Chiropractic Care: Frequently Asked Questions

Do you suffer from joint pain? Do you find it difficult to move or function from day-to-day? If so, you can benefit from chiropractic care. But wait! What is it? What are the benefits? What types of procedures are offered? If these are some of the questions you have, continue reading on for the answers.

Question: What is chiropractic care?

Answer: It is medical care that is deemed natural. Chiropractors will rely on the x-rays and MRIs to make proper diagnosis, but that is usually it in terms of medical tools and technology. They operate with a hands on approach. This approach is known as manual therapy. Often times, most physicians only treat the problem causing symptoms of pain and discomfort. Chiropractors want to treat these symptoms too, but they go directly to the source and fix it.

Questions: What type of problems can chiropractic care treat?

Answer: Just about anything. If you suffer from pain and discomfort, a chiropractor should be able to provide you with relief. This relief may not be immediate, as diagnosis and proper treatment plan must first happen. Chiropractic care typically involves therapeutic massages or realignment. It has been used to treat the pain and discomfort associated with arthritis, whiplash, and sports injuries.

Question: Who can undergo chiropractic care?

Answer: Just about anyone. You will rarely find any restrictions or age requirements. If they do exist, they are the doctors own personal preferences. Chiropractic care, when properly performed, is safe for individuals of all ages, including children and the elderly. In fact, pregnant woman can benefit from it. For most, it makes birth easier and less painful.

Question: What type of schooling and experience must chiropractors have?

Answer: Requirements vary depending on state. What you want to look for, as a patient, is a doctor with a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree. There are various tests that one has to undergo and pass. Once again, these vary by state. To receive a state license, more testing is required. As for schooling, it is usually an ongoing practice. New techniques are developed each year and tips are regularly shared between professionals. Many chiropractors continue their schooling and attend yearly chiropractic conferences. This is not usually required, but done to better their skills and treatment.

Question: Does chiropractic care work?

Answer. Yes. Many individuals and some medical professionals write off chiropractic care as a questionable form of alternative medicine. This is not the truth. In fact, chiropractic care is very successful. Millions of men, women, and children have used the services of a chiropractor worldwide. Many opt for continued treatment and care. They wouldnt if they didnt notice an improvement in mobility and a reduction in pain.

Question: Can I do my own chiropractic care at home?

Answer: No, you shouldnt. Many mistakenly believe that since chiropractic care involves using the hands, it can be done at home. Yes, manual therapy does involve the use of the hands, but it is much more than that. Precision is required. Chiropractic adjustments are used to decrease pain and improve mobility in locked up joints. Yes, the hands apply force, but if you are not accurate more damage and pain is likely.

Question: Is chiropractic care long-term?

Answer: It depends. It all depends on the severity of your pain, the frequency, and your chiropractors choice of treatment. For example, if headaches are caused by spinal distortion, vertebrae realignment is performed. A chiropractor may suggest a few follow-up appointments, but treatment is usually short. On the other hand, those suffering from osteoarthritis deal with pain and daily. Therapeutic massages will reduce the pain, but continued treatment is best for long-lasting pain relief.

Question: What makes chiropractic care better than traditional forms of medicine?

Answer: A lot. For starters, it is important to note that chiropractors do not discourage seeing a primary care physician. Chiropractors specialize in alleviating pain and improving mobility, not curing cancer or treating the flu. As for the benefits, there are no drugs. Chiropractors are unable to perform surgery and write prescriptions. Your treatment is 100% natural. This is less intimidating and the recovery time is short. In fact, there rarely is a recovery period. Continued physical therapy or therapeutic massages may be suggested, but there is never any hospitalization.


Word Count 712

5 Reasons to Take Your Child to the Chiropractor

Are you a parent? No parent wants to see their children in pain, but it does happen from time to time. Children occasionally get headaches, suffer from allergies, get earaches, and have back pain. Basically, the list is endless. As a parent, you know that children are like magnets to injuries, pain, and illness. Although most are minor, care should be sought, but where should you turn? Instead of heading to your childs primary care physician, head to a local chiropractor. Why?

