Overcoming The Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Fatigue is a condition of exhaustion and lack of energy caused by several factors such as viral infection, overexertion and lack of sleep. As fatigue is a normal condition, most people have experienced fatigue at least once in their lifetimes. The feeling of exhaustion is usually relieved after the person gets some rest. But if a person suffers from fatigue for extended periods of time, usually more than 6 months, he/she may be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition of extreme and persistent fatigue that lasts for six months and more. It usually comes with several other symptoms such as muscle pain, aches in the joints, sore throat, and lack of energy. Most people with chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS usually suffer from a more serious disorder like fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and chronic fatigue immunodeficiency syndrome. The exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is hard to determine, but it is widely believed that there are three factors that trigger this debilitating disorder.

The Causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Viral or bacterial infection Exposure to viruses and bacteria can cause chronic fatigue syndrome. The symptoms of fatigue usually disappear when the infection is successfully treated.

Overexertion Rigorous physical activities that go beyond what the body can take results to extreme exhaustion. Athletes who are prone to over training are susceptible to this.

Depression Some doctors believe there is a link between chronic fatigue syndrome and stress or anxiety. People who suffer from depression are also usually afflicted with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Dehydration Depriving the body of its daily water requirements has long-term side effects such as chronic fatigue.

Eating disorders Inadequate supply of vitamins and minerals in the body causes chronic fatigue since the body lacks the proper nutrition it needs to perform properly.

Now that you know what triggers chronic fatigue syndrome, the following remedies should help you overcome the symptoms of CFS.

Have a balanced, healthy diet Increase your intake of healthy food such as fruits and vegetables. These provide your body with vitamins and minerals to keep your immune system strong. Also increase your consumption of garlic and onion, which are known to boost the immune system. Eating more quality protein that is rich in omega 3, 6 and 9 (such as fish, chicken, soy products) also helps maintain the body healthy.

Avoid food high in fat and sugar content, as they will make you prone to feeling lethargic and sluggish. Never skip breakfast and instead of having three full meals per day, go for more frequent meals but with smaller portions to keep your body’s metabolism going.

Get up and active People afflicted with chronic fatigue syndrome don’t have to rest and sleep all the time. Regular exercise is advised to help combat the lethargy and lack of energy. Fifteen to thirty minutes of mild exercise combined with 30 minutes of rigorous physical activity such as swimming, aerobics and tennis can work wonders in improving your heart’s performance and for proper circulation.

De-stress Doctors have found out that there is a strong connection between stress/anxiety and the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. To avoid having chronic fatigue, it is advised to manage stress and bring stress levels down. Learning to deal with stress will not only help you combat chronic fatigue, it will also help you improve your relationships, boost your health and enhance your general outlook on life.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between normal fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Nothing much on the first few days. Normal fatigue is the feeling of exhaustion which is usually caused by physical exertion, mental stress and sickness.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, on the other hand, is a group of symptoms or conditions that result to various other symptoms such as decreased mental acuity and flu-like illness and excessive fatigue. A type that will not afford its sufferers with enough energy to move freely. The difference between the two is demonstrated once full-blown symptoms occur and when they last for at least 6 months, that’s when it becomes chronic.

What are the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

There are various symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and in order to determine the presence of this condition, a patient must possess at least four of the following: post-exertional malaise which persists for more than 24 hours, muscle pains, joint pain, sleep difficulties or sleep that does not lend energy to the individual, frequent severe headaches, sore throat that is persistent and recurring, decreased mental clarity, poor memory and impaired concentration, and tenderness of the lymph nodes that are located in the neck and armpit.

What are the causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

While the exact causes of CFS are not yet identified, there are strong indications that cause can be divided into three types: immune system-related, viral and non-viral pathogens and stress-related. There are also indications that CFS is triggered by the combination of these causes. For some people, the onset of the condition begins after contracting an infection; for others it begins after a prolonged period of exposure to stress.

There are also some patients who had weakened immune system which made it easier for the symptoms to develop and progress to worse conditions. Current studies are trying to find out whether genetics, emotional distress and immunological conditions are related with the disorder.

