Asthma And Fish Oil

There was a study conducted in Indiana University which revealed that fish oil is a very effective remedy for asthma symptoms, especially that caused by over activity or too much exercise.

Emergency medication is often needed by people who have severe asthma symptoms. The study involved 16 asthma patients suffering mild symptoms to severe ones. These individuals need daily asthma medications in order to control the attacks. The asthma patients were given high doses of fish oil which contain EPA or Eicosapentaenoic acid (3.2 gm) and DHA or Docosahexaenoic acid (2gm) for about three weeks.

Before fish oil administration, the lungs of the asthma patients were first examined through efficiency tests. Sputum samples were also taken and analyzed. The tests took note of the inflammatory cells and some markers. The same tests were conducted after the end of the study. After the 3-week period of fish oil administration, the patients showed 64% improvement in terms of lung efficiency and the need for asthma medications also reduced by about 31%. Fish oil contains fatty acids (Omega 3) which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Asthma patients often have second thoughts about exercising because they fear that it can cause asthma symptoms. This is true especially in some asthmatics. However, the body needs adequate exercise and this is the reason why some asthma patients still engage in some forms of exercise. In some case, the air passage swells or become inflamed when the asthma patient engages in strenuous exercises. When this happens, the doctor will tell you that the asthma attack was exercise-induced. How can you tell if youre exhibiting asthma symptoms? Its quite simple; once you experience wheezing, breath shortness, chest tightness, and coughing, youre already having an asthma attack. Dont worry because the asthma symptoms will just ease off after 1 hours.

If you exercise during dry and cool conditions, youre more likely to experience asthma symptoms because there is cooling and drying out of the air passages. This will result to the release of inflammatory chemicals which narrows the airways. Some doctors encourage swimming as a form of exercise because the air is usually warmer and moist and so asthma attacks seldom happens.

When the asthma attack is exercise-induced, the individual will not be able to get enough exercise. In the case of youngsters who like sports and other physical activities, their health condition will serve as a barrier and so they cant enjoy their life to the fullest.

Omega 3 is different from Omega 6. Large percentage of Omega 3 is found in fish oil and this is very beneficial to asthma patients because of its anti-inflammatory properties. The latter is pro-inflammatory which means that it can trigger the release of inflammatory chemicals, thereby resulting to asthma attacks. Medical experts advise asthma patients to increase their consumption of Omega 3 or fish oil instead of consuming more vegetable oils, processed foods, dairy products, and meats which contain Omega 6. So where can you get fish oil? You can get it from oily fishes or in fish oil that came from plant sources.

You have to include fish oil in your everyday supplements because of its therapeutic benefits. You can use it to prevent future asthma attacks which are exercise-induced. Beware of fish oils with lesser grade because it has harmful toxins. Try to purchase only the pharmaceutical grade or best quality supplements of fish oil.

Asthma Remedies

Before you decide to use any asthma remedies at home, you need to know more about this serious health condition. Did you know that asthma can cause death? Yes, and thats very true; this is the reason why asthma requires immediate treatment to prevent the condition from getting worse. If you think youre at risk of developing the disease, read on.

Asthma attacks occur when there is inflammation of the air passage or bronchial tubes. Asthma is considered as a chronic health condition but even if you have it, you can effectively manage and control it with the help of your doctor. Since the airways are affected, you will experience difficult in breathing. The attacks can be mild or severe but one things for sure, the condition can be deadly when left untreated. In the US, over 20 million people are suffering from asthma.

Asthma is called by different names like reactive airway disease, asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and wheezy bronchitis but they all mean one thing. Most of the attacks are triggered by inhaled substances such as animal dander, dust, feather, and pollen. Irritants can also trigger the attacks such as cigarette smoke, odors, gases, and dirt. If you had respiratory infections like bronchitis, sore throats, flu, and colds, you are also at risk. Other factors like emotional stress (excitement and fear), carrying heavy objects, or running (strenuous physical activities), weather conditions (sudden change in temperature or weather) and certain medications (e.g. aspirin) can trigger the attacks as well. Proper management of the disease is required because asthma has no cure. These are the symptoms that you should look out for chest tightness, breath shortness, wheezing, and cough; if you have these symptoms, visit your doctor immediately. Once youre exposed to the asthma triggers, the bronchial tubes become swollen and inflamed.

You cant really tell when the attacks might happen so you need to identify the possible triggers. With the doctors help, you can stay away from the triggers. Individuals who are already diagnosed with asthma often exhibit the symptoms several times in a week especially they engaged in strenuous activities. Heres good news you can control the attacks by using medications prescribed by the doctor. These are the best remedies that you can use:

1. Make a mixture out of Tbsp cinnamon powder and 1 Tbsp honey. Take the mixture before sleeping.

2. If your asthma is still in its early stage, boil c of milk and 10 garlic cloves and drink before bedtime. This is great for asthma patients suffering from severe attacks.

3. Figs help in draining your phlegm. Wash 3-4 figs and drench them in 1 c of water. You can eat the figs when your stomach is empty or you can also drink the soaked water.

4. Soak 1 tsp of Fenugeek seeds in 1 c of water overnight; drink this solution at night, preferably before bedtime.

5. Mince garlic cloves in a hot ginger tea. Give this to the asthma patient 2x a day.

6. Boil ajwain and breathe-in the steam. Add honey and drink it 2x or 3x a day.

7. Make a mixture of 1 gm ginger powder, 1 gm black pepper, and 1 tsp of honey molasses.

Use the remedies mentioned above for treating asthma attacks. The ingredients needed are mostly found in your kitchen so you wont have any problem in preparing them.