1 It Is Safe

Chiropractic care is natural medicine. For that reason, it is safe. If your child experiences pain and discomfort, their primary care physician is likely to suggest over-the-counter pain relievers or prescribe prescription medication. This may work, but the pain usually returns. Why? They only mask the problem. Yes, some forms of pain and discomfort may disappear on their own with time and self-care, but there may be a more serious underlying issue. You will not know unless you turn to a chiropractor. Their job is to treat the pain by going directly to the source and fixing the problem.

Chiropractic care involves manual, hands on, therapy. Since medications are not prescribed and the hands provide treatment, it is safe for individuals of all ages, including children.

2 Most Treatment is Covered by Health Insurance

It is no secret that raising kids is expensive. Add in the cost of medical care, and the overall cost soars. Luckily, many insurance providers extend coverage for chiropractic care. Some will offer discounts for opting for an in-network provider, but you can seek care anywhere your insurance is accepted.

If your family is not covered by medical insurance, there are still benefits to seeking care. Just look for a chiropractor with affordable rates or one who is willing to set up a flexible payment plan.

3 They Treat a Wide Range of Problems

Many adults mistakenly believe that chiropractors only treat spinal, back, and neck problems. Yes, this is their specialty, but more is offered. For example, did you know that a chiropractor can treat and lessen the onset of earaches and ear infections? They can. Blocked draining pathways cause most ear infections. Chiropractic adjustments and therapeutic massages are used to open up those pathways and promote the proper flow of fluid. Basically, if your child is experiencing pain, no matter how often or severe, a chiropractor can provide relief and that relief is usually long-lasting.

4 It Is Easy to Find a Chiropractor

If you are unfamiliar with chiropractic care, you may have not given any thought to the offices in your area. You may have driven past one each day on the way to work. Turn to your local phonebook, a standard internet search, online business directories, or your insurance company to find a local chiropractor. Call and schedule an appointment for your child and wait. It really is as easy as that!

5 The Benefits

Last, but not least, there are many benefits to chiropractic care. As previously stated, medications are not prescribed. Treatment is natural and safe. It is also long-lasting, as chiropractors do not mask the pain, they treat it. As a parent, this should be very important. Successful chiropractic care can allow your child to return to their happy normal self. Reduced pain and increased mobility means more fun and less suffering.


Word Count 559

Neck Pain and Chiropractic Care: The Benefits

Do you suffer from mild to severe neck pain? Whether that pain is due to an injury or it is just a kink in the neck that you cant explain, you may start preparing for long-term pain. Please wait and stop! Dont assume you will have to live with your pain. A solution to your problem and pain relief may be a lot easier and quicker than you thought. So, how do you seek relief? By getting chiropractic care.

If you werent already aware, chiropractic care relies on the use of manual therapy. With this type of therapy, surgical tools and instruments are not used. In fact, many practicing chiropractors rarely suggest surgery, unless in extreme cases they cannot treat. Manual therapy involves hand-on treatment. The hands are literally used to massage and thrust joints and bones back into place.

You know what both chiropractic care and chiropractors are, but you may be worried about the costs and the results. Not all insurance providers cover chiropractic care, so you may be responsible for the cost out-of-pocket. Is it worth it? In most cases, yes. The benefits neck pain patients receive from chiropractic care far outweigh the affordable costs. Speaking of those benefits, what are they?

If you opt to seek neck pain treatment through chiropractic care, your chiropractor will do more than just massage the neck or adjust the joints in your neck. More than one session is needed. First, he or she will diagnose the problem. Then, a treatment plan will be decided. This may include regular therapeutic massages or a neck realignment. Treatment may wait until the next appointment. In cases of neck realignment, aftercare is very important. Your chiropractor may continue to massage the area or teach you exercises.

Decreased pain. Not only do some patients experience a decrease in pain, but some see a complete elimination. It all depends on the cause of the problem. Were you in a car accident and suffered whiplash? It will be painful, but the pain should go away on its own. However, for the time being, it will be painful. Ongoing therapeutic massages can speed up the progression of natural healing and reduce pain.

