Impact Of Bad Chloesterol

In this article I will give you some ideas of the potential health risks and the impact of bad cholesterol on your body. I will also provide you with some easy, real world ideas of how to lower your levels and improve your health.

Cholesterol is a fatty substance that forms your cell membranes as well as production of certain hormones and the creation of bile, so you do need cholesterol in your body.

But, many of us get too much cholesterol and the impact of bad cholesterol is really starting to show up in the case of higher instances of heart disease, diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases.

When too much cholesterol builds up in your arteries it is called plaque. This plaque buildup will then block blood flow. It is similar to what happens in the pipes in your home if you have hard water.

Over time you will get a buildup in the pipes and it can become so thick that the water either can’t flow or the flow is slowed down to almost nothing.

This clogging of the arteries deprives your vital organs, such as your brain and heart, of the blood it needs and the consequences can be life threatening – you can have a heart attack or a stroke.

Another problem with a high buildup of plaque is atherosclerosis which is a hardening of the arteries. If your arteries become too built up with plaque, the artery itself can become brittle and eventually burst which can lead to blood clots.

OK, now that you know how dangerous it can be to have too high of a cholesterol level, what can you do about it?

Well, this part is actually pretty easy. There are many things that can be done that will help you get your levels back into a normal balance.

The first thing you need to do is talk to your doctor to get suggestions. Many doctors will prescribe a prescription medication to help control your cholesterol levels.

But, if you don’t want to have to deal with all the side effects, not to mention the cost, of taking prescription drugs, ask your doctor what other things you can do.

In some cases your levels may be so high that you need to get them lowered as soon as you can so medication may be the best choice.

Other times, though, you may have levels that are only borderline or mildly elevated and if that is the case you may be able to make the needed changes with some simple lifestyle changes.

It really can be as simple as eating more lean protein, vegetables and fruit and cutting way back on any fast food and food that is high in fat.

Add some consistent exercise into the mix and you may just find that you are able to control your levels naturally, without having to add any prescription medications to your daily routine.

So, if you are concerned with the impact of bad cholesterol now is the time to act. After you have spoken with your doctor work with him to establish the best course of action for you and your needs.

Good And Bad Cholesterol

Your body has both good and bad cholesterol. In order to increase the good and lower the bad you have many choices.

Of course, to control your good and bad cholesterol you can use medicine and diet factors.

If you want to control your cholesterol you can combine one or more of these factors.

Depending on you and what your cholesterol levels are, you may find that eating a little better and getting more exercise may be all you need to do to help lower your bad (LDL) and raise your good (HDL).

Of course, before you do anything make sure you talk to your doctor.

This is important because you may have other health issues in addition to cholesterol and your doctor can guide you through the process and help ensure that you don’t make one thing worse by concentrating on another.

So, here are some ideas that may help you get the cholesterol levels you need:

1. Cut down on the amount of fat you get from your diet by cutting back on foods like meats and dairy. And not eating out at a fast food place is kind of a no brainer.

2. Cut way back on the amount of sugar you get in your diet. And when figuring out how much sugar you get, don’t forget to include the amount of sugar that is in the beverages you drink.

If you start reading the labels of some drinks you will be amazed (appalled) at the amount of sugar they contain. Have you ever read the label for a so called energy drink?

Some people will substitute diet drinks but before you do you may want to ask yourself one question; is this sugar substitute really a good thing for my body?

My personal decision is to stay away from as many man made chemicals as I reasonably can. I don’t drink diet soda for that reason.

I know that small amounts of sugar won’t harm me, but I’m not so sure about any amount of artificial sweetener.

3. Figure out how much sodium you get in your diet and then cut back if you need to. Most people who eat a lot of processed foods will be getting a lot of sodium in their diet, possibly more than they should be.

All of these things can work together to help you keep not only your cholesterol levels in check but help keep your heart safe and strong too.

Instead of thinking that you can’t eat anything, here are some foods that may be able to help your cholesterol levels: walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts and pecans.

But, don’t get carried away. If you eat too many of these nuts you will be diminishing the benefit since these nuts are all high in fat. One cup a day is plenty.

Oatmeal and oat bran have also been shown to help lower cholesterol levels when eaten on a regular basis.

Fish and other foods high in Omega – 3 fatty acids such as salmon, albacore tuna, mackerel and lake trout.

