Childhood Obesity And How To Combat It

This chronic condition has increased rapidly over the past years has finally gained national recognition. Many more children between the ages of two years old and five years old are already on there way to becoming the next generation of obese teens, and eventually obese adults and obese seniors. With obesity being one of the leading causes of morbidity, disability, discrimination, and employment problems, it has become one of the biggest public problems since tobacco use and exposure. Bad eating habits are not the only culprit, genetic diseases that can predispose children to become overweight cannot be forgotten. Diseases such as Bardet-Biedl syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome are common in obese children, however still playing a larger role in the general overall population is bad eating and exercise habits.

It is the hope of many health educators, and medical professionals from psychologists to medical doctors that increased public awareness and preventive policies will eventually improve the situation. Professionals are treating this as a major public health concern that is threatening to damage our most precious resources, the children. Introduction of healthy play, healthy food choices, and recreation that promotes physical activity is on the top of the list for discussion and plans of battling this epidemic. Having caretakers take pro active measures to keep the child on the right track and setting good examples are key elements to helping these children to learn a healthier behavior and attitude towards their own health.

The annual National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has come to the conclusion that as many as one third of U.S. children are overweight or at high risk for childhood obesity. The health problems that will begin to manifest themselves from the heavy weight of such young children will start kids down a road the problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and increased risks of diabetes. These are diseases usually reserved to adults, not children. Combating this troubling condition must however, begin at home with the caregivers for these children. Improving overall diet, not dieting, and exercise is the key to resolving the problem. Protecting childrens health now and in the future will depend greatly on education of parents and caregivers to implement healthy daily living strategies.

Preventing an at-risk child from becoming overweight can start a process of healthy and active lifestyles to ensure longevity and energy throughout the childs life. Little things such as: not getting into power struggles with the child over food, never use food as a behavior modification tool, and setting a good example are some starting places. This only perpetuates the same behavior and may cause psychological behaviors that are unwanted. Critical commenting, and taunting rarely if ever handles the situation with a positive outcome. Emphasizing whats positive and benefits of changing behavior can make all of the difference in the world. Just fostering the childs natural inclination to please you, have fun, and explore are perfect opportunities to introduce fitness routines, and reduce such incidents like eating out of boredom. If these things are done with every child in danger of becoming obese, then the numbers suffering will likely decrease.

Therefore, you should always keep in mind the health of yourself and your children. By keeping in shape yourself and displaying a good diet, you can impress upon them the importance of being a health-oriented individual. These habits will stay with them for all of their lives. You will also have quite a few benefits from eating healthy and slimming down. If you shed your extra weight, you will feel much better about yourself. If you want to find out more information about how you should change your diet habits, you should go to your local library for a book about diet and health. You can also talk to your doctor if you want some recommendations that are specific for your current health.

Bextra and Vioxx — Tips for Arthritis Relief Without Them

Bextra and Vioxx — Tips for Arthritis Relief Without Them
Charles Essmeier

The recent withdrawal of Vioxx and Bextra from the marketplace, due to concerns over unwanted side effects, has many arthritis sufferers concerned. These drugs, which belong to a powerful class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs known as COX-2 inhibitors, are quite effective at fighting the pain and inflammation of arthritis. Unfortunately, they have been linked to increased risk of strokes and heart attacks. Their manufacturers have voluntarily withdrawn them from the market. There are still alternative medications available, such as Celebrex, and traditional medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Aspirin and ibuprofen may not be suitable for everyone, as they can cause stomach discomfort in some people. While a good anti-inflammatory can certainly provide more comfort for arthritis pain, there are some non-medicinal steps that patients can take that may provide some relief from their pain.