Improved mobility. In terms of mobility, many automatically think of the feet. Decreased mobility and movement can also result from neck pain. A stiff neck can make it difficult and painful to move. With chiropractic care, you will not have this problem anymore. Full movement should be resorted.

Less reliance on pain medications. As previously stated, one of the many benefits of chiropractic care is reduced pain. Chiropractic pain relief eliminates the need for over-the-counter and prescription pain relievers. This is enough benefit alone to seek treatment for your stiff or painful neck. Medications have many risks and side effects. Keep your body pain-free and healthy by opting for natural medical care.

Most neck pain patients refer to chiropractors as miracle workers. There is a good chance that your doctor will be able to alleviate or eliminate your pain, but there are no guarantees. A wide range of complications causes neck pain. A car accident can create a painful whiplash, but it can also lead to a fracture. Most chiropractors are unable treat neck fractures. In and when that time comes, you will be referred to another qualified physician.


Word Count 553

Is Chiropractic Care Safe?

Regardless of the cause, if you suffer from pain and discomfort, you might hear that chiropractic care can get you relief. You may have heard this suggestion from someone you know or read it online. Yes, chiropractic care is ideal for treating all pain related issues. Instead of masking the pain with prescribed medications, chiropractors go directly to the source and treat the problem. They usually do so with chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic massages, and chiropractic realignments.

As nice as it is to know that chiropractic care can translate into pain relief, you may have some concerns. Chiropractic adjustments and alignments sound like difficult procedures. Truthfully, they arent if preformed by a trained and licensed chiropractor. Still, you may have concerns. You may wonder if chiropractic care is safe. Is it? Yes. Why? Continue reading on to find out!

Chiropractic care is natural, not artificial. As previously stated, most primary care physicians recommend rest and medication for pain relief. Rest is natural, but prescribed and over-the-counter pain relievers are not. They have many side effects and risks. You want to treat pain, not create a new set of problems to deal with. Since chiropractors provide treatment and therapy with the hands, it is natural treatment. As you already know, natural is less risky and safe.

No medications are prescribed. As mentioned above, chiropractors do not prescribe medication. Yes, they cannot legally, but most would avoid doing so anyways. If additional help is needed, they turn to natural remedies and supplements, but even that is rare. Remember, therapy and treatment is provided by the hands. Since there are no medications, you do not need to worry about the risk. There is no wondering if it is safe to take your medication and drive. There is no wondering if your medicine will make you drowsy and fall asleep at work. There is no worrying that your new medication with interact with your others. No medication automatically translates into safer care.

Chiropractic care has no side effects, only positive effects. Over-the-counter and prescribed pain relievers are not all that has side effects. Surgery has them too. A therapeutic massage and manual manipulation of a joint or the spine has little to no risk. And, since this therapy is once again provided by the hands, there are no side effects.

Care is non-invasive. When seeking treatment and relief of pain, chiropractors will diagnose a problem and treat it. Occasionally, the pain may result from a fracture or a more serious medical complication. If surgery is needed, you will be referred to a qualified surgeon, but this is rare. Most can treat you with their hands, training, experience, and nothing more. Since chiropractic care is non-invasive, there are fewer risks. It is safe. There is no cutting of the skin or the drawing of blood. It is safe because there are no risks of complications, further injury, or infection.

Chiropractic care has less recovery time. In fact, there may be none! This is because you will not need surgery or dangerous pain medication. Within a few sessions, your pain and be treated and it will subside, possibly permanently. Almost all procedures are performed in an office, not a hospital. You are free to leave afterwards. After a spinal or neck adjustment you may need a small amount of therapy and you may need to reduce strenuous activity, but it is much better than being stuck in a hospital bed for days or weeks.

In conclusion, chiropractic care is safe. Not only that, but it is ideal for individuals of all ages, including the old, the young, and pregnant women.


Word Count 603