Ada Diabetes Diet

The ADA diabetes diet, called the Carb Consistent Diet, was once referred to as the Standard ADA Diet. It is now called the Carb Consistent Diet because it allows you to keep your carb intake evenly distributed throughout your day so your blood sugar does not spike too high or go too low therefore keeping your diabetes under control.

Although there are many variations of the Carb Consistent Diet, the ADA diabetes diet we will be concentrating on is the 1800 calorie diet.

As a diabetic you know that everything you eat affects your blood sugar. Keeping your carb intake steady throughout your day is important. Whether you eat three meals a day or you eat more often you should try to eat the same number of carbs at each meal.

The 1800 calorie diet allows you 180 grams of carbs in a day so if you eat three times a day then you can have 60 grams of carbs at each meal. If you eat five times a day then you need to do the math and divide 180 by 5 and then figure up your meals at only 36 grams of carbs at each meal.

Smaller meals may be the better way to go also if you need to lose a few pounds. Losing weight on the 1800 calorie diet may not be the easiest thing to do and you might consider switching to the 1500 or 1200 calorie diet to lose the weight you want to lose.

Plan on eating 3-5 servings of fruit everyday. What this means is, you should be eating a piece of fruit with every meal. The ADA will tell you that a serving of fruit is a small orange, pear, kiwi, or apple, or two tablespoons of dehydrated fruit like apricots, prunes, cranberries, or cherries.

You should also be sure to add 3-5 servings of vegetables in your meal plan for the day. Once again, this means a vegetable at every meal. Mix it up have a small salad for lunch and eat your broccoli at dinner. Cut up some celery sticks, carrot sticks, and radishes, or a cucumber. Serving sizes of all of these vegetables are not huge, just about a half a cup, so do not think you will be eating mounds of vegetables every day because you won’t be.

Whole grains will help you feel fuller longer. Make sure to get a good 5-6 servings each day. Stay away from starchy foods like potatoes, white bread, and white rice, they will make your blood sugars spike unnecessarily. Stick with brown rice and things like lentils and beans to get your whole grain and fiber. Make breads one of the things you eat the least of.

With lean protein sources and low fat or non-fat dairy products rounding out your ADA diabetes diet you should be well on your way to really getting a handle on controlling your blood sugars so you can continue to live a happy, healthy life.

Home Remedies For Gout

Gout, that arthritic condition that for so long has been associated with rich old men, is a painful and debilitating condition. Not surprising then that home remedies for gout usually begin and end with managing a diet that does not aggravate the conditions that can bring on an attack.

The home remedies for gout that are centered around diet should start by cutting out those foods which are purine rich. Purine is found in certain foods and in differing levels. When the body breaks down purines, it leaves behind what is called, uric acid. This waste product from purines, is what causes crystals to form around the joints in the body and it is these crystals that causes gout.

Therefore if foods that are not rich in purines are added to the diet and those that are rich in purines are eliminated or lessened in the diet, then this will go a long way as one of the home remedies for gout. Typically red meats, seafood, beers and wines all are rich in purines and should be avoided.

Foods that should be encouraged in the diet as a form of home remedies for gout includes the common apple. Apples that are prepared and cooked into a preserve are a great way to combat the conditions that often lead to gout attacks. Yes, a simple apple preserve, made without sugar, is a easy and simple step to lessen the build up of uric acid that causes gout.

Cherries are another food that should be encouraged in a gout sufferer’s diet. Cherries are pretty much considered a super food for many reasons, not least because they have the ability to remove toxins from the body. It is the removal of toxins that will help with the workings of the kidneys, which for a gout sufferer, who needs to rid the body of uric acid, is going to be key. So eating fresh cherries to lessen the uric acid in the body is especially powerful for the gout sufferer.

Charcoal, in many guises will draw toxins from the body. A poultice can be made and applied to the inflamed joint by mixing charcoal powder and flaxseed with enough water to form a paste. The paste is then smeared over the affected joint and a clean cloth is wrapped around it to keep the paste in place.

Often times the pain and fragility of a gout ridden joint is so bad that trying to apply a poultice might just be too painful. In that case icing the joint might just be what is needed. Ice will sooth the inflammation and it will also help to numb the area and bring much needed relief the pain of gout should never be underestimated!

As with many home remedies, plenty of drinking water should be added to the diet and body weight kept to a healthy level.

Gout Home Remedies

Gout is one of those diseases around which there has grown myths and half-truths and it is no wonder then that gout home remedies have themselves too become the stuff of misinformation.

Once considered the disease of aristocrats and rich old men, gout has since thrown off that guise and is now recognized as an arthritic disease of the joints that can affect anyone regardless of social background.

