Swine Flu Phase 5

Of this Swine Flus 5th phase spread out, if there are at least two countries in one region and spread the virus by any means of human-to-human transmission. The signal of the pandemic is strong. The infected countries are required to advise people with respiratory illnesses to stay at home. There should be an advisory of suspension of classes. Some key states in the United States already announced suspension of classes. An example of this is when a man-infected virus either a family member or any of his friends travel to another neighboring country.

If an infected man goes out from his community booked a flight to another country such as China, that country will get infected too. People whom he talked while in plane even if hes experiencing a fever, sore throat and headaches can be possible Swine Flu career after few more days before he/she can discover the virus. Similar case from a 19-year old Chinese student from Canada (he closely contact with dying man by Swine Flu virus and later traveled home to Beijing and boarded the train.)

In the Philippines, no outbreak of swine flu yet but the government is now planning and preparing for the possible spread out. President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo instructed Health Secretary Francisco Duque III to closely monitor the possible spread out to the Filipino. Some Filipinos are aware of the pandemic but they still go to the countries with flu spread out cases believing themselves that they have strong immune system.
In Mexico, some of the schools are already closed to protect their children from bigger numbers of flu cases.

This massive spread out was all started from scratchthe phase one. This article will try to reenact the source of Swine Flu with a short fiction story. In the first phase, there is an animal-flu governed the hog farm in a poor community. Suddenly by the next phase, this cute little pig started delivering sneezed out from the slimy and shiny nose to his owner. The owner suffers with a sneeze, cough, sore throat, fever and headaches by the next few hours.

Unintentionally, as a Swine Flu carrier, will be sharing his cough to his child on the next phase. And on the fourth phase the child greets her friend who is now leaving for another country for a vacation. And that friend while in the plane experiencing a fever and sore throat with headache until her father discovered in that country that she had a Swine Flu virus.

Some countries are also doing their planning and preparation for the prevention of the Swine Flu virus spread out. Advance preventive measures will lessen the spread out. Check your health officers about the information available against Swine Flu.

Acupuncture’s Acceptance in America

Acupuncture has been used in China and Japan for centuries, and was introduced into Europe in the 1700s by Jesuit missionaries. However, it has been popular in the United States for only the past twenty or thirty years. Initially, its most dramatic and effective results here in America were to reduce or eliminate pain, where some patients undergoing surgery had no anesthesia whatsoever. Their pain was eliminated during the surgery by use of acupuncture needles.

The National Institute of Health has been interested in both the use and the growing interest in acupuncture, and has had a number of conferences whose main subject is the use of acupuncture. Interestingly, thousands of traditional physicians, dentists, and other health practitioners now use acupuncture for pain relief and other symptoms. Also, currently more than 10 million adults in the U.S. have used acupuncture at some time in the past, or are using it currently. (Though acupuncture is also perfectly safe for children, and frequently children respond more quickly to the treatments than adults.)

The National Institute of Health has looked at many studies on the effectiveness of acupuncture to relieve a specific set of symptoms. There are some outstanding successes, but making any sweeping statement is difficult because many of the studies are not easy to design. Or, more properly, there is some heated discussion on what studies have been so carefully designed that the results are beyond question. But there is general agreement that acupuncture is highly effective for a wide range of symptoms, including pain and nausea after operations, headaches, menstrual cramps, asthma, osteoarthritis, etc. Research is continuing and new results are coming out quite often. One of the best ways to keep up is to search the Internet for your symptom of interest together with the key word “acupuncture”. Also look for websites sponsored by NCCAM, a branch of the National Institute of Health that investigates alternative medicines.

Since the main equipment of an acupuncture practitioner are needles, the needles in an acupuncture office are regulated by the government to ensure safety of the needles. The FDA approves their use by licensed practitioners in acupuncture clinics. The requirements are that the needles are sterile needles and one time use only, so no one need be concerned about the problem with needle contamination. The acupuncture needles are regulated by the same rules as those in your doctor’s office. To avoid any concern, watch carefully that the acupuncture practitioner opens a new, sealed package for each patient and swabs the insertion sites with some kind of disinfectant before inserting the needle (such as alcohol, traditionally used by nurses).

This survey is intended to give an overview of how the traditional medical community and also the institutes of the government have given credibility to the use of acupuncture. Acupuncture has evolved from an interesting import from China to an established technique that many doctors recommend, or have even become trained in the technique themselves. Acupuncture clinics and practitioners now have standards set up and regulated by the government in order to ensure the safety of the clients. It has become an accepted part of the mainstream American health system.

Acupuncture with Herbs

When most people think of acupuncture, they imagine someone sitting in a chair with a number of very thin needles hanging from their ears, or arms, or other parts of their bodies. This is a pretty good picture as far as it goes. The needles are usually not as large as they are imagined to be, and frequently only certain parts of the body have several needles, rather than in a number of different locations.

