Are There Any Chronic Fatigue Treatments?

There is no specific treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome but a combination of treatments is being used by the doctors to alleviate the symptoms and signs. Chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS, is characterized by neurological problems, having flu-like symptoms, and debilitating fatigue, often experienced as poor stamina and extreme exhaustion. There are various core symptoms such as general pain, mental fogginess, excessive fatigue and gastro-intestinal problems, headaches, sleep disorder, sore throat, and abnormal temperature.

Display of symptoms varies among the patients. The degree of their severity varies, which can be between getting easily fatigued after stressful activity, being completely bedridden, and totally disabled. Should the symptoms not indicative of other serious health problems they should wane and disappear over time. For some patients, the chronic fatigue illness starts suddenly with a flu that does not go away completely while for other patients it gradually appears over a period of time. For many patients, the illness is often triggered after involving in high stress circumstance.

The combination is taken from the following treatments:

Cognitive behavior treatment. This is a therapy combined with the gradual exercise and wherein the patient is treated by dealing with their mental health. The aim is to classify behaviors and negative beliefs that cause delay of recovery and eventually replace with positive, healthy behaviors.

Moderating daily activities. The patient is encouraged to avoid or reduce excessive psychological and physical stress; however, it is not encouraged to take too much rest. In this treatment, the objective is to gently enhance the stamina and maintain moderate activity level.

Gradual/steady exercise. This is a kind of exercise program where the patient relies on the help of physical therapist. It aims to increase gradually the level of exercise to improve chronic fatigue symptoms.

Depression treatment. Depression is treated with serotonin re-uptake inhibitor and tricyclic anti-depressants. The anti-depressant does not only help treat depression but it can also relieve pain and improve sleep.

Pain treatment. Like depression, pain is medically treated by administering non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, like ibuprofen or aspirin, or acetaminophen. These medicines can also aid in lowering the fever and pain.

Allergy-like treatment. Medical treatment used is antihistamines, like cetirizine, decongestants, and fexofenadine. These drugs help relieve allergy symptoms like runny nose.

Hypotension treatment. The low blood pressure is treated with drugs like atenolol, midodrine, and fludrocortisones. These are useful when people suffer from chronic fatigue.

Poor nervous system treatment. Clonazepam is used to treat symptoms like skin tenderness and dizziness while anxiety is treated with alprazolam and lorazepam.

There are experimental therapies that experts continue to research with the aim of finding treatments for the syndrome. These therapies include the following:

Anti-viral drugs
Immune globulins
Cholinesterase inhibitors

The Food Diet

In addition to the above mentioned treatments, health experts advise patients to be careful with their diet. They recommend avoiding diet rich in toxins or those unhealthy foods. Patients should be careful with foods containing carcinogens, aspartame, additives, mono sodium glutamate, amalgam, fluoride, sugar, among others.

Unhealthy foods such as table or refined salt, margarine, hydrogenated fats, chlorinated water, refined oils, junk foods, fried and smoked foods, soft drinks, baking powder, and alcohol drinks can aggravate chronic fatigue symptoms so they must be avoided at most times.

A Quick Look At Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a debilitating disorder that is characterized by a condition of extreme exhaustion and fatigue that lasts for extended periods of time usually six months or more. Doctors have yet to uncover what exactly causes this disorder but it is widely believed that a number of factors trigger its onset. These factors include stress, viral infections, hormone levels and lack of adequate sleep.

Poor diet and lack of exercise are also considered as factors that strongly contribute to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. Because there is no known exact cause of CFS, doctors find it difficult to diagnose if a patient is indeed suffering from CFS or if the symptoms are actually of another ailment.

The NIAMS (National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases) says that in order for a patient to be diagnosed with CFS, he must be suffering from severe chronic fatigue for six months or beyond and at the same time, should have four or more of the following symptoms: impaired short term memory, prolonged feeling of extreme exhaustion, muscle pains, swelling and tenderness of multiple joints and the lymph nodes, recurring sore throat, severe headache and un-refreshing sleep.

Since the exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is yet to be determined, there is no known cure for it at present. Treatments for CFS are meant to relieve the symptoms and improve the patient’s bodily functions. Doctors recommend a combination of medications and non-drug therapies. Dietary restrictions and nutritional supplements are also used to help suppress the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. In addition to therapy, lifestyle changes are also highly recommended.

Although it might seem contradictory, regular exercise is also a good way to help treat chronic fatigue syndrome. However, doctors should carefully supervise any physical activity that the patient does to avoid aggravating the symptoms. Mild exercise for 10-15 minutes followed by 30 minutes of rigorous physical activities such as tennis, swimming, brisk walking and others. Such activities help make the heart stronger and healthier to promote better circulation.

Aside from these, individuals afflicted with chronic fatigue syndrome can also do stretching and other relaxation exercises to help manage stress. A doctor should approve any exercise routine to avoid injury or worsening of the CFS symptoms.

Many doctors also recommend herbal remedies because they are natural and effective. There are a number of herbal medicines that CFS victims can take. Echinacea root is known for its ability to boost the immune system. Since viral infection is one of the factors that trigger chronic fatigue syndrome, using Echinacea strengthens the immune system to fight of viruses and eliminate their harmful effects.

Ginseng root, long used in the orient as a herb to restore vitality and energy, can be taken in capsule or tablet form to help keep the body active and strong. Licorice is primarily known for its ability to purge toxins from the body and can help keep the immune system resistant to attacks by viruses.

