quantities of DHEA are also found in the testes and the ovaries where it is converted into testosterone and estrogen. This hormone plays a great deal in the regulation of sleep, moods and memory. Among patients of chronic fatigue syndrome, this hormone is found in abnormally lower levels. Supplements are therefore needed to normalize these levels. However there are downsides to using DHEA supplements.

Since this hormone is converted into testosterone and estrogen, conditions that are controlled by these hormones may be affected. It is therefore very important that DHEA supplements are used only with doctor’s prescription and supervision.

The substances discussed above are potentially helpful in relieving the symptoms of CFS, especially fatigue. However, it should be remembered that although these come from natural sources, the “natural” factor does not guarantee that the substance is safe. These substances can potentially interfere with other medications and may pose serious danger to the health of individuals who are taking them without sufficient professional assistance.

Having said that, there are other options that are outright safe such as breathing therapy, relaxation therapies, movement therapies, acupuncture and ayurdeva.

Chronic Fatigue Treatment Options

Patients of CFS or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome respond differently to various treatments. Some of them recover after drastic changes in lifestyle, some of them are more responsive to pharmacological treatments. Here are the most common treatment modalities to which CFS patients are subjected and to which most of them respond well.

Self-Care/Management Techniques
Some patients can facilitate self-care treatments. This can be done by monitoring the level and pacing of activities such that prolonged and extreme levels of exhaustion are prevented. This can also be done by preventing the urge to rest. Since CFS is not relieved through rest, regardless of the duration, health care professionals do not advise the patients to rest excessively. Some form of physical activity must be maintained. This is oftentimes recommended by the physician. When trying to manage the symptoms of the disorder by yourself, it is best to keep the pacing and the level of the activities under control. Otherwise, symptoms may occur at a more debilitating rate.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a psychological therapy that delivers relief of symptoms but not necessarily cure. This helps the patients understand their conditions and can therefore better guide them in forming their beliefs, perception and attitudes towards the syndrome. It is believed that through a more accurate depiction of the condition, the patient can better respond to the symptoms and they can cause lesser inhibition of the recurrence of their symptoms.

Graded Exercise Therapy
This therapy involves the introduction of incremental changes in the patients’ levels of activity. While concrete evidence are yet to be established, many experts believe that integration of activities is very important in managing the disease. Under this therapy then, the patient will have to monitor his own activities and exercises. As the therapy progresses, he moves to higher intensities until he gets back to the doing activities he normally participated in prior to the onset of the condition.

Pharmacological Treatments
Managements of the conditions through pharmacological treatments can involve the following medications:

Antidepressants are primarily used to manage mood swings and secondary depression. Low dosage antidepressants, on the other hand, are helpful in managing sleep disturbance and pain.

Autonomic nervous system stimulants are used to help improve concentration and short-term memory which are greatly affected by the disorder.

NSAIDs or Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs are prescribed to CFS patients to relieve them from muscle and joint pains.

Anxiolyticagents are used to target symptoms of anxiety.

CAM or Complementary and Alternative Medicine
The use of dietary supplements in managing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is central in alleviating the symptoms of CFS. According to some pilot studies, supplements of Carnitine, essential fatty acids, Magnesium and polynutrient supplements have shown strong indications of symptom reduction among patients.

Because the origins of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are not yet fully understood, treatment options are more directed to managing the symptoms and not really in curing the disorder. The main objective in producing relief from symptoms is to reinstate the conditions of the person as well as his well-being prior to the onset of the disorder.

As a result, majority of sufferers do not fully recover and even if they do, they recover gradually. For people who expect better and faster recovery, frustrations often ensue which for most of the cases, worsen the condition. It is therefore recommended to undergo a treatment at a very slow but well-managed pace.