Basically gout is caused by a build up of uric acid in the tissues around the joints. Uric acid is the waste product from the purines found in some foods and this acid goes on to form crystals that are deposited around the tissues and joints. It is these crystals that cause the intense pain, typically in the big toe, that the gout sufferer endures.

Most of the gout home remedies then are centered around minimizing the effects of a gout attack and then controlling the frequency of attacks.

Keeping a close eye on the diet is a great foundation on which to base all gout home remedies. A low fat, low cholesterol diet is key and should be introduced once gout has been diagnosed. That means avoiding sugary foods and processed foods. But above all eradicating from the diet those foods rich in purines is a great way forward. These kinds of foods are typically, but not exclusively: red meats, seafoods, yeast based foods and liver and kidney meats.

Alcohol, particularly yeasty beers should also be reduced or even cut out of a gout sufferers diet. This is because beer encourages the body to produce uric acid which for anyone looking to manage and reduce their attacks of gout, is not something that should be encouraged.

Cherries are pretty much seen as the champion fighters of gout and many a gout sufferer is urged to include cherries into their regular diets because they so effectively reduce the levels of uric acid that causes the painful crystals to form underneath the affected joints.

Applying an ice pack to the inflamed joint is also one of the gout home remedies that has been proven to work and give ease to the gout sufferer. The ice pack will help to reduce the swelling and can even be wrapped in a towel around the affected joint for prolonged relief. In the same way, the affected joint can be held under a running cold tap for a couple of minutes as this has been shown to give some ease.

Overall what has been proven to be a winning home remedy for gout is to keep the body weight down to a healthy level, cut out those foods listed, keep well hydrated and take as much regular exercise as is at all possible.

Natural Remedies for Arthritis Relief

Do you suffer from arthritis? Is the pain and discomfort so debilitating that you want it to stop and now? If so, you may automatically head to your medicine cabinet. Before doing so, think it through. As soon as the medication wears off, the pain will return. Instead, think long-term. Many natural remedies will provide you with long-term relief, especially with continued use.

Eat fresh cherries. Various studies have shown that fresh cherries fight and reduce inflammation. Joint swelling and inflammation are the most common causes of arthritis related pain. So, if you are looking for a natural way to treat arthritis, look no farther than your local grocery store or farmers market. There is no specific recommended consumption advised, but since cherries are a healthy food, you can and should eat as many as you like.

Eat celery. Celery is rich in potassium, as well as other minerals. There are varying causes for arthritis, but many claim potassium has an impact. Those with potassium deficiencies are at an increased risk for arthritis. Due the high presence of potassium, celery may assist with arthritis caused symptoms, such as pain, discomfort, inflammation, and joint stiffness. It is best to mix one teaspoon of celery seeds with warm water, let cool and drink.

Drink a mixture of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is known for its many health benefits. Although this success is mostly based on opinion, it has been known to reduce the pain associated with arthritis. Apple cider is safe for most to consume, but there are risk with drinking the cider straight. For that reasons, a mixture of 2 tablespoons in at least an 8-ounce glass of water is advised. This mixture can be taken up to 3 times daily.

Soak the painful joints in apple cider. Most prefer this approach as it targets the painful joints. Most recommend using cup of apple cider vinegar and one liter of water. Place is a bowl and warm. For areas too difficult to soak, such as the hips, soak a cloth in the mixture and apply to the area.

Rub wild oregano oil in the skin. Those who have tried this natural remedy typically report immediate pain relief, in as little as five minutes! Most recommend mixing the oregano oil with olive oil. An ideal mixture is six drops of oil for one tablespoon of olive oil. Some also report success rubbing coconut oil on the affected area, followed by a few drops of oregano oil.

Black cohosh. This American Indian treatment has sustained its popularity throughout the years. Black cohosh not only contains anti-inflammatory agents, but it has aspirin like qualities. Most recommend simmering around 1 teaspoon of black cohosh in a cup of boiling water. Do so for around twenty minutes, let cool and drink. The mixture can be divided into two daily doses.

Hop tea. It has been said that the hop plant has many ingredients that act as an anti-inflammatory agent. In fact, some are very similar to steroid drugs. These have long best used to reduce the inflammation, pain, and discomfort of arthritis. To make your own tea at home, combine three teaspoons of hop leaves into a cup with boiling water. Let sit until slightly cooled. Drink before bed.

As with other home remedies, herbal supplements, and over-the-counter pain medications, the relief felt will be short lived. That is why many opt for continued use. Luckily, you are safe with most natural remedies. Due to natural ingredients, prolonged use rarely causes any complications. However, patients should still speak with a medical professional first. In fact, you can development a natural treatment plan together.

As you can see, there are many natural ways to seek relief from the joint pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. Natural remedies are not guaranteed. In many cases, there is no scientific proof they work. With that said, the above mentioned natural remedies come highly rated and recommend by those, like you, who have suffered first-hand with arthritis.


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