Is there a cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

As of yet, cures for CFS are still being developed. Thus, treatment for the condition is basically focused on alleviating the symptoms.

What are the treatment options?

There are several types of treatment options available for patients of CFS which are roughly divided into four categories: medical treatments, alternative treatments, supportive treatments and lifestyle alterations. Under medical treatments are the medications and drugs that are prescribed to alleviate symptoms such as pains, headaches and psychological stress caused by CFS. These include pain relievers, NSAIDs or Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, Anxiolyticagents, Autonomic nervous system stimulants and antidepressants.

Natural, herbal and hormone supplements are commonly used under alternative medicine. Relaxation techniques and behavioral techniques are used in supportive treatments while lifestyle alterations basically help patients change some aspects of their lives to establish relief from debilitating symptoms.

How is diagnosis made?

Since there are no laboratory, diagnostic and medical examinations and tests that are used in the diagnosis of CFS, health care providers use the principle of exclusion in determining the presence of the condition. Through this method, all diseases, illnesses and conditions that are known to have symptoms similar with CFS are ruled out. Diagnosis is only made once the symptoms of the patients match with the case definition.

Where can I get help?

You can get help from health care providers who are knowledgeable in diagnosing and treating CFS are the best people patients could go to. Support groups for patients of CFS are also available.

Causes Of Chronic Fatigue Symptoms

Drowsiness is a simple feeling that can be relieved by going to sleep. Fatigue is more serious such that sleep can never relieve the condition. Apathy is more different as it is a condition where one doesn’t completely care of the things around them. All three are fatigue symptoms. Fatigue is the condition when one is suffering from tiredness, lack of energy, and weariness. Chronic fatigue symptoms are more serious than what you may think.

They require medical attention as there can be other serious health case overlooked. For example, a thyroid problem can cause fatigue symptoms. Another is the condition of depression, which is different from CFS, but displays similar symptoms such as low energy level and fatigue lasting a day.

Sometimes, the symptoms of chronic fatigue are associated by other illnesses, such as diabetes, addison’s disease, eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia, arthritis, kidney disease, congestive heart disease, lupus, cancer, and even malnutrition. If the patient is suffering the symptoms due to one of the mentioned diseases, medical advices are needed before giving them any kind of treatment. These symptoms are entirely different from the normal and common chronic fatigue symptoms, which often happen to adults who lead a pretty stressful and unhealthy lifestyle.

Causes of chronic fatigue symptoms can be divided into two types, psychological and physical, which include the following:

Sleep disorders such as insomnia, narcolepsy, or apnea
Asthma or hay fever
Illegal drugs or alcohol regular use
Ongoing pain
Grief and depression

There are home care treatments which can help overcome most of the chronic fatigue symptoms. Adequate and regular rest each night is one thing. Eating balanced and healthy diet, as well as drinking lots of water everyday, is another to curb the symptoms. Learning to avoid a sedentary daily lifestyle can bring the energy out of you. Even simple walking and jogging can help you relax. While maintaining a reasonable personal and work schedule will avoid you from getting easily tired. Or avoiding the increase in your stress level will keep those symptoms away.

Also, taking off from stressful circumstances will help you avoid too much stress. Taking vacation, dealing with relationship problems in a calmer way, taking multivitamins, and avoiding stress-triggering activities are simple yet proven ways to avoid those chronic fatigue symptoms. It also works if you avoid too much night life activities as well as refraining from too much consumption of nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, or drugs.

Alternative and Natural Remedies

If considering medication, there are alternative or natural remedies which can help the condition. There are different alternatives readily available such as having a reflexology massage. It is not only a good way to relax but it also helps improve your blood circulation. While acupuncture, on the other hand, is perfect for the more adventurous type. It increases physical and mental strength, a very ideal way to help overcome those symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Other natural remedies include meditation, which helps bring in your inner piece. And also aromatherapy, which gives you not only inner peace but helps you instantly relax after a whole day of stress and demands. All these natural remedies are believed to bring effective calming results; however, if the patient is suffering from other illness, it is advised that they seek medical advice from a qualified, professional physician before trying out any of these alternative medications.