Rheumatoid Arthritis: Will It Strike You?

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Will It Strike You?
Travis Lawrence

Many think that when they get older they will deal with rheumatoid arthritis. But, many are sadly mistaken if they think that this condition is far off for them. In many cases, it starts much earlier than you would think. Having the knowledge you need, though, can help you to see the symptoms, understand what is happening to you and to seek out the right treatment for it. Rheumatoid arthritis strikes thousands of people every day. Will it strike you?
An Overview
Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that is chronic meaning that it does not go away. Most of the time, it is thought of as a condition of inflamed joints. Long term damage to the joints is what leads to severe pain. Eventually, it will worsen to an extreme in which the individual can no longer use the joint and can become disabled for it.
There are three stages of the disease. In the first, there is often swelling in the synovial lining. This is the lining of the joints. The swelling will cause pain, stiffness and even a feeling of warmth in the area. The joint and the area surrounding it will be swollen.
In the second stage, the disease is characterized by the growth of cells. The cells will grow and reproduce quickly. This causes the lining or synovium to thicken rapidly.
In the last stage, these cells are now inflamed. They are releasing enzymes that will begin to actually work away at the bone and cartilage of the joint. The joint will become misshapen and its alignment will be off. In turn, this causes more pain and leads to the loss of function of the joint all together.
It is also important to note that Rheumatoid arthritis can lead to other conditions throughout the body. The disease can effect many organs and therefore cripple the lifestyle that you know. It is important to seek treatment early on before the condition worsens beyond control.
Rheumatoid arthritis affects about two million people within the United States. There is no cure for it, but medications can slow and even stop the progression of the disease and therefore prevent it from becoming severe. The cause of the disease is also unknown.
Do I Have it?
Understanding the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can help you to know when you should take action. It can affect any joint within the body. Smaller joints are the most common area for it to begin. For example, fingers, the hands and the wrists are the mot common first signs of the disease. Most common systems include the following.
 Stiffness in any joint. It tends to be worse in the morning or after sitting still for long periods of time. The longer this stiffness lasts, the worse the diseases is.
 Fatigue can be a symptom as well.
 Flu like symptoms including a fever may be present.
 Feelings of weakness.
 Pain may be evident especially when there are long periods of sitting or stillness.
 The disease can go into remission in which it may not feel as bad. Many mistakenly think that they are better. But, it will flare up again.
 Muscle pain may be evident.
 Also, a loss of appetite, the onset of depression, anemia, sweaty hands and feet and weight loss can be a sign that there is something happening.
As the disease progresses, symptoms will worsen. Pain becomes more so and there is a withdrawal from activity because it is just too painful.
Seeking Help
The treatment that you will receive will be fitted to your specific conditions. Because the disease of rheumatoid arthritis is so varied, treatment must be administered to your severity and your symptoms. It is important to seek the advice of a doctor when you begin to experience pain because early detection can slow and stop the progression of the disease. It can help to stop the spread as well.
It is important for you to seek early treatment for any joint pain that you may have. As mentioned, rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that can affect other systems within the body. These will worsen as the disease progresses. Taking the first steps when you first see a problem can help you to maintain your lifestyle without having to stop because of the pain that rheumatoid arthritis is bound to cause.
About the Author
For more rheumatoid arthritis treatment information visit http://www.rheumatoid-arthritis-info.org/ . You may freely reprint this article on your website or in your newsletter provided this courtesy notice, link and URL remain intact.

Eczema in Children

When a skin rash cannot be blamed on poison ivy or chicken pox, the culprit is eczema. In this condition, the skin turns red, scaly and develops sores. The itching is beyond the limit and the skins starts to shed in the form of scales. Dermatitis is the other name for eczema. Dermatitis actually means inflammation of the skin and the skin turns pink and sore. Eczema is a common child problem as out of ten kids at least one kid gets eczema and majority of them get it before they turn five years old. Children who are above five years are also at a risk of developing eczema, but once they become teenagers, the chances are negligible.

Not only does eczema dries the skin, it also makes it itch horribly. The skin break out can even take the form of rashes. Eczema is a condition which comes and goes frequently and therefore it is chronic. When any foreign bodies come in contact with the skin, a special kind of cells present in the skin will react to them. Basically, they inflame the skin as a measure of protection. The harmful foreign objects trigger the reaction and make these special cells to over react. This turns the skin itchy, sore and red. Children, who get eczema frequently, have a larger quantity of these special cells.

