All About Contact Lenses

As most of us know, contact lenses are the best alternative to glasses. They are small, plastic shaped discs that are made to correct eyesight problems like nearsightedness, astigmatism, farsightedness, and other problems. Contact lenses are also used by those who have had cataract surgery, as they can help the eyes to heal a bit faster.

Contacts are used in the eye, where they will float above a sea of tears that rest in front of the cornea. You should always go to a doctor to be fitted, as the proper fitting and design is very important for safety, comfort, and the accurate vision. If you dont get fitted for your contacts, you could very well get a pair of contacts that could damage your eyes.

There are several types of contact lenses available in two main types – hard contact lenses and soft contact lenses. The hard contact lenses include gas permeable and the conventional hard lenses. Soft contact lenses include daily wear, extended wear, and disposable wear. These are all great contacts, although you should check with your optician to see what he recommends.

If you are just starting to wear hard contact lenses or have thought about them in the past, youll need a 2 – 4 week break period, where you will gradually wear the contacts longer and longer with each passing day. Soft contacts on the other hand, will take less time to get used to, as most people who wear them can break them in a few days.

Contact lenses, as we all know, have many different uses. They are mainly used to correct vision, although they can also be used for those who have just had cataracts, especially if the natural lens around was removed. Contacts can also be used in the treatment of various eye diseases, and scars on the cornea that have been caused by infections or injury.

Contact lenses are a great choice for those who have active lifestyles, such as athletes. They wont fall off like glasses when you run, nor do they hang off your face or fog up. They also offer you a full field of vision as well, which is great for sports. The lens and focus is the same as glass, meaning that you will get the same vision from contacts as you would with a pair of glasses.

A lot of people who have vision problems consider getting Lasik eye surgery to fix their vision problems so that they wont have to wear glasses or contacts. On the flip side, there are several risks and problems associated with this procedure, besides the fact that it is very expensive. Contact lenses arent expensive, and they are a safe alternative to vision correction.

Keep in mind that contact lenses arent available without a prescription. Although you can get certain contacts without a prescription, they wont correct your vision. To get contacts that correct your vision, youll need to visit an eye doctor and get fitted for them. Your doctor will tell you the health of your eyes, as well as the contacts you need to correct your vision.

For several years, contact lenses have been an ideal way to correct your vision. They are more popular than glasses, and they wont limit what you can and cant do. Contacts fit snugly in your eyes and they wont make you feel out of place. You can wear them with any type of clothing you desire – as it is very hard to tell if someone is wearing them or not.

Arthritis Management Through Diet

Arthritis Management Through Diet
Kathryn Whittaker

The term arthritis refers to the chronic inflammation of joints throughout the body. Arthritis is one of the most rapidly growing chronic conditions in North America. Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, is also known as wear and tear arthritis and degenerative joint disease. This form of arthritis classically affects the knee joint, the hips and other weight bearing joints. Other forms include rheumatoid arthritis and gouty arthritis.

New treatments for arthritis are constantly researched. The most common arthritis medications are non-steroid or steroid anti-inflammatory drugs which, although effective, have serious side-effects. They can have unpleasant side effects: cause weight gain, acne, osteoporosis, hypertension, diabetes, cataracts and infections. The side effects of steroids impact on almost every system of the body, and the more steroids you take, the more side effects you are likely to experience.

The newest findings link arthritis not only to poor diet and obesity, but also to the overall state of the immune system. Quite recently, researchers have found a protein in the immune system that malfunctioned in patients who have arthritis or other inflammatory diseases. Doctors believe they can block this protein to reduce the need for steroids.

As the general population ages, the number of people with arthritis is growing. Today arthritis medications are aimed at baby-boomers who have spent more years living with obesity than the previous generation. Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center have found that there are more cases of obesity-related arthritis among baby boomers compared to the previous generation.

What we eat often plays a large role in setting the stage for the start of arthritis. There are a few changes anyone can make to their diet to successfully offset arthritis even without using arthritis medications.

The typical North American diet contains an overwhelming amount of cooked, processed and other acid forming foods. A healthy diet should be 70lkaline and 30cidic. Unfortunately, the average North American diet has reversed this ratio.

Instead of eating cooked foods that are acid forming, a diet of mostly raw, fresh vegetables, fruits and reducing the consumption of meats are an excellent way to help reduce inflammation throughout the body.