As you can see, keeping your good and bad cholesterol levels in check may be as simple as adding or deleting some foods from

Age And Cholesterol-Key Factors For Health Change

Many people think that cholesterol is bad for you… period. But that is inaccurate. The truth is that you need this substance and it is produced in your body. What is a problem is that age and cholesterol both tend to go up.

That means that as you age, you naturally tend to see your cholesterol levels go up. That trend is especially true with women.

Age and cholesterol can be a problem for men and women but post menopausal women might be at higher risk.

Prior to menopause, women tend to have lower LDL, or bad cholesterol levels then men of the same age, but after menopause women’s LDL levels often go higher.

You have both good, HDL, and bad, LDL, cholesterol in your body. The trick is to keep the good cholesterol at high levels and the bad cholesterol at low levels.

HDL tends to act as a cleaner and will keep your arteries flushed out. That is why it is so important to keep your levels balanced.

No matter what your age, or gender, there are many things you can do to make sure you keep your cholesterol levels in balance and at a healthy level.

It isn’t rocket science and it isn’t new but it is important. You also need to talk to your doctor.

You need to find out what your current levels are so you know what the appropriate course of action will be.

Once you’ve talked to your doctor, you can also start implementing some of these tips:

1. Eat better. All you need to do is stop eating so many foods that are high fat. Things like beef, dairy and fried foods.

Now, don’t think that means you have to give up every food you love, in many cases you may not need to. Sometimes, just cutting back a little bit can make a big difference.

Instead, start eating fewer servings of those bad for you things. You can cut back on the amount of times per week that you eat meat, for example.

Also, it isn’t all just about cutting back on some foods, but also about adding others. There are some foods that will help you lower your bad and raise your good cholesterol levels.

Things like nuts, brown rice, fresh fruits and vegetables and fish are some of the most common things you can substitute in your diet and start seeing results.

2. If you aren’t currently getting some regular exercise, now is the time to start. Every time you move your body it can be good for you.

You don’t need to go extreme or hardcore, and you should always check with your doctor first, but just get moving.

As you get stronger you should, and probably will want to, add more varied exercises to your routine.

Hey, we can’t do anything about getting older. And as we age, we all know that some things will change. But, we aren’t totally at the mercy of those extra years.

We do have things we can do to mitigate the effects on age and cholesterol levels and you can start right now…as soon as you see your doctor, of course.

Looking Ageless Is Within Your Reach

There are three different ages for everyone. The chronological age is the number of years since birth. Biological age is old your body system is at a specific time. This includes the wellness of your body, heart, cardiovascular system, brain, and skeletal system. Psychological age is how old you feel. You may be 70 but feel like 40.

There are methods to deal with the age type you are. Chronological age is the only type you cant change but the other two types you can make drastic changes to improve your standard of living. The biological as can be altered with your life style that includes diet and exercise.

Reduce the fats, cholesterol, and carbohydrates in your diet to increase the level of your health. Avoid the fried foods that clog your arteries and add excess fat to your body. Eat lean meats, more fish, and white meats such as chicken and pork. Energize your brain with stimulating games to keep yourself alert and increase your memory. The small things you do to change how you currently live will make your age lower.

Psychological age is your mental state of mind. You dont have to be feeling your biological age at any point in your life. Get moving and do things to regain your youth. You want to go swimming or take a leisure stroll in the woods to aid in the youthful feelings. Learn to laugh to reduce the feeling of being old. Laughter has long been called the key medicine to youth.

The scientific community refers to anti-aging s the exclusive slowing, preventing, and reversing of the aging process. There isnt any true medical technology to allow these to be done although there are steps being taken to promote anti-aging lifestyles with a healthier diet and exercise program.

While diet and exercise are the main methods recommended, many people opt to have corrective surgery and use products promising to help with the anti-aging process. Some of the products do have proven results and help to alter the appearance temporarily while other products are ineffective completely.

There are facial products that help with the fine lines and wrinkles. You apply the products daily to help improve your appearance. They are widely used all over the world with great results. Women find their face gains the youthful appearance they seek.

Adding to the products used is the increased physical levels with exercise including walking, jogging, riding bicycles, playing tennis, and swimming. Any form of added exercise helps the body and mind remain youthful.

Eating a balanced diet has the benefits of youthful appearance, weight management, and healthier body functions reducing the risks of heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and arthritis or joint pains.