  • Get plenty of rest. Your body works best when its well-rested, and its a well-known fact that most Americans fail to get the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep each night.
  • Exercise. Joints and muscles work best when theyre well toned, and that is true for arthritis sufferers as well as the public at large. Not all exercises will be appropriate, however. A patient with arthritic knees will probably not benefit from playing basketball or tennis. Low impact exercise like walking or water aerobics may help, however. Patients with arthritis are advised to discuss exercise options with their physician.
  • Watch your weight. Arthritic joints work best when they arent overly burdened. If you are overweight, you are making a bad situation worse by forcing your joints to work harder than they otherwise might. A loss of just a few pounds could make a huge difference, especially if you suffer from arthritic knees.
  • These tips are certainly not intended to be a substitute for medication, but with a chronic condition like arthritis, every little bit that you can do to ease the stress on your aching joints can provide a bit more relief. About the Author
    Copyright 2005 by Retro Marketing. Charles Essmeier is the owner of Retro Marketing, a firm devoted to informational Websites, including, a site devoted to the withdrawn drug Bextra and, a site devoted to structured settlements.

    Using Acid Reflux Medicine to Get Rid of the Annoying

    Using Acid Reflux Medicine to Get Rid of the Annoying Heartburns

    Alcohol lovers would often love to match their drink with spicy dishes and greasy and fatty foods. The perfect combination makes the drinking perfect to the palate. Unfortunately though, this is bad for the esophagus and the stomach. The alcohol, the spicy dishes and the greasy and fatty foods causes acid reflux or also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Other causes of acid reflux are pregnancy, genetic influences, presence of infection in the gastrointestinal tract, and the Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs).

    The Gastrointestinal System of the body is composed of the following: the oral cavity, the esophagus, the stomach, small intestine, large intestine and the anus. The main function of the Gastrointestinal System is to digest food particles, absorb digestive juices and eliminate undigested materials which are of course the feces.

    The acid reflux affects the stomach and the esophagus. This occurs when the liquid from the stomach which contains pepsin, an irritating substance produced by the chief cells goes up to the esophagus passing through the cardiac sphincter. The cardiac sphincter is the opening to the stomach from the esophagus. Its function is to prevent reflux of the substances in the stomach because these substances cause esophageal irritation and ulcer. If the cardiac sphincter fails to close after receiving food from the esophagus, acid reflux occurs.

    Acid reflux is a chronic condition. Once a person suffers from it, it becomes a life-long ordeal. Injury in the esophagus also is a chronic condition. Even if the esophagus has healed with treatment and it is being stopped, the injury will return in most patients within a few months. Once treatment for said illness is begun, it usually needs to be continued indefinitely.

    Normally, liquid reflux in the stomach occurs to a healthy individual. However, people with the acid reflux or GERD, has more acid in the liquid. This may be caused by the genetic influences, specifically, an increased number of parietal cells which produce pepsin in the stomach.
    The body has mechanisms to protect itself from the harmful effects of reflux and acid. Most reflux happens during the day when individuals are upright. In said position, the refluxed liquid is more likely to flow back down into the stomach due to gravity. Moreover, while individuals are awake, they continually swallow, regardless if there is reflux or not. Each time individuals swallow the reflux liquid slide back into the stomach. The last body defense to reflux is the salivary glands in the mouth. These glands produce saliva, which contains bicarbonate. Every time an individual swallows, the bicarbonate-containing saliva slides down the esophagus. The bicarbonate neutralizes the small amount of acid that remains in the esophagus.

    Basically, acid reflux medicines inhibit the production or release of pepsin produced by the chief cells and hydrochloric acid produced by the parietal cells in the stomach. Other medicines may not totally inhibit the production but they neutralize the acid.

    The acid reflux medicines are the Histamine Blockers or the H2 receptor antagonists. Histamine stimulates a pump in the stomach that releases hydrochloric acid. The H2 receptor antagonists prevent the histamine from stimulating this pump. They block the production of the hydrochloric acid thereby reducing secretion and concentration into the stomach.

    One of the acid reflux medicines is the Cimetidine which was introduced in 1975. It has a short half-life and short duration of action. The three most popular H2 blockers are Ranitidine, Famotidine and Nizatidine. They are more potent than Cimetidine because in addition to blocking gastric acid secretions, they also promote healing of the ulcer by eliminating its cause. They also have longer duration of action.