Usually, people who have family members with asthma, hay fever or any allergies are more prone to getting eczema. It is in their genes to get eczema and this problem is passed over to them by their parent. Some scientists say that people, who as children have had eczema, are at a higher risk of developing asthma or hay fever later in their life. Allergies can only make eczema worse. The good news is that eczema is not contagious, so children can be happy about not catching the infection. The first symptom of eczema is rash development. These rashes may seem to go away in the beginning, but will return back. Although eczema itches badly, not all rashes will itch. Eczema will start to develop behind the knees and inside of the elbows. It will slowly spread to the face and other body parts.

Because rashes can be caused due to many other reasons apart from eczema, the doctor will examine the rashes and its cause very carefully. If eczema is confirmed, the child may have to use a moisturizing cream or lotion to stop the itchiness and drying of the skin. In serious cases, the patient will be recommended corticosteroids. It is a steroid cream or ointment which needs to applied to check skin inflammation. If the itching is really irritating, antihistamine can be taken in either liquid or pill form. And if the scratching had resulted in an infection, antibiotics will also be prescribed. The problem doesnt get solved forever, but it makes the condition better for the time being.

There are certain things which trigger eczema and should be avoided by children who get eczema frequently. Perfumes, detergents, soap, dry air in winters with very little moisture, and sweaty and hot skin. Also when coming in contact with dust mites and scratchy fabrics can increase skin irritation. The child must abstain from scratching even if the skin is itching badly, as that will make the skin itch more badly. The skin can also get infected with bacteria because of skin breaking and bleeding. A washcloth can be dipped on cool water and placed on the area of itchiness. The parents should cut the nails short of the child so that he/she doesnt hurt himself while scratching. Lastly, lots of water should be consumed to provide moisture to the dry skin.


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3 Tips On How To Avoid Gray Hair

The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage–at least it seems that way. If you’ve been thinking you need to know more about it, here’s your opportunity.

If you want to know when you will turn gray, unrivaled thing you can do is look at your parents. How introductory in your life you’ll gray will depend quite a reaction on genetic factors. Graying is a natural part of aging and happens when the cells in the hair shaft stop making pigment. That lack of pigment will make the hair lose most of it’s color and turn gray. But the good news is that while you may not be able to stop from getting gray you can slow down the process and learn how to avoid gray hair for a while.

Here are some tips you can take that can slow down the mention of your gray hair:

1. I don’t want to sound like a nag, but if you don’t want gray hair early in life, give up the cigarettes. It has been scientifically proven that smoking will maturate your complete body, inside and out, and that aging includes making your hair go gray. If you are serious about preventing gray hair for as long as humanly possible, the first thing you have to do is stop smoking, you’ll look younger everywhere not just your hair.

2. Another thing that has been proven to age you, everywhere, is aggravation. We do live in a especial stressful society, we’re told that every time we turn on the t. v. But what you’re not told is that there are a lot of things you can do to relax. It really depends on the person, some people will find reading a excellent book relaxing while others find it more enjoyable to go on a nice long run. Whatever enterprise for you try to fit in some relaxing activity at least routine, even if it’s only for a few minutes.

Many people leave think they are just too busy to fit in something relaxing, but for midpoint everyone that’s just not true. No matter how busy you are you can probably find a few minutes to de – stress. It’s really just a matter of priorities. Instead of getting stressed out reading the paper or watching the nightly news, why not relax by doing some activity you actually drink in? Pretend like your life depends on it.

3. Are you getting enough metal in your diet? The breakdown that causes gray hair can be found when your body isn’t getting enough copper. The good news is that there are many things you can do to get more copper into your diet. You can take a supplement, or you can eat foods that have a lot of copper according to thanks to lima beans, spinach, yams, and meat.

Away we don’t have to just go with the flow when it comes to getting older. As a matter of fact many of us obtain found that instead of aging gracefully we’d rather just age slowly! There is a new attitude of youth and health in our society. We no longer think of ourselves as old as soon as we cross the 40 year old threshold, as a matter of fact, many don’t think of themselves at old at 50 and over! So if you’re young at heart and want to look your age, you will be happy to learn how to avoid gray hair. These simple lifestyle changes can pay dividends in many aspects of your life, so enjoy!

Now might be a good time to write down the main points covered above. The act of putting it down on paper will help you remember what’s important about beauty.