To ease your arthritis symptoms without succumbing to arthritis medications, avoid foods that form acid in your body. These foods include bread, coffee, corn, honey, oatmeal, peanuts, rice, soy, pasta and wheat. When treating arthritis, stay away from saturated fats, such as butter, cream, and margarine.

Antioxidants in brightly colored fruits and vegetables offer substantial protection against arthritis. By eating more yellow and orange fruits and vegetables you will consume antioxidants called carotenoids, which can lower your chances of developing inflammatory arthritis. Some dietitians suggest that night-shade vegetables are unsuitable for arthritis patients, which means you should think twice about eating peppers, (red, green and yellow), potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants.

Build your arthritis diet around such alkaline-forming products as most berries, bananas, dates, figs, prunes, raisins, almonds, asparagus, avocado, fresh beans, beets, carrots, grapes, plums, spinach, apricots, broccoli, all kind of cabbage, cantaloupe, celery, cherries, chestnuts, chicory, coconut milk, fresh sweet corn and cucumbers. Focusing on vegetables instead of proteins will ease many other symptoms and help you reduce weight too.

Proper hydration is a must. Drink half your weight in ounces that would be 75 oz of water for a person weighing 150 pounds. If you must drink alcohol, coffee or soda, drink an extra 16 oz of water for every alcoholic drink and cup of coffee or soda you consume in addition to the water you would normally drink.

Arthritis is a condition that takes years to develop. In many cases, arthritis can be avoided or effectively managed through the use of alternative methods that include proper nutrition, hydration and specific nutritional supplements that can reduce the damage done to aging joints.

About the author:

Kathryn writes articles on a number of different topics. For more information on Arthritis please visit http://www.arthritis-resource.comand for additional articles on Arthritis

Eczema Treatment The Use of UV Light

There is a form of eczema treatment which does not require the patient suffering from the skin disease to take medications. Its called phototherapy or light therapy a treatment for certain skin conditions using artificial light wavelengths from the suns ultraviolet spectrum.

Phototherapy involves the use of two kinds of UV light: UVA and UVB. Sometimes only one kind of UV light is used; other times, a combination of both is employed, of course depending on the recommendation of a specialist. It is prescribed by some doctors for patients with eczema, particularly those with atopic dermatitis and contact dermatitis. So when does a doctor advise a patient to undergo phototherapy? When the eczema is widespread and does not respond to any medications applied onto the affected areas.

How long does the treatment last before significant results are evident?

Treatment by exposure to UVB light is considered to be the safer form of phototherapy. It is recommended for a person afflicted with eczema to undergo 3-5 treatments per week. The amount of UVB light used is gradually increased depending on the diseases response and the type of skin of the patient. Usually, a noticeable improvement on the affected skin is observed within 1-3 months of therapy.

Are there any side effects when I undergo this treatment?

The UV light used in phototherapy, although artificial, is still much like the one emitted by the sun. That is why exposure to this kind of light must be carefully done under the supervision of a specialist in order to prevent sunburn and other potential effects on the body. What are these potential side effects? One is the possible development of cataracts a condition which involves the clouding of the normally clear lens of the eyes. During a phototherapy session, the patients eyes are protected by special goggles to prevent the UV light from harming the eyes and vision.

Premature skin aging may also be another potential side effect of phototherapy, although limited to prolonged treatments only. However, the patients exposure to UV light is administered in controlled doses by a specialist, so any skin damage that may arise is significantly kept at minimum.

Isnt it that exposure to UV light causes skin cancer?

We all know that prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause skin cancer. Sunlight has UV light; phototherapy uses the same kind of light as that emitted by the sun. Yes, this is very much true. But then again, phototherapy is controlled and administered by a specialist, and each phototherapy session does not take long hours of exposure to UV light. Usually, the first treatment only takes a few seconds, working up to a few minutes each side of the body as the treatment course progresses. Of course, much of it still depends on what the specialist deems appropriate.

How does UV light help relieve eczema symptoms?

You might have heard before that some dermatologists actually recommend their patients suffering from skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis to have their skin exposed to sunlight at times. So whats in sunlight that makes it beneficial to such skin conditions? Yes, its UV light.

UV light kills the T cells in the affected skin, resulting to reduction of redness and slowing down of the production of skin cells that cause scaling. Because of the same effects, phototherapy is considered as an effective eczema treatment, when other treatment methods fail to yield positive results.