    As the clich goes, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure, you can avoid having an acid reflux or GERD by avoiding too much smoking and alcohol, and by eating less of spicy and greasy food. When taking NSAIDs, be sure you take it after meals. Lastly, avoid stress because it stimulates the release of the deadly acid.

    Arthritis Its Debilitating and Detrimental Effects

    Arthritis Its Debilitating and Detrimental Effects
    John Robben

    Arthritis: Its Debilitating and Detrimental Effects

    Did you know that Arthritis is one of the most disabling
    diseases? It’s true! Arthritis currently affects more than 40
    million Americans and that figure is expected to rise to 60
    million by the year 2,020. It is imperative that you read this
    article and find out what this devastating disease is truly

    Arthritis: What it Is

    Basically, Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. There are
    currently over 100 forms of Arthritis and remarkably, that
    number continues to rise. The most common forms of Arthritis
    include: Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Gout (see our
    next article, “Symptoms of Arthritis” for more information).
    Osteoarthritis is the result of degenerative joint disease, or
    simply “wear and tear” on the joints. Rheumatoid Arthritis is
    the result of an over active Immune System that results in
    inflammation. Gout is the oldest form of Arthritis and is the
    result of too much Uric Acid. The Uric Acid deposits crystals in
    the joints, leading to “Gouty Arthritis”. The joint pain,
    inherent to all Arthritis sufferers, is referred to as
    “Arthralgia”. Not only are the joints susceptible to attack, but
    the surrounding muscles, tissues, and organs are vulnerable to
    the effects of Arthritis as well. In fact, Arthritis has been
    known to attack the heart, kidneys, lungs, and liver.

    Many people mistakenly believe that Arthritis is a disease that
    only affects the elderly. This simply isn’t the case. Yes it’s
    true that seniors, especially senior women, are effected the
    greatest by Osteoarthritis, yet the average age for onset of
    Arthritis is 47 years old, and sufferers are generally afflicted
    between the ages of 20-50. Sadly, even infants have been
    diagnosed with forms of Arthritis.

    One of the most devastating effects of Arthritis has to be that
    it is a chronic condition. Arthritis is so weakening that it
    only grows worse with time. In fact, Arthritis is so detrimental
    that of the diseases that instill chronic physical disabilities,
    Arthritis is second only to Heart Disease.

    The cost of Arthritis is not only measured in the loss of
    quality of life, but it is also measured by dollars and cents as
    well. It is estimated that over $150,000 is lost by an
    individual over the course of a lifetime due to the debilitating
    effects of Arthritis. This is totaled by lost wages, medical
    treatments, and the cost of medically based needs and care.

    The overall conclusion is that Arthritis is a seriously
    unbearable condition that causes chronic pain and weakness. It
    does not only affect seniors, but forms of Arthritis also
    plagues children. There are over 100 forms of Arthritis and all
    Arthritis sufferers share one thing in common, chronic joint
    pain. The top three common forms of Arthritis include
    Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Gout. We have seen
    that Arthritis isn’t cured, but managed. Some steps
    and treatment plans used by Arthritis sufferers include:

    Losing Weight (thereby reducing stress and strain on the
    Increasing their Nutritional
    Reducing Stress (both physical and
    Participating in Gentle Stress Free
    Exercises such as Stretching
    Using both Hot and
    Cold Therapies
    Protecting Joints by use of
    Splints and Braces
    Drug Therapies

    If you suffer from Arthritis, don’t give up. There are many
    people who are discovering that with the proper management and
    health care provisions, they can live better, healthier, and
    pain free lives.

    Stay tuned for the next article in our series on Arthritis,
    Symptoms of Arthritis”.

    About the author:
    Written by John
    Robben of Ultimate Water Massage, Inc.

    Providing Massage Services and Pain Relief products. Visit our
    Arthritis Information