The purpose of the insertion of the needles is to redirect the flow of energy within the body. Once the flow of energy is restored to its proper channels, the body recovers its proper operation and the systems slowly or quickly disappear. The number of treatments in order for the symptoms to disappear depends both upon the patient and the set of symptoms that are being experienced.

The medical basis for the techniques of acupuncture were developed in China over thousands of years. Part of traditional Chinese medicine also uses a number of herbs, in conjunction with traditional acupuncture technique. In America we are used to taking vitamins and supplements, and we take them as either pills or capsules. Normally we take these supplements as a general nutritional support. The herbs recommended by an acupuncture practitioner are very specific for the symptoms being treated at the clinic. The herbs at the clinic may also be in pills or capsules. They might also be brewed with warm water and taken as a tea. This tea allows the acupuncture practitioner to mix just the right herbs for a particular person, rather than loading them up with several different pills. It is also easier to adjust the proportions in case several different herbs are used. Further, having the herbs taken as a tea makes the action of the herbs very rapid. Your acupuncture practitioner may also offer raw herbs, which have the most potency. They are also the worst tasting choice for someone not used to unusual tastes. However, once raw herbs are tried a few times, most clients prefer the raw herbs.

When your acupuncture practitioner decides on a plan of treatment, you and your practitioner should discuss the various parts of the treatment, including herbs, if any. Remember, not all treatments require herbs, and acupuncture can still be quite effective without them. Make sure that the acupuncture practitioner knows about any vitamin supplements or other nutritional foods presently being used, such as garlic pills or nutritional yeast. Generally nutritional supplements are quite compatible, but it is still important to realize any interactions between regular supplements and the herbs indicated for a particular acupuncture treatment. The same holds true for any prescription medications, even though generally the herbs are not planned to affect a particular organ’s mechanism, but rather influence a large part of the body’s system as a unit.

Finally, the acupuncture practitioner should be advised of any new symptoms if a new herbal prescription is started. Typically the only symptom might be a slight digestive upset, but if this or any new symptom is noticed, the practitioner should be notified right away. Herbs, though not a necessary part of acupuncture therapy, can be very helpful in promoting more rapid recovery and better health.

Acupuncture Explained, Eastern and Western

Acupuncture uses the insertion of needles to alleviate certain symptoms in the body. It has gotten wide acceptance among western medicine as treatment for such things as postoperative pain, anesthesia, menstrual cramps, etc. It stimulates a number of points on the body, usually by inserting thin metal needles into points that are carefully selected to address a particular symptom or set of symptoms. When the needles is inserted the patient may feel nothing, may feel more relaxed, or may feel a warm or other pleasant feeling. The reduction of symptoms can occur quite quickly, as in pain release, or over a series of treatments for the symptom.

The Eastern explanation of how acupuncture works comes from China, from a tradition going back more than two thousand years. In this view, the body works best when vital energy circulates around the body exactly as it should. At this time, everything in the body is in balance between two different principles, Yin and Yang. Yin generally is assigned to relaxed, cool, passive objects or feelings. Yang is assigned to active, warm, and assertive objects, organs, and actions. The vital energy flows from one organ system to another to maintain balance between Yin and Yang. When this energy (known as Qi) is blocked or depleted, the body no longer works well and symptoms begin to appear. Qi is assumed to regulate the well being of the entire person: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

The assumption that Qi regulates all aspects of a person is the reason an acupuncture practitioner easily agrees to treat emotional issues, such as depression and anxiety, with as much enthusiasm as treating physical symptoms. In addition, symptoms that may be a combination of physical, mental, and emotional (such as sleeplessness) fit easily into the acupuncture view of an imbalance of Qi, and are treated accordingly. It also explains why the diagnosis of an acupuncture patient usually includes questions that go well beyond just the physical symptoms of a patient.

Western medicine has been studying the effects of acupuncture with interest for at least the last twenty years. It is clear that there are remarkable successes, and these studies have documented them. However, finding an explanation for the results of a number of these acupuncture studies is a bit more puzzling, if you need an explanation within the western system of medicine. The present view is that the needles affect the behavior of the nervous system, and stimulation of the system can assist in production of biochemicals to produce a particular result. For example, endorphins produced by the body help reduce or eliminate pain, and white blood cells fortify the immune system. However, it is unclear exactly how a particular needle stimulation encourages production of particular biochemicals. Also, other studies indicate that acupuncture points alter brain chemistry, which affects a number of body functions. This is still a very new and interesting field, and we will continue to see more studies that will help explain the marvelous results of acupuncture technique.