Ada Diabetes Diet

The ADA diabetes diet, called the Carb Consistent Diet, was once referred to as the Standard ADA Diet. It is now called the Carb Consistent Diet because it allows you to keep your carb intake evenly distributed throughout your day so your blood sugar does not spike too high or go too low therefore keeping your diabetes under control.

Although there are many variations of the Carb Consistent Diet, the ADA diabetes diet we will be concentrating on is the 1800 calorie diet.

As a diabetic you know that everything you eat affects your blood sugar. Keeping your carb intake steady throughout your day is important. Whether you eat three meals a day or you eat more often you should try to eat the same number of carbs at each meal.

The 1800 calorie diet allows you 180 grams of carbs in a day so if you eat three times a day then you can have 60 grams of carbs at each meal. If you eat five times a day then you need to do the math and divide 180 by 5 and then figure up your meals at only 36 grams of carbs at each meal.

Smaller meals may be the better way to go also if you need to lose a few pounds. Losing weight on the 1800 calorie diet may not be the easiest thing to do and you might consider switching to the 1500 or 1200 calorie diet to lose the weight you want to lose.

Plan on eating 3-5 servings of fruit everyday. What this means is, you should be eating a piece of fruit with every meal. The ADA will tell you that a serving of fruit is a small orange, pear, kiwi, or apple, or two tablespoons of dehydrated fruit like apricots, prunes, cranberries, or cherries.

You should also be sure to add 3-5 servings of vegetables in your meal plan for the day. Once again, this means a vegetable at every meal. Mix it up have a small salad for lunch and eat your broccoli at dinner. Cut up some celery sticks, carrot sticks, and radishes, or a cucumber. Serving sizes of all of these vegetables are not huge, just about a half a cup, so do not think you will be eating mounds of vegetables every day because you won’t be.

Whole grains will help you feel fuller longer. Make sure to get a good 5-6 servings each day. Stay away from starchy foods like potatoes, white bread, and white rice, they will make your blood sugars spike unnecessarily. Stick with brown rice and things like lentils and beans to get your whole grain and fiber. Make breads one of the things you eat the least of.

With lean protein sources and low fat or non-fat dairy products rounding out your ADA diabetes diet you should be well on your way to really getting a handle on controlling your blood sugars so you can continue to live a happy, healthy life.

The Most Common Food Allergies

* Milk *

Being allergic to cows milk isnt the same as being
lactose intolerant.

* Eggs *

You can be allergic to either the whites of the yolk.
This type of food allergy is more prevalent in
children, but does affect some adults.

* Peanut *

Most people, adults and children with food allergies,
are allergic to peanuts too.

* Tree nut *

More children have nut allergies than adults. The
symptoms of nut and peanut allergies are the same, but
being allergic to one doesnt necessarily mean youre
allergic to the other.

* Seafood *

This is more common in, but not limited, to children.
The fish allergens can be passed through the air by
people eating or cooking fish near you.

* Shellfish *

Similar to seafood allergies. But having one doesnt
mean being allergic to the other.

* Soy *

People allergic to soy need to be especially careful
when eating Asian foods or using Asian sauces.

* Wheat *

This is most commonly a food allergy, but can also be
a respiratory contact allergy.

In the United States these are referred to as the big
eight. Over 90% of U.S. food allergies consist of
these foods.

Allergens differ in other countries, but these 8 make
the top 10 in many places through out the world.

Food allergies may be based on contact. In East Asia
where rice makes up a large part of the diet, rice
allergies are more common, as are celery allergies in
Central Europe.

How to Stop Your Cravings When You Stop Smoking

The attempt to stop smoking is a very difficult endeavor. It entails will power and determination just to be able to control the cravings that may accompany the withdrawal stage. See, as a smoker tries to cleanse his body from the nicotine that he consumes, the body would continue to look for nicotine for it to be able to function properly. This craving will urge the smoker to just continue smoking so that his body needs can be satisfied. This is where his focus and strength of mind should come in. He needs to fight off the urge in order for him to start a non-smoking life.

Some smokers who are on the process of quitting resort to drugs to assist them during the withdrawal stage. Several medicines that are publicized by media are offered to the public to help defeat the urge to smoke; and they are designed to give pleasure to the brain in the same way the nicotine affects the brain. Because of these drugs, the smokers will feel exactly the same feeling as if they had just finished a stick; so as a result, there is really no need for the smokers to actually puff a cigarette.

Despite the help that you may get from drugs, you still have to put in mind that you still need to exert effort in order for you to successfully overcome the temptation to smoke. Be reminded that the first few days of your renunciation would really be the toughest, so you should be prepared to face the difficulty. To be able to do so, you should try your hardest to stay away from things which might remind you of smoking.

For instance, you may want to avoid places where you may encounter a lot of smokers, because you might be tempted to join their fun. For some people, they try to replace a cigarette with healthier foods life cinnamon sticks or celery just to satisfy the need to have something pressed between their lips; and if it is your hands which crave for something to hold on to, try to replace the cigarette stick with a pencil or anything which may take its place. If you are the kind of person who associates smoking with drinking, then you may want to avoid drinking alcohol as well. Keep your mind of the idea of smoking, and keep yourself busy so that you would forget the temptation to smoke.

If despite all your efforts to avoid smoking, you are still craving for a puff, you may want to try these few tricks just to satisfy your longing:
Light a matchstick instead of a cigarette, and pretend that it is a cigarette stick that you are holding. This trick may cheat your brain, and it may gratify your urge if it does not, you can always treat yourself with a refreshing bath. Think of why you are quitting, and stay focused. Remind yourself of your objectives, and constantly repeat to yourself that you are strong enough to win this battle against smoking. Do not think that a single stick will have no effect on your struggle to stop, otherwise you might start from the very beginning again. And, do not be afraid to ask for your familys and friends support, because in your journey to stop smoking, you need a strong support system.