Aside from herbal medications, just living a healthy life and having a balanced, healthy diet can help the individual overcome the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Fruits and vegetables provide the body with the important vitamins and minerals to keep the immune system strong.

An Overview Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS is the name given to a debilitating disorder characterized by conditions of extreme and lasting fatigue. Chronic fatigue syndrome is also commonly referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis or ME. The name chronic fatigue can be somewhat confusing since chronic or persistent fatigue is also a symptom of several conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Fatigue is the feeling of exhaustion that results from exertion, lack of sleep and illnesses. However, ordinary fatigue is not extreme or persistent, and the patient generally gets better after getting some rest.

What is Chronic Fatigue?

Chronic fatigue happens when this sensation of extreme exhaustion and lack of energy persists for over six months. The exact cause of chronic fatigue is not known but it is believed that several factors play a role in its symptoms, such as stress, hormone levels and infection. Lack of sleep, insomnia and other sleep disturbances can also result to chronic fatigue. Other factors that contribute to the development of chronic fatigue are poor diet, lack of exercise and certain medications.

What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases or NIAMS for a patient to be diagnosed as suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, he must be having severe chronic fatigue for six months or longer. At the same time, the patient should also have four or more of the following symptoms:

Impaired short-term memory and concentration

Prolonged general malaise after physical exertion of any kind

Muscle pain

Pain, swelling and redness in multiple joints

Severe headache

Tender lymph nodes

Recurring sore throat

Un-refreshing sleep

Diagnosing Chronic Fatigue

Diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome can be quite tricky since there are no physical signs that identify it. There are also no diagnostic laboratory tests that confirm chronic fatigue syndrome. A diagnosis of CFS is given if the symptoms recur for six consecutive months or more and there are no apparent explanations for the fatigue such as disease. However, it should be noted that there are other conditions that overlap and sometimes coexist with CFS and have similar symptoms.

A study of patients suffering from CFS revealed that only 38% of the patients were diagnosed solely with the syndrome. The rest had a diagnosis of a number of diseases such as fibromyalgia and multiple chemical sensitivity or both. Doctors are still unsure whether these conditions are direct causes or have common causes with CFS; or whether that have no relationship whatsoever with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Treatment and Medication

There is still no known cure for CFS so treatments are aimed at relieving the symptoms and improving the body’s functions. To achieve this, doctors usually recommend a combination of medications and non-drug therapies. Lifestyle changes, dietary restrictions, nutritional supplements are also recommended as an addition to drug therapy. Patients who suffer from CFS are also urged to have regular exercise to help reduce the symptoms of chronic fatigue.
However, the doctor should carefully supervise physical activity as this can exacerbate the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

It is important that the patient discuss his/her symptoms with the doctor. It is also important that doctors know what other medications the patient is taking since some medications can exaggerate the symptoms of CFS. Recovery rates from chronic fatigue syndrome are varied.

In a 2005 review of published studies on CFS, it was revealed that improvement rates varied from 8% to 63% with 40% of the patients improving during follow-up.

A Guide In Coping With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

People who have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome are both blessed and cursed. For the most parts, they are relieved by an explanation regarding the sudden plunge in their health. However, they are also cursed by the fact that there is nothing much they can do about it because the cure for CFS is yet to be discovered. Nonetheless, there are medications, therapies and self-care techniques that a person can undergo which can help substantially in relieving the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Here are some suggestions.

Handle your sickness and do not let it handle you Chronic disorders and illnesses often demand a lot from patients in order for them to control the symptoms. However, the best course of action is to always take the hand in controlling the disorder. If you have spent months or years suffering from this syndrome, it is likely that you have developed a sense of helpless and defeat against the disorder. But this must not be the case. Gain back control and know how to handle the disorder.

Look for simple but effective solutions Not all CFS treatment may work for you. This is because while there is a general clinical definition of the disorder, there are various levels of severity whereby it occurs. So if you think your prescribed medications are not doing you much good, pass and try to look elsewhere for symptoms relief. There is a host of treatment and therapies you can use which oftentimes go beyond conventional medicine.

Try to look for those. Consult herbalists and alternative medicine therapists and seek treatments that will help your disorder. Ask your doctor about supplements instead of antibiotics and pain relievers. Go to a psychologist and ask whether there are therapies you can undergo to facilitate better coping with your illness. Dont be limited by pharmacological treatments, experiment on various options and pick some that provide you the most benefits.

Take lessons from each day With chronic fatigue, you are lucky if you don’t feel sick for one day. So for the most parts, you can take note of your symptoms and your responses to treatments and therapies. It is important to keep a journal of your daily experience as this can help guide you on how to better manage your disorder.

Take charge of your healthcare Take an active role in facilitating the delivery of healthcare services for yourself. If what your doctor gives you does not work, find someone else. Dont be afraid to get second or third opinion from doctors who are expert in immune system dysfunction. If you dont respond well to conventional medicine, find other treatments.

Move your body For most patients, the idea of doing some physical activities is not only impossible but unthinkable. Nonetheless, recent studies have shown that minor physical activities pick up one’s energy and health so try undergoing exercise programs. Try graded exercise therapy, for example. According to recent studies, this therapy improves the physical energy and capacity of an individual with chronic fatigue syndrome.

While it is of course hard for the first few months, first few years even, it is always worth the effort. Eventually, with a little activity done each day, the body will regain the strength and vigor that once were available prior to the onset of chronic fatigue.